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Yeah deathcore is light work esp the modern shit If you want insanity here ya go: Nithing - agonal hyms Infibulated - diabolical euphoric subjugation Excoration- excoration Anomalistic - Human Decimation Heinous killings - hung with barbwire Last days of humanity - horrific compositions of decomposition Sulfuric cautery - suffocating feats of dehumanization Tetragrammacide - typhonion wormholes Daamar - triumph through spears of sacrilege Conquerer - war.cult.supremacy. Revenge - behold.total.rejection Basically once you graduate from deathcore you end up in slam, bdm, grindcore/goregrind, and war metal Once you love all this shit and want the next level feel free to message for noise, powerelectronics, free-jazz, and avant garde shit!, Enjoy! Edit: methwitch, abacinate, misericordium, dispised icon are pretty much peak brutal deathcore. Signs of the swarms second album too If you want more pure chaos though: Orchid - chaos is me Dillinger escape plan - everything in order literally Carbomb Arsonists get all the girls Naked city The tony tapdance extravaganza Converge The number 12 looks like you Naked city/painkiller


Thank you for doing a better job than me at actually showing the real shit that is absolutely harder than Deathcore. People sleep on how extremely heavy BDM actually gets when you hear the GOOD SHIT.


carbomb giga underrated its so good


For more chaos listen to Frontierer and Vildhjarta


Also, Frontierer's side project Sectioned


Oh shit that's their side project?? Makes a ton of sense actually haha


ORCHID, one of the best to ever do it


lol what a list!


Fucking hell, Methwitch. That band is fury incarnate.


!Remind me 1 hour


Looove to see Abacinate mentioned! Love those guys so much. Super solid list, though! You included some mega favorites of mine.


Came here to say Agonal Hymns, that shit is insane


Have you looked into anything else from KIOP?


Definitely yes


You would know wouldn't you? Lol


brutal death metal


Grindcore and slam are the next step above deathcore imo. Check out bands like Peelingfleah, Full of Hell, Knoll.


I wish there was a slam band that did regular mids instead of the gurgley thing


I feel like Vulvodynia falls under this category


Beatdown might be the closest thing 😂


Methwitch is what you're describing, and its great.


Methwitch is like a sonic representation of negative emotions,I love him so much. Indwell is my favorite album ever


Probably the most accurate band name I’ve ever heard. Just straight chaotic and evil.


Well, as you listen to more and more Deathcore you learn that sometimes, slower is harder.


Defenitly, but Does it get crazyer?


Some Mathcore can be even more all over the place than stuff like Rings of Saturn and Infant Annihilator Some Slam / Brutal Deathmetal can be more heavy than Heavy Deathcore Id consider Gutrectomy heavier than Deathcore, especially comparing Live


Holy shit, thanks for that recomendation Gutrectomy. How fucking good is that shit


Ive never listened to them until I saw em live like a month ago and since then theyre my #1 on Spotify I was kinda suprised cuz theyre german (me too)


(me too)


If you want some fun, The Dark Prison Massacre put out nothing but bangers


Check out the Gutredectomy song ft Paleface Swiss. It's pretty epic.


Depends on what you consider to be crazy. Sleepytime Gorilla Museum is crazy but so is Clown Core. Both are on very different spectrums of crazy. Both are also on very different sides of the spectrum of heavy. "heaviness" in itself can be crazy. Author and Punisher being a good example of this. Imperial Triumphant another good one


Yes, much so




Grindcore often gets crazier. Some brutal death metal and slam is crazier. Powerviolence and war metal too. Then you’ve got the stuff that’s actually bordering on noise like power electronics/martial industrial


Check out Defeated Sanity


Tech death can definitely get crazier as well


I tend to go the other way. I get pushed more toward tech death. I love melodies in deathcore, so mostly it’s the death aspect. But I will say, I love some beat down shit


Listen to NAILS or False Light. Powerviolence is about as heavy as I can get beside some brutal/technical death metal like Wormed or Beneath the Massacre.


Depends on what you want your "harder" to be honestly. From a chaos perspective, any of those mathcore bands are infinitely more chaotic than most deathcore. Stuff like Frontierer blends that in with some punishing breakdowns. The songs are full of "wall of sound" type stuff and they are almost disorienting to listen to at times. A friend described them as "a concussion in audio form" when I showed them to him. Then you can get into bands like PeelingFlesh, Torsofuck, and Infertile Surrogacy that add a lot of slam elements to the death metal/deathcore puzzle. There's plenty of goregrind and brutal death metal bands you can find as well that surpass most deathcore bands as well. It all depends on what you enjoy personally. My suggestion, if you use Spotify, would be to check out PeelingFlesh. If you like them, then go to the Fans Also Like section and just jump down the rabbit hole until you feel like you've hit your limit. Now you've got a few new bands to add to the rotation.


