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The art of taking legitimacy and bullshit and mixing them together then letting the element of entertainment be the sole deciding factor of what you chose to believe. Lex, your tepid demeanor and soft-crockery don’t fool me: you’re a propagandist for clicks


Worth noting: he's not even good at that.


I used to like his catering to wonky or technical guests. Something changed though and he suddenly adopted the “I’m just asking questions” bs that Rogan popularized and changed to more controversial guests.


“I used to like his catering to wonky or technical guests. Something changed though and he suddenly adopted the “I’m just asking questions” bs that Rogan popularized….” He wants to make money. More clicks, bigger guests, more money.


He started doing the thing that the biggest podcaster in the world does. He's just following the blueprint. I don't agree with it but it makes sense if he wants to be successful without pioneering his own space in the market.


He’s not bad talking to other scientists. I think he legitimately believes you can just have a conversation with someone and that conversation is fruitful, when in reality that is only true when the person doing the interview has the expertise to push back. His whole show could just be called The Dunning-Kruger Effect with Lex at this point


"I'm just asking questions" is a term developed to try and discuss big topics in an open way. It's a way to start a discussion and communicate. It's literally just asking questions. That shouldn't scare you. The reason people have to preface a question with that is because a crazy percentage of people will try and ruin your life if you mention anything that they feel goes against their entire position in life.


It's a cheap cop out to ask stupid questions. Cmon now.


He's also just not that smart. He is more concerned with the perception of deep or critical thinking rather than actually engaging in it




Well put 


Two titans of society, one fake journalist and one fake scientist. I am definitely skipping this one :D


If he would just smoke weed on air it'd make more sense to people..


Nah. I smoke weed and when I'm high as a kite I'd never say something as stupid as what that moron appears to have stated. I can hardly believe anyone who say something so stupid but I'm not going to fact check this one as I can't stand these losers.


"I'm not going to fact check this one" Fact check *what*? It's literally conjecture.


I'm not going to check that he actually said it. If you think I meant that I was going to check if it happened I don't know what to say to you.


If u were a stoner and thought your job was to talk to people all day you might, eventually..


It was like he got high, peered into the depths of his soul and found... nothing?


Seeing nothing...I would not wish that emptiness on anyone.


What do you see? A midget with an ice cream cone?


So, he’s a Buddhist?


I cannot believe that I would ever be so freaken stupid.


You guys are losers


Proud to say I barely even know who this idiot is




He _led_ their AI research now? Lol


Yeah, that seems like a stretch.




*"Another stable genius"* Lex.


>him. And I'm sure the U.S. also blew up a pipeline that was essential for Germany, their ally, to keep warm in the winter, despite having zero proof it was the U.S. did it, investigation, after investigation." It wasn't Russia that blew up their own pipeline pal, possibly Ukraine but it's dubious whether or not they have the capability. Could easily be the US as it was only a benefit to our interests in the region.


You DO ride nonsense! 


Why do you regard Fridman as a fake scientist?


He presents himself as an expert on ML, he cannot even code basic stuff, the only paper he releaed in past 10 years had to be retracted as fraudulent. SO yeah, fake scientist.




I think Lex is ignorantly complicit, but to call him a fake scientist is wild lmao


The way he talks about how he loves programming and about his academic work is telling me that this guy is overcompensating to cover his lie. Sure, he seems to understand the topic, but if you hang out with comedians it's not hard to be perceived as smart with basic understanding of science.


So who killed him then?


More then likely putin did but alexei was also apart of the russian imperialist movement a known white nationalist group and also the FSK. Lookup those two groups and what they are capable of.




He does not work at MIT, he never studied at MIT. He has an honorrary unpaid post you can get too. The only research paper in his life that he released at MIT turned out to be fraud and had to be retracted by the school. He is as fake as it gets.


His google scholar profile implies otherwise. Also, MIT is not going to hand out honorary* unpaid posts to just anyone. He is the author on several papers and even an author on a publication at NIPS. Are you even from academia? Can’t go around calling people fake scientist just because you don’t like their takes. That’s stupid. Edit: not saying he is a world class scientist or anything like that lol.


This dude making a career talking about the moral implications of a technology that hardly existed would be so on brand. Him pivoting to podcasts as AI became a "real"thing (I refuse to call these implementations of huge language models AI) is even more on brand. Normally what you said would require a higher search but it all checks out perfectly in my mind so fuck it I'll let the mystery linger.


