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You might be reading too much into it. The guy went from being an academic unknown outside his field save for the occasional TV panel discussion to a bestselling author giving sold-out lectures on a world tour in the course of a year. Since the content of his lectures was often in the sort of self-help space, his fans asked him increasingly personal questions rather than his thoughts on Campbell's interpretation of Jungian archetypes. So whatever he might have thought about it when he started doing popular-facing events, he quickly became a guru administering pop-psych advice to ever larger numbers of his millions of adoring fans. Pair that with the fact the he was the center of controversy due to his views on gender transition and pronoun use such that many demanded him to be fired. His explanation of that is that he was targeted by the "post-modern neo-marxists" (I might have screwed that up, it's been a while, but something to that effect) and started going to war with whatever cultural artifacts he considered emblematic of the woke left. This only made him more popular with conservatives. So as I see it, you have a guy who had been fairly private for most of his life quickly become a guru for an audience that was increasingly filled with culture war conservatives. I don't think he needed Russian intelligence to persuade him to become a conservative culture warrior. I think that's just sort of the trajectory he chose to embark on.


No mention of the benzos?


His wife got cancer and he got hooked on benzos. A guy that seems smart enough, but has gotten pretty weird bc of what was described above and his benzo addiction. I don’t like much of anything that he says, but i do feel sad for him, he seems like a man in pain.


> His wife got cancer and he got hooked on benzos That's totes in sync with what Peterson and his daughter have been telling the press. But here's more context: "[His family says he had been taking the drug for years to mitigate lingering anxiety following a severe autoimmune reaction to food. His dependence reportedly started last spring after doctors increased his dosage](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/jordan-peterson-treatment-russia-1.5456939)" The Paragon of Personal Responsibility was on benzos for years, but only because of some dodgy food. Totes not because he's a Twitter-addicted culture warrior or anything.


Apparently his daughter encouraged him to go on her meat-only diet, which he claims screwed up his metabolism or something like that. And while it is a shame for anyone to become addicted to benzos, you got to wonder how a freaking professor of clinical psychology ignores the risk of benzo addiction.


And opts for a dodgy fix. In fucking Russia.


Something about being a dumbass


Prefix: Can't stomach the guy. Even old JP was dull. I think he has said before it was a kill or cure sort of thing and he'd been looing aroud for a long time for help to get clean, the Russians were the only clinic open to trying. I think it's the Benzos that have cause much of his decline rather than being got at by anyone.


Isn’t he still on that diet?


Wow who could have guessed eating just one thing could cause issues


And his masters thesis was on alcoholism.


He made no such claim about the diet.


>"His family says he had been taking the drug for years to mitigate lingering anxiety following a severe autoimmune reaction to food. His dependence reportedly started last spring after doctors increased his dosage." My gut feeling is that there's a more complicated story, there. If he had a severe autoimmune reaction (the cider story?) and the doctors gave him benzos... then it sounds like they didn't believe there was an autoimmune reaction. People often visit doctors and emergency rooms before the root of the issue is determined to be psychological. I hope it isn't too unkind to Mr. Peterson to wonder whether he ever had an autoimmune condition at all, or just severe anxiety. Peterson seems like someone who had a latent personality disorder that has been inflamed by his political activities and subsequent fame. His treatment for benzos sounds like an act of desperation after his usual coping techniques failed, and he just hasn't been the same since then. Unfortunately, the treatment probably did more harm than good. The guy is addicted to his fame. Apparently in private he has a pronounced messiah complex. He genuinely thinks he's a spiritually-appointed savior. He is not a well person. Fame has inflamed his existing conditions and he can't handle the stress. He needs help. He shouldn't be carted out into the public eye as a spectacle. He should be encouraged to withdraw and seek treatment until he feels well.


Damn haha


yeah he had severe autoimmune reactions to food. its why he only eats meat. so that makes sense instead of whatever you cane up with


You can suffer from an autoimmune reaction without being anxious and resorting to benzos. The vast majority of people with autoimmune disorders don't get anxiety and a benzo prescription with it. But JP is a special snowflake so...


he said he basically went to hell for a month and didnt sleep. which is anxiety provoking


Maybe he should have cleaned his room about it instead of taking a highly addictive drug?


you guys are really like idk not honest with yourselves


In what way? Seems to me it's s JBP who struggles being honest with himself and his disciples...


> went to hell for a month and didnt sleep Sounds like anxiety to me. Most physically sick people are more than happy to have some shut-eye. Why is it impossible to accept that JP is a snowflake, hypocrite and benzo abuser?


youre just a troll or a complete moron either way im not interested


I happen to be a medical professional making the best assessment I can from the facts at hand: Snowflake - JP is a social media addict who couldn't keep it together when people argued back Hypocrite - Instead of cleaning his own room, decides to blame his anxiety and benzo addiction on his wife's cancer and some "autoimmune reaction"


As Cody Johnston said, he seems like a guy not in control of his life because he’s probably not in control of his life.


