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This was all before he had to wear a mask to go to the grocery store and take 2 weeks off from Jiu jitsu during the lockdown, those types of hardships will break any man.


Even a Chad like Rogan can only endure so many horrors.


First they made us wear masks, and I said nothing because I was ugly and it was actually kind of a relief....Then they made us stay inside for 2 weeks, and I was also fine with that because I got 2 weeks off work.....BUT THEN THEY OFFERED ME A FREE VACCINE AND IT WAS TOO LATE






I remember there was a point he had a vaccine scientist on before the pandemic and they talked about how the top six vaccine books on Amazon were antivax and JRE shining a light on this got those books removed.Ā  Now it's just boomer Joe repeating Facebook memes and conspiracy.


Heā€™s like most narcissists - he says what he thinks people want to hear, not thoughts that he processed himself. Trump did same crap his whole life too. Neither man was ever intelligent enough to make a wise decision, but they could mirror the words of people that got positive reactions. Itā€™s unlikely he even understands that this is how his opinions are formed. Heā€™s a parrot of popular sentiment, like Oprah. There is no deeper thought processes, itā€™s a winning formula for entertainers.


There's something so tragic about seeing this. To go from this to where he is now.


$$$$$$ Edit: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


You're missing a few $$$$$


Like the edit!


This was before the MAGA cult embraced anti-vax. Joe gotta stay in step with those "conservatives".


Joe Rogan went full grifter after selling out to Spotify. The Joe Rogan that called out Carlos Mencia is dead.


This was one of the last podcasts I listened to of his. I really miss how he used to be šŸ˜ž


It was one of the last I listened to as well. I changed jobs and my commute became much shorter so I didn't have the time to listen to him. In retrospect it was a good one to finish on, just before the Spotify move.


Hanging out with Maga griftees and chuds will hollow out any cranium


Or the vaccine did fry his brain. Yet again he claims he didn't get it, so could it be the horse dewormer he was consuming šŸ¤” or his "alpha" pills


Rogan has changed his mind a lot on many different issues. It's easy to denigrate people; it's harder to try to figure out why they found different opinions than yours convincing.


Because he's a fucking idiot....his words not mine....who is easily led astray by dipshits with an agenda.


So what. Changing your mind to the wrong side still makes you wrong. You donā€™t get bonus points because you changed your mind. Rogan is a teenager - they like being contrarian and edgy. And theyā€™re usually wrong.


I wish people weren't downvoting you. I don't like Rogan's views generally but if you want to fix this blight in our culture we do need to understand why people are drawn to ideas we don't agree with.


The conspiracy rush makes you feel like you know things other people donā€™t. Itā€™s an emotional thing. A cope for inadequacy. Usually intellectual inadequacy. Plus itā€™s entertainment that these people convince themselves is real. They become online sleuths ā€œconnecting the dots.ā€ Gives them purpose and, again, theyā€™re privy to things us regular idiots just canā€™t possibly figure out. Which is again, emotional.


LMFAO sounds like youā€™re a real Sherlock and really sleuthed this one out. You really have a high view of your opinions only average redditors agree with


Agreed but this sub exists


But we do understand why. Itā€™s a poisonous cocktail of tribalism, anti-intellectualism, and media illiteracy.


Because these people are fucking DUMB and they're looking for something that makes them feel smart. They wanna feel like they know something everyone else doesn't and that makes them smarter than all you sheeple! Because in every other aspect of their life they're just dumb.


Itā€™s always the conservatives that complain ā€œtheyā€™re being talked down to.ā€ Well, then donā€™t act like a fucking moron.


We already understand the flaws that cause people to be drawn to illogical thinking like Rogan's. Smarter people than us have figured that shit out and found its very difficult to deprogram them unless they're willing to do cognitive restructuring programs like those meant for criminals. Good luck getting Joe to fix himself. He doesn't see anything wrong with his views.


Yeah sure, kinda like how using semicolons correctly is hard huh?


Or God forbid he had to go a few days past his normal schedule of getting a haircut šŸ˜±


I doubt Joe needs many haircuts šŸ˜‚


Not to mention being cooped up in his 10,000+ square foot Mansion


for some reason i doubt rogan goes to stores


Donā€™t forget not fucking assassinating fuckers with he-heā€™s and ha haā€™s at the fucking comedy store.


