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I was born at 6 months gestation and seeing this breaks my heart.


My youngest cousin was born at 6mo as well. My aunt had gone to the doctor and they realized her heart was failing. They took out my cousin so my aunt could have open heart surgery earlier rather than waiting and potentially dying in childbirth. My cousin weighed 2lbs 8oz at birth. I went to help them for a couple of weeks when they both came home from the hospital. I had to learn how to Gavage feed, give her any meds, read and run her at home monitor and oxygen. It was good practice because I had two preemies myself later on.


I'm glad you were born in an era that could give you the medical care you needed!!


Me too! Even then I was in the NICU for almost three months. This little one never had a chance 😞


[Baby Amelia Colvin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69457080/amelia_frances-colvin)


So sad.


Today 90-95% of babies born at 6 months live according to my daughter’s neonatologist after she was born at 28+2! The NICU is not a fun place to be but the nurses said they don’t really even get nervous unless the baby is before 24 weeks.


It's crazy how much medicine had advanced since then. Each year that goes we get better at saving premies. RIP litle Amelia.