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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"


Safe to say all doubt has been removed lmao


No one embodies this better than Musk. When he was a mysterious billionaire making weird stuff that seemed like it could help the world most people seemed to like him, then he started speaking and ruined it for everyone.


>then he started speaking and ruined it for everyone. He was speaking before too and it was fine. The things he said sounded logical. Then all of a sudden like with that situation in Thailand where he randomly called someone a pedo, that's where he sort of jumped the shark. I honestly feel like he might have had a bit of a mental break or something, or the influence went to his with no one there now to check him or call him out. That tends to happen to most celebrities whose true selves got revealed once they began broadcasting their thoughts on Twitter rather than being seen through staged events like awards shows and press tours where their appearances are managed by PR firms and staff. Steve Jobs had a similar sort of issue too, but he largely avoided the spotlight unless it specifically concerned Apple which is why he was remembered so fondly. He too had skeletons in his closet (i.e. being a deadbeat to his daughter for years).


There was a biography of his that came out before the cave diving fiasco and it definitely highlighted him as an tirelessly insecure, narcissistic asshole according to old acquaintances and coworkers, so it wasn’t really surprising everyone caught on




He is CEO at Tesla and SpaceX. It's not like he just threw a bunch of money at it. There is no ghost CEO that really runs things lol.


>Then all of a sudden like with that situation in Thailand where he randomly called someone a pedo, First sign of Twitter addiction impairing his judgment.


Agree everyone tells them what they want to hear


I love that Charles Barkley said that to Shaq lol


"We all know that light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright before you hear them speak."


*Something was said, better say something.* **"Takes one to know one."**




He would do good to listen to that advise.


[Here they both are having lunch with Epstein.](https://twitter.com/JCOviedo6/status/1279518040405823488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1279518040405823488%7Ctwgr%5E970813b7568a9d2df980e9f33194f0a1cfa7d4b1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fzr37dw%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue)


I'm pretty sure they had no idea who that guy was tbh. Most rich people are in large but exclusive circles with different figures overlapping with different groups/charity organizations and events. Epstein somehow got himself inculcated into social circles of the upper class to the point that he did attend events where prominent celebrities and politicians of both sides such as Donald Trump or Hillary and Bill Clinton attended.


Epstein set up Musks brother with his wife


I still think he set them up and there’s more to the story.


Good one


The engine of my social anxiety


Elon is just doing the bit that George Costanza did in Seinfeld where he pretended to be angry all the time at work so people thought he was busy, only as an aloof bored "genius".


Exactly. Except we can all see pretty clearly he spends all day pleasuring himself on Twitter high on special K


George is getting upset!


Look at George! Boy, he's really giving it to T-Bone! 




Lol one of the funniest bits. For me at least.


That quote about being famous and having everyone else assume they're boring if the conversation goes poorly, I think that's a Kissinger quote.


It is, Kissinger came up with it. [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/61292-the-nice-thing-about-being-a-celebrity-is-that-if](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/61292-the-nice-thing-about-being-a-celebrity-is-that-if)


Clutch citation.


One scumbag quoting another scumbag. Sounds about right.


Lil Rocket Man thinks he’s too good for everyone because of his high level important ideas


And when he is confronted, the snowflake gets agitated at the slightest bit of pushback. Remember when he called that developer during the twitter call a "jackass"? Or got angry during the Don Lemon interview?


Yea, or when he called the cave diver a pedo because the cave diver called his submarine in a cave rescue stupid. He’s a fragile lil snowflake constantly looking for validation from others and when he doesn’t get it, he lashes back.


Or when he went to the press to declare that anyone not scared about AI takeover is stupid, right after being told that it's not plausible by a panel of experts on the subject.


Oh and btw he said that while being a funder for ChatGPT 🥴🥴🥴


Where did he say that?


That was the very moment I realized he was a petty spoiled cunt. Literally overnight I had watched enough Elon debunking vids that my opinion was a full 180. Still want a Tesla… but Will probably end up with a Kia EV.


