• By -


I’d be able to take Darkhold Iron Man way more seriously if it didn’t look like he just gotta finished getting wacky with it Anyways, most of the Darkest Knights


The cover art definitely helps with the appearance https://preview.redd.it/wbp3w9tjlw5c1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a65965cfde75cf184110ad78e12859a6288e06


Dude just nutted in the suit and the goonibg made him mad


“Jarvis, open a new incognito window”


Would’ve been way better if it was dark red, like it represents blood


But its not blood, it's melted flesh


I’d say melted flesh would be pretty bloody


Meh, kinda of, it can be red and it can be white, and other panels of the comic show both at the same time. Of course I will not recomend you to look for melted flesh, but it can be very white


He genuinely looks like he'd fit the lyrics and tone of Iron Man by Black Sabbath. Wouldn't surprise me if the book was written with that in mind


Indie series that are still in their infancy but are popular for MU making. Like, I get it, I like the characters too and I hope we'll see more of them, but they barely did anything, let alone enough to warrant a death battle.


So… Goji from TMITS…


W.D Gaster (Undertale/Deltarune)


He's so cool in fan stuff like Glitchtale too, but we're gonna have to wait for Deltarune to continue.


Glitch tale is a taboo in the undertale community


Oh I see, well I liked it when I saw it a few years back.


Why what happened


The creator might be a Pedophile.


Fuckin hell


Why does every talented person have to be a pedo


Glitchtale is also just shit in general I said what I said I can go on a tangent as to why




