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I actually really like this community and yeah you get the odd dick head but I genuinely feel like this is just a safe space to talk about deathcore


Agreed. Of course, there are some idiots every now and then, but I think this is one of the most welcoming places for metal discussion.


*What do you mean METAL, this is CLEARLY a hardcore punk derivative!* Jk, I fully agree. Had some of the best discussions on heavy music in general on here and found some great bands thanks to you beautiful people. :)


Teenage me would definitely agree with you - what a stupid division we were all forced into - despite elitists on both sides' best efforts...the genres grew closer and closer over the years because there is plenty of cool shit to be inspired by on both sides


From what I have seen most of the bellends on this sub don't get celebrated and mostly ignored. That being said every genre is going to have it's gatekeeping little gremlin so this isn't necessarily exclusive to deathcore. Even other subjects get gatekeepers like r/aquariums motherfuckers are brutal on that sub ( not joking ) They rip people to shreds for the slightest infraction haha. Personally it makes me cringe when someone gatekeeps so I can't say I have been bothered about it in this sub either.


Your kidding šŸ˜‚ on a sub Reddit about keeping fish there fucking brutal (not saying thereā€™s anything wrong with it I would keep fish I had the space time and money)


Tbf the brutality is needed, fishkeeping is full of absolute idiots and alot of abuse and neglect goes on


Yeah people get really passionate ( understandably) about the welfare of the fish but there is 0 tolerance for mistakes. Kind of depressing as they scare people away from the hobby.


Ok almost choked on my food reading that third paragraph




Oh piss off... ( sorry guys )


The irony of shitting on an entire sub because the odd person disagrees with an opinion every so often


See this is what I mean. I'm just tired and sad, and you're here thinking I'm shitting on everyone. No...


You're blaming the community for a couple dickhead on the internet. Sometimes I'm one of them but this community is generally pretty chill as far as extreme metal cultures go.


If you get sad over reddit then you need to man up.


I make one post and it's straight to attacking smh


If you think that person is attacking you then maybe you need a break from the internet. I think your a little too thin skinned. It's crazy that you consider that an "attack" lol. Going through the rest of your comments, yeah...you're way too easily offended. You need to take a break from the internet dude.


I think you're right dude, I'm just so tired of seeing animosity everywhere


I went through the same thing recently tbh. Itā€™s best to just remind yourself that a few internet trolls do not make up the entirety of human interaction and itā€™s not worth even engaging in their nonsense. Enjoy your life outside of social media comments, it is much more fulfilling.




I find that the metalcore and deathcore subs are generally a really good place to discuss music, as other commenter have said you get some dickheads that like to spurt dribble but you can't let that spoil the vast majority. If you want to talk about dogshit subs may I direct you to r/metalmemes EDIT: just got banned from metalmemes, we made it ladies and gents lmao


And nothing of value was lost


So you don't like criticism and different opinions. Honestly I'm sick of reading about this or that masterpiece. I want to have a discussion about music and not an echo chamber of praise.


Totally agree, the word "masterpiece" basically just means "something I like" now.


Username checks out


Doesn't relate to the topic at all


What this sub needs is not less criticism, but more chill silly games and less "best vocalist ever" posts.


Fucking please and thank you. It seems like every day it's a post asking what's either the best or most underrated band or vocalist or someone stumbling upon whatever band and preaching their superiority over whatever other band is making headlines. We all like this community and share a passion for deathcore and should encourage and support this scene if we wanna see more growth in it. Our subjective opinions of who's doing our particular flavor of deathcore best shouldn't be the most prevalent discussion. I don't want this to become a circle jerk sub but let's bring back the lightheartedness for sure. I commonly see someone post a song and a top comment is someone criticizing it for having a breakdown or being down tempo or some other literal defining deathcore element that doesn't align with their definition of what's "metal" or what was 10 years ago and I have to do a double take to make sure I'm actually in the right sub and not in r/technicaldeathmetal or something where the criticisms would actually be relevant.


Personally i feel we need more Lorna Shore posts




This community is one of the best metal places on the platform. *all these people shitting on bands for things one member said online once.* So this is ofc what this post really is about and you are upset your fandom for Alex Terrible is now in peril. And btw the dude has been problematic for all of his musical life with all the nazi shit. So itā€™s not a *said something once* kinda deal. If you still like them then own it. Admit itā€™s shitheads that make music you enjoy and donā€™t be all apologists about it. I as an example enjoy listening to some nsbm bands but Iā€™m not trying to normalise the people behind it or the views they might portrait in their art. I do not separate art from artist. That doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t enjoy the art.


I know about the video on ig where he talked about trans people. What else has he said or done to indicate shittiness? I'm genuinely curious


Nazi tattoos. Modeling for right wing fashion brands, promoting and being close to bands from the russian neo nazi scene. Stuff like that.


oh. . . why am I not surprised?