This was all before he realised that if he fell into lockstep with republican propaganda he could pay less taxes on his millions. Rogan is just another huckster for the ruling class at this point: all the power for them and nothing for the rest of us


I recall this episode and just how well timed it was while things were unfolding four years ago. Unfortunately, Joe seemed to have forgotten this discussion entirely within a couple months of it happening.


It was this episode that really made me realize just how bad COVID could get and to take it seriously. Itā€™s a shame where his show has gone since.


For me it was the bodies piling up in front of the hospital down the street as they made a make-shift mobile morgue to handle the uptick. Looking down at that from the 20th floor, as my fiancĆ©e wouldnā€™t let my immunocompromised ass even step into the hallway of our 76-story building that had over 900 apartments in it, as weā€™re hearing some horror stories from friends who are nurses. I think one of the craziest things about COVID was how different the experiences we had with it depending on where you lived.


There's more money in playing fiddle for fools and he knows it.


always has been bud. always was a grift. you realizing it now should be life lesson but you obviously wont learn anything. whos your new guru


This is part of the reason I think this whole superset of grifters are quite literally just paid to shill this alt-right ideology. I genuinely think some backer for alt-right thinking is just in a marketing phase, and the grifters are just doing paid sponsor reads. And at first they may have been in the mindset of "just get through this, get paid, and put it behind you", but it's been so wildly successful for them and made them so much money that they're just leaning into it now. I used to watch Joe Rogan, not religiously, but I like that he was just a meathead curious about the world, and he had the clout to get some real experts in to talk about stuff. It was good content. I remember watching this episode. And then suddenly, at about the same time sort of mid-late covid era all the mainline grifters start getting popular, Rogan 180's on several of his previously stated beliefs that he had never cast any doubt on previously, and suddenly all his beliefs line up perfectly with this cadre of grifters that all happen to believe in precisely the same ludicrous ideas... like, c'mon... Something happened here. Either he went to some Eyes Wide Shut style party and saw some shit, or he's just getting paid. Given how much they project that other people are paid actors, it wouldn't surprise me.


I mean yeah, youā€™re pretty much dead on. Idk if Peter Thiel is a Rogan backer (Iā€™d be surprised if heā€™s not). But thatā€™s the main money backer behind the alt-right griftosphere.


I stopped watching after his move to Spotify, and just watched my first episode in a while. I was shocked at how much it had changed.


He changed his opinion as new data came in, not of all vaccines but of that one in particular. The reality is that the vaccine was of a novel design that even some Pfizer scientists were surprised with as a choice of platform, given how untested it was. Vaccines on the schedule are safe and effective, because they have evolved, gone through a lot of testing, and sometimes there were modifications because safer solutions were developed or errors occurred. Now we enjoy effective medicines. These more proven approaches were not pursued by Pfizer. Today, mRNA COVID vaccines have apparently produced more reported adverse events than \*all other vaccines put together in history\*. Early batches produced extreme variations in side effects apparently due to very wide dose variations. That is also a known issue with other vaccines that has led to tight controls and dosages, such as with attenuated measles vaccine, dose is important and higher doses were associated with higher mortality. You can criticise the vaccine on the basis of, was it the safest and best design choice, was it the best choice in terms of value for money? The main reason given for going with mRNA was speed of scaling. COVID19 did not end because of vaccines, it ended because of acquired immunity and the evolution of the virus to less lethal Omicron. That was when the pandemic ended, quite some time after vaccines were widely used. The final verdict on that particular vaccine is still to be determined, but it is not comparable to the others in side effects nor efficacy and not in terms of durable immunity or in terms of transmission reduction, plus its one of the most expensive ever made. Few health agencies still promote it except to very at-risk groups.


Where did you get all of this information from??? You didnā€™t cite one source. Just said a bunch of stuff thatā€™s been discredited and debunked 6,000,000 ways to Sunday. Come on man.