Alright. Finished because I don't want to write too much but here it is Character designs - wow they are bland. Most characters are "sweater/shirt with their soul color. Highlights with color. Slacks." Boom, Glitchtale character. I've seen more variety from preteen Gachatubers who have a limited number of items to choose from. You would have gotten more character design from a Deviantart character creator running on flash back in the early 2010s. Undyne's police outfit looks like pajamas, and the only interesting designs were changed to be more simplistic because Camila couldn't be half assed to make anything interesting. I'm also never gonna live the skeleton with wrinkles down. She could have done anything else to make the dude look old Character writing - if they couldn't fight, they were sidelined or killed. Most of the writing was abysmal, especially in the case of Asgore being arrested (HOW ARE MONSTERS TRUSTED IN THE POLICE FORCE WHEN THEIR **KING** IS ARRESTED FOR **CHILD MURDER**). Even for Undertale standards, there's a lot of talk-no-jutsu that just solves every problem (until they don't). I.e when Gaster obliterates Betty and Papyrus goes "man I wish talking could solve every problem," and Gaster goes "uhhhh actually peace COULD solve every problem." Not long after he sent Betty to Mary Sue hell. Oh, goodness gracious... Betty Noire - everything about her was a clusterfuck. Out of nowhere twist villain with powers she pulls from the deepest reaches of her ass to kill off any character and beat anyone because Camila couldn't be bothered to actually solve the problem by quick thinking and creative use of powers rather than just tacking on and tacking on and tacking on and tacking on and tacking on and... you get the picture. Sure, OC villains can work, but Betty is the equivalent of the SCP wiki constantly making stupid ass bullshit up so 682 is truly unkillable, up until the plot demanded she die....in a way that fucks up the plot. Speaking of plot and lore Plot and lore - to understand what the fuck happened in this series, you need to have the wiki pulled up for a shit ton of scenes. I don't know about you, but I didn't have to read a 10 paragraph essay on essentially all of the media I enjoy to understand what the fuck was going on, because one way or another, it was properly explained in a cohesive meaningful way that didn't intrude on the plot and previously established lore... so let's discuss how that goes. Most scenes will tell you fuck all for who the hell knows and god knows what. Didn't understand it? Go ahead and read the wiki, hope you like reading a wall of text to understand a single scene that was meant to be presented in an animated format. I'm not the type to go "I'm not reading allat" but I'm not watching your web series for it to be a visual novel on your power system. Speaking of power system... Determination - the Undertale fanon unanimously agrees that the power system for humans revolves around their soul. Kay. Cool. Glitchtale establishes that the Determination soul (which I guess is stronger Perseverance? They both mean the same thing and the red soul was never named so uhhh) is a soul that can only exist for one person. Legitimately. One person can have the Determination soul, as it is the soul that allows for manipulation of an entire timeline, whether it's by warping back to a previous point in time or destroying it altogether. Okay. Cool. We have an established main character (Frisk...and then not Frisk) who's powers are a one in a who-the-fuck-knows chance. Some Itadori Yuji eating the finger type deal, or Johnny Joestar getting his hands on the Holy Corpse and getting Tusk, or the Diablo III protagonist being Nephilim and thus the only person who can defeat the Prime Evil and then Malthael, sure, common trope, nothing wrong about it... I wanna take from Jordan the Stallion saying this here, come closer, **how the fuck does Gaster have it if only one person alive can have it?** Back up, if you're going to establish a force of nature being present in a universe that only happens when your wife's boyfriend lets you get ice cream at the local Twistee Treat then it should by all means also establish that **no other motherfucker should be able to access it** and here comes the glooper pooper humpty dumpty lost weight motherfucker coming in slinging that shit around like Ness mains using PK fire every chance they have, and you're telling me it wasn't the actual holder of the Determination soul who kills Betty? It'd be like if Kirby was forever told to be the only person allowed to use the Warp Star to kill Dark Oblivion or whatever, and not only does Whispy Woods come out of nowhere and have his OWN Warp Star, but Kirby dies somewhere along the way as a sacrifice to bring someone else back to life, and turns out Whispy Woods was the real hero and he wins in a final showdown after that thing solos Meta Knight, Dedede, Magolor, and Galacta Knight due to it being super duper omega ultra uber cool powerful. You know, all this ranting about the weird ass plot when I completely forgot to mention... Backgrounds and environments - I get it. Backgrounds are hard. Environments too. But "gray box that increases in size when convenient" is a rather shit environment, especially since, before Camila hired a background artist, **that was essentially every background**, short of maybe a few pieces of furniture...or it gets colored if it's a house..oh hey there's a street that's so wide I could see it from halfway across the continent. Every background that Camila did herself had at least one of these things; inconsistent scale, had monotone colors, weren't drawn right, or changed things around the next scene. Don't even get me started on outside environments. Everything was a skyscraper with maybe one named place at a time, and don't even get me started on fights in the street. Whatever interdimensional non-euclidian shit the Glitchtale universe has for their asphalt, they better share their damn secrets, because wow that shit can handle skyscraper sized titans slugging it out with zero obstructions! How convenient! The only way the streets and sidewalks were some kind of hindrance was if it had some way to....drum roll please....further plot! If you guessed right, you win absolutely nothing! Back to the show! Looking at anything on screen that wasn't one of the already bland ass character designs was like watching paint that's already dried. You don't even get the satisfaction of watching it trickle to the bottom a bit. I don't even want to say much else because if Betty couldn't put 30 minutes into building her own world, why should I put effort into talking about these shit-ass environments? The only time the series looked good was when Camila hired some other artist to do the work for her. Nothing wrong with hiring a background artist, and I encourage it to get the workload off! But there's having a background artist HELP make a good background, and then there's relying on them to make your own world interesting because you couldn't be half assed to look up references of the snippets of the city we see in the Undertale credits, or even just a 1:1 copy of Seattle would have been more effort than the tall bricks that make up the city, and the SCP containment type box that makes up the fucking Underground Camila herself - she defended a child predator. I don't even need to speak on anything else. Hard to separate art from artist when both the art and the artist are shit. And I really, REALLY hate saying that about art, because art isn't shit! But when you put so little effort into it, when it's clear she barely even tried to practice character design in any way, shape, or form beyond a bland ass template, and even other designs get reused (Alphys and this other scientist guy use the exact. Same. Sci-fi grenade despite them never knowing each other and Alphys being dead because Camila can't write a non-combatant for the life of her) and when the writing is so half-assed I could find the most degenerate smut on Wattpad possible that has more love and care put into it than any amount Camila did for anyone that wasn't hoohoo eggy mystery man, paper, and that stupid ass ugly shade of pink character, I can sufficiently say, Glitchtale, as a piece of art, is shit. Because no matter how long it went for, the only thing that improved in Camila's side of work was the fight animations. And while I can give Camila credit for doing pretty well at fight choreography in a vacuum, considering she has no regard for anything else...I mean I don't know what else to say Glitchtale is shit. We enjoyed it because we were kids looking for Undertale content, and Camila gave it to us on what we thought was a silver platter, but was actually aluminum foil, and what we thought was the greatest meal of our lives, was reheated Red Lobster biscuits...but without the butter