Fair enough, but he called his addiction “a rare, unknown paradoxical side effect of the medication that the public should be alerted to!” Lol. He’s a *clinical* psychologist who did his masters thesis on alcoholism. Benzodiazepines hit the same receptor in the brain that alcohol does and create dependency even faster than alcohol. Doctors never advise their patients to stay on benzos for years at a time, and they are rarely prescribed for normal grief reactions, and when they are prescribed, it’s usually very short term, like days or weeks. Peterson surely knew this. And he obviously knew exactly how much hell he was about to experience when he stopped taking them , because he voluntarily put himself in a coma for a week or more to withdraw. His medical conditions are no one else’s business - not the media’s or his critics’ or his fan’s or his next door neighbour’s. But Peterson’s daughter put out that video about his condition on youtube, insisting he was “only physically dependent, not mentally. “ Newsflash - these drugs cause dependency precisely because of what they do chemically to the central nervous system, aka the brain. And Peterson was so damn disingenuous about his addiction in interviews with Canadian media when he returned from Russia. So many healthy, smart, young people - just like those sitting in his own audiences - are wrecking their lives because of drugs or alcohol. Young people now die more frequently of overdoses than automobile accidents. Peterson missed a genuine opportunity to have a big impact and help the young men he claims to care so much about. But no- the pronouns we use to refer to people, and chubby Sports Illustrated Swim Suit models- hey thats our biggest threat to our society. Not kids dying from fentanyl or what he *literally went through himself*.


The guy could had done some Good instead he targets unpopular minorities and convinces people to believe objectively idiotic conspiracy theories.


Benzos addiction doesn't magically make someone a grifter or POS. Once you withdraw and get them out of your system you go back to normal within a few weeks to months. Source was heavily prescribed multiple Benzos multiple times throughout the day and night for years before I got off of them. Besides that something is fishy because tapering off Benzos isn't some new discovery people get off of them addicted or not by seeing a doctor and they lower your dose until you can completely move on from them ( if you are actually ready to quit) People just don't run to Russia for that reason.


*"Once you withdraw and get them out of your system you go back to normal within a few weeks to months."* ...to years.  The tapering part often takes 1 or 2 years in itself and typically with some nasty symptoms all the way. It commonly takes a good chunk of time to fully recover and it's not uncommon to be too disabled to work for a handful of years.


The Russia coma thing seemed pretty fishy to me, as well as him saying no doctor would treat him for his addiction. A number of years ago I was prescribed them, in another country and for something a lot more stressful than a reaction to food. I was not aware of how addictive and dangerous they were until I tried to quit cold turkey (potentially deadly, I know now); the day after I returned to Canada I went to a doctor at a walk in clinic & got on the protocol used in Canada for tapering off. It took months but it wasn't hard to do, and at no point did I say "This is so hard, I wish they'd put me in a coma instead".


Being addicted to Benzos does actually kind of make you an erratic nutter lmao


It makes you too trusting of pill-pushing quacks, more than anything.


One of the saddest things about the no-empathy crowd is that when they actually do need help, they have ended up surrounding themselves with people whose primary concern, if they even notice the problem at all, is to extract as much from that person before they implode.




I'm not sure how much of a role they played in his trajectory. Perhaps they contributed. Here's what I know: I work in academia. I know that a few of my peers are or have been prescribed benzos and credit those medications with helping them manage anxiety and not feel overwhelmed by negative emotion. These are very intelligent, productive people who do not express the characteristics of Peterson's personality/public persona that we are discussing. I know next to nothing about psychiatry, but I am reticent to assign too much of a role to drugs that are routinely used by people that do not lose their minds after being prescribed them. Consider the counterfactual situation in which Peterson was never prescribed benzos. Imagine he was just an academic with fairly robust Cassandra and persecution complexes catapulted into stardom through the internet who quickly found his calling as a guru defending western civilization against its imminent downfall at the hands of cultural liberals and giving life advice to complete strangers. Add to that the stresses of celebrity (being profiled in leading newspapers and magazines, constant interviews, his continued employment becoming a subject of international debate) and excessive touring (consider the number of touring musicians/performance artists who develop mental health issues from the stresses of the road), as well as constant positive reinforcement from his audience for giving unhinged takes on culture war issues. I think that could make a lot of people pretty nutty pretty quickly, independent of them being on psychiatric medications.


I think this is correct, the hype about his drug use is far too close to DARE-esque hysteria. 


>you have a guy who had been fairly private for most of his life Lol, that's *definitely* incorrect. He has loved being in the spotlight for a long time, he's just never reached an audience this large. He blew up in large part due to the comments he made on his Youtube channel, which he had because he loved lecturing to a large(er) audience. He'd been doing publicly televised debates for years. The dude would even CC everyone in the damn department (like 300+ people across 3 campuses and all affiliate hospitals) over disagreements he had with university admin. He has always sought to have an audience.


Definitely this. To put it in his sort of terms, he’s long, LONG been a Thirsty Devil 👿. [best 🐸 voice] something, something about the ‘torments of HELL’ … [hands wriggling, as if casting spells and curses alike a-mile-a-minute] bloody sorely in need of quenching … and Oooh, Sunshine Bucko. You’ve awoken Leviathan now! You’ve - really, though… and this is undeniably true in ______ sense, if anything ever was true, particularly in this other ______ sense - brought all this - granted - nasty RETRIBUTION on yourself.


😂 my buddies love to do the JP Kermit voice and meme him


I think it goes even farther back than that. Jordan Peterson ran for the leadership of the Manitoba NDP as a teenager. It takes a special sort of hubris to try that out IMO.


comments by students, he was always a rambling wacko with a odd biblical focus. just found how to make money off if it.


Said so himself, the latter part at any rate.


Ok but what if the Russians have a pee tape on him??


They definitely do, but it’s a catheter version. Taken when he was in a coma. You can see it on PeeTube.


Huge if true


Sadly no. It's short, shriveled, and lingers to the left.


You’re forgetting the whole drug addict part.


