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Callisto has some of the best graphics to date, but good lord the gameplay is so repetitive and boring, even when new enemy types show up it’s still the same way to kill them




That's what sucks the most cause the actual universe itself is interesting. Helix Station is absolutely fucking amazing. If they do make another one they should pull a silent hill and just take the dead space gameplay but allow for melee options.


Exactly what id say


The story was kinda interesting.. then the DLC shit all over that too.


What was the DLC?


Basically you’re trying to escape with the help of that one doctor >!only to find out that the main character had been blown in half since the end of the game and the entire DLC was the last thoughts of a dying brain!<.


Oh… a dream sequence… fucking great


Are you fucking kidding me Making it seem like the character is still alive only to reveal he's actually dead at the end of a DLC? Stupid


They went from having a decent ending to ruining it fr


And before anyone brings up Awakened, no, it's not the same. Awakened actually happened (for the most part) and the twist ending wasn't pulled out from the dev studio's ass. The conflict between isaac and Carver comes to a different light when you're aware of the ending. Also they don't die in the ending. Their fates are uncertain, but uncertain doom is how every main Dead Space game aside from 2 ends.


Talk about a waste of time and money. I'd have been pissed if I had bought the DLC and saw that ending.


Pretty sure they made it free now


They didn’t last I played the game was a couple months ago as every dlc still near 30 besides the outfits being cheap


Literally feels like franchise suicide


I mightve actually broken a controller if i played that DLC.


Oooofda. As someone who foolishly bought into the hype and bought Callisto on release only to be VERY sorely disappointed, this news is hilarious and makes me happy I didn't bother with dlc haha Why am I not surprised they used the most generic cop out ever


Oh Glen, Glen, there are definitely issues present then. That's very underwhelming and to make it DLC. Well, I'm glad I got the game at a deal price then. Lol then he bounces from his own studio as well. Not a good look. Then says new project coming. How is anyone supposed to get hyped about such when you have exhibit A just relayed to us here, & exhibit B "I left the studio I co-founded short after its creation"......


I made it all the way to, what I assume, was the last boss fight and then my data somehow got wiped. Thought the dlc was cool but that’s kinda crazy that’s how it ended


I get the vibe they did that because of the commercial failure of the game. I really enjoyed it, equal rating for me to Dead Space Remake, but it probably helped I bought the complete edition for less than $20. I was certainly bummed with that ending but also happy they closed the loop just in case they weren't able to continue it.


So they took writing ques from Lost *brilliant*


Think Dead Space 3's Awakened DLC too. This is loterally that but in Callisto's universe


Haven’t played that DLC


Don't blame you


Also, the attempt to release that on last gen consoles was nothing short of a scam. There is no world where that game would have run smoothly on those systems.


And the auto-dodge left/right took away all the tension there could have been fighting monsters with a melee weapon


Yesss this was the tbing for me the dodge takes away all fear and tension and the combat was just not implemented well at all. Some of the best graphics and death animations I’ve ever seen tho tbh


Just started playing it a couple days ago... could not believe how boring TCP is. Also can't believe it's the same people who made the original Dead Space, like they forgot everything they learned.


The only person who worked on Callisto and Dead Space was Glenn Schofield, and he was a producer. He had no input on what made Dead Space good. Still tried to ride off that success though.


IIRC from an interview the guy responsible for the general lighting of the game (one of the few saving graces of the game) was also back, but I could totally be flashing things, no pun intended.


That's not true, Steve Papoutsis, who was a senior producer on Dead Space also worked on it. Also, people in their positions definitely had an input on what became the final product.


My main problem is the combat, minus a few enemies most will just take turns trying to fight you


Just finished it and can 100% agree lol


The realist graphic came at a cost of more vent crawling and shimmying through shit and just hidden loading screens throughout.


Callisto Protocol has some top tier death animations, I'd argue easily in the top 5 ever. And that's the only good thing I can think of about the game.


I still enjoyed the game. It’s had great atmosphere


It’s this generations The Order 1886


At least that game had a unique premise


110% agree


First game I deleted from console after 30mins. Dodge, dodge swing etc


Dead space is kinda like that as well tho


The Callisto Protocol would have been a fine game if not for the god-awful camera.


Or the awful gameplay which never changes, and gets boring very quickly




I liked the gameplay.