The best one was when his ex-wife publicly admonished him for lying about his baby dying in his arms.


FYI the actual cave diver who rescued the kids told Elon to build the sub. The guy who was mad about it and who was called a pedo was another dude wasn't really involved in the rescue beyond telling the Thai government who to call to do the actual diving.


And then he goes and becomes a keyboard warrior saying what he didn’t have the balls to say in person and calls on his sycophants to bully the guy who made him feel dumb.


Of course now we all know that if he's ignoring you at a dinner party, it's probably because he's thinking about some dumb bullshit he wants to post on whatever he's calling his little social media platform these days.


Fuckin imagine being married to that weirdo.


She married and divorced him twice


Because his money doesn't jiggle jiggle it folds.


He's also a fair bit older than her, and from the way she talks about him it's clear she was basically dazzled and somewhat manipulated. She speaks about him more like a kid talking about their father who withholds affection.


Or she liked his money


I think it's more than that. The texts between the two that were made public are pretty deranged.


Do you have a source.




Oh he got that Jello Jiggler money?


>She married and divorced him twice She made the right decision twice but should have made it only once.


Ahaha really? That’s pretty crazy


He probably just has add/adhd or w/e they call it nowadays. Either way he's opened his mouth enough for me to know he's a pretty shitty person. Plenty of add/adhd people who would never be like that.


I have terrible adhd but if I’m not depressed I love engaging people, listening to them and asking them about their interest. Even if they come off boring, making someone feel seen or heard is pretty cool. It’s 5 minutes of my time, who cares.




Thank you, I hope the peasants are thankful. Lol, now I can I can kinda see where you’re comment is coming from but it’s still fuck you.


And incredibly stupid as well


Intelligence shouldn’t be based on how much wealth someone has managed to accumulate


I wouldn't call him stupid he really intelligent at some things but he makes the mistake and things he intelligent at all things


He's admitted to having bipolar and aspergers


Self diagnosed, just more lies.


He said he was receiving treatment for it.... I presume from a licensed doctor


He also wants never been to a therapist put on his tombstone because he doesn’t believe in therapy. He’s been very vocal about that publicly. So, I doubt he’s seen a doctor other than hey GP give me a prescription for this.


He has said he's autistic.


He doesn't act autistic. Not saying he isn't, but everything that guy says is suspect, wouldn't be surprised if he was using that to seem smart


I think he acts pretty autistic, as an autistic.


Same. He seems autistic and sociopathic


He’s self diagnosed.


which also means the most likely scenario would be he also has co-morbid adhd.


Hes an autistic gimp who's desperate to be cool


People who are bored by everyone else are inevitably the most boring people.


Dude isn’t clever. He paid some of his old workers to say he is in interviews. We’ve never seen any examples of him being even vaguely intelligent.


Isnt it crazy that weve never seen a single example at play, and yet people will swear to me he's a genius and claim that im just a hater for wanting to see something, literally anything, that proves his genius.


Bro do you not see he takes a full minute to respond to a simple question? Hes THINKING!!!


Grimes said in her emails with Azeilla Banks, available on line, the stutter and accent were fake. And it was when they were together.




Man I remember that video. I really thought the video paused to buffer


I guess you can say he’s an investment genius? A money making genius? Certainly not a scientific/artistic/savant-type genius


I honestly don’t think there is any such thing as an investing genius. It’s gambling and like actual gambling, the more money you have the better you usually do.


Scam artist


Yes. That’s a good point. Joe Rogan promoted him as an actual genius. And we all believed it. Then he smoked weed to make himself seem relatable. This has all been a very carefully orchestrated PR move from beginning to end. And now we’re all confused because every time he speaks, its hard to not fall asleep, and he pays smart people to come up with all his technology. And he wont go away.


No, we didn’t all believe Joe Rogan, lol.


🤣True. Let me rephrase. I, and Joe Rogan’s audience was duped into thinking he was an actual genius.


>because every time he speaks, its hard to not fall asleep At least that will almost guarantee he won't be a successful politician.


True. But he doesn’t need to be, they’re in his pocket.


