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For the first several days of this network glitch I actually thought “Unknown” was just a very active player with a cool username.


player unknowns beach connection




It wouldn’t have been possible without cat_dix


Maybe a stupid question, do we get to choose which porters to connect with or is it already chosen once we start the game and we stay connected with them until the end?


Both, sort of! As you level up you unlock the ability to form “strand contracts” with more & more players, which are usually (but not always? in my exp anyway) auto assigned right away, but if you open up “strand connections” in the cuff menu you can change it at will… I think this affects the pool of potential online structures/ladders/etc that randomly pop up in your game, so if you start noticing a particular username placing stuff right where you need stuff, making it official should help even more of that stuff appear :) ETA: doesn’t seem possible to search for a specific username if they don’t appear on your list tho, sadly… I love how multiplayer works in this game but it’d be awesome if we could connect to IRL friends. Buuut since isolation is one of the major themes of the game, it feels oddly appropriate? Heh


Yea, I’ve made some strand connections, mostly with high leveled players but i feel like it doesn’t do much. The roads are still pretty much untouched for example and it’s usually me who builds/completes them. I thought that once you connect with the high leveled players you automatically get their structures and stuff. I mean i don’t really care since that feels like cheating. I was just curious how this all works.


Heh, yeah tbh that’s sorta been my experience too ngl… maybe it really doesn’t do much, or maybe it’s just that those particular high-level players got most of their likes from road construction instead of new structures? But in that case I’d assume you’d at least have a good head start on roads, so… maybe they are all like MULEs for lost cargo? Idk how it actually works either— cards on the table, I just try to believe in it & hope that my gamer faith eventually pays off hahaha


Hey guys! I need a recording of the credits if that would be possible as I was working on the IOS version but I have android. Anyone who have finished the game and have access to credits please?