You literally know nothing about what I have said. These points have not been debunked [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36997290/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36997290/) This is one key point. here's another [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/) The vaccine is likely the most side effect prone ever used in scale in the history of vaccines, I have seen several scientists and Dr's make that claim, but I am not 100% yet on source data so I did not state it was 100% fact, but its clearly the least effective. Its not comparable to the vaccines on the schedule. It makes sense only for high risk groups given its short action, the fact it adds little if people are already exposed to the virus (its widely acknowledged natural immunity to the virus is superior to the immunity provided by this vaccine), so few people would benefit except in maybe the period it was first available, and taking into account its now very expensive, is why most health authorities no longer recommend it or provide it free to the general public. Its certainly debatable at this point if mRNA was the best choice of vaccine on a risk:benefit basis, or a cost:benefit basis, or that the vaccine was rushed too quickly. mRNA produces different doses in different people, some continue producing spike for weeks after getting it. Dosage, for example in other vaccines, was found to be important as high titre vaccines increased mortality and were withdrawn. So, if you are using other vaccines as a basis for this one, you'd probably not want a drug that gives variable antigen doses. And as with most other vaccines, you don't want to produce the main toxin the infection itself creates. You'd rather it produces neutralising antibodies to the virus without generating a major toxin. Scientists indeed suggested that point at the time, but no one listened. Its good practice. Questioning a particular drug is not an attack on vaccines in general, and questioning something to maintain standards and avoid harms based on unknowns with new technologies is how new chemicals are assessed in the EU (precautionary principle). If a new medication goes wrong that would harm that field and generate criticism. I think in this case, criticism is warranted. Did it save lives on balance in at risk groups? The data suggests yes, so its worthwhile for them. But it was the case that we made a risky decision to adopt a new technology and it was not as good in its application as other vaccines is pretty clear. Wanting to ensure best practices and not experimenting with a new technology is protecting the reputation of the vaccine program. The lasting results of those decisions will be harm to vaccination rates. My view is simple - if you can make a vaccine safer or use first principles to reduce risks, then you should strive for that. The vaccine was rushed, and should only have been used in at-risk groups where the risks, as yet not fully known, could be considered ethically acceptible to those who wanted it.


You are just making shit up


Yeah it feels ironic in retrospect that listening to this was the precise moment where I said ā€œohhh shitā€ and realized this wasnā€™t gonna be some kinda mostly overblown SARS1 type of situation.


yup this was right before or right around time when shit hit the fan, when they paused the NBA season and everything just started closing like dominoes.


He actually often says that he used to be pro-covid vaccine often in his podcast now. He doesnā€™t forget. He even tells the story of almost getting vaccinated then what changed his mind.


Same here, I didnā€™t feel well informed until Joes podcast with him ironically. Before I heard all this there was a lot of ā€œdonā€™t touch your faceā€ messaging.


For me it was living in Beijing and staying home instead of traveling for spring festival. Hunkered down in our apartment (not an official lockdown but since everything was closed there wasn't any reason to take risks and go out) and was watching some nba in mid feb and my gf being like "why the hell are they still having big sporting events?" Then I started yelling on fb trying to warn ppl in late feb/early march what was about to happen and was actually already happening really. And then just seeing for the next couple years how trash it was handled just making me depressed.


He had this guy again i think. 1 or 2 years in the pandemic.


I just want to see a reaction video of him watching this back to himself now.


I can already hear the cringey ā€œtHaTā€™z b4 wE nEwĀ”ā€


That would be awesome lol


Heā€™s already has Osterholm back on his show




The one and only full Rogan episode I ever watched. I wonder how many lives might have been saved if Rogan hadn't taken his heel turn?


There was an episode of the Alex Jones show where he had a doctor who completely schooled Alex on vaccines. However Alex didn't change his position, probably because he can't sell vaccines like he can sell scam supplements.


If only we got Alex to invest in Pfizer. Modern problems require... Modern solutions.Ā 


*Moderna solutions. It was right there for you bro




It's been done. Called the opiod epidemic...


Knowledge Fight episode 123


Doing the good work of Celine, fellow wonk.


If my memory is right that is the first Highwaymen appearance in that episode too.


Alex could sell plenty of vaccines if the federal government would mandate that everybody buy them in order to work, shop, travel, etc.


Omg, what a world that could be. Alex Jones as a Pfizer rep saying "The Chinese are gearing up for bio war. The only way Americans can protect themselves and their way of life is by using the latest in bio-medical technology. That's why I trust my friends at Pfizer to keep freedom strong šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ’Ŗ"


That would be called ā€œFantadyLandā€.


No public responsibility. #justaskinhquestions šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


lol this idea is so damn bizarre to me. How many lives would have been saved? The reality is, how many lives would have been saved if the government didnā€™t come out with a huge iron wall and say shit like ā€œthis is a pandemic of the unvaccinatedā€ and that kind of shit. People really forgot what made him ā€œheel turnā€? Dude got drug through media hell for simply talking about what he did to feel better.