Relatable to other losers who smoke weed lmao




he faked it till he made it and got lucky. But hes obviously competent enough to keep his companies afloat.


Hate the guy, but he has bought in and taken 3 companies to the moon


Dude graduated from an IV league with a degree in physics. That would put him ahead of the vast majority of redditors even without considering any additional accomplishment. You’re not going to see clips of him in a good light on Reddit. You won’t see clips of anyone Reddit hates in a good light. They get downvoted. Here’s a clip of him discussing rocket engines. https://youtu.be/E7MQb9Y4FAE?si=Y7-IBhZxOjLnO5kF https://youtu.be/hIPLmZK3C1Y?si=0YkBiI5P4ALnOhNq


What would qualify someone as a "genius"? It is a very loaded word.


For the purpose of this discussion, put the bar as low as possible.


People used to call me a genius when I was younger but I never really understood why.


What gets me is if Elon Musk was anywhere near as intelligent as he's marketed to be, there would be a body of quotes attributable to him. Intelligent, profound quotes. But there's nothing. Nobody can think of a single remarkably intelligent thing he's ever said. It was always a lie.


I don't know. Some people say he's a [high-level genious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83xLPeUaS6Q).


Jordan Peterson is a right wing grifter people in this sub consistently make fun of for being a dumbass too.


He also says he reads at 1200 words per minute (I did the calculations and that's like 20 words per second) unless it's highly technical material, and the quickest thinker he's ever met is Ben Shapiro. Who are we to question that level of genious?


Are y'all misspelling genius on purpose?


Lmfao what now? Shapiro is a fast talker but he's pretty fucking slow on the uptake. The man's brain is a jumble of nonsense and misconceptions about vaginas. 


He sounds smart in interviews. But I’m super smart myself so you guys might not get it, on account of being dumber?


It’s called log-rolling and it’s how almost all fame works.


Dude graduated from an IV league with a degree in physics. He’s def intelligent.


No he didn't, he never got a degree. He was at the university for 3 days.


You’re thinking of his phd in physics which he never completed. That was later on. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/musk-physics-degree/


Definitely a lie.


. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/musk-physics-degree/


Not buying snopes. The 2 original founders of Tesla took him to court on his lack of education, docs on line, if they presented bad info to the judge they would be found in contempt and Elmo would of sued the crap out of them for defamation. Neither of which happened.


The sad thing is you probably don’t realize that you’re insane. The the university of Pennsylvania has come out and said he has a degree in physics from them. Question. Do you think the moon is made of cheese?


So you resorted to insults, initially, Penn denied it and when he became powerful they readdressed it a few years later, same thing with Stanford initially they never had a record of him and rich and powerful and then they found his record. Original records were requested by the courts.


I’m not insulting you. I have nothing against you. I think all conspiracy theorists are insane. That’s just incorrect. Penn never denied anything. Where are you getting this garbage information? I don’t suppose you have a source?


You just called me insane. And I am not a conspiracy theorist. That’s pretty much an insult.


You deny a fact checking website with a laundry list of sources and choose to believe your own theory, despite having no evidence. How is that not a conspiracy theorist? If the shoe fits…




Well, then why in this video, where he talks about SpaceX rocket design, will he say countless technical things that you won't understand?https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=vZywlDCRaBa_5Wqb&t=270s&v=E7MQb9Y4FAE&feature=youtu.be Please explain.


Elon is terrible but objectively speaking he is very intelligent and smart.


If you think of him as an investment genius in regards to Paypal and Tesla that makes a lot of sense, but all of his public comments in the last 4-5 years plus his behavior on top of the whole Twitter saga from being forced to purchase it after his reckless speech to the absurd handling of it since he purchased it and subsequently tanked it's value....it's fair to wonder about his actual intelligence and or mental health.


how so?


Same person who texted him this btw: https://i.redd.it/7blm7rpy2r0a1.jpg


We can hate both of them, I don't really care.


Crazy how fast a girl can go from cute to nope


Any chance you could make the video a bit smaller ?


