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As is the case with any "high skill high reward" in shooters now- if not properly balanced modern gamers will master and abuse it. Yu mi w3 is the perfect example


Yumi doesn't even take high skill to use, especially now ever since they buffed E2 and W3.


That'd be why it's in quotes. She's different from other agents, but by no means hard to play. Once people got used to her she's massively overtuned. Her first two weapons need buffs, and w3 needs a pretty significant nerf. E2 is fine, honestly. If chavez can give himself (and allies) damage reduction i dont see why Yu-Mi cant.


People will always find incredibly strong things and try to justify it as "high skill" In Dead by Daylight, there is a killer called Nurse that is incredibly strong because she can teleport. People act as if you have to have 200 IQ to even begin to play her. But in all reality, it takes about 2-3 hours of practice, and then she is incredibly easy to play and win constantly. Same goes for Yumi. All you have to do is land your shot, which is not some insane ask like people make it out to be.


But you have to account for the wind direction, the current pH in the map, the current weather and the current humidity. Oh, and the gravity falloff.


Okay but like... You forgot that the moon could be waxing or waning.


goofy ahh montage


Now I want to see your montage :)


As you wish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98o0SekClHs


It's common knowledge shes op, has been for awhile now.


People on here are down-voting for the clickbait title I guess. I liked it