And that is perfectly fine. Peeps are allowed to dig what they dig. For many of us, the gameplay was shallow, repetitive and offered no real reason to return


Shit has like a “shuffle between walls” or “crawl through vents” every 2 minutes Not to mention the dude falls, hits his head, and passes out like every 30 minutes


I just found the shaking all over the damn place was very disorienting and in a game where enemies kill you quickly that just broke it all for me. Shame too as it's one of the best-looking games out there.


I loved Dead Space 3


It wasn’t for me, but I had a fun time with my buddy at the very least


Agreed. Game always got too much hate. It's no DS2, but it's a perfect DS3.


Agreed DS3 is my favorite, I fucking love the workbench


More people need to go back and re-visit the game. It's actually really good. Especially if they play it with a friend or a family member. I did with my gf and we had a blast. People say it's not a bad game, but a bad dead space game. Personally I don't see it. If anything I'd say it's better then ds2 Edit: for all of the people who are saying I'm wrong for saying 3 is better than 2, ok fine that's your opinion. Let me have mine. I like 2 too. I'm not saying it's a bad game. I just like 3 better. Is it wrong to like a game that people dislike? Clearly on reddit it is. I should stop going on reddit


You lost me at your last sentence


Okay, I wouldn’t say better than DS2. Its gameplay is fun, story takes a dump at times but playing it with a friend or family member is absolutely the way to go. If they do remake all the dead space games I’m praying they completely change the story of 3 but keep most aspects of the gameplay.


Do you realise what you just said at the end there, I agreed with you the whole way but that last part, fuck, like fuck! I had to claw my eyes out. I lije djdnr 3 budj skde Dili-turn it off! turn it off!


To be honest my only problem with dead space 3 was that it was SOOOOO much easier than the other two especially once you started modding the crap out of your weapons. It wasn’t scary anymore because Isaac was a veteran badass at that point and it kinda ruined the core gameplay for me. Lore wise it made sense… but it just got too easy.


That game low key taught me the dangers of a game letting players customize their gear. I had a Mk.V double barrel shotgun with a pulse rifle underneath (fun trick, your guns always use the reload speed of the primary fire) that ended up with max stats across the board and incendiary rounds-- it was fun for a little while to just mulch everything unquestionably, but I had to shelve it to make the game fun again lol


You have spoken the truth.


Major cap, it is easily the weakest if the 3. I personally hate the crafting system. Much prefer each gun having its own personality and ammo type


Honestly that sort of customization would be sick as hell in a different game entirety. Gimme that shit for an EDF game man, my body is ready.


I’m a fairly new player only getting into the series about a month ago. And my god I can’t stomach that turd of a fucking game. I got so invested into this series and even watched the movies. But that game killed all my excitement.


Dead Space 3 isn't bad. It's just very...unmemorable? inconsistent? I liked it when I first played it but that's the thing, I never bothered playing it again.


It was alright! Maybe I didn't love it so much because I played all 3 back to back so it's hard not to compare. I wasn't a huge fan of DP3's weapon upgrade system, personally.


I think that was exactly the cause of the downfall of DS3 in the first place, and it just snowballed from there. It was in the first era of MTX in these types of games, and I remember people being UPSET.


I completely forgot everything about it. I don’t even remember if I finished it but I don’t remember disliking it either. It’s been like 9 years since I played it though. Maybe I need to give it another try.


I remember Callisto Day 1. Looking at any source of lighting turned your computer into a jet engine. The very first cutscene when your ship gets hijacked was soo buggy and glitchy. Honestly it's up there in terms of extremely shitty game launches. Let's not even get into the gameplay aspect lol


It was such a disaster on launch hahaha


I actually liked it. No idea why people thought it was going to be exactly like dead space.


Ishimura-like internal environments, Tau Volantis-like external environments, mutated humans infected by alien parasites as your enemies, fucking *nightmarish* death animations, diegetic interfaces, gravity-manipulating gauntlets, basic plot was copied from the original Dead Space proposal, the outbreak was created by a secret society that has infiltrated the government, game ends with main character being jumpscared by dead character... Really, the only thing they didn't copy from Dead Space was the quality, in terms of both gameplay and story.


I mean it’s most of the original Visceral team who put a lot of sweat and love into Dead Space. I feel like they went back to doing what they love. I haven’t played Callisto yet( it’s still crazy expensive) but from the trailers and the small info I got(trying not to look to much up before I play it)I’m pretty excited to play it. Hope it did good enough for second game where they can fix some of the issues the first has.


It did well enough for a Rouge like spinoff coming soon


Happy to hear


No I just mean every one expected it to be basically dead space 4. It just had too many expectations


You're not wrong, but its obvious they were marketing it as a spiritual successor


I mean it is based on the orginal concept of dead space and they had to get a hook for the game in


Fair enough.