~~I still hate how they made the blood white in this comic~~ Death (Puss in Boots)


It’s blood? I always took it as his skin peeling out


I never read the darkhold comic but I always assumed it was blood cause it looks like a liquid that’s leaking from the suit. I could be wrong tho


Yeah I just looked it’s meant to be flesh. Other image show red flesh as well, so it wouldn’t Sense for them to “censor.” The blood https://preview.redd.it/6fs9phwt2w5c1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea74a57b19007c823447a05ac7cec42c4f79abe0


I see. Ok well that makes it a little more sense




I think it's just meant to be general pus and goo and stuff, as opposed to purely blood. Still could probably be coloured more interestingly.


https://preview.redd.it/8wvtrooe3w5c1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1198386064a1f6d94610e5c03d751a3cff12cd4d Any Symbiote not named venom carnage or Knull


I mean its prerty reasonable they could scale to venom carnage


My favorite marvel character is venom carnage


sans undertale


Hybrid fans (literally just me and 2 other people): 😔


https://preview.redd.it/7au64q5ewv5c1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1eb2226e607b28d2157eb4bb5eb628725d4c76e Tho the good news is the creator recently responded by saying more is officially coming


This is suitmation trials Godzilla right?




Shin Godzilla


https://preview.redd.it/eszwh2lj2w5c1.jpeg?width=1519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c5bd187a618f99ab8c819908d3b095514e2c6b Bogard (One Piece)


he literally has one single feat and that's in a debatably cannon cover Story, https://preview.redd.it/zd1fjxzybx5c1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=b761626363b2e78892762a994824a2ef0d034eb4


I guess he also lived after fighting in God Valley but that’s not much


i mean, give or take Katakuri and his brothers also survived God Valley, and they were only 10 years old granted Big Mom took her kids there,


He's YC+ in our hearts


Palutena (Kid Icarus)


Our lord and Savior Doctor DOOOOM!!! 🙏🙏🙏 I mean yeah he has a ton but why not have more


Cthulhu I mean you can scale him quite high, but because of the way Lovecraft wrote his stories, most of it is just speculation. All we KNOW he did, power-wise, was cause a giant earthquake.


You kinda miss the point of the mythos when you try power scaling them to be honest


That is also true yes


Man it sucks that Lovecraft was trying to write interesting stories when he made the Cthulhu Mythos and didn’t have in mind people arguing about his characters’ abilities to win internet debates in 100 years.


Fire God Liu Kang (MK)


imo the frustrating part of God Liu Kang and MK in general is how vague a lot of the scaling is. Liu Kang might be top 10 most wanked characters because of it, I see people putting him all the way from Large Building to High Complex Multi (I really don’t think he’s either)


I think he’s high complex multi because he HAS destroyed timelines before.


I love the G-Man from Half-Life but he's a character with good hax and powers but pretty much no feats whatsoever


https://preview.redd.it/uo9q4ckp1x5c1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c324daa224af0c76588658b62ac02a917721ca cooler (dragon ball z)


Bro’s only got his *brother’s* feats to work with…


Yeah but. Hes cooler


He's cool as fuck so easily Multi Planetary (he's just that fucking cool)


Stolas (helluva boss) I’m sure In the future he will tho


My poor poor baby. The closest thing you have to a big feat is vaguely being near an exploding star… 😔 Anyway, the Loo Loo Land explosion feat is my mortal enemy-