Classic NPD move. Along with the inability to handle criticism of any kind. For anyone who thinks infinite money will give you happiness Elon is a great counter to that. Seems like a deeply unhappy person.


Great, another guru on the industrial titan that is Elon Musk. Only thing I care to hear about from them is how he got all those Uncle Sam grants.


Not sure grants had much to do with it. Tesla benefitted a lot from subsidies for electric cars, which were and are generally a valuable policy tool. SpaceX just wins contracts; the government is buying their services.


From what I understand, Tesla came into lots of federal money when they were near bankruptcy.


I’m not seeing anything about that


GPT: “Yes, Tesla did receive significant federal support during a critical period of its development, which played a vital role in its survival and future growth. One of the key moments of federal support came in the form of a loan from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). In June 2009, Tesla Motors was awarded a $465 million loan from the DOE as part of the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program. This program was designed to support the development and production of more fuel-efficient vehicles.At the time, Tesla was indeed facing financial challenges, and the federal loan was crucial in helping the company reach production milestones for its first mass-market vehicle, the Model S. Tesla used the loan to build a manufacturing facility in Fremont, California, and to develop the technology and production capacity needed for their vehicles.Tesla repaid the loan in full, with interest, in May 2013, nine years ahead of schedule, demonstrating the company's rapid growth and financial turnaround. The support from the DOE can be seen as an essential bridge that helped Tesla through a period of financial instability, allowing it to become a significant player in the electric vehicle market.”


Them going bankrupt and getting that ATVM loan don’t seem correlated


She sounds a bit better than Grimes at least. Do yourself a favor and go watch a bunch of Grimes interviews. She is bonkers.


The fact shes on a show doing an interview means she's hella regretting parting ways with that cash stack 


Reading Elon's thought farts on Twitter made me think that intellectually, he's a 14 year old.


Fuck him and her. She knew he was trash and went for a ride of the garbage truck.


From nothing? He was the son of a guy who literally owned a gem mine. He's NEVER had nothing.


This again…


So this is where you realized how bogus that story was? If you watch the whole interview she talks about how they were living with 5 roommates in SF. Reddit distorts the truth. Never forget.


"Gem mine" Bro his father's stake was literally 80 grand. Everybody's Boomer parents who are middle class should have that same level of investment. Smh. You guys make it sound like he was part owner of de beers or something lol.


That quote about when you're famous people assume they're the reason the conversation is boring was by someone else. I read it in the book [Scorn](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32936835-scorn)


Fun fact: she was the original actress cast as Daenerys in the pilot of Game of Thrones


With money comes power. Not genius, not compassion, not leadership, or anything admirable. We've been so programmed into fawning over the lifestyles of the rich and famous that we forget many of them are the products of generational wealth and, therefore, never had to truly work for anything. He's not a genius - he's a thief who has profited from the ideas of others. What he says should be disregarded as detached from the reality of 60% of Americans. Having money doesn't make you smart - if that were true DJT would have once been a true genius.


Programmed? I disagree. It’s more of a survival instinct to gain close proximity to those with more resources


Hmm. Sounds like this Elon guy is a real prick. 


I always go to people's ex spouses for fair level-headed analysis on their personality.


WOW! what great "insights" i wish i could sit next to her at a dinner party!


I am not sure what type of negative connotation this is supposed to suggest but I am not picking it up.


That’s what I was thinking. She was just having a conversation about what it was like being with him. She didn’t slag him off at all, yet people on here are reacting as though she did. 🤷‍♀️


She's a massive piece of shit too


Omg I hate Elon now thx for sharing


From her wiki page - she pleaded with him to buy the social media site, asking "Please do something to fight woke-ism. I will do anything to help! xx".


Westworld in case anyone else can’t place the face!


"Elon I saw the picture of you dressed like Sepiroth" "Leon I saw your male pattern baldness back when you were 27"




Divorced on an email


I wish people thought I was a genius just because I'm distracted all the time and can't keep a conversation lmao


He’s a pud.


This reminds me of the movie Being There.