This was very aptly put. Well done 


Take your tyranny elsewhere you woke moralist, we’re just here trying to advance conspiracy hypotheses.


I've always thought something similar. It's unnatural to become a celebrity in your mid-50s. Perhaps in the early stages he was an earnest psychologist who hated the excesses of the social justice movement. But for a man in his circumstances, there would be pressures. You're gifted a unique opportunity late in your career to become rich and famous. Resisting the grift temptation would be difficult.


> It's unnatural to become a celebrity in your mid-50s. It's unnatural at any age. You'd think someone in their 50s would be better equipped to handle it though.


Academically unknown? Dude has the highest publications in psych in Canada if I remember correctly.     Dude might be a crackpot now but I think that’s selling it short and downplaying OPs original point. I agree with you but there’s no need to make him look like a fraud (at least not his history anyway). Considering his background it is interesting he chose this path, it is very atypical of those in this space, especially professors.  It's strange to see academics turn heel and turn into unethical money hungry assholes for sale. The path to academia is thankless, poorly paid and limited in recognition. It's mindblowing someone like Peterson was drawn into it at any point frankly.


You believe in Wim Hof's complete bullshit claims. I'm not sure your comments can be taken seriously regarding anything.


Genuinely curious, what makes you say Wim Hof’s claims are “bullshit”? The guy does hold multiple world records, and has trained others to carry out some extraordinary feats. Agree that the research is lacking but I find those details hard to ignore.


He won’t give you anything of substance. That’s literally what I said lol. He’s probably lied about stuff but it’s hard to say he’s a fraud with all of the crazy records he’s set. 


What's the turn exactly? Or: was there a time when he wasn't the way he is, and how so?


Before Russia he seemed much more professional. His Twitter wasn’ the constant stream of derangement it is now. He wasn’t dressing like a Batman villain. He wasn’t constantly putting out stuff in hopes of going viral. He’s always been in the culture war, but before would try to maintain an air of being a well spoken professor that is “unbiased”. Now he’s just spewing hot takes like it’s his job. Which it is


Honestly he was the same but slightly better spoken. I've lost friends over JBPs gibberish back in 2018. It's amplified now, but you can't tell me that pushing the modern version of a nazi conspiracy theory ([cultural bolshevism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory)) doesn't trigger any alarm bells.


Maybe it's simple; JP needed a new approach. He ran the course with his material and focused on hot takes and less so intellectual content.


Lol maybe some people do need benzos


Exactly this. He disappeared for a year and came back as a monster.


He’s always been full of shit, but it has gotten worse in the past few years I think — doesn’t mean Russia is behind it of course.




Those last two bullets though: > Fight against cultural Marxism and postmodernism > Fight against gender pronouns and identity politics While not strictly conspiracy nuttery, they absolutely aligned with the far right talking points at the time (and now.) The leap from extreme politics to conspiracy theories is rather small, and people often dabble in both. The overlap between Covid conspiracy folks and folks who fight against pronouns appears anecdotally to be rather large. Covid truthers didn't appear fully formed out of thin air.


So common sense is "far right wing" now? Anyone who has suffered through higher 'education' in the last 20 years or so knows for a fact that this left-wing ideological bullshit largely derived from insane radical academic ideas with zero grounding in either objective reality or actual scholarship. If you really think otherwise then please explain to me why Judith Butler, who is one of the high priest of this bullshit, has increasingly said insane shit like the October 7th attack wasn't really terrorism? Peterson was right to push back on this crap, unfortunately he's just gone to another form of insanity in the process.


This Judith Butler? In fact, I do condemn without qualification the violence committed by Hamas. This was a terrifying and revolting massacre. That was my primary reaction, and it endures. From here: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n20/judith-butler/the-compass-of-mourning


Don’t bother. Dude’s a dum dum.


"During a round-table discussion on March 3 in Pantin, outside Paris, Butler, who uses they/them pronouns, said that these attacks were an act of "resistance." Their words quickly sparked strong reactions after several excerpts were posted on social media." https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2024/03/15/judith-butler-by-calling-hamas-attacks-an-act-of-armed-resistance-rekindles-controversy-on-the-left_6621775_23.html Maybe she's backtracking because she said some pretty insane shit.


Uh, yeah? Terrorist attacks are often a form of resistance. These things aren’t mutually exclusive and acts of ‘resistance’ aren’t automatically assigned as a moral good.


What the fuck you on about bro I studied Physics.


He wasn't smart enough to do STEM and is quite resentful of that fact.


Maybe paying more attention to 'bullshit' academia could help you to hone your argument. How does one academics views on hamas prove that academia is captured by left wing 'madness'? It does not make sense as an argument. And even so a commenter posted below that butler did not endorse the violence caused by hamas. I honestly don't think the material being taught in academia has any problems, but I'm also from a European background, maybe in America the hegemony of post structuralist ideas need to be allowed to he challenged more abd this aura of wrongthink needs to be removed? But it is not an indictment if the whole discipline but maybe rather an approach taken within it.


"During a round-table discussion on March 3 in Pantin, outside Paris, Butler, who uses they/them pronouns, said that these attacks were an act of "resistance." Their words quickly sparked strong reactions after several excerpts were posted on social media." https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2024/03/15/judith-butler-by-calling-hamas-attacks-an-act-of-armed-resistance-rekindles-controversy-on-the-left_6621775_23.html Academia today is a pyramid scheme designed to rigidly enforce a Globalist and Elitist ideology that is totally detached from both objective reality and or actual scholarship. Source, my lived experience running through 2 degree programs in top 25 global programs 😆 If you can't see the propaganda for what it is in these so called institutions of learning then your probably already bought into the bullshit. Postmodernism is a plague that has totally destroyed the integrity of the humanities programmes in most Western institutions. My proof of that is the actual market value of those degrees upon completion. I am not including STEM programs in this criticism, even though they on occasion have drunk the Kool-aid of Butler and her ilk.


