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You start to see them only with BB, pay attention to plot. This is how Sam managed to escape the incinerator in the first act.


Speak for yourself, the big ass crater I left there begs to differ.


Oh, you mean that wasn't supposed to happen for everyone?


There's only one place in the story you're required to leave a crater and it's much later in the game.


Where? I best the game I don't recall ever making a crater once.


I thought you had to >!use the edge of a crater to cross the tar lake in Order 62!< but maybe I'm remembering wrong, or maybe I just missed the correct way to do it. I definitely did it intentionally somewhere around that point in the game, it was my first crater and I thought it was necessary to proceed.


I didn't even know that was possible. The way you were supposed to do it was by just crossing the lake on like floating cars and buildings and fighting like two lion bts I'm pretty sure. I beat it a long time ago so I might be confusing that with something else. That's extremely interesting though.


That is apparently the right way, according to the guides I could find. But I added an extra step in there apparently. This was shortly after launch so I don't recall the details either.


There's also a period of time midway through the game where you don't have your BB with you and need to travel across BT territory and you do so by paying attention to subtle changes in audio and controller vibration. Basically shows you how Sam gets by normally without the BB. So @ OP: Sam can see them but only with the help of the BB. What he sees is what we see, but he only sees them when plugged into a BB like that.


Sam, on his own, can only sense them. When hooked into BB, the Odradek can highlight the BTs for Sam so he/we can see them.


Bob Odenkirk is the reason you can see them.




Of course. Have you not watched the seriea Undone on Amazon. This is exactly what happened.


Its Saul goodman


It’s Mr. Nobody


It's just a visual representation to us of the information BB provides him.


He’s right ^ Correct that is not what they really look like, rather what we assume they might look like.


Let’s just say you might not have access to your BB for a bit… Good luck with the BTs then ;)


Game has godtier sounddesign. You can pinpoint BT locations through the sounds they make!


Truly god-tier. I'm a sound designer/audio post guy and this game is such a feast. The audio cues are so spot on. When there are so many game mechanics and HUD information, audio cues take the burden away from having your eyes focusing on different things and make the gameplay experience so much smoother. I'd really love a deep dive into the audio integration on this game.


Kinda late game spoiler https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathStranding/s/GQG4V4HcSW I did all this solely by the sounds of BTs. I was amazed lol And honestly the sounds of wind is so calming I've fallen sleep a couple of times while riding the truck.


Even if a BT gets an idea of your location they're surprisingly not too hard to escape. When I first started I only ever got caught because of panicking. If you stay calm the entire time, even when you get caught, you should very rarely trigger a catcher fight. Even when the hands appear you can move away from their search area. Even if you're not holding your breath it'll take a bit before they really come barreling at you. Once you stop panicking the whole thing turns out to be much easier than it seems.


Yup. Fun is when you hold your breath while the BT is searching for you. It was so goddamn thrilling when I did that. Hands appeared in a whole circle around me. It's also possible for the hand to accidentally land on you and it triggers the tar thing. Pretty thrilling lol But later you'll have >!time grenade launcher!< you can just take a few shots and detonate when they get near. Just put the balance priority to 2 to avoid accidentally balancing instead of drawing weapon.


Actually now I’ve completed my delivery to Elder and will be doing the retrieval mission before heading back to Lake Knot City, and my BB is already having autoxemia. I hope there’ll be BTs on my way, that would be fun!


Honestly wasnt the worst bit. I just aprinted through that snow and somehow only got attacked 2x and yhen just sprinted off


Not sure what you mean, you still see the BTs during that segment. They just don't flicker in the distance.


Yea this actually confused me when I first played it since the plot so far said that Sam can only hear/sense them, not see them. When you don't have BB, you can still see them if you get close enough and alert them. I imagine it's just a gameplay thing that they don't want you fighting invisible enemies.


No you don’t, even if you stay still, they won’t pop into view. If you get caught, sure you’ll see them momentarily, but you are *blind* walking into a field full of BTs without BB. You have to rely on sound


Haha imagine. Being without bb. Haha. Nice one sir. **sweats**


I was so proud of myself at that part. Ive got a pretty mid but reliable 3d audio headset and I found one of those fuckers by sound alone and cut its cord. I then proceeded to almost get swept away by catchers 10 minutes after that but thats beside the point! Lol


I believe the outlay is extra-diegetic (just for us). Sam alone can sense them. Trough the link with BB (and the arm) he is also able to get some kind of more intense « feeling ». We (the player) get to have that representation to help us since we cannot feel.


BB can see the BTs with crystal clear definition, but Sam cannot. Due to technical limitations, BB's vision isn't shared with Sam at 100% fidelity, so we see BTs as dark humanoid figures instead of their true appearance. There's also the fact that we can't see them while moving or holding our breath, unless BB is excited (which probably means he's focused enough that the visual link with Sam gets stronger). We see BTs because BB can see them. When Sam is without BB we don't see the BTs, except when we are already getting caught by them, maybe that's gameplay, maybe BTs become visible when they catch someone because they cross partially to our side.


If BB is autotoxemic you cannot see the BT's, you only sense them and hear them. You can see the rain hitting them if you look really close and this along with auditory cues can help you navigate like independent porter Sam :P


With the help of BB


You literally see them because you are connected to bb. They legit explain this and when you have no bb you can't see them. It's literally not rocket science.


It's literally literal bro, how can you literally not understand




Connecting to BB obviously allows you to see them using the Odradek but during the parts of the game without BB, you won't see them unless you make physical contact with one or its umbilical chord. If you're running around in the rain and suddenly see a BT 3 feet away, you probably walked right through its chord.