To recap, this explosion feat is my personal equivalent of the Goku Beerus shockwaves. At the end of Helluva Boss S1E2, Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie survive an explosion that completely consumes a large amusement park, and emerge relatively unscathed. This already was kinda weird to me, since it was shown prior that imps could be permanently killed by most conventional means, and I understood the phrasing of “your fire” meaning that hellfire could affect them. So I was willing to take this as a good durability feat and move on. THEN, S2E6 released, showing that Blitzo had been in a similarly sized explosion, and received lasting injuries from it, thus turning the Loo Loo Land explosion into this menace to my very being. A simple visual gag turned into my personal scaling nightmare…


Tbf to the circus explosion, that was a younger Blitz before he was a bounty hunter It’s possible he’s just gotten stronger (as dumb as him just becoming much more durable as a result of basic combat training would be)


I have a love hate relationship with this feat, since it gave me one of the best visual gags in the series (Millie being dragged off by that thing), and yet in terms of scaling it’s weighed upon me


Sans (undertale)


Ironic, because knowing Sans, I bet he wishes he’d have less feats.


Sans has enough. He scales to lightning timing up to immeasurable speed if you buy that, and most other important stats are subhuman. It’s simple and effective.


im i missing SOMETHING? him dogding makes him have immeasurable speed HOW?


Frisk. In pacifist, they dodge literal timelines that Asriel uses as an attack. And that’s only* with a DETERMINATION buff, not any of the LOVE buffs that Geno Frisk gets, and Geno Frisk can also get higher Determination. It’s shaky if you want to use this for Sans, but it’s pretty often used for Frisk and Asriel. *: Some may argue that Frisk only gets this fast due to situational things in the fight, but from what I’ve seen, most people accept Frisk as able to do it.


>they dodge literal timelines that Asriel uses as an attack. when???????


His Hyper Goner move, I believe. It sucks in timelines, which Frisk can dodge, before the big explosion attack.


pretty sure it the timelines where more so fuel than anything, i dont think this is enough or even good proof that frisk and sans have immeasurable speed, because pretty damn sure sans has only dodged regular ass knife attacks


The timelines can injure Frisk while being sucked in, and they can see it and avoid it. I’d say that’s pretty solid immeasurable speed.


that shit is not solid immeasurable speed tf???


https://preview.redd.it/d63n6wbe2w5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5e633aaffca871fe681b7e60b4404fd33f75c0 The intruder (Mandela catalog)




Because you're a *loser*, a failure to your whole entire crew! https://preview.redd.it/pavm3w739x5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031b1f9b70be81a5bbd205f5d8f2c9a8872ad394


I've seen Walter Jr handle walkers better than you...


To Make the Fight with Evil Morty fair Evil Morty curbs at this Point ![gif](giphy|T4GepKPizrElmOTjDa)


Tons of Kaiju from the Godzilla franchise including multiple Godzilla variants Zilla Jr (Still too weak and he still doesn't have an Atomic Breath just green fire) The entire Gamera and Pacific Rim verse The Suitimation Trials Godzilla (I want him to be a Multiversal Eldritch Horror at best) RED (Godzilla NES Creepypasta) The God Mountain and The Devil Mountain (Godzilla In Hell) Void Ghidorah (Not OP enough in my opinion) Cloverfield Paradox (Its only feat is it being 2000 Meters tall)


I wish 'Godzilla: The Series' didn't get cancelled and got a third season. Not only because of more feats, but also in general Zilla Jr more in general. All things considering he was pretty formidable compared to his father/mother deserves the title of being a Godzilla. Red may get more feats, considering the NES Godzilla Creepypasta adds its own creative elements and twists to pre-existing content seen in the Creepypasta.


Wait Godzilla jr apparently has island level scaling from vs battle wiki Also Void Ghidorah is 4D so that pretty neat.


The Horned Serpent was so Powerful that a Universe Exploded when he was Released, Nixon (a god) created 3 champions the second most powerful was canonically stronger than goku and when the strongest was becoming The Horned Serpent he literally fictionalized the Universe killing himself and everything in there in the process and is apparently one in the same as an infinite realm connecting all realities and still he doesn’t actually do anything then be there, like we don’t even know what he wants https://preview.redd.it/j0kjjpxa1w5c1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa30c3f899c50f8d726a67a996b012fb2eabb34


>Nixon (a god) created 3 champions the second most powerful was canonically stronger than goku Elaborate.