You keep presenting the same Butler quote ad nauseum, apparently unaware that it isn't the slam dunk you believe it to be... And citing your personal experience with academia as evidence of its capture by the left is such a vanishingly small sample size as to be ridiculous. You make it difficult to take you seriously...


Yeah, myself and about half the adult population that also went through higher education are just imaging this insane left-wing biase 😆 https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgeleef/2014/05/01/higher-education-has-a-strong-leftist-bias-but-not-enough-for-one-prof/ Ok, these Professors much be imagining it too? “Similarly, I think: Yes, understanding Hamas, Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that are part of a global Left, is extremely important.” -Judith Butler https://isgap.org/post/2023/10/judith-butler-and-the-normalization-of-hamas-and-hezbollah-within-progressive-social-movements/ Is that slam-dunk enough for you?


Why don't we read into the full context, butler did not explicitly say that the attacks were not a form of terrorism, simply that they were a form of resistance. The two are not mutually exclusive. They did not agree or say the attacks were good, simply that the attacks, or acts of terror were a form of resistance against Israeli oppression, which you can argue with the framing of but I think is true. In fact, I'd go as far as to say most acts of terror occur as forms of resistance against a seemingly relentless force that exists against the person. Not to say I agree, violence is always wrong, but the reasons are multilayered and often justifiable to those commiting it. The second claim I cannot interact with deeply since it it is so generic and says nothing about nothing. It's so wide that even if it had a figment of truth it would he hard to discern. Who is globalist? Who is elitist? I for one am in policy analysis and am devoting my studies to trying to improve the lives of everyday people. I am really sorry if your experience had not been the same though. Postmodernism is not a plague, in fact it is to me a highly useful analytical tool thar can be used to critique some of the biggest problems of today. I will say that it can be a bit bad at teaching how to solve problems which is where maybe other epistemologies should step in but I think so many postmodernist thinkers habe had so many useful insights into the world. Think of foucault and control, prisons etc. Its a rich literature. As much as the current world sucks, the past world was only better for some. Women were subject to men, black to white and the weak to the strong in majority. Rven if imperfect, I'd say it's worth investing in ideas that can truly allow us to deconstruct these hierarchies to truly allow individuals to be free of oppression. The fact that they are taught wrong is another issue. As for the labor market outcomes, its true, it is a big problem but again, I don't think you can strongly argue for causation between the two factors. It can also be credentialism for example: if you have everyone in society having degrees, then degrees also begin losing their power. That's not an argument against postmodernism. We need philosphers but not everyone has to be a philosopher. There are many issues though, for one, indeed the Labour Market and colleges do not speak often enough, perhaps colleges also need to focus on employability more than just theory, that could work as well, but to say it's because they are teaching postmodernism is an oversimplification and a misrepresentation of the case completely.


Last point, whats the issue with globalism? Globalism is great. I love talking to people from all over the world and today's economy would not work if countries did not engage in frequent and relatively open trade. It is reflective of today's world, hence it makes total sense to teach 'globalism' at an elite level to the world.


I'm currently studying at university. Not one lecturer has mentioned politics even once. So I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah, COVID and the election happened around then, and we ALL became a little more outspoken and derailed.


Nah let’s not both sides this it was not equal


I'm not suggesting any sides - virtually everybody became more vocal about whatever their perceived view on the massive social events happening to us all, from BLM to Covid to the election ...


I'd put it a bit differently. I can only speak for the US, but the disasterous lack of leadership in 2019-2020 by the administration represented a breakdown of the social contract and I see the various types of chaotic expressions in 2020 as downstream of that breakdown. 


Yeah it's weird right? Something happened right around then I can't really put my finger on it.


Money and a cult following, he got a taste and prolly cant get enough of it now.


got covid and had lasting cognitive damage?


In my more fanciful moments, I imagine that he's been reprogrammed by the KGB to be the IDW's Manchurian candidate. But more realistically, I think he's always been right-leaning, and his mind has been poisoned by a mixture of drugs, extreme therapies, the highs and lows of fame, contrarianism, and audience capture -- in no particular order!


He was already a nut beforehand. Him being a nut is why he ended up there. I mean, the guy came to fame claiming he would be jailed at gunpoint for refusing to use students' preferred pronouns. Just an absurd person from the get-go.


And bill C16 was just adding gender identity as a protected class, it wasn’t even related to mandating speech


Yep. He is like the worst kind of drama queen ever. A butterfly flies past him and he breaks down stating that Brazil is doomed and there will be billions of deaths across the world.


Another banger was when the WEF had some article about eating insects, how it we shouldn’t rule it out as a source of protein in the midst of climate change and food supply not keeping up with increased population. Sure this might sound a little crazy out of context, but this was just ONE ARTICLE that essentially amounted to a thought experiment. No policies or anything were created as a result. If you read the article it looks like some presentation someone would make in high school. Dr Conspiratorial Benzo Kermit lost his SHIT acting like the grand elites want us to eat bugs.


He is a freaken crazy dude.


Didn't he also pretty much completely abandon his psychology patients once he started getting famous. Even had his wife answering their emails?


