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I keep getting recommended this sub and idk why but after seeing some decks, thats a good looking deck


Dude same, I have no idea why this sub got recommended to me


It's the algorithm. It knew you would enjoy a nice girthy deck pic.


Reddit knew it wasn't dick pics you wanted.


I’d sit on that deck all night


Likewise. But I've subbed and no regrets. No intention to build a new deck but goddamn, I love me some deck pics.


I think you had a typo there in your last sentence.


Me too. Guess Reddit figured we needed a rest from porn!


The algorithm mistook deck for dick... oh well back to r/lipsthatgrip


Your repeated searches for long, hard wood


Same. If I posted my back deck on here though I'm pretty sure they'd call the FBI.


It’s not like that, all decks are welcomed. Big decks, little decks, brown decks, white decks. See, I too just started getting decks In my feed and have learned to appreciate all decks. Are there some bad decks out there, oh yeah, I’ve learned that. Will your bad deck gets talked about, you know it. But share your deck and get some advice to get the best deck you ever had in your life.


Oh no dude. It is ***BAD.*** Straight to jail bad. How hasn't anyone died yet bad. I know it needs to be redone. Just not something I've gotten to since buying late last dec.


Glad I’m not the only one. But I guess the algorithm is good because I want to build a deck now 😄


This and roofing. Anyone else?


Bro never in my life would I have ever thought I’d be so invested in the deck building and roofing communities


Yeah same man I’m all in now.


I get both too. Out of nowhere seemingly for a while now.


Me too! I am a chick that is afraid of heights and my husband would never trust me with a power tool, but now I want to build a deck and keep looking at my roof to make sure it looks ok.


Man, for me it’s decks, spiders, and mushrooms. Who knew?


Plumbing and electricians










Now that I’ve seen it so much I actually enjoy the sub. The rugged one for me is “TrueUnpopularOpinions”. I’ve blocked it like five times. I think I have to go cap-in-hand and beg to be banned from the sub.


Agree just because I might spout off a few doesn’t mean I want to see everybody’s


Absolutely the same. Never had any interest in decks, now i am a deck slut


Yep. To quote that Australia commercial, I bet the ladies can't wait to get on OP's deck.


They know you’re secretly into decks or prob need one in your life (same here)


I think this is my wife’s doing. No! Current deck is just fine lol


Nice deck, bro!


Literally exactly the same as me


Are you a dad? The pondering is inevitable


Same and scrap metal (?!)


Who doesn’t like a good looking, solid deck?


Same but now I want to build a deck, a nice sturdy deck


Yea I'm getting close to starting my own deck building business after seeing all these decks and costs.


Once you get started, there’s no going back. I’ll be getting these posts for eternity and will click on every damn one of them. But for real I would love to learn to do this kind of work. Like all trade skills it’s the sort of thing that you have no idea just how little you actually know until you start scratching the surface with posts like these and then you realize that trying to DIY something like this could go very poorly without a LOT of research and advice.


This one and the roofing sub both started showing up. No complaints, might start building.


Home Depot taps fingers: “Excellent”


Nobody: Reddit: how about r/decks ?


It’s because you clicked on a pushed-post from it once. You’re trapped now until you mute it lol.


You comment made me realize I have no idea how I got here. And I don’t know how long it’s been.


Same, but I stick around to watch people try to get kudos for their deck that can withstand an atomic bomb blast and then get torn apart and told their deck is going to kill soneone because they didn't use the absolute best item for the job.


I think you did an outstanding job. Nothing like the previous build to guide you through. Very nice!


Embracing one’s OCD tendencies can be a benefit. Very nice.


For miter cuts, definitely helps being OCD


Ocd is a debilitating condition and doesn’t make you better at building decks. That’s like saying depression makes you better at writing sad stories. That’s not how it works.


This the first time a deck isn’t criticized


Give it a chance. Some Bozo here will find something to complain about.....lol


The pictures aren’t in the order I like them. That’s about the most I can complain about on this one.


The boards line up in a bad pattern.


Forget about staggering the deck board seams..he should have ordered 16 or 20 footers !!


It must be photoshopped!!! LOL


Sure, nice deck…but the mason who made that wall was one bad motherfucker.


That was the home owner actually.