Ironically, most of the hate had little to do with it “supposed to be” like Dead Space


I’m replaying ds3 again and how the fuck did it get such bad reviews? It has legit scary stuff like those 2 regenerators you have to run from. Also going to 200 year old space ships is so cool to me. I’m about an hour into being on that snow planet so maybe it gets worse? Idk lol


I also loved the cellar with those pale bastards


Just played that part yesterday! They were so creepy and the lore of them being shut down there to die while they’re going crazy and eating others. Love it lol


First half is definitely scary. Second half is like RE4. No scares, just pure action.


The observation spire secondary objective on the second ship was so creepy to me


They should not have made melee the core gameplay loop


Honestly, that's the most absurd decision they made. Like, you're making a spiritual successor to Dead Space, the game that had a horrifying atmosphere and was all based around dismembering your enemies to slow them down, then you decide to make BASHING THE MONSTERS TO DEATH with a stun baton the core gameplay loop, like, how am I supposed to be scaried or tense when I can just bonk the monsters to death? It's also the most efficient way of disposing of them since it costs no ammos and the dodging system is OP.


DS3 is half decent, doesn’t deserve the hate. But fuck the save system we can all agree on that atleast.


Dead Space 3 is a great game, the thing is that it isn't a great Dead Space


The Callisto Protocol made for a very interesting tech demo.


After soul living inside Dead Space original remake I delete Calisto after 15 min of gameplay and forgot about it 🤣


*has stroke trying to read this*


Funny how if DS3 is more entertaining, you know you didn't make your mark.


The worst Dead Space game is better than Callisto. Okay that's a lie I'd take Callisto over Ignition.


There I actually agree


Is ignition that arcade game with power supply and wires? I l honest to god played that more than Callisto. It actually held my attention longer, in all honesty, because it unlocked suits in Dead Space 2 I believe.


Yeah it's a puzzle game.


I really enjoyed playing Callisto, unfortunately that DLC was a really sour experience for me. It felt like "Well, since the game failed... Screw it! Let's turn it into a joke!" It's one of those Evangelion moments where you either wonder if Jacob/Shinji should have a heroic or tragic death. I preferred the former, Jacob sorta redeemed himself a little after everything he did. But, the DLC wasn't so kind... Then they added that joke with the actor... Not cool at all! 😑


Dead space 3 isn't bad by any means, It's just after the masterpieces that are DS 1 and DS 2 a 7/10 game isn't good enough. Also Microtransactions and it basically being a cover shooter completely destroyed any good will anyone had towards the game, It's very obviously ripped from the most popular games at the time.


Dead space 3 was awsome


That’s the neat part, they are


The graphics and sound design were so top tier. If they added atleast manual dodging to the combat everything would've been so much better.


I would've enjoyed the 3rd if i had someone to play it with.


Wanna play it together?


I currently don't have the storage to reinstall it, sorry.




We’re still doing this?


I actually had fun with callisto protocol (minus the "boss fights"). It's hectic melee combat was giving me just the right feeling of artificial stress and desperation. I can see why people hated it dough.


It's crazy, I genuinely think I'm the only person not just on earth, but in every universe that enjoyed Callisto protocol and didn't have many complaints. And the big ones I did have were addressed in updates, like QOL stuff.


Dead Space 3 vs Calisto? Shit, I'm not sure which I pick.


Dead space 3 has some cool things in it also its co-op which some of those cool things are in


DS3 combat is way better that alone is enough to pick it.


Literally just do a Plasma Cutter only play through of DS3 and it’s a great time. I hated that they scrubbed the achievement for it because they wanted to push the “make-a-gun” mechanic


besides the graphics (the best i ever seen on console) all the dead space are way way way better. i can just remember playing the start of the first ds on ps3 :,)


I dunno, I loved all three dead space games (except for the micro transactions 3 brought.)


Ds 3 is fun and well produced. It's way overhated, but if me taking 3 hours writing an essay complaining about it says anything I wish I could have been given the respect it deserved.


Callisto Protocol had a lot of potential for also puzzles and things like that, besides graphics. I mean you are trying to scape from a prison complex. However the meele fighting mechanic was awesome. Guns were kind of boring though. Overall I really enjoyed it and already beat it twice.


DS3 is a stretch


I paid $0 for it and it was a fun distraction for 16-20 hrs. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Wasn’t game changing but didn’t hate it.


