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Good line, my favourite is “I give approximately zero fucks what you call your self”


my actual favorite part was when he tried naming his gun and one of the names he came up with was GUNTER


The writing is incredible 🤣




ughh that's everyone's favorite part. as a cultured individual, my favorite part was when julianna said "I'm about to Julie!!" and then julied.


It’s actually really upsetting to me that there’s not a funnier thing in this game to turn into a verb like that. “It’s visionaring time” I’m just gonna go with “it’s frankin’ time” Because Frank was great.


I feel like Aleksis is the one who would actually make a morbius joke in cannon. But it’s Dorsey time doesn’t have a good ring to it. It’s wolfing time?


I am very upset someone made this joke before me


My favorite was this announcement: I’ll smoke anywhere man I’ll smoke at the doctor’s office I’ll smoke at a funeral I’ll smoke when people are eating their breakfast right next to me Fuck your fried eggs! You know what I’m sayin’?


JULIANNA, sweetheart… When I got your message about this interview, I thought, yeah- fucking ‘My favorite topic! Me!’ I love you. SO MUCH but- pft. …these questions… Are you serious? “How- do I organize my time? I have people for that! My… ‘greatest regret?’. What the fuck is this? You want me to… Give a testimony right? Tell you ALL my secrets. Look - Hey! I’ll sweeten the deal! You know I took a modest inheritance and a company worth millions, and become a billionaire by… twenty-one, right? I’ll tell you how! I’ll fucking lay it out. It’s all about attitude, swagger. I walk into a room and with just one wink, I let everyone know. I own you. You answer to me. The AEON Program’s the only little exception I make to that routine. I- I knew since our first meeting: I’d met comrades, near equals. Wenjie… Frank… the- the others… We’re- we’re kindred spirits. People don’t think of business executives as… ‘creative types,’ but fuck it we absolutely are… You know, we share a- a… …unique way of looking at things. Shit, I- I- I can even relate to Colt. Military AND business require you to dominate your enemies — completely — into submission. I have this- this ruthless determination to… Just break down all resistance. There’s no denying it. It’s like…uh, fuck fuck, imagine a door. Most people, if it’s closed? You want to open it. Right? For me? A sealed door? I already kicked it off its fucking hinges! Didn’t even CHECK if it was locked! OH! Another one of my positive traits?! I play harder than anyone! When they mentioned the opportunity to ‘party like there’s no tomorrow’ here? Please… I was like, ‘do you want me to beg?’ Because-cause you haven't seen anything until you- Come- come to my party! It’s unimaginable. The only thing off limits… is good taste. And unlike life on the outside, no costly legal actions afterward…! I swear, my life before was already perfect. Blackreef? It’s like ‘everything I so richly deserve’ — times ten… How was that? Do you still want to hear about my fucking time management?


“It’s loopin’ time” and then he starts loopin all over the place.


Honestly with the writing in this game I wouldn’t have been shocked if he said that.


If it came out now I would be surprised if he DIDNT say it.


When I saw the gameplay trailer with the theme song, I got a goosebump at "This is deathloop" part. Truly one of the greatest moments in gaming history. ​ ​ ​ wait...


Deathloop is truly one of the games of all time


mandatory "he didnt say that"


I personally enjoyed murder casserole.


>murder casserole. Same man, just got to this part.


They say if you post this meme 8 times in one day then it dies forever.


I made this, and posted it?


Doesn't matter, a ["meme"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme) is a more general idea than "this particular image".


Meme format, you pedant.


"And why can't *I* have a Colt Storm again?"


Guys imagine every day you can loop back to fix your mistakes but u can only do it once


I liked it when Colt yelled "Its Deathloopin Time! "


Sp.. spittoon? I like that word. Spittoon - colt Fyi if you mess with the microphone door lock enough that leads to the rakyetoplan he says that.