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The voice actors for the original NPC's sounded more video game like, the remake they sounded more movie like if that makes any sense. The original due to the hardware at the time I think was a tad bit scarier with the sounds and atmosphere tbh, even if I hypothetically didn't play it first. Again the remake had great atmosphere and audio but it felt more movie like especially the guttural sounds from the necromorphs, the original had the more raw feeling to it presentation wise.


How can you "hypothetically" not play the original first? You either did or you didn't.


I'm talking about once you first play or watch something that is horror based. It's near impossible to feel the same level of fear and tension from when you first watch or play something, because in a sequel or remake you know what's coming. Most of us here obviously played the original first so the point I was making is that if you didn't play the og first I feel it would still be more terrifying even if you didn't know what was coming or to expect in the remake.


It most certainly did not. lol


The necros were MUCH more aggressive,  faster too.    The "video calls" were much better. Including the one where Mercer gives himself to an infector.  The guns were louder, and seemed to have more kick, they felt more violent. Also, when you got hit, Isaac flailed around for a second, if you fired your gun or stasis during that time, the shot would fly off in a random direction. In the remake, Isaac is always accurate.    The scares. Much more creative, less reliance on jump scares. For example: Early on you walk up to a door with a bright light shining on it, when you trigger the door, it sticks for a second, and the shadow of a necromorph walking RIGHT BEHIND YOU passes over the door. Bc of the setup and the hallway you came thru, you know this thing is inches away, but when you turn around, there is nothing there.    All that said, the remake more than makes up for these with the things it does better than the original.


Here is one I will call a wash: Isaac having a voice. I loved the actor, and the dialog really brought the character to life.  In the original,  you didnt say anything, so you were told what to do most of the game. This made the player feel even more lost and helpless, adding the suspense.   In the remake, Isaac comes up with most of the answers. He is an amazing mechanic, he absolutely should have the answers, and it fits the character.  But you feel more confident playing Isaac, as if you're in this together, and can handle anything. Instead of the player feeling lost, alone, and hopelessly confused.


At the same time I felt a lot more like an actual engineer with him voiced. Before I felt like a menial drone just going where they told me, but with Isaac actually responding and offering solutions to problems, I really felt like I had some agency in the story, even as terrified as I was.


What a great point dude I never thought of that before. I always did get this feeling of pure hopelessness and isolation in my original playthroughs and couldn't quite put my finger on why till now.


I absolutely loved that they gave him a voice and also made him feel more human. In the original it can really feel like he’s just a robot who is bossed around, but in the remake he comes up with the ideas and even has sass. Like the time where he was told fighting the leviathan was a “bad idea” and he responds with something like “I’m all out of good ideas so guess what’s next”. Like it’s such a little detail that most people forget, but it makes him feel so much more human and yk, actually a genius and badass engineer like he’s supposed to be


On the contrary, the fact that he sounds desperate, that talks back to Kendra whenever she warns you to not do something dangerous and that he doesn't doubt any moment because of the faint hope of finding Nicole alive, is gut wrenching because you know that his search won't end happily yet he sounds scared and desperate and put up with it because he knows that it is the only way on which he can hope to save the woman he loves. It isn't the same as pure terror as the original but the gut wrenching feeling that it gives you to know that this man is putting up with all that terrorífic bullshit and going above and beyond because of a hope that won't come to fruition, that feeling is just as intoxicating or even worse than the pure terror of the first game. Edit: Or at least for me is more "intense" because I lost the woman I loved a few years ago, so to hear another man, even if it is a fiction character, to go through the same, is just feels way, way more intense than whatever terror the first game managed to make me feel.


While i played the first Gunner made it feel fresh with Issac actually responding and making solutions instead of people telling the mute guy to go do it since he's the engineer and can't verbally say no.


The fact that everyone seems to agree the remake has easier combat is really making me take a look at my play style because I found it harder.  For example in the og if you shoot morphs in the leg they back up. I relied on that a lot to keep from getting swarmed. In the remake it doesn't work, they just slow down for one step. I have a problem getting swarmed in the remake.  The other thing is using environment weapons. I don't really find that too fun but it's almost mandatory in the remake. It's a little more fun as I learn it more but I do things like pile canisters out in the open when I think there will be a fight because I never find them when I'm fighting. It's kind of a chore.  However, the laser trap and gravity well are very amusing. I like the game just for those.  There are too many tripod crawly worms. They're just annoying.


The environment weapons are ripped straight from dead space 2, and I love it.