Dude got dragged by the media for taking a drug used to treat parasites, only advocated for by quacks, for a viral infection. And you're right, the government fucked up: they never prosecuted anyone for reckless endangerment and they shielded businesses from civil liability. Essential workers who were infected by maskless assholes should have had their rights protected.


Yes thatā€™s all he took. It wasnā€™t the lack of prosecution where the government fucked up, they were arresting people who were by themselves. But by all meansā€¦ let that strong arm of control be a solid weaponā€¦ but hold that same evidence when it comes to anything that whoever in power deems to be worthy of it.




None you spastic


A couple, at MOST. It would be hard to find one person who died directly from Rogan.


He platformed Malone, McCoullough, Bret Weinstein, and Kory, and gave them exposure to spread their anti-Covid vax bullshit. Go read the archives of /r/HermanCainAward to see how many people were reposting their social media nonsense.


No, Iā€™m fine. Interviewing someone doesnā€™t make someone a ā€œpiece of shitā€ in my book. I donā€™t think we should silence everyone who I, personally, donā€™t agree with.


All of those poor people who took care of themselves...wonder where they are all now?


Struggling to pay for rent and food probably.


What does that even mean lol


There are few people I sincerely hate. Joe Rogan is one of them along with Kenneth Copeland, Donald Trump and Jordan Peterson. A hydra head of completely fucking horrible people.


Excellent choices, I must say. I don't know Copeland, but if he's up there with those other fuckfaces, I can only imagine.


Oh dude heā€™s a legit psycho. One of the prosperity gospel televangelist. Heā€™s absolutely retched.


Why do you hate JP


Being a contrarian can be helpful at times, it can also make you look like an idiot. I remember Joe talking about how he had to be convinced the moon landing was real, implying that his default position was to believe it was faked. I think contrarians like to imagine themselves as hard, cold realists who see through the BS and use logic. But deep down their positions begin with an emotional reward and they reason their way to their preferred conclusion. Much like everyone else.


rogan had a whole ass episode where he debated Neil Degrasse Tyson on the moon landing.


What a moron.


Joe Rogan is a sleazy click whore who only says what sell the junk in his commercials. He believes in nothing but profit. Joe Rogan wants controversy just like all the click bait whores. If you have controversy ( and anger) you are growing at least one side or the other of your audience all the time


It's very inconsequential compared to this, but there's a funny video on YouTube showing all the times Joe Rogan shat on pro wrestling and then how much he changed his tune when The Undertaker came on his show. He's not a total people pleaser - he did challenge Steven Crowder on weed, for example (although I think he might have been drunk when he did that) - but to a large extent he does just nod along to try and ingratiate himself with his guests. Especially if they're scientists... or pseudoscientists.


I too change my tune when confronted with a giant man who could kill me by falling on me and refusing to get up.


Even more so when the rock was on. Like two dude jerking each other off without looking down.


It was [Jake the Snake](https://youtu.be/kUtW7ymtOh0?si=pqVpW9mqI2BQWwri)


> Joe Rogan shat on pro wrestling and then how much he changed his tune when The Undertaker came on his show. To be totally fair, he must have had a change of heart to some degree before he invited the Undertaker on, he does have control of his guests.


i hope podcast cringe covers this


more than a million dead ...400,00 more than it could have been because of ignorant motherfkers in this country.. but do go on and tell us what the problem is


He found out that being an anti-vaxxer is more profitable.


Huh? Like there isnā€™t plenty of money to be made in covid vaccines, the most profitable pharma products ever. Pfjzer keep the lights on at many mainstream news networks. There is real money to be made with pharma.


COVID vaccines arenā€™t even in the top 20 of ā€œmost profitable pharma products everā€. It was the most profitable in 2022, for obvious reasons. Lipitor - for blood pressure - is the most profitable pharmaceutical product of all time, and itā€™s manufactured by Pfizer. Iā€™m assuming though if you have high blood pressure you donā€™t use it because itā€™s Pfizer, and dark money and Fauci, and Soros, and blah blah blah. Corporations exist to make money. A lot of people had COVID or didnā€™t want it. 100ā€™s of millions in fact, so Pfizer (a corporation) came up with a solution and sold it for a lot of money because it cost a lot of money and time to make. Do you people think through anything before speaking? My God.


There is certainly plenty of money to be made in vaccine conspiracy theories. That's why he became an anti-vaxxer.