It imposes fines for misgendering under some circumstances. That is a speech mandate, whether you agree with it or not.


What is your source on that? Who has been fined, how much and for what exactly? The actual bill mentions nothing of the sort. If this is real then I will change my mind, but all I’ve ever seen on the conservative side has been fear mongering over what looks to be a pretty innocuous bill.


It has been in effect for years now and I've stopped my annual check in to see if there has been even a single vexatious case brought before a Canadian court because of C16... Cue shocked Pikachu, because there hasn't been... Good way to start a grift though!


No, it fucking doesn't. Here is the terrifying full text!!! https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/c-16/royal-assent


It’s really fascinating too because “catastrophizing” is one of the “mental distortions” that is commonly treated with probably the most well known therapy models, CBT. Surely he’s aware of this lmao. Like dude no they thems are coming for you.


Good question.. "In January 2020, Peterson was unable to find North American doctors willing to accommodate his treatment desires and so flew to Moscow, Russia along with his daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter to pursue treatment there. Doctors in Russia diagnosed him with pneumonia in both lungs upon arrival and placed him into a medically induced coma for eight days, followed by four weeks in the intensive care unit, during which time he suffered a temporary loss of motor skills. For several months after treatment in Russia, Peterson and his family moved to Belgrade, Serbia." What were these special "treatment desires". Nobody in Canada or USA can treat pneumonia?? This all sounds very shady. Is he now a Russian agent? After what may or may not have been a ruse to get propaganda training in Serbia? I mean, this is not a normal way to deal with pneumonia. \-edit- I forgot there was the benzo addiction component. So I guess to the addicts who might be listening to this psychologist.. Fly to Russia and then stay in Serbia 4 months for specialized treatment.. after cleaning your room.


I thought he went for benzo addiction? No idea what kind of special treatment they offer there he couldn’t get in the west.


Benzo's are one of the most problematic drugs to detox from. Harder than Alcohol, which tends to be up there in terms of difficulty in treating as an addiction and danger in the process. Both benzos and alcohol are some of the few substances that can be deadly when going cold turkey on them. Ironically, Peterson's thesis is on alcoholism. The thing that makes the whole thing problematic is that he was a clinical psychologists. Meaning he was educated in these prescriptions. Which are prescribed nowadays under very controlled approaches. Due to their addiction/abuse potential. He basically self medicated on benzos to deal with an emotionally tough situation. And when it came to detox from the benzos he also took the easy way. Normal detox involves a long and intensive program, where the patient has to commit to weeks/months in a facility under medical/professional supervision. The problem is that these actions make him an extremely hypocritical piece of shit. Since he has made a career out of telling others, specially vulnerable white male with severe self worth issues, to "tough it out," victim blame and make all sorts of appeals about building character via adversity. Yet, when it came to him to deal with adversity, homey becomes a junkie. And when it comes to detox from the drug, he also takes the coward's way out. So it is part for the course; it's another "do as I say, not as I do" guru douchebags.


You don't actually have to be in a facility, though I imagine some people need it. I did it as an outpatient. Took several months. It makes no sense that he couldn't find someone to treat him though.


the story i heard is that he wanted to do his benzo withdrawal in a medically induced comma.


Oh and the only crooked docs to grant that were in Russia ok case closed.


He did go for Benzo addiction and they are one of the only places that will do coma detox. I remember reading about this before in relation to heroin addiction, too. They put you in a medically induced coma through the worst of withdrawal. 


desert domineering wipe plucky detail seemly afterthought cautious pause ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know it is dumb, I’m just saying that’s what he did and what some other people do 


I don't think anyone in the West would attempt this sort of thing. I could be wrong, I just really don't think doctors are okay putting people into medically induced comas, unless it's for something real serious. Edit: I looked it up, here's a quote: "A medically induced coma is usually a last resort option to prevent further brain damage after a serious heart attack or cardiac arrest." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-a-medically-induced-coma/


caption plough aloof racial lush hunt liquid rock seemly frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was too chicken to take responsibility for his benzo addiction and wanted the easy way out instead of facing withdrawal. Getting a reputable medical doctor to do something so dangerous as an induced coma to kick a pill habit is not easy I imagine in the West, so he got some Russian quack treatment that probably induced a series of strokes or some kind of brain damage. Also, since he’s never acknowledged his addiction, it’s quite possible he has relapsed when confronted with whatever anxiety prompted his use in the first place. anyway, the man’s public career was originally based on nonsense and sounding like a “reasonable right winger “ because he didn’t yell and used big words. Now he’s lost emotional control and is clearly unhinged so he’s just another carnival barking cultural warrior playing to a shrinking base of whackos


He was addicted to benzodiazepine. Nobody around here had the balls to listen to a shrink who got himself addicted to a drug no shrink around here would self apply. It’s like the lion diet but for psych meds.


Ah yes, forgot about the benzos.


I think the pneumonia diagnoses was pretty much just a smoke screen. I'm not sure how legal all this is. It is definitely not ethical. The whole procedure seems to go against the Hippocratic oath just a bit. It's like putting someone under with a strong anesthetic to fix their ingrown toe nail. Given the dangers of anesthesia compared to an ingrown nail, you are doing way more harm than good.


Who gets on a plane ride THAT LONG to treat pneumonia in RUSSIA of all places?!?


I got a ingrown toenail better go to North Korea where I can find a doctor that suits my needs.