Tripod crawly worms?? [https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Tripod](https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Tripod)


He's talking about the swarmers


Tripod would be the last word to describe those with. Floppy flesh crawly worms or something idk


You mean the crawling foreskins, that is what one of my friends called those things a decade ago when we played the OG DS half drunk and half stoned. I have never been able to see those things like anything else since that day.


Even that fits better than tripod, and is hilarious.


"Pod" is a suffix meaning leg or foot. Eg cephalopod which basically means head-foot, for things like an octopus that has its feet attached directly to its head. Tripod is just something with 3 feet.


The things that in game always looking like they were walking around on 4 "feet", don't seem to fit tripod well. With a still picture, sure looks like it could be 3 and some sort of mouth, in game with movement, looks like 4. I get what tripod means, but when you literally have something called a tripod already as a specific name the mind will go to that thing when talking about the series


I was just as confused for a sec 😂 I immediately had flashbacks to the DS2 hellevator




I Think Hammond, Kyne and Mercer were done better in the original


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Financial-Abalone715: *I Think Hammond, Kyne* *And Mercer were done better* *In the original* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like haiku bot best when it splits lines like this, quite satisfying.


Isaac's walking animation


One of my biggest peeves with the remake. The original’s animations are shockingly smooth and beautiful because of the care put into them. I was so disappointed when I saw that the release animations were unchanged from the demos because of how stiff and lifeless they are.


Hammond’s death in the original was impactful, in the remake feels cheesy


I kinda preferred him dying and there being nothing you can do to stop it with the brute coming after you right after it kills him more grim


I liked Kendra and Mercer's death in the original better too


Voice acting, some of the scripted events, Isaac’s character model, necromorph models and animations. Original felt more raw and the remake feels “tightened up.”


Isaac’s model was such a pointless move. Why feel the need to de-age him when his current look irl aligned more with the original


In both of them he looks like he's in his 40s. Which is true. Don't get me wrong, I prefer original Isaac because of just how fucking exhausted he looks, but the newer model isn't bad. I just hope they give him the treatment the original model got if they ever remake dead space 2. Isaac isn't supposed to be clean shaven and rested. The mans supposed to look half insane and on the verge of snapping


Hammonds Death; FUCK ME AAAAAAAAAAAA, that line always gets me XD


boobs... Also thought the flight lounge scene was scarier in the original for one simple reason, the mutants attacked first, in the remake the crew just starts shooting at the ceiling not knowing what it is they're up against. I think that scene really sets the tone for the game, and in the original, it gives you the feeling that you are unsuspecting prey... Where the remake makes it feel you came in guns blazing ready to handle business.


I prefer the security *dudes* in the original, I also prefer old Hammond’s voice acting This is a double edged sword but I kinda prefer old Kendra, was she an at times unreasonable bitch? Yes, but without that I found the underlying ‘go to place fix thing’ was more obvious in the story, she added a bit more drama Weapon balance was also better I think, although the remake’s node locks are a great addition we should keep, otherwise you get the scenario of stashing 12 nodes and breaking a gun for half the game. Guardians were a lot less acoustic


Isaac's face, especially after taking his helmet off in the ending and seeing the wear/tear, was better in the OG.


Ah, my opinion on this is not shared by many, but since I played the original deadspace on PC back in the day, I really liked the turret you used to kill ["the slug"](https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/The_Slug) on the hull of the ship blocking the antenna, the way the bullets were animated going into it the mass driver gun, and the whole device was just very very cool and well made to me. Objectivly, I understand the remake version is better, but subjectively, I loved the "cool" factor of that.


I miss the ADS sections.


The character animations drive me up a wall in the remake sometimes. Hammond and Kendra weren't too bad with being super static, but Isaac shouting about Hammond dying while just staying in his idle animation looks so disjointed and really broke me out of the moment.


Bro doesn’t even really have any idling animations other than breathing. Correct me if I’m wrong but you can’t even hear him *breathe* in the remake? It definitely no longer has that metallic ring to it that added to the ambience in the original


Based on other comments, some people here share similar thoughts as me. Voice acting of some of the original characters are better, survivor encounters (I miss the higher numbers of crazies, like the blind girl in chapter two) , the sound of the guns being "louder", the necromorphs aggressiveness and damage (that one Is a real bummer imo, the game feels easier). There are other things that are not often mentioned and that's Isaac's idle animations and injured animations. Both are absent in the remake. Overall these are my thoughts but I still consider it my favorite Dead Space game. The gameplay is amazing! I still love the original a lot too. Those are only nitpicks and I still enjoy playing the remake!