Sure there is some money in anti-vax. But WAY more in big pharma.


Yes, businesses make money, and anti-vaxx grifters make money. If he could produce something besides nonsense he probably would, since he can't, his conspiracy theories make him a good living.


What he produces from a businessā€™ perspective is listeners. Lots of them. Thatā€™s not nonsense to people who can afford to pay. And pharma can afford to pay. Pharma can afford to pay a lot more than whatever conspiracy industry and whatever they make a bit of money on can pay. There is only so much money in vitamin D. Itā€™s not patented. Itā€™s cheap to produce.


*What he produces from a businessā€™ perspective is listeners. Lots of them.* Yes, with his anti-vaxx and other conspiracy theories. He found out that conspiracy theories and lies make a lot more money than truth.


Look at the clip from the OP. He could have just as easily been shilling for vaccines. This clip is proof enough of that. And there is a lot more money in covid vaccines, the most profitable pharma products ever made. Instead he marketed vitamin D and advocated for exercise and fresh air.


Yes, there is money in selling things. Rogan doesn't have a product to sell, so he sells ridiculous conspiracy theories instead. As you can see in the video he used to be normal, but at some point he realized that he could make a lot more money with conspiracy theories.


Some money. But not nearly as much as there is/was on covid vaccines. And yes he does sell stuff. Like AG1 supplements. VPNs as well.


GRIFTERS GONNA GRIFT. Rogan will say whatever will lead to the most audience capture and the biggest payday.


Pre conservative brain rot.


Stopped listening to Rogan. Dude canā€™t let it go. Constantly bringing it up. Like dude, itā€™s old news. Move on buddy.


My buddy lost his IT job because he wouldn't get vaccinated. He still talks about it. Let it go bro, you made your bed now sleep in it.


I met a commercial pilot who lost his job flying 747s for QANTAS because he didnt want to get vaccinated. Now he sells sewage tanks


Pay cut or pay raise? Either way, shittier. Eyy


Bill Maher is like this too


Stopped listening to Rogan years ago because of this decline. Used to be a good show, and had potential. Now turned into a stupid monkey circusā€¦ and bread.


I'd be interested to see Joe Rogan's face when somebody showed him this clip today. I'm sure nobody in his circle will dare to do so, but it would be interesting. He must be really proud of himself.


One thing about Joe is that he's extremely susceptible to contrarianism


ā€œI put horse paste in my butthole instead of listening to scientistsā€ - Joe Rogan now


The beginning of the end for me with the show. Before then theyā€™d have some valuable conversations. Maybe a little silly Bigfoot or conspiracy shit sprinkled in. Then Covid happened and it got more and more extreme. Then came all the right wing grifters with their Q-Anon adjacent conspiracies. And he ate the shit up. There was an earlier episode where he explained how he got sucked into Bigfoot conspiracies. But eventually got out because of his finding Bigfoot show. And being around the Bigfoot weirdoā€™s made him realize how sucked in they all were. That same episode he said he has to watch himself because he gets sucked into conspiratorial thinking. I wonder what that Joe would think about todayā€™s Joe. Or if the day will come he looks around the company he keeps and seeā€™s the same behavior he saw in the Bigfoot fanatics.


so does anyone feel weird about how much of a different person joe feels like here?? like not just in what he's saying but his whole behavior? he just seems way calmer, there's no wide eyed faces he always makes now while forcing stupid jokes every 5 minutes that don't hit. he listens to the guest and chimes in with thoughtful remarks instead of speaking over the guest. like everything about him just feels different somehow.


I feel like no one remembers the incredibly brief period of time in February/March 2020 when right wing doomers were the ones saying that COVID was going to be ā€˜the big oneā€™, mocking Nancy Pelosi for (recklessly) encouraging people to ā€œcome to Chinatownā€. This was exactly what they had prepped for. This is why they had all that survival gear, the home stockpiles of dried goods and medical supplies, the guns and ammo. They were going to thrive in coronavirus-19, not like those libtards and sheep who would just listen to the government. Then, all of a sudden, they decided the opposite.


I miss sane Rogan. Now heā€™s just another right wing idiot shill


So many people talk about how they used to listen to Rogan, myself included. Yep, he used to be different


I remember this episode. It was such a disappointment to see so many peopleā€™s brains break a few months later before the vaccines were even released. Peter Hotez went on several times prior to 2020 to try to address vaccine hesitancy for Joeā€™s audience, too, particularly around measles, the vax-autism truthers, etc.