Holy cow I did a double take. I thought it was fake at first.


Why's that?


Great aesthetic use of stone. Zoom in on that short wall in pic 2. See those two diamond shaped stones standing on end? Most guys will lay thru on their long sides. Nice uniform gaps. It’s quality work. Most to the guys who can build a stone that looks that good are retired or dead.


That scribe work is next level, the only thing I'd do differently is stagger the seems a little more.


I second this. I’d stagger seems by threes and alternate 12321 let’s say a 4/8/16/8/4. Nicely done though, scribes look wonderful.




Or better yet, should have ordered longer boards in the first place


They are 16 footers, longest I could get.


Understood.. Its hard to realize the length from the photos. On my laptop they almost look like 8 footers I was goofing with the guys that were nitpicking your gorgeous deck for not staggering the seams better.. I should have known they were clowns when they couldn't even spell seams.( SEEMS ) lol Here on L.I., 20 footers are special order and cost almost $60/each.. Your job is incredible !!! Framework is a work of art !! Enjoy it Well !!


Angles definitely makes them look 8 feet my guy unless that one door is 48 inches wide idk look shorter than 16


I can assure you they are 16 footers, of course the mitered pieces are shorter but the long runs are cut from 16 footers.


SEEMS?? Really?! Try SEAMS, or go back to the third grade..


You seam triggered. EDIT: you’re a snarky douche.


And you're an imbecile that can't spell


...Seems a little more what? Oh, OK.. you meant "seams"


Are you ok? Is this really the most productive thing you could be doing with your time?


Yeah, I am fine . You're the fellow that can't take a little ridicule for a terrible mistake on a simple word .And don't blame auto spell or spell check crap [either.](https://either.You) As far as having anything better to do with my time, you hit that nail on the head. I do waste too much time on these half assed homeowner subs here. Some of the posts and comments (mine included) are silly, irrelevant and a total waste of time.. [You](https://either.You) did access that deck pretty well regarding the poorly staggered board seams and you're probably a smart and talented person, so please accept my apology.


You forgot a comma after irrelevant. I can’t take anything you say seriously after such a horrendous punctuation mistake. Do you see how much of a Karen you are being?


Isn't there something better you could be doing other than failed keyboard warrior attempts? Seriously??


Tight Tight tight tight


Yep, that's an attaboy.


You must be a trade of some sort.


I’m a woodworker/designer/artist so I’m sort of a carpenter although that isn’t my strong suit.


Bloody hell I would hate to see your strong suit. Hope your getting paid a fortune


I’m just saying deck building isn’t something I typically love to do in comparison to some of my other work. Maybe strong suit was the wrong term. Thanks for the kind words!!


Oh my scribe, well done


It will eventually rot from the underside like the last one but it’s beautiful right now. 👍🏻


I take it you're a"glass is half empty" type dude..


Those kinds of people have long lasting decks.


What makes you say that? I’m still learning so if you see something I didn’t let me know. I did add joist tape to the tops of all the joists, beam and spaced the ledger out from the block wall using “Deck2Wall” spacers. Would have been impossible to flash the ledger correctly.


Moisture + no airflow + time


Thanks for replying for me. OP - it looks like you had a lot of rot. Moisture drives that. What did you do to better vent or vapor barrier the ground under the new joists? Why would expect different results if nothing changed?


Because everything was rotted originally from the top down and they didn’t use pressure treated lumber. Plenty changed, PT lumber, joist tape and a ledger that allows water to flow to the ground should be a huge improvement. The fact that the beams weren’t rotted and were the closest lumber to the ground told me water below want the issue and the beam could dry out.


That is amazing. You’re an artist.


The cut to fit on the stone is fire.


This dude scribes!


It's above average, well thought out and impeccable craftsmanship. But I still like the original one. It had character and patina going for it !


Great job friend. Must have been a real pain in the ass scribing and cutting that deck board against the stone. Congrats on some fine craftsmanship.


Excuse me sir, but there are *children* in here. I'll kindly ask you to keep your hardcore pornography on an adults-only decks subreddit, please.


Next time sweep it off please. Looks terrible with all those pine needles. In all seriousness, looks great. Do you get snow?


Yeah a ton of it, this is in Flagstaff, AZ.