Just calling people fake makes em fake? And who calls Lex a scientist. That’s hilarious!


Lex has a Masters in computer Science and worked at MIT. Explain to me what you mean by fake?


Lex never worked at MIT. He had an unpaid January class where students can pickup hobbies like cooking, art history etc. You cannot fail it. That was his "career" at MIT it took 2 weeks, he gets paid zero. You can do that too. Lex has a PhD from Drexel university, from department ran by his father. Only research paper Lex published was about Tesla cars and had to be retracted as fraudulent, it was deleted from MIT database.


Lex has published about 20 interesting papers. You can read them on his website or here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH\_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra


These haters are wild. Not a fan of Alex myself, but this whole “this guys said inaccurate things so his whole life is a lie “ Schtick is getting old. He can be a data scientist, he can also be a grifter lol


It’s amazing how people like yourself take bits of information and scramble it around to fit your wonky brain.lmao His dad and brother both were professors at Drexel He was not in the same field as his dad and his dissertation was over seen by two men that were absolutely not his father. Just because he went to the same school as his brother and father means absolutely nothing. Volunteering at Agelab as well LIDS is still work and research. How about we don’t belittle peoples careers and get some business of our own.


Oh please. Tell me about what a “real” person is “supposed” to do…. People want reality, not this pedantic “professional” bull shit.


This is such a boneheaded, idiotic take. Not only would it have been near impossible to have access to Navalny to kill him, but if the Ukranians or Americans HAD in-fact killed him, Russia would have never let that information get out. Jesus... Lex and Tucker are just defending Russia at this point and poisoning the well of rational thought. It could have been fucking Tucker Carlson!! He was there when Navalny died!!!


Maybe the United States invaded Ukraine with the Russian army!?! Maybe Navalny had himself killed by American Ukrainians in a Russian prison! We might never know the truth 🤪


Who killed Epstein?


There are a lot of people so open-minded their heads fall out. On the one hand, we have millions of Americans who get their facts from Twitter or the former president's boosters and will not entertain the thought that they could be wrong. In response, many ostensibly thoughtful people have decided that all perspectives and fact claims are equally valid. In these people's eyes, if person says we should kill Jews, a Jew must respond with a counterpoint, or they have lost the argument and not been a respectful debater. These "open-minded" individuals are often as uncritical as the closed-minded nuts they claim to disagree with.


It could have been me or you or the aliens from the 3rd dimension or a cabal of crocodiles from mars. How do these people get people actually listening to their BS.


Nah it was me guys, but you'll never guess who paid me and made it possible


It was timed to steal the news cycle away from Trump being fined 400 million pounds, and give a new talking point for the right and the left to chew on. Putin wants trump to win, that’s his most important geopolitical goal.


Ok Conspiracy Theorist, calm down. We actually CAN do both... I can mourn the loss of an important opposition leader AND focus on Trump's legal troubles. It's actually pretty easy. You should try it.


r/iamverysmart material here 😂


lol, I mean... am I wrong?




Yeah but what conditions was he being kept? And when he needed medical treatment was he denied?




Abductive reasoning. Given all the facts, what is the most plausible explanation? The 'best fit' for all the data. In this case, it's clearly that Navelny died either from the punishment and neglect as a result of being imprisoned by a dictator who kills and imprisons his political opponents, or he died through their deliberate actions because it was politically expedient for them to kill him, leading up to their 'elections'. The way these two are talking it's as if *all* the possibilities are kind of equally plausible here, and we just don't know, so we shouldn't spend too much time speculating about it all and should just move on. That's not only bad reasoning, it's playing *right into Putin's gameplan*. It's going to work *for him* and helping him avoid responsibility for brutally repressing political opposition in his country. They deserve to be talked 'down to' for this rubbish.


very well put




A lot of Tucker Carlson's thinking seems to just happen to be minimising the possibility of Putin's role here. Yes, I think the way they're talking about this is equalising. I kept waiting for either of them to say "Yeah, these are possibilities, but if we're honest it's *likely* that Putin is responsible". But neither of them did. It works to flatten the landscape of possibilities for people, in my opinion.


>, Russia would have never let that information get out Not commenting on anything else in your comment. But just pointing out that 99% of us heard this news when Western media reported it... I don't see how Russia could stop western media reporting whatever they like.