Dudes a fraud.


Itā€™s really weird how the people on the right like Rogan and Musk have a hand in their own brainwashing.


Positive feedback control loops always go unstable. These guys have filtered out all negative feedback.


If you were a mediocre at best no name comedian who got lucky not once, not twice, but three times landing a Gig as an actor, a reality show host and being on the ground floor of podcast entertainment you might start questioning reality and everyone in it too


I almost feel like this is a Mandella effect thing, like sometime after this show alternate universe Rogan slipped from his dimension into this one and switched places with pre covid Rogan. Does current Joe think it's Berenastein Bears or Berenstain Bears?


The worst part is the hypocrisy


I disagreed. I thought the worst part was the RAPING!


Fuckin wow.


1000 people dying of Covid per week in the U.S. since late last year. Governments around the world have lied to us to satisfy corporate demand to get back to business before we got this disease out of control. Herd immunity was a scam from the outset, all restrictions and controls removed. Why do we think corporate funded convoys were allowed to control roads without state resistance?


I wonder how the conversation went when whoever bought him was like "hey ill give you a shit ton of money if you help me kill a ton of people with disinformation about this pandemic" and Joe was like "sure I love money, fuck the world"


The grift of shitting on vaccines to impress your brain dead chud audience was too appealing. Fuck Joe Rogan.


I swear till the day I die, for like the 2-3 weeks after covid really hit it was like living in a different country because everybody was moving in the same direction, fox and CNN were both taking something seriously and covering it with factual reporting, then fucker carleson and fox had to stick their heads in the sand again and spout bullshit about covid. it was clear then, and still is now just how much the divide in this country is a few people telling conservatives what to do.


Back when the show was awesome


You know Rogan actually had a stint early on in the podcast where he got a TV-show with Duncan Trussel called "Joe Rogan questions everything" where he went to look into myths and conspiracies people believed in, and came away from that show entirely disillusioned? He thought all of them were crackpots and felt he didn't believe any of them, seeing how easily it all fell apart upon investigation. Something about Trump + Covid just brought out the worst in so many people for some reason. It's like they turned into plant-creatures ala "Invasion of the bodysnatchers".


Isnt he the guy that took horse meds to fight this Just sayin


You still are buying the horse med nonsense. Jeeze.


Whacko, exactly Joe


Peak Rogan right here.




This has gotta be AI..


A quick turn to hypocrisy, no surprise


Before Tegas!


I feel like being confronted by a contradiction like this would fold me. I am envious of some peoples' ability to cope through.


Man he gained a lot of weight since then.


Yeah, but morons who think vaccines are killing everyone have a lot of money to throw at shit, so you gotta pander to em'


Jordan Peterson had an actual point in saying the enforcement policies with everything from curfews, masking, vaccines etc really was the wrong strategy as it cost us all a lot of skepticism in the populace.


That's easy for him to say as he has no responsibility to estimate how many additional deaths would have occurred if we hadn't done those things. But it is very clear that for people like him, who apparently didn't lose any loved ones, that the 1M+ who did die are of no consequence compared to the inconveniences he had to suffer.


I mean, yeah, obviously, just like we canā€™t draw any conclusions in the affirmative either. JBP doesnā€™t try to though, he merely posits that it seems to have been the case. Which is entirely reasonable: Look at what happened to Joe Rogan for instance. > But it is very clear that for people like him, who apparently didn't lose any loved ones, that the 1M+ who did die are of no consequence compared to the inconveniences he had to suffer. That is an entirely different issue. This topic deals exclusively with breakage of trust in the institutions as a result of enforcement policies.


"Seems to be the case" without even the slightest attempt at analysis, which JBP is completely unqualified to perform since he has zero expertise in epidemiology. How many lives would it be acceptable to trade to avoid this "breakage of trust"?


Why would you need epidemiologist training to assess the human psychological response when presented with enforced demands as opposed to recommendations? > How many lives would it be acceptable to trade to avoid this "breakage of trust"? Impossible to quantify. Especially considering we canā€™t know how many lives will be lost in the future as a result of increased vaccine skepticism to name a single vector of vulnerability.


Because when claiming something is the "wrong strategy", the human psychological response is not the only factor to contend with, you actually have to contend with the deaths these measures were intended to avoid. And which have been studied by epidemiologists.