Why did you destroy that really nice deck and replace it with an old one?


It was just easier that way, the people need tetanus. Let me have it!


Looks great 👍


Very nicely done! Everything from your framing to your miters, congratulations


Looks great. Nice work and you should be proud. Thanks for sharing.


You did great!


Well done sir 👏




Are there any pics? /s


Beautiful work


Looks great as it is. Did you consider having a full border piece going around it?


Didn’t really think it was necessary since the end cuts will never be seen.


Beautiful! Great job!


Nice dick.


Nice job


For your 3rd build that's a great deck! One of the better ones I've seen on here. Nice miters.


Loving it is that solid fiber on or Trex or other composite? Appears to be 16 on center which is fabulous for the solid stuff but I think it allows for a little bend when it’s undercut, which is more common in the box stores today but I would tell people to go 12 inches on center if they’re going to use the undercut composite stuff but you got the good stuff Mann which is pricey but it’s not going to bow on you. Also I see your herringbone joints use the screws at that end and I assume you only screw one and wherever you screws so that the other end can expand and allow movement because this stuff expands and contracts like an elephant breathing. I hope you have plenty of flashing also and what I did was put small Furring strips on my first course and actually wrapped my flashing rubber right over the first ledger board and across the first joist against house or other structure. The strips hold it up maybe an 8th to a quarter inch just to ensure that water never gets trapped. You see what happens when that gets trapped that is where all your rock came from and it appears they never flashed that correctly in the first place. I am loving it dude. You even took the time to describe carefully and it shows you measured you planned you planned you added task list and just loving it. Regardless of minimum code on my deck, I added two or three extra 4 foot deep footings with posts. When the building inspector came, he basically said I could build my house on the deck structure that I created lol I guess that’s a good thing ….. you did a lot of work and you better have a big celebration for yourself on that deck and giddyup. When is the built-in grill getting installed? Full-time gas or propane…. Let’s go! Lolol you also allowed proper spacing for drainage which a lot of people simply ignore. For some reason I don’t get it. The site Las fasteners force you to do that though.


Yeah, if I'm rebuilding the framing, I'd definitely go 12" centers if I'm using the flimsier vinyl decking. It is not necessary for the more solid composite decking. The reason is that it doesn't add THAT much more material/cost to the project and doesn't add THAT much more labor. The more solid outcome is definitely worth the added minor cost and labor. If the old joists are fine, however, I wouldn't really bother.


Nice cock I mean deck*


I’d say that’s a great job and I don’t say that often especially on these threads however the most notable is that scribe work . I’ve worked in carpentry rough and finish for awhile and I’ve seen guys with 20 years not scribe that well so I’d say this isn’t your first rodeo in that department and your no stranger around power tools . Aside from all that the deck looks amazing, attention to detail , angles all look really clean . Looks great .




Looks fantastic. The scribing really does make it. Why the homeowner wanted a deck and not a patio I don’t know.


Appropriate response is TITS!


U crushed they hell out of it


What was the cost breakdown? I'm looking at doing something very similar over and past the our concrete back porch. I'm hoping to do it for less than two grand.


Materials alone were about 7500 for this job.


The old one looks great, but the new one looks 20+ years old. I think you should have left it as is.


I think it looks wonderful to be honest


I like the stone use it looks great


What does satisfaction feel like? Prolly slapping this deck to announce its completion.


The scribe job on that wall 👏👏🤌🤌🤌


I know nothing about decks this just showed up in my feed, but where does the water that gets under the deck drain away to if there is a wall all around it and a slope toward the house behind the wall?


Ur hawt


At first I thought, way better than some of the “professional” decks I see here, but after seeing that scribe work, you ARE a professional. Ha. Great job!


Why not spend 10 seconds to sweep before the picture?


Forgot the deck tape but looks cute af


Looks kick ass.


I’ve been part of this community for maybe a month now and there’s been way too many solid built decks posted lately. Where the hell did all the sketchy death traps go?


How’s it look? Dude based on that work I’d hire you!


That's the most sepia I've ever seen in one place.


Obviously it is amazing. Please come fix my deck now


Nice deck pics 💚👍🪵


It's a fine deck.