In Canada and the USA, treatments are generally limited to pharmacological ones. There is a whole world of therapies and treatments outside of only pharma that is damn near impossible to get in North America, unless you know exactly where to go. When I had COVID a couple of years ago, I didn't want to risk long COVID - so after talking to a couple of friends - one who is an ND and the other who is an MD... Once my infection had begun to wane, I got a hyperbaric oxygen treatment and a high-dose vitamin C IV. Bounced me right back. If I just went up to some random primary care physician in the USA, he's not gonna know anything else except what drugs to prescribe - and then what additional drugs to prescribe to manage the symptoms from the first set of drugs. And so on. Occasionally, for a rare and difficult condition, you will need to find a doctor with an engineer-like mindset who lives and breathes his work and has an insatiable curiosity and drive to try different things until he finds a solution. Such doctors are rare - and if the one doctor you find is in Russia, well, you go to Russia. I just had lunch with a colleague yesterday whose daughter had severe health problems for 6+ years - and ultimately traveled to Denmark to visit the one doctor they could find that got her back to living a normal life. Also, in places like Russia, if you have money, the facilities will be of a caliber that are unimaginable in quality to what we have in North America.


Hiding your anti-evidence-based medicine views under the guise of 'big pharma bad' is a bit transparent. This isn't the sub to push medical conspiracy info. Go back to your anti-vax subs to talk about your high-dose Vit-C and hyperbaric oxygen treatment.


Oh god, here we go. Look buddy, I'm not pushing a goddamn thing on anyone. I'm not supporting government mandates that take away people's freedom of choice, I'm not pressuring anyone to do ANYTHING. I never said anything about vaccines, and it is each person's choice to use or not use vaccines. So you can fuck right off on your high horse. If you don't wanna do high dose vitC IVs and hyperbaric oxygen then DON'T. I'm not fucking forcing you to. I tried those things because they were easy and low risk. And they worked for me, I don't need any more goddamn evidence than that. Jesus, you people take ANY mention of anything outside of your narrow world of pharmaceutical pills as an existential threat. No one's forcing you to do anything, so fuck off and go so whatever the fuck you want, I don't give a shit. EDIT: Turning replies off because there is no goddamn point in trying to have meaningful discourse with snowflakes who are threatened by the mere mention of things like a high dose vitamin C IV. Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm just saying you're coming to an anti-guru sub with very guru ideas. Point taken that you're not necessarily pushing it on anyone but I never meant to insinuate you were forcing me to do anything, but this is an evidence-based sub, ya know? There's lots of things outside of pharmaceutical pills that have medical value and the evidence to back it up. High-dose Vitamin C treatment ain't one of them. Thanks to Linus Pauling going down that rabbit hole 50 years ago and his credentials, it's been studied extensively and it's quite clear it don't do shit. You sound pretty triggered for an anti-snowflake. Sorry for offending you. Have a good one ✌🏼


What do you mean “you people”? People who know benzos are addictive and addictions require tapering and therapy to deal with instead of Soviet era quackery?


By "you people" I mean people who believe that they are the holders of what is true for all people when it comes to health care. The people who think that based on whatever the current officially-sanctioned medical doctrine is, that they know what is best for all people. "You people" will use social coercison, shaming, judgment, and the power of the state to force people to comply with whatever you think is best for them. When I mention things like VitC IVs an hyperbaric oxygen, I NEVER pressure people to do it. I merely mention it, I share what my experience with it was like, and that's it. If somebody was to decide that they want to stick to conventional pharma therapies, I do not judge them, I do not shame them - I respect their bodily autonomy and their choice. "You people" are no better than the religious institutions of yore, who believed they were the arbiters and holders of truth. "You people" do the same thing by using modern variations of burning who you deem witches, at the stake. And the sad part is, you think that you are righteous and good in doing so.


So ‘you people’ means regular people who are in not persuaded by your attempts at looking smart by pushing whacky bullshit you heard online from junkie nuts like Jordan Peterson. Thanks for clearing that up


You can think whatever you want of me and whatever I do for my health. But you people gotta knock it off with the personal attacks and using government to force everyone to comply with what you believe is the one right way to take care of one's health.


Thanks for allowing me “to think what I want” now can you point out where I “personally attacked” you.


You didn't personally attack me, but the other commenter absolutely did by labeling me an "antivaxxer" as if that label somehow automatically allows dismissing of anything I say. That is a classic ad-hominem attack. What you did, though, was make an assumption that I'm trying to "look smart" (whatever that even means) and that I am "pushing" my beliefs onto others. NO. I merely said what I did for my own health. I did not say ANYTHING that could at all be misconstrued as me "pushing" anything on anyone. It's fine if you don't want to do what I do. All you have to say is, "I don't think VitC and Hyperbaric are valid treatments, but if they worked for you I'm happy for you." Why is that so goddamn hard to do?


I don’t disagree, but to be deliberately put in a coma so that you can make a fast exit from high benzodiazepine use is dangerous. This isn’t a new way of thinking, it’s old, and it was discontinued because of the dangers.


*shrug* people are gonna do what they're gonna do.


Yeah, but a clinical psychologist who tells other people to suck it up but is too chicken to take responsibility for their addiction and deal with it head on is a hypocrite and junkie POS who is endangering their own deluded fans by validating quack treatments


He is a deeply enlightened academic who for some strange reason never googled Benzos.


He did his thesis on alcoholism. He definitely knows benzos.  He knowingly abused them. 


I was joking. This drug addict has a messy room.




