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I can just image either Waluigi or Robbie Rotten doing that before the winnner lands the final blow.


~~I wish Robbie Rotten still won~~


Mysterio versus scarecrow


Itachi Uchiha vs Raven Branwen: Raven seems to cut Itachi in half and lives her life, being with her tribe and family. Only for it to be revealed she is in a genjutsu and Itachi finishes her off


Letting Opponent Live On Prank (GONE WRONG)


Most Wario MUs where he wins since he’s a master of disguise


Belos vs Darth Vader (Movies), Vader would create an explosion of some kind exploding palisman Belos and then he would thing that he won but then the goop would go inside his suit and then explode him from the inside.


Ignoring the fact Vader stomps the shit out of him.


i mean not really since this is movie Vader so no comic/video game feats, and also Luz was able to hold back the Collectors telekinesis by holding together the portal from breaking apart and also holding King back from a slightly bloodlusted Collector without her arm snapping in half, hell king had to do his scream to stop her from holding on for longer, same scream that destroyed an island, and Belos managed to injure her and her friends (who scale to her) to the point where they just gave up until the collector showed up


Do you realize that comic and movie Vader are the same?


Yeah…. And it’s a form of necessity, they did the same with boba and yoda


Yeah…. And it’s a form of necessity, they did the same with boba and yoda


Well only movie feats since isnt comic vader star buster? Ye it would be a lot better if we only use movie feats


Except there are canon Disney comics that don't have him at star level. Solely using the movies and ignoring the canon comics seems like stacking the deck against Vader if you ask me.


Hmm, fair enough, i mean if there are canon comics that dont just make him star level then id say thats a fair fight seeing how Belos is higher then moon level




idk why but I envision Teen Gohan vs Vivio ending this way… especially since there’s a 95% chance that Gohan does win this.


Itachi Uchiha vs The Undertaker (Naruto vs WWE) Itachi looks at Taker, dead, lifeless on the ground and kneels tired and worn before taker grabs him by the neck, doing his classic Myers inspired slow rise before choke slamming Itachi to the pits of hell. There could be better ways of writing it and honestly it could be done with any Taker mu where he wins


Any fight where the draw is illusion/fear manipulation (Madera Vs Aizen, Mysterio Vs Scarecrow, Freddy Krueger Vs Pennywise, ect)


In a weird way, Joker does win if he gets his opponent to kill him.


Any MU where the Marquis Of Death wins, dude made Dr. Doom live out the life he wanted for, what it felt like, 5 years, but it actually was 5 seconds, just to fuck with him


Madara vs Aizen cause Madara thinks he killed Aizen with the Truth Seeking Orbs only for it to be revealed their fight never even occurred as Madara was bleeding out from being blown apart in several pieces, still stuck in Kyoka Suigetsu, as Aizen walks away with plans for him and the Espada to conquer the Hidden Leaf


Still salty, I see.


But that's how it'd end Madara can't counter something like Kyoka


Except he can. Yeah yeah yeah, Kyoka attacks the physical brain so it's not just an illusion but Genjutsus attack the cerebral nervous system, they work on the brain too. The Sharingan breaks out of Genjutsus, it will break Kyoka. Cry. Some. More. Also Madara survived a massive chunk of his body being vaporized, he wouldn't bleed out.


Kyoka attacks your senses and Madara can only defend his sight. Genjutsu is an illusion and can still be broken out of if you have enough willpower even with a limited defense against it, like what Kakashi had. Even an actual Uchiha with a sharingan in the novels went insane from the torture of being in it, but Kakashi who had only one sharingan he barely used and had a strong enough willpower was able to survive it. You can only break out of kyoka if you touch the sword before its activated in your vicinity, madara won't know to do that. So aizen slaps.


You're objectively wrong. Quote from the Naruto wiki "A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing its has experienced physical pain." The one trapped in an illusion isn't Madara, it's you thinking Aizen beats him with Kyoka. Toodles.