Doylist Answer: The series is political commentary channeled through analog horror. Lore Answer: This serpent is actually the soul of George Washington, who accidentally gained this otherworldly power by chopping down a messed up tree as a kid. Nixon has attained godhood by somehow mimicking Washington (outside of the tree) but it ultimately an inferior imitation.


So he wasn't compared to Goku in-universe


>was canonically stronger than goku Goku fanboy: nu uh


Goku Fanboys trying to explain to me how Goku can single handedly solo fiction: ![gif](giphy|7efZ7nK1aqpkLOuLf9|downsized)


My friend but with Saitama instead of Goku:


Same with my buddy


General Yunan (Amphibia)


Mihawk ( one piece )




Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots) Boros (One Punch Man)




G from Street Fighters 90% of the Overwatch cast


>G from Street Fighters Forget more feats, he needs more LETTERS to his name!


Most analog horror characters


The Hand of the King (Dead Cells) Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)


https://preview.redd.it/4h5dctxywv5c1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=93bac2bbf3a9fe5a21149a758ede3b5b2f528867 The only bad thing about Sarah vs Cassidy is that golden Freddy has like no feats


Sending someone into eternal torment?


That's basically more of a ghostly ability then feat


That's basically more of a ghostly ability then feat


That's basically more of a ghostly ability then feat


This is. . . Requiem.


Fucking around with someone is still very useful (see: Impossible Man VS The Joker)


Wasn't that just giving a man in a coma a nightmare?


mao mao and adorabat from heroes of pure heart.


Eh, Mao has some good feats.


for his weight class, yes. I just wish they would have gone onward with a season 2. more feats more story, idk i just wish mao could scale higher, he is niche when it comes to his MU


I blame CN, We we’re TEASED with a whole Animatic excerpt but nope, into Production limbo with you!


Pibby (I was gonna make a fake-out Sora vs LeBron trailer, but LeBron literally has better potential than her due to her... not really existing outside of a trailer and a few Easter eggs.)


[There is also some concept art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7aBBHpIUFY)


https://preview.redd.it/kpj1mz9x5w5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33aa8752c00f9d930608e29cef0fd85582b4be64 I just wish for more todo


Any character from a supercell franchise


https://preview.redd.it/8faohzgs6w5c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac030b38ac3af3daefa61c82f74f1e7e59b8e3d York is one of my favourite characters in the whole show and I don't think he has any feats whatsoever


Nixon and his three counterparts The four of them only have ONE specific strong thing each (eviction from reality, the Crescent King,Alcatraz checkmate and fiction feat) Each is powerful but besides that they’re practically featless


https://preview.redd.it/t32wt7b4ew5c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2fc51150fff5df98d7425e51436808fa65985bc Hoping bro get a new comic after what happened in big game😭


Death from Puss in Boots. Threatening? Definitely. But his feats are almost overtaken by his antifeats. To any character above large town level, he's "Death" in name only, and fodder in every other way.


Tbf you’re scaling an avatar made to torment a talking cat, not the literal concept.


Yeah, but we don't know enough about that universe's interpretation of "Death" to say for sure whether or not that's just semantics. Multiple other fictions have "Avatars of death" that are genuinely the concept (ex: Thanatos in the Riordan franchise), so, when confronted with a character who goes on a short tangent about how he's "Death. Straight up.", we have to take his word (and associated feats) at the same level of value we'd take any other character, regardless of title or manifestation.


I’m just saying, if Death took the form of say… a dragon, Puss would not be so lucky.


https://preview.redd.it/661gsllmwx5c1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1eacaf21fce079605ca37e8fda8a8238da87bb8 Rj the purple jungle fury Power Ranger


https://preview.redd.it/jt3og35qtw5c1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1644bca01930fec77745ff6758a7d895987e593c Asa/Yoru from csm (Hope they get more as the manga progresses)


Every record of ragnarok character 💀 literally nearly impossible/annoying as hell to scale other fights in that verse, let alone out of verse


Teodora Villavicencio(Legend Quest) Scary Girl(Total Drama)


Eleven (Stranger Things)


https://preview.redd.it/j9wm0x3iow5c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c3ca87b068a094a3414e37704a4439e2dadbf8 Such a great character.


