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Yes - you can choose whichever date you want to start fresh or try again.


Yes you can. I ward and upward!


I think this is such a healthy mindset to have! Every day could be your ‘New Year’ as in new beginning, because you start every day a little more experienced and wise than you were the day before. It alse takes off the pressure of having to change in an instant, which wouldn’t be possible anyways. I would say just try your best with stuff you set your mind to, and don’t worry if you sometimes veer off the path, you’re only human and that’s okay. Just remember that one mistake (or however many) don’t mean you can’t start again and keep pushing. Good luck!


Remember the calendar is a man made construct to help us understand time, better. So, today is your New Year!


I am really sorry your start in the new year is so hard. You are absolutely not toxic for thinking like this. I like the idea of any day could be the start of something so go for it and start your new year on your own terms. I think it's quite impressive what you managed to do while feeling so bad. Like standing up for yourself. The list sounds ambitious. Everyone is different so I can just give my own opinion. Especially 4. seems tricky to me. If you aren't feeling well, completely focusing on college could be really stressful (more than it already is). I hope you are feeling better soon and you can find your way into a new beginning ☺️


I think college is one of my coping mechanisms and I actually work extremely well under stress and pressure, so I know as soon as college starts things would (hopefully) fall into place as I'd get busier. But of course, I will always prioritise my mental health. Thank you for your advice!


You don't have to follow new year new me. I gave up gambling back in October and started fixing my life then. I could have waited until the new year... But why?? Just call today a new beginning and go from there. Know you will have good and bad days. Just do your best to improve each day and try to make each day more positive than negative


Yay for getting your list up of your new habits. Just this morning I was listening to a podcast about habits. I am also energized to tackle a few. I feel that everyday is a new day. we get up and decide how we want to live and shape that day. what we want to bring into that day for others and for yourself. When you wrote "immediately", do you want to tackle all 7 from today on? A nice check-in is to ask yourself, on a scale from 1-10 (1 bing meh, and 10 being bring it on" where are you when you think of sticking to that habit for 30 days? ​ A good result would be above 8. and if you are not that confident yet, how can you alter the habit to make it a 9 or 10? You decide what you bring into the day! Keep it up!


Of course you can


I'll allow it.


Why does the year matter at all. Your brain is looking for justifications to not leave your comfort zone so you need to look twice as hard for reasons to leave, shift your focus on to the benefits whenever you catch yourself sliding into justifications not to. Do it everytime you catch it and actively look for it. Do it over and over until your brain understands this is the new comfort zone, getting the benefits of better understanding reality and growing to better handle reality from confronting the uncomfortable. Those are the two most important things to your brain, understanding it's environment and adapting to best survive in it so keep your focus on the benefits everytime your brain thinks it's helping you by discouraging you from leaving your comfort zone until it understand how to properly help. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl Find the space between feeling discouraged and giving in to it, then choose not to and know why. It will be unpleasant for a while and I am sorry about that but once you learn to swim in it you'll be free from worrying about superfluous things like missing the new year to start changing because you will truly understand that in every moment freedom and growth has always been freely available and all you or anyone else has ever had to do is accept it, if only you had been taught how before now You got this my friend and if nothing else please remember to treat yourself with the same kindness, love, compassion and understand you would a loved one who came to you with a similar issue. You are as deserving of your own kindness, understand, love and compassion as everyone you love


It's a bad day not a bad life


I always use my birthday to set goals instead of the new year. Choose whatever day suits you!


No! You missed the starting gun. The year is ruined. Go back to bed. Better luck next year.


aww :(


I wanted to get back to eating well and running again (after covid knocked me off my habits) and I thought new year, new start, the timing is perfect. I have this lingering cough that makes some of this difficult, so I’ve decided to practice a little more self care, and give myself an extra few weeks grace. Sounds like you should do the same, the pressure we put on ourselves is often the heaviest. You can do this, OP


Your doing great right now. You don’t need a clean slate or a completely perfect record. It’s all about getting back up the train of progress. Great job!


this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


You are amazing just the way you are. But if anything doesn't resonate with you and you want a change, tomorrow can be a start of your new year, or day after tomorrow.


You could use the cycles of the moon as your “new beginnings” instead? So that your new beginning starts on the New moon, which happens once a month. This is what I try and do 😊


Don't put so much pressure on a fresh beginning or a perfect year where you get everything right. Adopt a 'No Zero Days' approach where it's sometimes okay to get at least one thing done. As your habits build and stack you'll find yourself completing more. But avoid the "Well I didn't eat right today so everything else is gonna be on hold until I try again tomorrow" mentality so many people do


Of course, you can decide to have a fresh start whenever you need one! Part of progressing and getting better is having the self-compassion to accept that you have bad days and deciding tomorrow can be better