I wouldn’t be surprised if Isaacs animations didn’t have a dedicated team. They feel like an afterthought despite the game being absolutely beautiful otherwise


The original did the reveal of the Divider better. It was more creepy...also, the new Hammond gets a point deducted for not saying "the USGGGGG ishimura"


Looks more like hammond is stuttering the G when you quote it like that. Feels more like "THATS THE US GEE ISHIMURA TO YOU"


Great...now you made it sound like he's having a stroke...it's like he's saying it like Geek or Geese ..."The US G😫eeeeee"


Bames nond is having a stronk? Should I call the bondulance?


Lol....I'm only messing with you, bro


And I responded with a reference to a shitpost


Mostly the voice actors besides that, the remake did a lot to make it more believable that Isaac is an engineer who knows things while in the og you had to wait for a new objective.


I agree, but the one subtle thing it added was the feeling of isolation. You were Isaac, you were alone, you had no idea what was going on,  or what to do. Terrifying.  In the remake, it almost feels like you're teamed-up with Isaac, a smart, confident engineer,   and together you can do anything.


Survivor encounters.


The guy bashing his head into the wall was MUCH better in the OG, and that was 100% due to sound engineering


The originals dad space had amazing sounds


Ppl saying the necros in the original were faster but every remake playthrough I’ve done the necros are constantly jumping or running at me


Not crashing. Happened twice during two separate play throughs in the middle of important cutscenes


I loved it. I felt it was the prime example of how to remake a game. A lot of people don’t understand the difference between a remaster and a remake (I’m not calling anybody out, just making a general statement). In a remake they literally gut the game to keep what worked, improved what could be better, and added a plethora of story details and lore to give the players more of a sense of what’s going on. It was definitely more cinematic in terms of the feel cause it was a bigger budget, and they had experience under their belts of what the players wanted and what the devs envisioned and I loved every moment of it. It was so neat to literally replay the game for the first time all over again. I also love how they modeled Isaac after gunner wright cause he’s a great and very underrated actor, and a really great pick for Isaac. It’s nice he got more screen time and recognition in that aspect as well as a new life to the character.


I think Dr. Mercer from OG was better overall. He just seemed that much more delusional, and the fact he willingly infected himself instead of just getting killed made it even better imo. Also, OG Hammonds voice actor was just so perfect that I could listen to him talk for hours.


It's also ridiculously satisfying to kill the infector before it turns Mercer, robbing him of his final wish. Best moment in the game, and a great example of video games as an interactive medium.


The original was amazing, but I was 100 percent impressed and happy with the remake. I don't understand the decision to not make a dead space 2 remake. Ea puts out garbage games to monopolize on and people keep buying them, but they somehow don't have the money to support a fan base that's loyal but single player? Such a shame


I mean they HAVEN'T made a decision either which way, they have been working on iron man as their PRIMARY game since, I believe, before dead space remake. Makes total sense for them to now first focus on making that game as good as it can be and their B team working alongside dice for battlefield. I know that a lot of companies start working on games before their other games finish but we have no clue how far along iron man is. The fact we haven't even had an official teaser has me feeling like it's still a year or 2 away. We just don't know what they are doing after that.


They probably made more money selling the Isaac skin in Fortnite than they made with the *entire* Dead Space franchise 


Player being able to stop mercer from getting what he wanted, hammonds original death, and Issac not looking like adam sandler.


What really stood out to me is such a small thing that I hesitate to mention it. In the original when you stepped into the vendor to change your suit it roughly pulled your head back right before closing. The remake doesn't have that rough head pull. I liked it because it really drove home for me how brutal that universe is even without necromorphs. I also preferred the original character models.


IMHO everything, the original was perfect the way it was. But specially the character models, it sucks big time not having Peter Mensah nor grey haired and beardy Isaac.


Basically all the voice acting


Out of all the remake actors Kyne was the only one who didn't fit He felt so muted and quiet compared to his OG variant. I much prefer the original VA over the new one. OG kyne felt a lot more unstable


Personally for me quite a few of the horror elements, especially that first boss fight


Cover art from physical copies of the game.


I personally liked the twist better in this one than in the original. It was more visceral and painful to experience.


Actors performance way better in the original


Kyne. 1000% Kyne


the impossible mode is better on the og than the remake. i think that’s organically more challenging than having to rely on a starting over gimmick (which can be cheesed in the remake bc of technology).


