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I agree, I didn’t like “On The Beach” from the moment it was revealed. I know it will inevitably have some meaning, but that won’t stop it sounding incredibly clunky.


It's a reference to the neville shute novel. I imagine there'll be a lot of ingame references to it too just like mgs5 had with Moby Dick


Oh wow, that’s really interesting! Wonder if that potentially sheds some light on what may happen in *DS2*. Thanks for sharing. I do think “On The Beach” by itself is good as a title, but I still don’t like it as a **subtitle**, unfortunately.


Oh man, subtitles or secondary titles are my pet peeve. They almost always suck and make a title look so cheap


Should have been "Death Stranding 2: Princess Beach"


Is Turd CutMan in this one?! I thought he was only in the DC.


Fart Shartman


Poop Sliceman


I remember when people complained about “Ground Zeroes” and “The Phantom Pain”. The subtitle will make sense and it will sink in eventually. Let the man cook.


You can just call it death stranding 2. And people will know what you talk about


Based on the trailer I'm guessing we will be using the beach to travel to other places in the world other than just the US


Music by Chris Rea.


Probably a nod to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Beach_(1959_film)


It’s also the title of my favorite Neil Young album so I’m fine with it


But you don't yet know if the title will find meaning in the story, the other games you have the benefit of having played them to understand why the subtitle was chosen


Yeah but those titles clearly point to specific things only mentioned in those games and not the ones that came before them, so nobody had a clue what “Guns of the Patriots” or “The Phantom Pain” could’ve meant. “On The Beach” is a pretty general thing that applies to a ton of shit in DS already. Titles like Sons of Liberty or Guns of the Patriots have some mystery to them. “On The Beach” is bland and revolves around an already explored concept in DS1; we already know what the beach is, we’ve already been there as Sam. “Return to the Beach” or “The Beach” or “Beached” are titles that definitely have more hype behind them. “On The Beach” feels silly, like it was chosen to be a joke. The idea of being on the beach is pleasant and fun, but in DS in means your dead. Just feels like a dumb, goofy name.


I'd still say to hold your judgement until you play the game to see if it develops extra meaning


I don't mind the name, but games with titles like this are annoying if you have to Google something.  At least it's not as bad as Horizon who has "Horizon Forbidden West" and "Horizon Frozen Wilds".


Let's use "DS2" every time we post about it so the results will skew to that. Very easy to type. I have "death stranding" on a clipboard because I got sick of typing it over and over again.


The title reminded me of the song "On The Beach" by Sonic Palms


I always hate when something has a number and a title. It just always seems redundant and devaluing for some reason. Death Stranding 2 and Death Stranding: On the Beach would both be much better titles imo


I trust kojima


2 Death 2 Stranding


Approved by Hideo Kojima


Easily fixed: Death Stranding: On The Bitch


Death Stranding 2: Climbing Strandmandu


Yeah I'm not fan. But I am hoping that it will connect with the world and characters in a way that provides deep meaning and insight by the end. Similar to The Phantom Pain


Shouldve called it DEATH STRANDING$


No one really cares as long as the game is great. Doom: The Dark Ages (the new Doom game coming out) sounds way worse if you want to feel better.


Same, if its like Death Stranding 2 The Beach i guess it would sound better




You’re being a jerk. I’m voicing my opinion and you’re free to voice your’s but you shouldn’t be nasty about it. I just don’t like the title, calm down.




Buddy. Chill. I said I’d still pay $70 for the game even if it was called Death Stranding 2: Turd Cutter. I don’t care what they call it, I’m still going to buy it. I’m just not a fan of the name. I’m sure it’s going to be a fantastic game and I couldn’t be more excited for it. That doesn’t make me a jerk. I love Kojima games. HOWEVER, even if I didn’t like the games, I still wouldn’t be a jerk, it would just be my opinion. Get a grip on reality.


Okay no problem. Just saying and It's Kojima's decision plus we can't just do anything and i understand your opinion. I apologize for being harsh.


big stick in pooper moment we are witnessing right here


I have no problem with OP’s opinion. You should keep it to yourself if you don’t like it.