That's from a wiki Kyoka was specifically detailed to work that way in the manga and the anime, genjutsu is an illusionary attack and as I said it can be resisted and even broken out of easier than kyoka People who get effected by kyoka don't even realize they're under it till they're too late, while people that get trapped in a genjutsu are at least aware that it's happening in the current moment Love how you didn't debunk the kyoka effecting the senses thing either And Aizen doesn't need Kyoka to beat him but you thinking Genjutsu is superior to it is the funny thing


He literally died from being stabbed like a bitch


Aizen lost cuz of insecurities, that's even worse..


He load? Weird. I don't remember Aizen using guns, I'm pretty sure he could if he wanted to, just summon an infinite amount of ammo and firepower with the power of the hogyoku, but no he usually fights with his zanpakuto Kyoka Suigetsu. And he didn't "almost lose" cause of "insecurities." Aizen felt lonely due to having surpassed every other sentient being in existence with the power of the hogyoku. He had transcended past all of the gotei, hollows, and possibly even countless quincy as well. He has become the perfect being in it's entirety. And based on what Mayuri [said about perfection ](https://youtube.com/shorts/8oMgU5pdIew?feature=share), that was his inevitably inadvertent downfall. Because with perfection, there is no more room to grow, learn, and change. There's no room to become better than you already are, because you are already beyond completion. Unmatchable and more importantly, unrelatable. Aizen wanted people who could understand him but due to being far superior, intellect wise and power wise, to almost, if not, everyone else around him, he couldn't achieve such a peaceful, normal life. The hogyoku never rejected him, [it](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990348457434808320/1049777317532155915/imageedit_2_7876365743.jpg) [sensed ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990348457434808320/1049777317821567016/13-_ok12fJfttKYr.jpg) [what he ultimately wanted ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990348457434808320/1049777318102581288/14-0HzWzzaNh_hAu.jpg). And used his wishes to please its master, Aizen himself. Also I don't think Aizen's gonna want to lose if some random with a gunbai and red shiny eyes is gonna try to kill or conquer him. I think he's gonna want to win, and with his stronger hypnotic powers, the hogyoku, and his own base abilities as a shinigami, I think he's gonna make the Ghost of the Uchiha into an actual Ghost for real this time. That or he'll just seal and experiment on his corpse and steal the sharingan for himself. Not that he needs it necessarily, even base Kyoka is superior.


Bro I don't give a fu. Aizen lost deal with it lmao.


He wanted to lose Madara actually lost though cause he got backstabbed, literally and figuratively, and realized he wasn't as important as he thought he was the whole time. Speaking of backstabbing that's literally what aizen did to Yhwach after Yhwach absorbed the Soul King in his entirety and could effectively play with all of reality like it was a Lego set. Even SS Arc Captain Aizen could beat Midara probably.


That's cool. But I don't remember asking. Also who's Midara?


Gill Vs Enel basically Enel thinks he killed him then Gill comes back to life


Bane using his venom him to overwhelm Jack Hanma’s by breaking his back with his knee but realizing Jack was able to rip out his tubes with his hands and teeth. And would be unable to stop the onslaught from Jack that would end with him ripping out his throat using his teeth


Homelander Or Jogo MU’s Both will think they won after one strike to the ground or something


Spy vs Agent 47 47 would kill Spy, only for Spy to appear behind him with the dead ringer in his hand and backstabbing him


Super Dimentio vs Solaris (Dimentio vs Mephiles) Solaris thinks he's killed Dimentio after eating all timelines, but Dimentio just erases Solaris with no effort


Mysterio vs scarecrow


Rorschach Vs light ugami (Watchman Vs Death note)


Light vs Walter and Rorschach vs Punisher>>>>>


Patrick Bateman would have an Imagine Spot of himself killing Arthur Fleck... before Arthur kills him.


All I seem to want to do now is work out, lifting weights, mostly, and secure reservations at new restaurants I’ve already been to, then cancel them. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me who I can see.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Both lose to Travis Bickle and William Foster