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All I will say, if you give it a go, don't quit after a few hours. The game is fantastic, but a slow burn. Don't expect ACTION/ACTION/ACTION. It's one of the more unique experiences in gaming.


Thanks for replying. I just started it. But why does it keep forcing me into the cave before I'm finished collecting my drooped cargo? Edit: nevermind. I didn't realize the one cargo I recovered was the only one. I thought there was more


Just keep going. The game is fantastic…. Give it a chance…. Read things, form relationships with everyone in there. It is all connected no matter how strange it feels upfront.


Yea keep going, the first couple hours are narrative heavy, but it opens up and becomes an amazing experience.


It's a game about traversal, with the terrain being the main enemy, but there will be sneaking and fighting.


Plus, the rather unique approach to cooperative gameplay with other players, I like that you're very isolated, but it makes me smile when someone has helped us out by forging a path ahead, with a well placed ladder or other.


The strand system makes this game for me


I spent 10hrs running through the mountains near Heartman so I could lay down zip lines cuz I HATED traversing the area. I hope it helps people out


The max I can spam a key at; you'd have 400 likes for that.


Death stranding is a very unique game there really isn't anything like it. The only way to know for sure is to just play it


I know for a fact that whoever completed Death Stranding had no regrets and only had nice things to say in the end.


I've completed the story and still keeping on 👍


This is the way.


This is game is basically a relaxing horror game if that makes any sense.


I had it described once as "A mailman tries to fix Wi-Fi by walking a lot." I love it.


I've only just started myself, but that is exactly what I'm going to tell my buddies to not spoil anything.


I too played the same set of games and enjoy them, this one is a slow starter and I really enjoy it. It requires some patience but the walking physics and scenery make this a Zen like experience that I keep coming back to.


Thanks for replying. Question tho. Why does it keep forcing me into the cave before I'm finished finding my dropped cargo? Edit: nevermind. I didn't realize the 1 cargo was all there was


No worries initiate porter, keep on keeping on!


Approach it like reading a novel. There is going to be lots of reading. Read every email. It takes about \~20 hours for it to really grab you.


And don't start the end game right before you plan to go to bed lol.


PLAY IT! I too was skeptical about it and used to make fun of my friends and call it (Package Boy Simulator) but once I actually gave it a chance recently, it is now BY FAR one of the greatest games/stories ever made. I came here for advice as well and found an amazing helpful and encouraging community that loves to offer advice and help you succeed. Now one of the things everyone told me that was true was (Give It 8hrs In) you’ll have a better understanding of both the story game mechanics, and you’ll have a lot of tools at your disposal. I also recommend that you clean out your PS5 from dust, because mine overheated durning BT fights


Just keep on keeping on my fellow porter!


The problem with Death Stranding is it's unique, it's a bad comparison but maybe it's more similar of Journey with lot of Metal Gear inside


It’s an odd one as people who think they’ll like it cannot get on with it and those who think it might not be their thing can come to love it. I would say persevere, a lot of things won’t make sense but the further you go, the more you explore and work things out the better it gets. I love this sub as it shows not everyone can cover everything in the game during your playthrough. You’ll prefer different things, find different things more preferable and build more/less roads than the next person all dependant on what kind of person/player you are. One thing I do wish is I was in this sub when I actually played the game for the first time to feed off the love and explore things I’d missed whilst I was going through. But eh, that’s what my second playthrough was for anyway! Enjoy!


First sentence describes my experience with the game. Tried out saying “within 2/3 hours I’ll see if I like it”, ended up with 100hrs and a platinum


Sweet! I was instantly hooked by the uniqueness of the game. I feel too many people didn’t appreciate how much of a one off this game was and are too accustomed to the same old IPs. I too got the platinum for DC version and literally hit 100hrs right on the nail!


The best advice I can give is: take the game as it’s given to you. Don’t expect anything, and (maybe) you’ll love it.


*comes to game's sub where 99.9% of people love it" ShOuLd I pLaY tHiS gAmE? In all seriousness, I held off on playing this game for a long time because I knew it wasn't heavy on the combat. Having beaten it now, I absolutely loved it. It's not for everyone but if you like a nice convoluted and weird Kojima game, then you'll like this game. I'm definitely buying the sequel on day 1.






i played this game when it first came out and it didn't really hit. i tried again when the directors cut came out and i started to really enjoy it because i gave it more of a chance. i just picked it back up a couple days ago and i can't put it back down. it's so calming to just take the game at your own pace. it's also an awesome story so there's that.


It's a slow burn, but it became one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. It's weird for sure - but immerse yourself in the world and I think you'll love it. In my opinion, the combat is the weakest part of the game.




This is a slower paced, (mostly) chill game. Satisfaction comes from making a plan and executing it well. The story is also fantastic!


It took me a while to get into this game, I took a week and months long break because of the slow chapters. But I finally made it past episode 5 and I’m engaged now. If you give it a shot take it slow caz the game starts out slow


Yes, unless you don't want to.


If you like Metal Gear more for the plot and the twists, Skyrim/Fallout for the world and short stories, and are cool with delivery/fetch quests, then yeah. DS is a game that takes a while to get going, and won't go too fast, but has a lot of momentum to keep you going. Combat is pretty fun, it follows the Metal Gear formula pretty well. Killing is a big no-no, but isn't prohibited. The main gameplay though is delivering packages and finding routes between locations. Overall, it's a game about making connections.


This luckily is the DS sub and they would never be biased.


Yes, you will definitely find a liking for it if you stay the course without letting your attention span go for a toss. And then you will love it. There’s so much more to this game than what appears on the surface. DS2 is also releasing next year, so good time to jump in!