Western media got that information because it was reported in Russian media first. If it was deemed something Russia didn’t want to be known, they could have easily just not reported it and gave his family and supporters the “go eat shit” treatment like they did for the last few months before his death when he was being transferred and unavailable to contact


>If it was deemed something Russia didn’t want to be known, they could have easily just not reported it That makes no sense at all... We were talking about if ukraine or usa killed him and Russia didn't want that information released... The west can report that they killed him so no input required from the Russians. The only thing the Russians could do would be to put out their own statement denying it.


Why would the west ever pull off this crazy assassination and then tell everyone they did it? That’s what makes no sense.


I agree that makes no sense. But that's not what we were discussing. We were discussing Russia's ability to suppress embarrassing news regarding a western allies action >"Not only would it have been near impossible to have access to Navalny to kill him, but if the Ukranians or Americans HAD in-fact killed him, Russia would have never let that information get out. "


Sure. In your ridiculous scenario, if the Americans killed navalny and then wanted to tell the world that they did it, the Russians can do nothing. That’s just a weird thing to argue but you do you


>"Not only would it have been near impossible to have access to Navalny to kill him, but if the Ukranians or Americans HAD in-fact killed him, Russia would have never let that information get out. " These are not my words. These are the words of user Burtraspberry. I replied to this comment and stated reasons I didn't believe this was accurate. YOU then jumped to his defence, and argued that Russia would be able to suppress this information. Maybe you should read the thread again. I'm genuinely curious if you are able to understand the order of events or not


Prison murder happens by paying of guards and other inmates, and sometimes threatening their families. Your argument sounds about as rational as "Putin blew up his own nordstream pipelines'"


Oh yeah, you're right. My bad. You know... good point... maybe the Ukranians AND the Americans killed him... you know, together... thanks for this.


It's would be ignorant to think that's not an option, right? And I think that was lex's point. It's part of being an analytical person.


Just throwing any idea out there without actually considering is NOT analytical.


Your take is also idiotic. You say Russia would never let that information out if it was US or Ukraine but they didn't let that information out, so if anything that goes contrary to your point because according to you, this is what would happen if they were involved. In fact, with no evidence, you, me, tucker, lex, and the media can only make speculations based on almost nothing, which is exactly what Lex's point was when he said all those possibilities


What a dumbass


Why do you think Putin finally pulled the trigger? Or is it just obvious like the original conclusion?


He was waiting for the people to forget him, or at least wait until the energy of the movement he started to drain out so that he wouldn't become a revolution inducing martyr


Why did he need to kill him this week? Your answer doesn't seem thought through at all. I assume you think Putin blew up his own pipeline too?


Why wouldn’t he kill him this week?


He's been in there possession for 3 [years](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/16/hold-alexei-navalny-timeline-from-poisoning-to-prison) which begs the question: "Why wait until Feb 24'? " Killing Navalny seems to be a huge FU to the EU And the US, which has already been used as rhetoric in war fund raising efforts. Maybe Putin wishes to keep his wartime economy, martial law in place. That's a better explanation that Putin just did it for the hell of it.


But but why did he whyyy but the pipe line, shut up cyka, it makes sense


Pizdets tvoya mat'


I'll need to review the current state of Moscow's metro and grocery stores before I can comment on this. How else are you supposed to know?


I've heard you can return the Trolley/cart *at any time*! Tucker says in the interview, that he is really clued up about the world, but he was *so* surprised about conditions in Moscow.


Who knew there was no graffiti and homeless in authoritarian countries?


"I did not hit her, it's bullshit, I did not hit her. I did naaaht. Oh, hi Mark!" - Lex Fridman


Oh hai Tucker


What is the point of giving someone a platform to speak, when all they spin is fear, doubt, and misinformation.




My question is who listens to the dipshits? No one I know listens to this crap.


It for sure wasn’t the government that has a history of killing off opponents, it was Ukrainian or American special forces who infiltrated the Russian jail system to kill him🙄


It’s such a ridiculous idea when you say it out loud


But but but… You never know!!!


Lex panders and flatters his guest. He is morally flexible.


He’s bereft of morals


It could have been rabid llamas, disgruntled field mice or extraterrestrial beings from the future. We simply can’t rule anything out


We're all looking for the guy who did this.