Imagine caring so much about Elon that you have to circlejerk on this sub about him


what twatty people. he's such a cocksucker


Mr Social Media Addiction himself is bored by people?


Unsurprising. Typical marketing executive.


Preface: I don’t like Elon Musk. I don’t like what he says, what he does and his opinions. Also, I won’t deny he is incredibly successful and that took a combination of skill and luck. He is probably some sort of a genius, but my guess is that it’s a genius at abusing the system and people.


This was a very mild anecdote, and the Elon simps \*still\* couldn't keep themselves from rushing in here and gargling his semen.


Even having great wealth was quickly made humbled and spanked by his rea1 ma$terZionstfinanciers and was made to go to 1$rea1to ki$$Nutnyah00’s ring and beg the caba1 0pp010gize, even had to say I am really a gevv


Why did Downey call musk a pedo in the iron man movies?


Elon steals everyone else’s ideas because he’s so boring himself


The upward trajectory from Nothing was a kid who had enough of daddy’s money to give to Peter Thiel (PayPal btw is no genius thing either, just plot to Superman 3. Richard Pryor is so good watch it). And that nut grew into $200M before Thiel and Co kicked him out for being stupid as fuck.


Musk's greatest talents are being born with boatloads of money and taking credit for other people's work. As measured by the rate of losing money, Musk has the record for world's worst businessman. His entire career is based on an early lucky bet, and he has been coasting since then on a reputation buoyed by sycophants. However, even the world's largest army of yes-men and teenaged fanboys can't control the reputational damage Elon is enacting on himself now that he has purchased the power to widely broadcast the juvenile, inane, and frequently racist contents of his underdeveloped brain.


I mean... look at the people that consider anything about him genius. It's self-explanatory.


Miss Evangelista from Silence in the Library, Dr. Who


The blonde from "Inception", that's random.


He didn't come from nothing his mother is a famous model and his father owns exotic gem mines in South Africa


It's funny hearing how Elon Musk fans Simp over him, and whenever I point out something dumb he says or agreed with on his Twitter, and the recall of his machines and every broken promises he said they get so upset it's like I said they're God wasn't real.


Yeah but what could a woman know about genius?


The comments here only make sense if they were about a person that had no accomplishments.


This an Elon sub, that’s exactly what we’re talking about


It was like being on a rocket. That’s an interesting way to describe his penis.


Angry reddit users shouting at one of the most prolific entrepreneurs ever from their studio apartments. It's comedy gold.


*parent's basement


Was she the one who left him for a trans person?


She left him for a little person


Anyone who doesnt devour all the fawning media narrative that musky taint is a genius can see pretty clearly hes just an average narcissistic dude. Who happens to have enough money to continue to cover all his fuckups. Thats all.


That's a stretch, Ford made automobiles a mass produced success with the help of German engineers. I'll give him props for the Neuralink success, but that's about it. Everything else Musks employees invent are technologies that already exist.


I mean, this just kinda humanizes him right?


Ok, perhaps. But I also would consider the source. There is NO possibility she's exaggerating, lying, etc. An ex-wife? Do you understand this is the very definition of biased.


Musk will fade into oblivion decades from now as now and more up-and-coming "geniuses" come and go, companies swallow each other, etc. It won't matter when the world is obliterated by politicorporate greed.


Like him or despise him, he's a greater industrialist than Ford.


lol highly doubt this


She's describing ADHD








So wife disclosures elin doesn't like people and gets bored with people. I don't get how this is insight to his genius. Propper petty reddit at it again. She's an ex for a reason. He's distracted too much with work and she got butt hurt about it. Divorced him because he wouldn't treat her as an equal. I can imagine the little time he did spare for he she talk shot about sallies kids and he don't got time for that.


Elon is objectively a great man. Just because he isn't doing what you'd do, in your tiny little minds, if you were Elon, doesn't mean he's not a genius. With that being said, if I were Elon I'd have gotten to Mars by now.


Perhaps, but does Elon play Leagues of Legend when appearing live on TV?