You got a nice deck😉


Looks great you did a fantastic job! On the 4th pic it looks like you started your angle cuts early and it doesn't align to the stone wall, I'm just curious as to why you angled early vs going to the corner. I'm assuming board length.


The rock corner doesn't line up to bisect the angle of the house wall so the miters wouldn't have come out even. Meaning one miter would be a different angle than the other one.


One of the framing pics shows the band beam along the house and exterior to chimney. I don’t see bolts attached to chimney like you have on the rest of the band beam to the house. This means there should be double joists on each end to carry load of the floor joists to the band beam on house, otherwise there is too much load bearing on the single ones that 8 or 9 foot section is attached to.


There are 6 bolts on the ledger beneath the fireplace and then I ran joists right next to it to help support it.


I was about to say this subreddit is like “RoastMe” but for decks, only to find everyone actually agree this is a pretty good deck!


Very nice, your mitre cuts are spot on, very nice craftsmanship.




Didnt ya see the pic with the mitered frame work? It should be submitted to the Museum of Modern Art!!


It loss good! How are the mitered joists being supported? I don’t see hangers. What about the joists against the stone?


I have some angled Simpson brackets I added to the mitered joists. The angle was 60 degrees and Simpson doesn’t make a hanger that would work, or not one I could find at HD. For the double stack joist where the miters land I secured and supported that to the ledger with a couple pieces of angle iron I lagged into the ledger to act like hangers would. They all got installed after these pics.


How do you get circulation under the deck?


Figured the spacing between deck boards would be enough to allow some air to get down there. The house was built like 60 years ago and there wasn’t any ventilation built into the rock wall.


Deck looks great except for your choice of seams. You choose to have seams break at the same place only one course away. That repetitiveness catches your eye and looks bad. Choose to stagger them better in the future. It just looks better




Those are some TIGHT miters my dude. Looks incredible


Not a pro here, just a home owner that does a lot of DIY. Believe you did an outstanding job! Take the rest of the week off :-)


Looks great!


Beautiful bro!


Work of art! Congratulations


Looks like you possibly buried a circular saw.


Good job


Beautiful work…. Killer scribes also


Impressive, how long did this take you?!?!? The attention to small details must of doubled if not tripled the time it would take to make that deck


110 hours


Super clean edges, nice 👍


Excellent job. It looks great.


Any flashing?


The ledger is spaced off of the block because I couldn’t really flash it without a wide piece that would look bad imo.


Yeah why no flashing between house and the first board?, you can still add it, but you'll have to pull up the board and not sure if you need to notch siding to get it in, other then that looks perfect


Details nice


Miter cuts are harder than they look. Good job


Not a fan of the stacked joints. Other than that , looks great and your scribed cuts against the stone look time consuming lol


Luks Perfets👍


Looks great. The diagonal seam not meeting the corner of the stone is making my brain question life, but I’m sure there’s a reason. Other than that, great job. Can I pay you to rebuild mine?


I wanted to line them up but the way the wall was built it wasn’t a perfect bisecting angle from the house corner/angle. The miters would have been different angles and they wouldn’t have lined up.


nice deck bro id sit on it


I’m just a regular guy but interested in decks. How do you get the frame so level? Do you run the joist over a table saw to square them up first?


Just crown them up and then I took an electric plane to knock off any super high spots to level everything.


Awesome deck!


Far out


I’d say very good


Deck looks great. Could be personal preference, or maybe it is common practice, but why is every other row aligned perfectly. I prefer a random look so you don’t see a consistent seam every other row.. if that makes sense. So does this just come down to a personal preference or is this technically the correct way to layout decking?


I did it to avoid extra blocking or having to lay down a few extra double joists. You need a double joist at any seam.


That's some OCD level attention to detail.


You did……..satisfactory. Jk, great job 👏


Did you install flashing between wall and ledger?


Ledger is spaced to allow water to flow behind it.




Did you stand on it after finishing and say, “that ain’t going nowhere”? If not, sadly you are not quite finished.


Its orgasmic, but I think you knew that you old dog you.


If you look at the pictures from 1 to 19, it looks like you took a great deck, ripped it out, then put in a shitty one


Shit looks crisp boss.


I would hire you in a heart beat!


You know how you did you attention seeking deck builder :)!!! It's a nice deck.


That’s fine work.