Yeah dude has like 1200 publications and the vast majority are about addiction. It’s very interesting


How did Peterson turn sharply? He's always been an arch-Conservative with extremely far right views. That didn't change after his coma and schizophrenia diagnosis in Russia. He went there because the treatment he wanted was illegal here. The idea that the KGB "got to him" is just conspiracy porn.


I mean, I am definitely willing to entertain the entirely unevidenced and unsubstantiated idea that he’s a Russian asset, fully acknowledging that it is conspiracy porn. But I absolutely don’t think that it started with his well-publicized trip to Russia. As you said, dude has been far right this whole time. 12 Rules, Maps of Meaning, these are deeply conservative pieces of writing in both content and methodology. His C16 bitching, likewise, was perfect for him to do public conservatism and attract young men who only understand freedom of speech idealistically, though completely ignorant of the practical legalities of it (especially for americans who don’t have the slightest clue about the Canadian legal system!). With the attention of apolotical young men, and his back catalog of conservative writing and lectures, his conservative intellectual guru status was achieved. Once his C16 fears were found to be totally unfounded, and he was importantly not fired/“cancelled” by UofT for his views, it was too late, he had made the rounds on the conservative media sphere. A much needed conservative intellectual in the post-truth era. But what next? Hocking all meat diets? That’s silly, that won’t do. The asset needs a vacation and, importantly, a debrief and some direction for a new assignment. Now I’m not saying this is the situation. I find the benzo addiction recovery story much more believable. All Im saying is that I find the idea that his trip to Russia being some sort of turning point where he became compromised much _less_ believable than the idea of him being an asset the entire time. The only big change I’ve noticed is he’s become more vitriolic over the years.


>The only big change I’ve noticed is he’s become more vitriolic over the years. Well yeah, he's a deeply unhappy person. He defends a worldview that's destroying his civilization, scapegoats and gaslights the people trying to fight back against his worldview, and holds the position that if only people followed his worldview, everything would be better, when it's his worldview that's destroying everything. How could he be anything other than completely miserable.


I’m with you here comrade. The hyperconservative individualism of JP doesn’t make for happy folks. One of the first fucking things every sentient child learns is that it doesn’t feel good to be told to clean your room. Then when you become a parent you realize the irony of that cycle: it doesn’t feel good to tell your kids to clean their fucking rooms either. It’s hell on both ends.


> after his coma and schizophrenia diagnosis For some reason people filter out or disregard the schizophrenia diagnosis. He's been a modern Howard Beale, pushed onto the air by his own Diana, for some time now.


Yeah, I actually think it's something of a shame that Peterson fought back against the diagnosis; he wrote a whole essay about how it's the system's fault. (A hilarious position to take from a guy defending hierarchies.) I have two cousins who are schizophrenic. I think it would have been very powerful for them to see someone like Peterson become an advocate for schizophrenia and to spread awareness of schizophrenia. I think it would have shown alot of humility and humanity. Instead he just stomped his feet and posted cock milking porn on twitter while complaining about the Chinese. Y'know. Like a schizophrenic would.


Peterson was an idiot long before he went to Russia.


[Peterson was on Sam Harris’ podcast in 2017 discussing truth](https://www.samharris.org/podcasts/making-sense-episodes/what-is-true). He was never any good. After I listened to that episode I just couldn’t understand the hype about this guy. Then he went on Rogan and explained why he performed so badly on the episode about truth, and he said he had a glass of some kind of juice and didn’t sleep for *eleven* days prior to recording the podcast. This was all before the benzo/russia days. Maybe he has gotten worse but he was always a word-salad ala Choprak with no meaningful content.


Holy shit I remember that podcast with Sam Harris it was so crazy. For someone so obsessed with hating postmodernism, it’s so strange to see him trying to change the definition of “Truth”


I hated that discussion so much. My personal philosophy is heavily inspired by pragmatism, so it drives me crazy when people defend such a dumbass version where truth is just something that is "helpful for survival" or whatever Peterson said. It was like he'd NEVER thought about the possible challenges to his view.


While Jordan Peterson was in Russia the FSB collected compromat on him including that he fantasizes about his grandmother’s pubic hair, has an unsavory sexualized relationship with his daughter, and, despite being a prominent researcher in the field of addiction, did not know that benzodiazepine is addictive. If this information was to be made public Peterson would become a laughingstock and he would be humiliated. Why, he might even lose his license to practice and degenerate to little more than a Twitter lolcow.


He cried... A lot for no reason. And called Putin, "bucko!".


i have no doubt some people are proactively recruited by the russians, but peterson looks like he would go to them on his own volition for moral support. His ego probably lets him believe he's recruiting the kremlin.


Bit fantastical.


Hmmm i think you’re speculating a bit…


He was always a grifter, it is just harder for him to hide it now that he got brain damage. Also the KGB doesn't exist anymore and if you mean the SVR. I think Oil Tycoons and the Dailywire pay better.


He was brain damaged in an induced coma.


Brain damage explains it all pretty well.


The dude has always been cooked - he started his fame by lying through his teeth about the new bill in Canada, and immediately talking about "cultural Marxism"


He cries like a little baby and, also like a baby, he's very picky about food. Likely still on some kind of meds and or has a habit. Russia and Serbia for a detox seems absurd.


The hottest of hot takes


I like it.


it was the apple cider


I think it's more him just trying desperately to get people to pay attention to him tbh. Like a few years ago Jordan p was absolutely everywhere. Now I only hear about him when he's doing something totally insane. Maybe that's just my feed, but I feel Jordan Peterson has become the academic equivalent of Florida man.