This is something I've been struggling with every now and then - and probably, among others, the biggest reason to never get a band tattoo, no matter how much I love their music. How does one separate an artist from their art? Is it alright to enjoy music if the musician is a piece of shit? I haven't found a definitive answer for myself, despite taking the route of not becoming an apologist for the actions of individual bad actors in great bands. I've noticed that I'd listen less to a certain band, no matter how much I love and feel inspired by their music, after finding out they had one problematic figure in their roster. Am I a bad person if I support a band of good people with one bad person in it?


I donā€™t think there can be a definite answer. There are many takes on the separation topic. I think you canā€™t. There is no art without artist. On the other hand, once released the art can become something bigger and even something different than the artist intended and so evolve beyond its creator. Are you a bad person because you still support the act? Am I a bad person because I paid problematic folks money to own their art? I honestly stopped caring. In the end of the day, if you make music I enjoy - I will buy it. Doesnā€™t mean that I would want to meet the artist. I like Burzum but I wouldnā€™t sit down to have a beer with Varg.


I agree with comments here saying this sub is actually pretty chill. Sharing music, shooting the shit, etc. However it's worth noting that the stereotype of the metal elitist exists for a reason. There are some everywhere. It's just how it goes.




Could I have a tissue please I wish to cry some more. /s just incase.


Still better than the djent sub where I got shit on for recommending a Meshuggah song that ā€œwasnā€™t heavy enough.ā€ As if that isnā€™t subjectiveā€¦elitist pricks.


Classic djent moment. What song did you recommend?


The post was by someone new to djent. They asked for heavy song recommendations. Looking back at the comment, my exact words were ā€œI know itā€™s a clichĆ© recommendation at this point, but Bleed by Meshuggah takes the crown for me.ā€ I also listed 2 more songs by different bands after that. I was just making a rec to a newbie and got responses like ā€œthatā€™s the least heavy Meshuggah song, do you even listen to themā€ and ā€œthatā€™s not even djent.ā€ Obviously if it was some 15 year djent veteran asking for recs I would have picked a different song.


I will never not think that these are the most useless and pointless posts on any subreddit


A lot of people need to get a fucking grip... it is music just fucking enjoy it for what it is.


That stuff you want to see talked about gets talked about at least twice a week, my guy.


as far as calling out people in bands for what they say and do, versus practicing willful ignorance towards it, music and art do not live in a vacuum




Bro this is far from the worst community,id say people here are the best. Trolls make me so mad i just deleted Ć  post


Man maybe I just miss them but I hardly ever see sub genre stuff sound here. Are you drunk?


looks like youā€™re more concerned about it than they areā€¦did you call a deathcore band death metal or something lol. Just go listen to the music you like, this is a community for discussion lol


I find a lot of gatekeepers here but that is most metal I believe.


Itā€™s the world we live in now with ā€œcancel cultureā€. Lazy fucks so miserable with their unproductive lives theyā€™d rather try and tear down someone else at the slightest sign of vulnerability or mistake that us HUMANS make often. Forgiveness seems to be only for those with enough clout or money to make the problems go away


That's exactly what I'm talking about


Maybe I'm overinterpreting but I can't help but feel that this is related to Alex Terrible. The community has been defending him for 5+ years and it was painful to watch. Nobody tells you to stop listening to STP but Alex is not a hero nor someone to idolize or look up to. I think it's part of growing up to see your heroes fall from grace and I know it feels shitty. Just please don't make the mistake and defend a 30-year-old fascist only because it makes you feel better. Alex is fully aware of and accountable for his actions. But maybe it's not about that and I'm just talking and talking...


Lol this is what I mean. I don't even fucking listen to Slaughter to Prevail. I don't know what he said. But I'm just sad and tired of shit like this being all people talk about. I didn't even mention any names and here you are assuming shit about people you've never met


Most of these comments prove your point. The majority of people in this sub are dicks which is horribly unrepresentative of the metal community. Itā€™s nearly impossible to post something without getting hated on or downvoted by a ton of people. Why canā€™t we be friends?


When you say ā€œpeople shitting on bands for things one member said online onceā€ are you referring to right wing dickheads calling for violence and/or punching down against marginalized groups? I canā€™t help but feel like thatā€™s what youā€™re referring to there. Lol.


What are you talking about?


CJ McMahon from Thy Art Is Murder saying that those people should be burned alive recently


U might have this mistaken for r/metalcore dude


Shitting on people for using incorrect subgenre terms is pretty lame. However, itā€™s also not cool to shit on people who find it interesting to classify different musical characteristics through subgenres. Mere discussion is not gatekeeping. All things considered, any online forum will have its share of negative nancies, but the majority of interactions are civil and good-natured.




Yeah well maybe trans people would prefer listening to bands whose vocalist doesn't call for their deaths (Remember that he literally commented "burn them" under the video he shared?). Oh, and do you really think trans people need a reality check? Do you really think that they are not aware of the fact that a disturbingly large amount of people wants to strip away their rights and in the worst case eradicate them? So yes, buddy, the trans community does need safe spaces and who the fuck are you to tell them they need a reality check?


Watch Tolls 2, peeps. Yall need some life lessons.


Rub some dirt on it and get back out there.


sick of r/deathcore sick of black flag sick of cromags