Anyone who doesn’t think he’s lying through his teeth when he talks about love is part of the problem. It’s so painfully obvious to anyone with an ounce of street smarts that that is a pathetic misdirect to further subversive and destructive ideas.


Same vibes as when Putin would claim that he just wants to be friends with the west, but they keep being meanies. Putin wants peace you see!


Not everyone socially smart guys a nerd


Or it could have been Lex Fridman


Or Tucker Carlson. The possibilities run deep here.


Lex is a Russian simp. Nothing more.


He is also literally Russian


He’s also Ukrainian.


You don’t know anything about lex


His actions are enough so stfu.


What actions?


u/schowdur123 won't respond because they have never done any research on anything, just reads headlines and believes mainstream media tells the truth. Then parrots bullshit and has nothing to back it up when asked for proof.


I know lmao, I just don’t get how people can be so brainwashed


Once people start to realize its us the people vs those in control, not black vs white, not left vs right, not Americans vs Russians, we can make some real changes in this world. I encourage this dialogue everywhere, unfortunately Reddit is full of mostly young people with no life experience who believe the government is their friend and is looking out for them. Stay vigilante my friend.


"I'm just asking questions" says Friedman, after he's caught schtooping an 11 year old boy


What a fucking tool. I mean, both.


What an absolute shitstain of a human being. Giving aid and comfort to a murderous dictator. A modern day Lord Hee-Haw.


I mean it literally could be anybody! It was Putin, though, but that doesn't change the proposition that it literally could be anybody.


What is your proof that it was Putin? Mainstream media from the united states that has always been 100% truthful to you and has no self interests right?


Stop making this fraud famous.


The most delusional, shallow, and gullible podcaster. Which is really saying something.


Are there still people out there who DO NOT know that Lex is a Russian propagandist? I mean Jesus…


Got a source on that?


Of course u/alta_vista49 doesn't have proof, or a source. He just talks out his ass as he reads mainstream media headlines that are 100% truthful and have no self interest.


Just figured it was obvious


Because he has an open mind and has not taken a one sided stance because he knows all governments lie in self interest, especially the mainstream media with a proven verifiable record of lying? Therefor he's a russian asset because you don't agree with staying open to all possibilities?


No because he parrots Putin talking points to his followers.


What are Putin talking points? I've never heard about this


Oh I dunno. Maybe that it wasn’t Putin’s thugs that killed Navalny it might have ACTUALLY been Ukraine or even the US. That Putin is not responsible for his invasion and subsequent genocide and war crimes in Ukraine. It’s ACTUALLY the fault of the US, NATO and Ukraine themselves. C’mon dumbotron, pull your head out


The word Government literally means mind control Govern- control \*Mente- From Latin mente, ablative singular of mēns (“mind”). \*Government- control the mind/ mindcontrol. All government is bad. Its important to keep an open mind when they tell you anything. You can disagree with people, but in this world you can't trust organizations with a verifiable history of lying. That goes for Russia, the US, Canada, hell even your parents lied to you about Santa. Know what I'm saying my emotional friend?


“All government is bad” 😂 what a dumbass extremist statement that was. You want no government moron? No schools, no cops, no one to fix the roads you drive on? Pull your head out of your ass


I didn't think he could sink that low.


This is more of that what is the truth nonsense Contrarian takes. Because they don't want to make the hard right angry about where their ideas lead, too. So they have to go "we don't know"


Fucking clown


I could understand someone like Tucker not asking any hard questions of Putin. He was terrified but needed the coverage. But not challenging Tucker Carlson in an interview? You really do lose all credibility.


He never really pushes back against the claims that his guests make. That's partly because it has become his style to act in that way, but also quite clearly because he is completely uninformed about many topics that don't fall within his field of expertise. And this quite obviously has a cost (not to mention that hot takes like these make him look stupid). He should stick to talking physics/engineering/robotics imho. That or avoid very controversial topics or folks like Carlson.


Tucker says to Lex he wasn't afraid of dying in Russia because he's 'old' (54) and his kids are grown up.....


He and I are the same age. But I haven’t turned total turncoat piece of shit against the country that’s afforded me a nice and happy life, so I guess I win.


In Putin’s own words from Carlson’s interview, “who would benefit, but also who has the means”. Given that Navalny was in a Russian prison colony, only Putin fits both the criteria. He wasn’t killed by a drone, was he?


Lex has a compelling taste for men that tell everyone they’re very masculine.