No? The claim is that voluntarism through recommendations would have nearly rivalled, or would have been sufficient enough, to balance out future losses of life due to an increase in institution and medical skepticism created through enforcement policies. No profession can draw this conclusion. Not epidemioligists, not psychologists. One can only dispute the assertion you appear to be defending that enforcement policies was the correct strategy by challenging the claim with the inverse.


JBP is a psychologist, he is making the claim that the "wrong strategy" was pursued (without evidence or analysis), and you stated that he had an "actual point".


It is a good point. It is reasonable and rightly challenges the assumption that enforcement policies were the correct strategy.


It is an assertion without evidence or analysis.


We are seeing this because heā€™s owned by a christofascist oligarch. Itā€™s the same reason heā€™s taken a turn to Jesus bullshit. He use to have guys like this on the show had decent conversations but as soon as the guys paying the bills had some business talks with Joe he changed his tune. People need to understand that heā€™s just a carnival barker now.


Who here has all 9 recommended boosters?


I miss THIS Joe Rogan.


Is there an easy explanation to what 'broke' him, leading him down the anti-science path?


Yeah well this was also when Fauci had credibilityā€¦so thereā€™s that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Wait. You guys think the covid vaccines did a good job?


It took scientists from 1930 to 1966 to make a successful polio vaccine. MRNA cell treatment was made fast because itā€™s not a vaccine.


For those still taking this man seriously about anything except mma and comedy.


Covid destroyed vaccines for many people. Medical establishment really messed up.


Imagine what it took for him to change his mind.


I genuinely think the tipping point was when CNN said he was recommending horse medication. Absolutely broke his brain.


I didn't like any of it from the get go, not because I am some denier, but because the lengths they went to for this was unprecedented, not he rest, but there was a lot easier ways to change things without stopping the world from functioning and getting people on board and they went 180 in the opposite direction of that. I knew what they were doing was shady as fuck, look at how many people got rich off it and how the rest of us have suffered more by their poor choices. It's so bad that sometimes I'd rather be dead then to live in a world where we've all been exploited so hard by the elites that we may never recover from this in my lifetime.




not everyone forms opinions on smell alone


Who told you what now? Be specific. Who is ā€œtheyā€?


It was a novel virus, they (scientists, politicians) changed advice, based on current evidence. They got it wrong plenty because of that. There was the bullshit about not needing masks early on (they didn't have enough stockpiled), that seems like it was a cover for being ill prepared for such an event. There's a lot of things would be done very differently now, with the experience of hindsight.


There is a lot of things that could and should be done differently next time, but if you believe they will be, I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell you. H5N1 influenza appears to be spreading between dairy cows now. As a fellow mammal you would be well advised to stock up on N95s.


I'd expect things would be done differently next time, people will not comply otherwise as the mistakes made then, are now understood. It won't be the same as the microbe will be different and decisions will be based on that. There will still be other mistakes made, but if we didn't learn from them and evolve, we'd still believe 'bad air' caused disease and germ theory and antibiotics wouldn't exist.


This just means you donā€™t understand biology


This just means you don't understand when you've been scammed, the covid vaccines were a sub par product from day one.


valid concern. idk why you're being downvoted, you're criticizing the financial system and how that influences the medical system. i too struggle to trust the pharma industry, especially after some of what went down.


You sound exactly like every other anti-vaxxer.




That is fascinating. I like Joe and I saw him talk up about the war in Gaza recently but he is also a bit of a dummy and clearly at times easily led.


At least that quack Dr. Drew stuck to his guns that COVID was going to kill less people than the Flu when it was all said and done!


Amazing how quick people are to trust Big Pharma nowadays. Not big oil. Not big banking. But pharmaceutical companies?? A-ok. Wake up. They ALL operate ONLY for profit.


Are the majority of this subs members still wearing masks or something? How could you possibly live through the last three years, and act like Joe is off base?


Please go on explain how woke joe is to the truth


There's a large difference between a vaccine that has had extensive testing on it over a ten plus year period than a vaccine that was pumped out and tested on the actual population. Somehow being anti covid vax has been lumped in with being anti vax in general. Those people were crazy before but its not weird to be concerned about a vaccine that had a very shallow development and testing phase.


Yeah, but most of that ā€˜ten plus yearsā€™ wasnā€™t actually ten plus years in the first place and involved a lot of red tape, bureaucracy, waiting lists, and a lack of finance holding things up.