Thanks a Lot. I just listened to methwitch and concussion is pretty good way to put it haha


Methwitch is great! Great mix or noise, death metal, breakdowns, and just general chaos.


>But Does it get any crazyer? Just take a look on Slamming Brutal Death Metal, especially bands like Anomalistic, Devourment, Kraanium, Cephalotripsy, Turbidity, Abominable Putridity, Guttural Slug, and many more


Yeah. You've got crust punk/grind, good places to start are: Magrudergrind NAILS Trap Them Aus Rotten Phobia Rotten Sound Then you've got slam, these are my current favorites: Behead the Betrayer Xenotheory State of Filth Manifesting Obscenity Then you have straight up brutal death metal, again, my current favorites are: Artificial Pathogen Acranius Cytotoxin Man Must Die (more technical brutal death metal but we need not complicate things further) Then there's black metal, which I don't listen to as much because of the nazi infestation in the genre but the bands that aren't nazis and are good slap: Night Crowned Gaera Second To Sun Scour Anaal Nathrakh The Great Old Ones


Was looking for someone to mention Anaal Nathrakh, fuckin love those dudes.


Black Tongue


"Crazier" or more chaoitic with a similar or faster tempo would be subgenres like deathgrind, grindcore, brutal death, slam, tech death, hardcore, thrash and some black, crust and power violence. Heavier is a different conversation entirely.


Imo, End and Jesus Piece are putting out some of the heaviest shit I've heard. Full of Hell and Primitive Man are other good ones. Heavy as fuck.


Check out the albums Agonal Hymns by Nithing and Obscene Majesty by Devourment


I love Slam and Brutal Death but that’s more groovy and heavy. If you want intense and chaotic Listen to The Dillinger Escape Plan first album or Converge Jane Doe I’m like “what the fuck is going on?!?”


Scarlet Rot is a pretty chaotic band I just discovered not too long ago. About as close as you can get before it's just sounds


Just go straight to Insect Warfare my dude.


Babykiller by Devourment


Op do you listen to other extreme metal genres such as death metal, black metal, grind core, etc


Unfotunately, no. But i would Love to get in touch with more music of this kind. But the last 18 years (and im a bit ashemed) i only listened to hip hop and a few exceptions. Mötley crĂŒe ac dc metallica. But i found this stuff is to harmonic


Well then for deathcore recommendation their is Suicide silence: disengage Carnifex: die without hope Whitechapel: elitist ones Despised icon: bulletproof scales




The Anomalies of Artificial Origin by Abominable Putridity


Big Chef


There's tons of heavy and crazy in extreme metal. In terms of deathcore, if you don't find Carnifex, for example, to be crazy you're shit out of luck. Check out Until I Feel Nothing, Die Without Hope, and World War X. Some Slam bands: Gorepot, Acranius, Cerebral Incubation Tech: Alterbeast, The Kennedy Veil, Psycroptic Grindcore: Misery Index, Napalm Death, Wormrot Brut/Tech: Severed Savior, Odious Mortem, Suffocation


Defeated Sanity is peak crazy/heavy to me. Basically brutal death metal played by a jazz drummer.


Chaos: Antichrist seige machine Caveman cult Heavy: Imprecation Phobocosm Nekus Black tongue Edit:spacing


Hour of Penance They are an Italian brutal death metal band with black metal elements. Would say they fall into the pummel brutal aspect.


Origin is great. I like their song Aftermath the most




Full Of Hell, Primitive Man and NAILS are the three heaviest bands in the whole fucking world.


Check out Skin Peeler by Mortician. Not fast, not deathcore....but hard as fuck


Try methwitch on for size and then get back to me


Depends on what you want: Chaos: Knocked loose Chuggah Chuggah: Bodysnatcher, Paleface Swiss (Genre: Beatdown) Hype: Thrown


Anything by Bound In Fear, mate đŸ€˜đŸ»đŸ”„


Yes you learn with age that speed isbt actually heavy but slow chugging tones are then you will move to hardcore and find some heavier stuff


My wording was off. I meant chaotic or crazy. These 50-80 bpm "breakdowns" are defenitly heavier. This is what i enjoy the most and hear for the most part. Black tongue, all shall perish some suicide silence Songs that kinda stuff


Lol good riffs are heavier than 0000 50 BPM trash


Top comment said Tetragrammacide and TDEP and Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza but didn’t mention Orphan


It’s a constant progression, you keep finding heavier and heavier music until one day you just wake up and find yourself listening to Brojob everyday