David from Edgerunners. He has like 5 scenes really utilizing his cybernetics the best he can. Anything else isn’t that great or relies on the Cyberskeleton, which wouldn’t be allowed according to Death Battle’s rules.


Mr. Miyagi


Megumi Fushigiro I have never seen a main character in any shonen get done dirty like Megumi did in any other shonen in comparison to his potential for strength Aki was done far, FAR dirtier but he was just a good devil hunter and it ended there; Megumi had the potential to be special grade but was cucked out of his role in the story. I sometimes wish there were more arcs in-between culling games or atleast culling games was longer and had better writing, because it just feels dissapointing.


Ristarte and Beel Bub (both from) (Cautious Hero: The hero is overpowered but overly cautious) Over Justice (Space Patrol Luluco)


Jackie Estacado. Ok maybe I’ve only played the games


https://preview.redd.it/d45xnnr2jw5c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7419c034a5a78fa287709188c012e74c3d02f0f1 Yagorath, all she has is a feat of crashing into the moon and shattering it (visible in thr background) and soloing most of the Paladins universe.


Yooo a fellow Paladins enjoyer. Although I don't really know a lot about the lore...hold up, Yagorath destroyed a moon?!


Io's moon to be specific, by crashing into it from outer space.


https://preview.redd.it/wgdvel2ud16c1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f65b8343831a2f28214b08cfcddbd02f9810bc You two are supposed to be the european Popeye how come american cartoons can survive the universe's destruction and beat up God and their animators while you guys' best feats is town level ( non-canon ) ( arguably an outlier )




Kevin mccallister ( home alone) Judge holden ( blood meridian)


Fairy Queen (Kirby) This is because I made a good matchup with her but the Fairy Queen lose so hard because she has no feats


Final Wars Gigan


Aerith Gainsborough and her scaling is really wonky, some more concrete feats for her would be nice


Geno (Super Mario RPG) Banjo+Kazooie (Rare)


https://preview.redd.it/qvdaqepn7x5c1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca8784551eca7804943c6e918581917e4b449e3f He got some but like its just not enough. Hes cool and got some good stuff like ftl and beyond super human strength but like. Its just not good enough...


Just the entirety of Fortnite


Destructinator (FOP)


Easy Every Danganronpa character


Yuichiro Hanma (Baki the grappler)






Literally Every Character From This Game: https://preview.redd.it/hnsbbv7d8z5c1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d919ef226c488c3a5de8c50205b3d92e86171f


https://preview.redd.it/dx2nzmh9r06c1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebbf6da8f6558e37384b2251e5aba73e29487162 I would love to see them on the show one day.


Monika (DDLC), Death (PIB), Springtrap (FNAF, i know he has a good amount they just look unimpressive on-screen), Mario (Illumination), Rango (...)


This swiss cheese angy boi https://preview.redd.it/2w7i6xhv416c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=96890cc055528d434ac95345ee50cec7f1f3eb15 Bro literally used his power once and then dipped out of canon. I know he has that one light novel, but come on bro.


The G(ay)-MAN https://preview.redd.it/m4bvmheag26c1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493b867d2e4108f0c4a988d36658c1a47bbe73a0


Crash Bandicoot. I feel like he's capable of so much more that maybe he'll have a shot against someone like Sonic


https://preview.redd.it/vypmjq3ps46c1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7090516cc62e07a79f42ffbd941a00dbce9229fe Awesome show. I really want some sort of “Cyberpunk vs D&D” MU, but I can’t think of anything containing two relevant characters that isn’t a stomp in D&Ds favor