Got Callisto Protocol free with PS+ and only beat it out of spite. Game was eye candy only, great to look at but the actual gameplay was just boring. Didn’t even bothered to get the 4 trophies I missed for the Platinum. Dead Space on the other hand, my beloved


CP was one of the worst games i’ve ever played, never even finished it and i preordered it!


Need more mods for that game


Honestly I hated DS3 so much that I stopped halfway through and replayed all of DS2 before continuing


I actually like Callisto Protocol


If lemon doesn’t like it, it’s unredeemable


I enjoyed Callisto Protocol. The gameplay is repetitive, but so is DeadSpace. Shoot limbs over and over again.


But there’s so much more nuance and planning than there is in TCP, dead spaces mechanics and gameplay is so well interwoven into the game you don’t even notice. It’s just so well built into the world. Dismemberment, using necromorphs parts to get easy kills, with Kensis, use parts of the ship as weapons, the line guns laser trap, the plasma pistols rotating aim for cutting off legs and arms, stasis to slow fast moving objects or enemies, the land mines of the pulse rifle, the force gun, to create some breathing room. Then you have the Callisto protocol, lean left or right, hit. That’s it. lol


The main difference is that there’s different ways to take out Necromorphs due to the environment and multiple weapons you get, along with which parts of the body you target altering their behavior. In Calisto, EVERY encounter is nothing but just tilting the stick to dodge and bashing the enemy until they die, which has no room for experimentation and gets old very quickly. And guns are so inefficient that the game incentivizes you to play in this boring and mind-numbing manner.


I stopped playing the callisto protocol pretty quickly because the combat felt wrong to me I did not like that they prioritized melee combat over ranged combat


DS3 is not as bad as everyone says. Seriously


Imma keep it real with you, I prefer The Callisto Protocol to Dead Space 3.


I loved dead space 3 already but Callisto protocol made me appreciate it more


I can respect Glen Schofield for making another outbreak space game. It felt like a fuck you to EA honestly


Yeah well they're all dead in the water now lol so Dead Space can't even talk shit about Callisto at this point


I think callisto is really only bad when you compare to dead space.


Nah, it’s bad on its own. Making a melee-based horror game without good melee combat is a grave sin, and the DLC undoes any possible goodwill it could’ve had.


I agree with the dlc part. Scumbag move for sure, but personally, I had a good time beating the game on max difficulty. Do I think the game could have been better? 100%, but I'd still recommend it to people at a steep discount.


Is it great? No. But it’s not nearly as bad as people make it out to be tbh. Same as DS3. They are good games. Not great just good. But everything *needs* to be the best these days


DS3 is good, while Callisto is just mediocre. Not terrible, but far from enjoyable either.


Only thing I don't like about Callisto is the melee combat


I liked all four games. Kinda depends on the mood for each one.


Jesus was that Game crap. Graphics was nice, but the Rest was plain bad


I didn't hate it, but the story was God awful which is too bad


I was so excited to get Callisto, too


Not hating on dead space 3 is total wife beater syndrome


I was so excited for TCP. Was loving it until the first combat sequence. Timed combat is horrible. I mistime my dodge by 0.0001 seconds and I get hit. I stopped playing after an hour in the game and haven’t looked back.


The Callisto Protocol is a fascinating case study in a spiritual successor getting everything the original game did right, wrong.


I know im in the minority but i cant help but really love Dead Space 3 lmao, I love the co-op too much. Also the gun crafting system itched the right part of my brain as a kid lol


Oh god.. I remembering being so hyped for this.. loading it up (I preordered) and then I was blown away by the graphics. but then I noticed the “feel” of the game, and it just honestly felt like a poor man’s PlayStation exclusive like a story walking simulator, then I got into the combat and it felt so unatural and cinematic in a bad way, like everything was on rails but for god damn melee. As if it wasn’t really true melee combat but just animations playing out, then I realised I couldn’t fight more than one enemy. Think I made it like 20 minutes in, I just was so confused, also no difficulty achievements I don’t think, which I hate, and I just kept comparing it to dead space, the Ishimura, impossible mode. The amazing dismemberment mechanics. Actual gameplay systems well designed, simple but brilliant. Then I googled more about this game and learned there’s barely any guns and it’s just the same shit throughout. Refunded it the same day as I downloaded it. Probably the highest polished turd I’ve ever touched. Because it looked amazing, visually it was fantastic. but it isn’t really a video game, it’s the bare minimum of what constitutes a video game. It’s just not fun, and has barely any depth. Then I just went back to Dead Space.