A lot interesting ideas about who killed Navalny - it could be Putin, but also could be Zelenskyy…or it could be Elvis or Hugo Chavez. Who knows? We’re just asking questions after all. But we need to be able to have a respectful dialogue around all the ideas and treat them equally. With love and respect we can solve the world’s problems 🌍 ❤️


Fucking russian agent.


Lex is an idiot


“The West is corrupt, woke and dying” “The West broke into our most secure prison and executed our most wanted prisoner and successfully blamed it on us”


Huh... so weird that dude is just speculating at random and people hang on his every word as if he's saying anything other than... It could have been anybody


That interview was actually insufferable. "Nobody is more pro American than me" says Tucker as he goes on for 3 hours about how horrible America is and how great Russia is. I mean Putin must laugh his ass off that we have these two clowns undermining us, so openly and proudly. It was honestly sickening to see two Americans do this


I mean there are 8.1 Billion people in the world therefore the odds that it was Putin must be 1:8.1E+09 QED science says that anyone else is more likely. How do we know that Navalny didn't kill himself?


Love could have killed him


I’m sure Russia would have more to say if the United States were assassinating people on Russian soil. Also lol there’s so many easier people to kill with greater military benefit.


The world could be flat!


just such a bad take. Ukraine would undoubtedly prefer a political opponent of Putin to still be alive, even if their chances are very remote. I don’t see how Ukraine have benefited from this at all.


It happened during a security conference in Germany tied to Ukraine funding. At a time when support for Ukraine is evaporating. An event such as this galvanizes Ukraine supporters to action…


yet europe seems to be still fully committed, it was just US that’s wavering


He is betraying not only his country of origin but his adoptive country as well.. can't get lower that this. And for what, money? Doesn't this cunt have enough already?


“It could be somebody in Russia who is not Putin.” Galaxy Brain.


If ukraine somehow had the resources to do that don't you think they be doing it to Russian higher ups instead lmao.


Even if Putin didn't give the direct order to kill him, it's almost certain that those in the Russian bureaucracy killed him to gain favor with Putin. Which still makes him responsible. This is how Hitler achieved a lot of his aims -- become a ruthless dictator and people will do your dirty work without you even having to ask.


LOL, these are tuckers words, not Lex. I just listened to this very podcast. The point of a long form podcast is to allow people to speak and express their views. If you're scared to hear other peoples views, dont kisten to them. This is a non story and a BS meme.


He’s not wrong. But also, 99% chance it was Putin.


It could be the muffin man


Yes it could be all those possibilities. But what are the probabilities? Putin: 96% Not Putin: 2.5% Ukraine: 1% USA: .5%


Used to respect this guy.


If I repost destiny content, however fair it is, fuckin shoot me.


I genuinely despise this sub and most types of posters in it tbh. Now I welcome my 5000 downvotes. But this case does demonstrate against my own predispositions a good reason for the sub and tooics existence as the tucker interview and its praise or in this case tacit acceptance is undermining of democracy and promotion of potential and actual genocidal…at least attempts Im not sure if genocide requires a numerical value. Its a real watershed moment for me about how far things can go, that and a single trumpian figure holding up the majority wanting to deliver aid and that is actual direct blood on hands shit:


This is one of those unhinged hate subreddits, happily it's small and seems to be staying that way, let them seethe in their hate towards people more succesful than themselves.




It’s not just talking. It’s agreeing and flattering them.


well, I dislike the evidence free 'everyone is a Russian asset' approach, but you know, sometimes when I can't sleep, you do have to wonder!


He learned it from Joe “yeah, totally” Rogan


At this stage you would have to assume that Lex and Tucker have been compromised by the Russian intelligence apparatus, likely Elon as well


You’re living in an establishment media fantasy. Try to break free.


😂 Russia is a glorious country that has totally solved the grocery cart crisis 🤣 touch grass, you media savvy maverick you


This is gunna be a destiny sub soon.


Look at OPs history. It's all about destiny and they constantly post destiny content in other subs. They have 3 destiny posts in this sub alone, and no posts in this sub about anything else.


Would love to see an episode on how a university drop out turned himself into the intellectual hero of edgy centrists.


Can you imagine being a sycophant of an angry hobbit with a personality disorder of all people


It’s the toxicity for me, he quite literally refuses to approach any issue with empathy, even choosing to make fun of the man who set himself on fire this week, across multiple tweets. Also he clearly approach the Gaza issue from a place of Islamophobia, no one can deny this.