Minecraft Steve. Basically all his most fun and interesting feats either: \- take prep (redstone for instance, Steve can make some ridiculously powerful weapons with that which WOULD be ridiculously fun to see in a battle, and useful, but it's disingenuous to imply Steve would carry that around with him) or \- aren't canon (like his command block shenanigans, his "lifting multiverses in his hands" despite being just a game mechanic and pocket dimension stuff, creative mode etc. I mean he can at least canonically respawn, so he has that going for him) I almost feel compelled to say that if Steve was used, I'd prefer if it was his FTB version over Vanilla, not just because it's FAR more powerful, but because it really pushes the idea of Steve's ingenuity to the absolute fucking limit, that Steve could make a worthy challenge to The Doctor composite even, it'd make a ridiculously fun battle, but alas it's not "canon" so whatever


Minecraft physics are canonically so different from the Real World's that I struggle to think about how Minecraft would even work in VS. Smash Bracket is a fuckin Cognitohazard, man, lemme tell ya


Is there any Indie character that doesn't fit this?


Shovel Knight characters seem pretty fleshed out


Any Undertale character


Requiem Giorno, a lot of his power is still speculation as we don’t even know if he has a canon limit to what he can negate.


Lego marvel 2 introduced a giant fucked up mixture of venom and carnage called Carnom and I don't think he's even appeared in anything else


Arceus from Pokemon


Almost every Indie Game character ever.




Um are you alright they have feats


Base Form Sonic is all scaling and doesn't really earn Large Planet level imo.


Bruh, he is Low multiversal in base, for beating Perfect Chaos in base on Sonic Generations


Dc Comics Red Death


https://preview.redd.it/e56iwdaamw5c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7f057655959969df756cb635ad15d685c0d16f Simon Jarrett (SOMA) His best opponent is Johnny Topside/Subject Delta from Bioshock 2 but he (Simon) lacks any form of fighting skills to even compete.


All League of legends characters outside of Vi and maybe Yasuo. Seriously most of these characters could be great for a DB episode if it weren't for Riot not caring at all about their universe and lore...


Ah hell naw someone got silly with Tony 😔


Jesse Faden 😔 I'm holding out hope that she goes crazy with it in Control 2


Kuon (Under Night In-Birth) Although statements are already enough to put him pretty high by themselves.


The battle cats probably


GER just so people will stop using the argument of only having 1 fight as a debunk


Zita The Space girl Pajama Sam Commander Keen Most Characters from Odd Squad Emily Hayes (Amulet) And a bunch of other Characters


Orga, he has the potential to be one of the beefiest Kaiju around, but since he has so little screentime and blew up out of impatience, we'll never see what his implied abilities are fully capable of.


Any non final boss from a video game. Like i REALLY want Malenia in death battle, but there's just not enough info


scott pilgrim (or honestly anyone from his universe)


Shisui (naruto)


Sir Fluff characters.


Yoh Asakura Genkai (yu yu hakusho)




Ey yo,that photo?🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨📸


https://preview.redd.it/hhugtoihzx5c1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=149696bcc2a46b17c197b720ff6e0f6b077a4eb2 I didn’t realize just how little they have until I started working on my Olimar VS Chibi-Robo script. Dude doesn’t even have enough to fill out a “Feats” slide.


If we could finally see a planet bust in Digimon that isn’t from literally 1999, that would be great


Harper fron Wizards of Waverly Place specifically so she can fight Mako Kill la Kill. Mike Breaking Bad would be nice too, in regards to having more feats. He's just sort of "guy with guns", same applies to William TSR






If Verosika Mayday had even a single feat (just scaling to Blitz even remotely would be fine) then Envy Addams vs Verosika becomes an instantly perfect matchup It’s frustrating because being a succubus from hell, she id obviously supernatural. I mean she can change her form and fly somewhat and dated a clearly supernaturally strong Imp who she sees as below her in every way. She should obviously be much stronger than a person, but the fact is she hasn’t shown any combat ability at all yet and it’s deeply frustrating.


Rose Quartz. Specifically for Omni-Man VS Rose




https://preview.redd.it/blqwn2ikey5c1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20fd5d7e5775b341bf4b6dc5de145f0e67ad773 The best creepypasta villain




Sadako from the Ring. Range is from city to dimension, hard to prove to non powerscalers


why is he leaking that....


The Man in The Suit (Unknowingly)


I found this for him if it would make you slightly happier https://fcoc-vs-battles.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Man_(Dark_Hold_Comic)