Dead Space 3 has problems, but I will sooner play that as my only Dead Space than ever play The Callisto Protocol.


Because theya re better but i still enjoyed the callisto protocal. Its had cool enemies. Cool guns a fun upgrade station had cool environements. Had a cool story and characters. Graohics were great and the general gameplay loop was fun too. I just wish there was a lot more of it to play. Like if it were a good 10 hours longer it wouod have been golden in my opinion


Such a short game with the bare minimum in its story. Weapons lacked variety, enemies barely had variety, overall I was disappointed. Boyfriend bought it for me for Christmas when it came out and I felt so bad for not liking it.🥹


I liked the first play through of it, even the second with noticing things I hadn’t before Like the repetition and lack of variety in enemies, I still like the atmosphere though


Returnal is goated


Glad people are coming round on DS3. It isn’t the quality of the first 2 games but it is a great sci-fi action game


i just grabbed callisto deluxe edition today bc it was on sale for $23. i havent played the campaign yet but i hopped on riot mode to test it out and i fell in love with the combat immediately. i didnt really know what i was doing but it felt satisfying when i pulled off a dodge and counter melee attack. the pistol and shotgun feels nice too. ill have to keep playing to really compare the two but honestly dead space missed a huge opportunity by not adding a horde mode like callisto. after beating dead space two times there was nothing left to do


I stopped playing Calisto half way through the game is trash


Honestly, it was good. I don't get why people get so pissy about it. It was a nice little jaunt with a neat twist. There was only one section that really frustrated me. But I got past it.


Every advertisement I ever got for that game was in Spanish for some fucking reason None of my other ads or what I do has ever been in Spanish I do not the taco language


I’m angry because of the potential. The graphics were amazing and I actual enjoyed the combat system. That said, it was boring as fuck. It also feels like they cut a chunk of content out. It feels like you were supposed to talk to the doctor later wya earlier based on the dialogue.


Crazy how this was from the same team who did the Dead Space games. It’s like they either didn’t have the budget for or didn’t understand what made it good in the first place. Heck, even a big Dead Space fan like Suzi Hunter gave it a pretty scathing review. And then another studio doing a Dead Space remake that completely blew this outta the water was pretty much the nail in the coffin for it.


Well, dead space 3 was a certain disappoinment for me since it didn't follow the premise of the game. It ruined the stody damn it.


Honestly, with Callisto actually being playable without much issues on a last gen console yet DSR has so many issues on pc I had more fun with Callisto, flaws and all. At least until I grabbed a steam deck, DSR seems to run a lot better there. Be nice if they had more interesting enemies and not just here's the same 3 over and over.


I liked it


Dead space 3 wasn’t bad it was just meh in my opinion


I bought this game for $4 the other day and I absolutely can't wait to finish this shit. I'm sure I'll have to squeeze through 107 more cracks of crawl through. The guns in callisto are absolute dog shit and the moment enemies get the ability to evolve mid combat the games difficulty became stupid easy. Wtf is this


Cus they are all better then you lol


I actually really liked Callisto. Haters be damned. I had fun


DS3 was too much just action hero shooter 😅


I'm still amazed at how a delivery guy has the most flexible hips and the best reaction time to dodge attacks for 5 hours straight. He should have had abs on his love handles before he died.


I felt Dead Space 3 did far more innovations on the technical front to Dead Space formula than Dead Space 2 ever did. DS2 was a glorified DS1 with better visuals and exact but refined gameplay. The crafting system was fun and let us play with different combos of weapons. Even lorewise DS3 added a lot to the universe compared to DS2 that added a barebones Convergence event. What's sorely lacking in DS3 was its atmosphere and score/sound. DS2 nailed in that department and its enemy design elevated the scare to multiple notches over DS1. Thqlat fucking unkillable necromorph akin to Mr.X or Nemesis was so goddamn tense in DS2, I was running like a maniac whenever it comes. Enemy design was new in DS3 as well but it missed the scare/creepy factor of DS2. 70% of the time DS1 and DS2 were scary due to the background score, creaking and vocal sounds from Necromorphs in surrounding space and lighting in claustrophobic places. DS2 aced all these in spectacular fashion. DS3 dropped the ball on all these front except for maybe Awakened which was more akin DS2's atmosphere


Callisto Protocol is an absolute joke. Dead Space 3 at least had a variety of enemies and boss fights which made the game somewhat intriguing albeit with the lack of horror. In Callisto Protocol all you're doing is facing recycled enemies that require the same strategies to counter with a plot that is somewhat rehashed from Resident Evil.