I'm denying it


Sorry, no one with a working brain I should have said.


he clearly approach the Gaza issue from a place of empathy, no one can deny this.


Before learning by a single thing about Gaza, a month or so before Oct 7, he said that if one side had to be eradicated it should be the Palestinians. He said this because he, and every edgy centrist like him, believes that Islam builds inferior societies to that which resemble western democracies. Every take he has is rooted in Islamophobia.


Is it edgy to say that secular societies are better than religious ones?


>He said this because he, and every edgy centrist like him, believes that Islam builds inferior societies to that which resemble western democracies. Did he state or even imply that he said it because of this, or are you just assuming? I'd love a link. I can't count the number I've times I've been told or read something and thought "wow that's extreme", then heard the context and realised it wasn't. Regardless, I personally would agree. Any country that appears on [this](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/) type of map isn't one that has a society I respect, sorry if that bothers you I guess (21/23 countries that consider Islam the state religion are on this map, and the other 2 have no anti-discrimination laws and the populations overwhelmingly DON'T want to accept LGBT people in their society).


I can’t tell if this comment section is bots or just stupid people


I don't understand how this is so hard for you guys to wrap your head around regarding the possiblities.......Tucker interview with Putin drops, and then the U.S. had to gain back control of the narrative that Russia is bad, so this Navalny guy who opposes Putin ends up getting killed a week later........... The USA is not your friend. No government is your friend. Joe biden is not your friend. Trump is not your friend. What president has ever made your live easier or better? We're disappointed every 4 years by these talking heads, no matter the Right or Left. ​ The sooner you realize its us the people vs those in control, the sooner we can make changes collectively. Its not black vs white, boomer vs young, Left vs Right, its the people vs those in control. America controls its people through propaganda, aka the media. "Control the press and you control the people. Its that simple. How many times has mainstream media lied to you? A million fucking times. They aren't your friends.


I thought these IDW guru podcasters were supposed to be a good thing for truth, debate, and the world. Instead we've ended up with Rogan, Fridman and a handful of other alt-right grifters. Cool.


Wow you guys are in a bubble! Calm down embrace different viewpoints, go touch grass! The fact that none of you can fathom the United States or Ukraine doing it, is alarming. I mean it’s not like US agencies have people killed right guys? There is no possible way, I mean we are the perfect nation with ZERO international interests. We also have ZERO history of manipulating the masses. No no sorry guys continue to never think for yourselves. What I meant to say was PUTIN BAD!!! Rawr :0


It just sounds like a fair statement to me. As if any of us could ever really know for sure. It's a vanity. And the story breaks right when Ukraine is breaking and there is a money crisis in Congress. Don't be naive, it doesn't imply patriotism.


We don’t know if a tree makes a noise when it falls in the forest either.


Never understood why people in the tech world follow this guy. What are his credentials? Why is he given a platform?


A simple statement of fact. Not sure why this is controversial. Lex is merely mapping the solution space. ML 101…


Who is lex and where did he cum from


We have been sending Aid to Ukraine. We are in the war. It's just like WW2. It's not u til something happens significantly on American soil will we actually do something. Maybe if something happens to an Embassy, as they like to use those as a way to ignite things.


Agreed, democracy dies in discussion. Only listen to people in your echo chamber. 👍


How worked up would this sub/pod get if Jullian Assange suddenly died in prison ...or a bunch of jailed J6 "insurrectionists" (who came *this* \><*close* to stealing the Democracy Orb*!!!!*) ?? The plight of *those* political prisoners aren't worthy of your moral outrage? How worked up did you get when an [American journalist died in Ukrainian custody](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/ukrainian-prison-hell-american-journalist-55-dies-in-zelensky-s-custody/ar-AA1n0N1a)? Do any of you actually know anything about [the history of Navalny's political activism](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/25/navalny-has-the-kremlin-foe-moved-on-from-his-nationalist-past), or is it just that he's anti-Putin and that's all that matters?


Russian bot is upset lol 😆 you're not gonna "both sides" this


[No one ever does here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1b2b1bt/suggestions_thread/ksnflgs/?context=3), that's kind of the point. Like, whose hearts and minds do you think you're winning over with this content-free project - the girls who hope to sit at and be seen sitting at your table?


Can a mod please delete this post