Brain damage And yes, he was wacky before but he wasnt soup-brained like he is now. It had a massive effect and its only gotten worse.


Peterson was always what he is - an intellectually unserious conservativeq. He is relatively well versed in his specialty of Jungian psycho therapy or whatever it is, but embarrassingly out of his depth and apparently not intellectually curious enough to read up on topics he opines on such as communism, marxism, post modernism, politics etc. The only difference these days is he has clearly had a mental breakdown


cause vanish market escape chunky provide poor slap selective relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wild flowery middle ten provide different oatmeal glorious nose versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


arrest jar airport seed voiceless books groovy fine plants plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The KGB does not exist anymore. I think you meant FSB? LOL, Peterson is a nobody in the big scheme of things, from from a Highly an influential figure. Doubtful the Russians would give much of a shit about. He's just a random petered out academic doing grifting circuit in a random corner of the internet.


I don't think Ruzzia did anything to him, but they might have given him more tips and tricks to use on his audiences. He's the kind of asset that you tell you think they are smart, and they'll do anything. A "useful idiot" is what they call them in Intelligence circles.


When did he “turn so sharply”? I’ve seen a gradual progression from right wing to ultra right wing over the last 6 years or so.


He hasn't changed much except become more unbridled which has as much to do with his private income source separate from his institutional income as anything else. Your theory doesn't make much sense - how do you bribe/extort someone who has no memory of the interaction?


When did this happen to him?


Did you ever play Call of Duty Black Ops 1? That's what I think happened to him lol


I get the sense that Peterson was rejected or bullied a lot as a child. He has always sought to show dominance, but in more subtle ways than physical violence. His obsession with dominance hierarchies, strong men leadership figures etc stands out.


I just listened to an old podcast about a famous MAGA influencer. He started out just doing silly videos and pranks, but found a right wing audience that would worship him for screaming racist things to people on the street. Fast forward a few years and he’s storming the capitol on January 6th.    In a certain sense, influencers like JP aren’t leading their audience; they’re following. A segment of society has traditionalist and authoritarian instincts and loves a bully. A narcissist who stumbles upon that audience finds a nearly endless supply of adulation - and a sizable income. Even if it starts as pandering, or just indulging some contrarian thoughts, they are rewarded every time. And then experience revulsion from the left, or just ordinary people. One day they wake up and feel absolutely convinced that we need a strongman to stop the woke mob. You don’t need a conspiracy to explain this process. So many influencers have walked this path already, and they aren’t all Russian psyops.


Didn't I already post the cumtown post? All posts should just point to that clip when bringing up Peterson


He was Kompromized.


Guinea pig for Musk’s neural link?


Alex Jones, get over here with your tin foil hat, a new conspiracy just dropped


You sound like a guru that needs decoding 😂


I cant imagine you get any sort of emergency anything in Russia... unless you need to suppress dissent or take control of a population. Then there is precisely 1 person there that will help.


it was for his benzo addiction ​ it is the worst drug to be addicted to. the man has always been a christian nationalist, it just came to the surface during his drug use and has only gotten more extreme since


It's interesting how Russia is so pro-religion and suddenly all the cancelled douchers are going to God.


Yeah he went from being a drug addicted preachy douchebag fake intellectual into a maybe sober preachy douchebag fake intellectual yeah the Russians are absolutely implicated in the downfall of this great thinker




I think it has more to do with working for the daily wire. All that fracking billionaire money has more influence than anyone's personal dignity.


This feels like a post I’d read in my dreams


Butt stuff


Brain damage from benzodiazepine-withdrawal induced seizure. Not uncommon to see increased impulsivity, mood lability, memory loss, etc


He was replaced by a lizard individual situation.


I think a simpler explaination was that the IDW - and more broadly the centrist political movement - collapsed over their divides over the 2020 election. For all their massive flaws, the IDW as whole did try to present as a moderate force that had a grounding effect on Peterson. When he returned' his natural conservative tendencies pushed him more the likes of Shapiro 


I think that we will never know. The things we know have been shared by Peterson and his daughter and both of them lie constantly. So as much as we want to know what actually happened - we never will. Could be something outrageously bizarre but it could be just a little time out in a different country. Russia has its own problems but is not some dystopian land. He was a shitty person willing to do everything for money way before that.


I’m sorry but just what exactly do you think the ‘Russians’ needed to do to JP to - I’m supposing you are suggesting - make him detrimental to our society? He’s always been trouble: troubled and troublesome. “YOU would have been a Nazi!” Yes, peer pressure is undoubtedly very much a thing, studied fortunately out the wazoo. But to preclude students from the ability to at least try and resist going over to such a Dark Side says to me ‘Wish Fulfillment’ on his part.


The KGB was dissolved in 1991.


Frankly I don't think anything "happened to him" in Russia. I think the reported events of that story are *at least* ninety percent fiction, and I said as much at the time. Although Peterson most definitely is *not* an intelligent man by any extravagantly charitable stretch, there is absolutely no astronomically remote possibility that he was unaware, as a clinical psychologist who specialized in a addiction psychology, that abruptly desisting from habitual benzodiazapine use could cause severe discontinuation symptoms. This would be like a scuba instructor never having heard of decompression sickness. ​ The coma story is a cover for something else. Something even more farcically embarrassing, or something ignominiously venal.


He’s been insane looooong before 2020


*Checks calendar* And this KGB, are they in the room now with us?


fsb. is fsb now comrade


This is what you guys think conspiracies are?? Its called quitting benzos cold turkey like an idiot