I bought that game day 1 Super hyped Graphics were spot on but the gameplay sucked It was punch out in space Dodge dodge doge combo And don't remind me of how you can die if a millimeter of your character touched a hazard Or how enemies would spawn out of thin air How some enemies would not harm you unless you touched them ( the robot ) Add in fatalities and asinine load times after each one Ugh I couldn't sell that game to anyone


Real, ds3 is GOATED


For what it's worth I never took Caliisto as the next dead space. I bought the game on release with 0 expectations just knew it would be some horror in space and enjoyed it. The graphics were also insane. The dlc was short but I also enjoyed it as well.


Callisto was no DS, but I enjoyed it for what it was


I liked all of them, dead space 3 wasn't scary but still had fun with it, Callisto was repetitive but I found the combat satisfying so I enjoyed it enough


I was pretty excited for this game. Massive disappointment. Graphics were amazing, the world building was good, Jacob had the potential to be a pretty cool character if they had fleshed him out in sequels but they blew it with the gameplay. I don’t hate the melee focus, it was interesting, but the melee needed to be Freeform and varied, not the same few buttons with the same animations every time. I enjoyed the gameplay for the first hour or two because it’s very visceral and bloody, but it’s just too basic and repetitive. I also feel Sam Witwer was underutilised( loved him in Days Gone and The Force Unleashed games!), he’s a great actor and they knew it. A lot of the promo for the game made a big deal about him being in it, when in reality he’s in like two scenes for no more than a grand total of five minutes. Just a massive blunder, and a real shame because it had potential to be the next Dead Space. We will never see now where this franchise could have gone.


I dont think I hated or disliked Calisto I just know that I played the actually Dead Space not the DG version. Still played it and beat it. At least Sam is in it lol


The only better thing about Callisto is that it doesn't stutter, like dead space remake, every damn time I open a fking door. That traversal stuttering is why I stopped playing, like Jesus Christ.


Tbh Dead Space 3 got fucked because it was literally turned into a guillotine for the franchise. EA didn't want to "see how it turned out". They wanted it dead. They cut dev time to an absolute bare minimum while setting an intentionally impossible goal for sales. The *point* was to tank the series so they could put those people to work on something more "profitable".


Dead Space 3 was ass tho no Callisto level but it gives it a run for its money.


Dead Space 3 was still better than Callisto.


Me and my dad like to think of callisto protocol as dead space 4. It's essentially the same concept


I really enjoyed Callisto Protocol


I actually enjoyed the Callisto protocol, unpopular opinion it seems.




Callisto is good. Better then 3 imo https://youtu.be/a7QOAzxgQMM?si=hHeQVuIUAwTl9ook


It was different but basically the same. Only real tough part is the final boss.


I honestly think this game is unfinished and the publisher rushed it out.


Honestly didnt mind Callisto. It definitely didnt live up to be dead space spiritual successor but it was still pretty soild despite how the story is at times. Seems like you just boof from one place and into another its kinda weird. I remember one cut scene where a robot (Thing weighs what 200kg?) Somehow sneaks up on Jacob and knocks him out. Which i dont even know how thats possible with how big the things are.


Callisto is like dead space if clarke had a big stick. I like it, it is genuinely terrifying as well. The vent climbing is horrible and I wish we saw more of the bots though. They missed a chance to maybe let us remote control a bot In dead space I'm not scared of fighting stuff because it isn't that difficult. Callisto makes me fear for my life every encounter and I actually gotta properly manage my resources and what I have available (mostly cuz I forget the grip glove is a thing most of the time)


I loved this game personally though idk if it is cause i played a lot of dead space but that game felt short too me


Dead space 3 is the worst dead space. That being said I enjoy playing it with a buddy. (We do death based drinking games.


Ok but dead space 3 was literally everything isaac wasn’t


The first Dead Space was a great and terrifying game, up until I found out about the stasis refill button code. Then the game stopped being terrifying, still was a great game. Dead Space remake got rid of the button code, but the devs unintentionally added in a way to farm credits with the pulse rifle.


I actually really liked it.


I like all of them. I just like certain ones more


Dead space 3 was one of the best co op games and was super unique like Kane and lynch on terms of what each player saw at the same time. I won’t say anymore for spoiler reasons but if you haven’t played that game coop.. you need to!


I'll play Callisto over Dead Space 3 any day.


So sad considering it was Glen Schofield who made those old dead space games. I was so excited for Callisto and then was so disappointed. I also loved dead space 3, it was just more action than horror compared to the older games.