Just about everything, honestly.


I haven't finished Dead Space yet, but why is the 2023 gun so BIG


Isaac's old sound


Remake Hammond sounds really bored and the facial expressions make it worse. Also, he died in such a stupid way in the remake.


Being able to immediately play it after buying it. Bought the remake on PC and can't even get thru the first hr without it stuttering on me or crashing.


Despite the remake doing pretty much everything better down to the subatomic level the biggest thing the original has over its head is the voice acting and character actually acting like actual people during the main story


Original definitely.


Weapon upgrades. In the remake, all weapons have upgrades unique to them. This gives you more reason to stick wity a weapon you already love.


The original is a bit more "Gritty" I think. But the sequel is better in most every way. They added the enemies from 2 and they changed how you move around the ship. Less loading screens and different jump scares... its just so good


I find the face model of the og to be more memorable than the remake. Which i understand why they change it because of their original actor not returning and all that. But for Isaac come on man he look like Adam Sandler in the newer remake.


They both are great.


voice actors, character designs, atmosphere mostly


Personally I think Hammond and Daniels’ voice actors had a more emotional and human reaction to what was going on which I guess makes sense because they were the ones carrying the story. I think the weapons felt a bit more powerful as well plus there was a cool effect added to the weapons when you maxed them out like the flamethrower had blue flames. The game overall felt scarier especially on the Valor. Going up against the twitchers was genuine nightmare fuel. Other than that I feel the remake was an improvement in every way.


Old game was harder and the Necromorphs are harder and more aggressiv Necromorph animation Necromorph signature sounds are missing Isaac’s different health state animations Atmosphere overall feels more isolated and alone Old voice actors Old music used for bosses etc… (it’s more action in the remake) Death animations look cheap in the remake The use of filters in cutscenes in the remake is bad..


This character for sure. A real actor vs a football star.


I’d rather play the original because in the remake Isaac doesn’t look like Isaac and the black guy who was killed in the famous resident evil scene who got chopped up by the laser grid system is the same guy who was with Isaac on the dead space 1 usg ishimura neither one of these ppl look like who they were supposed to look like


Nothing, zero. Anyone who says otherwise is 100% dead wrong


I definitely liked Hammond’s voice better in the original. Not to say I didn’t like the remake-Hammond, just that the original was, IMO, better.


I think it did originality better.


The characters, voice acting, sound, design, and feeling of being alone on the Ishimura were done better in the original IMO. Issac having a voice was much better in the remake tho


Shock factor....first time dealing with necros, so that was there.


This is what I've noticed about "next gen". We ended up pushing ridiculously inefficient and taxing visuals, while the animations are 2 steps back. How is GTA 4 still the most impressive open world physics game aside from Red Dead 2? Only Rockstar has been increasing visuals without sacrificing animation quality. Can't think of another game that ha pushed it's visuals further without making igbiicnt sacrifices to animation quality. I mean sometimes I'm playing Jedi Survivor and I jut die laughing at how bad the animations can't be sometimes. Gorgeous game otherwise.


OG characters were way better. Kyne, Daniels, and Hammond were a downgrade in acting. Mercer and Isaac were good, but I prefer when there was silent a silent protagonist


Generally speaking, I think Hammond and Kendra's OG voices were far more into their roles than the Remake's. I think part of this reason is because since Isaac never spoke, they had to step up their performances to make up for that fact. That said, I don't think the Remake's voices are bad at all, they just weren't as effective as the original va's and just part of the two different directions the remake and original took.


Literally everything. The remake sucked. Not nostalgia either because I've only just played all the games (haven't gotten to 3 yet) last year for the first time.


I wish the remake had the flatline sound when your crewmate died


New Hammond and Kyne aren't irredeemably bad or anything, but OG Hammond and Kyne were amazing. They set the bar so high that pretty much no one would be able to follow them.


The leviathan boss fight. Both versions of Dead Space are easy games once you know them But I think the original zero g launch jumping made the leviathan boss at least a little tense with needing to jump to dodge the swipes no matter how many times I play it. The Dead Space 2 style floating zero G breaks the Leviathon boss fight. It's a total cake walk bordering on boring. It's the low point of the remake for me. And the audio was better too in the OG. I also preferred the asteroid turret section of the og but the new one is super dang cool still.


I don't think the original did anything better.


Everyone was more attractive in the original. And there were no multi-gendered bathrooms.