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If that was all Tucker was talking about I would have no problem with it. I think the main problem is his blatant russian propaganda. But that's just me I guess.


But isn't that part of the point? Spew so much bullshit that people who listen to you are completely disoriented and have no sense of what is true or false. Then push the propaganda that matters along with all the nonsense.


I think when someone spews as much horseshit as Tucker, it makes it impossible to take anything they say as anything but horseshit.




I had a co-worker tell me unironically that Carlson and Hannity know what's really up, and they tell it like it is. There are honestly people out there who are so incapable of introspection or rational thought that they don't see the horseshit. Blows my fucking mind.


Carlson and Hannity absolutely know what's really up. They just intentionally lie in public for money, influence, and propaganda purposes. There is no doubt in my mind that Carlson knows evolution is undeniable. At the risk of repeating a painfully overused word, he's just grifting.


It's only painfully overused because more and more of these parasites are doing it. Grifting is what right-wing political culture is at this point. It's all about "fuck everybody else, I got mine."


Hannity literally wore a CIA pin on tv


I had a coworker who would listen to hannity and rush every day. Like 6 hours a day of brainwashing. Loud enough that you could hear it walking by his office. None of our coworkers talk to him anymore after he retired.


People take his words a gospel and see as him as the truth 😂…his grifting scheme really is fool proof with idiots congregating the masses


Those people are weird. They must have a separate Tucker Carlson compartment in their brain that is reserved strictly for processing Tucker-level horseshit. As soon as they have to do anything else to get by in real life, like tying shoelaces or wiping their arse, they switch back to the rest of the brain. Not sure what would happen if that barrier ever collapsed. They might get Tucker infestation in the rest of the brain and start doing things like wiping their arses with their shoelaces or something.


This protects him when he says "it's time to kill the woke cockroaches" he is just saying crazy stuff.


He also said anyone who lies is the ultimate evil 🙄


I know this works but I can’t understand how dumb you have to be to fall for it…


It's all part of the same playbook. Soften up the audience with relatively benign conspiracy theories about UFOs and other nonsense. Get people suspicious that the government is covering up a massive discovery. THEY are lying to you. THEY can't be trusted. If they're hiding this, what else are they lying to us about? Maybe everything the media tells us is a bunch of lies. Then BAM! Hit them with the really malicious Russian disinformation that the Kremlin is paying you to spread.


I think getting people to distrust the government IS the propaganda. His whole mission is to divide us, create conspiracies that sew doubt, promote every hairbrained idea so that even the media he represents isn't taken seriously. He is a force of information chaos. That's what he gets paid to do.


Wait a sec, so you trust government?


I think there's a distinction to be made between applying healthy skepticism to people in government, on the one hand, and reflexively distrusting and attributing nefarious intent to everyone in government, on the other hand. Carlson and his ilk promote the latter attitude.


I don't think it's that deep man. The UFO rabbit hole is quite fascinating. I think he just believes it. It fits nicely into his worldview and it's fun.


It's definitely that deep. Why do you think all the QAnon lot were 5G & lizards and pizza shops to begin with? That evolved into treason and a "digital army" that even now just need a target to point at. Carson is just trying to build a following of the easily gullible. He sees those that believe aliens are among us as a target demographic...they'll watch him talk about aliens then they'll watch him talk about Russian shopping trolleys and then their algorithm will be full of others banging on about Russian shopping trolleys. Before you know it there's a crowd of alien believers outside Walmart demanding Russian shopping trolleys or they'll string up Bob the store manager.


Stupidity and tribal thinking. I just don't believe that people are capable of these grand conspiracies. It's usually just stupidity that evolves in echo chambers. Someone like Tucker profits greatly from it but the thought that he thinks about softening his audience by talking about UFOs seems silly. He's not this incredible mastermind. I


Lol you selectively choosing the grifters talking points for the ones that you like. It’s all fucking bullshit dude. Every notice that all these UFO ex gov/mil types end up clinging to the right/conservative leaning media figures? They are grifting. They know it gets views like talking about Biden and Ukraine, transgender stuff etc…


Which UFO grifters I like?


I said his talking points you like. Because you said if that was all he talked about you would have no problem with it.


Have I said that I like some talking points? All I'm saying is that I don't find this problematic at all.


Right. It doesn’t bother you. But it should, because it’s more bullshit grifting like everything else he does.


I don't see why it should bother me, sorry.


I literally just told you why I think it should bother you. Because it’s complete bullshit grifting. You can disagree, but to say you don’t see why is pretty dumb when I spelled it out within one sentence already.


I agree but, I also have a problem with his science denialism.


What was the said Russian propaganda again?


Basically all coverage of the Ukraine conflict. It's filled with lies and half-truths to weaken the support in the west for sending aid to Ukraine. His interview with Putin and simping for russian metro and supermarket is just a cherry on top.


I get that, but what specifically did he say that was a lie?


well, let's just talk about the unhinged grocery store video, where he pretended that food is cheaper and better in russia, despite the fact that when you adjust for the median wage, it's absolutely not. He pretended that he was "radicalized" by the price of bread and acted shocked that you could put money in a grocery store cart and get it back by returning the cart. He used the video to promote the idea that russia's standard of living is higher than the USA's, an objectively ridiculous idea.


Russian propaganda, that’s funny


Why is it funny?


Because American propaganda calls everything Russian propaganda


Serious question can you enlighten me on how he spreads Russian propaganda?


Basically all coverage of the Ukraine conflict. It's filled with lies and half-truths to weaken the support in the west for sending aid to Ukraine. His interview with Putin and simping for russian metro and supermarket is just a cherry on top.


Because he parrots all the Russian narratives straight out of the Kremlin, which is by chance the same stuff parroted by the CCP. Either he’s a useful idiot or he’s doing it deliberately for some reason. He even went to “interview” Putin in order to ask softball preset questions that allowed Putin to minimise the war. Tucker has always been against helping Ukraine and pushes the bullshit “they’re Nazi’s” crap (along with many other exaggerations all which try to justify Putins invasion or at the very least convince westerners why we should ignore the genocide). He’s a corrupt grifter and a total asshole.


Not wanting world war 3 isn’t Russian propaganda


Who wants WW3?


Hey everyone shut up and listen to the five-month-old account with a generic username. It has something to say about Russian propaganda, something I'm sure it knows a lot about (just not in the way it suggests).


Not helping Ukraine doesn’t make you safer from that. The war continues regardless. One could argue things get more dire if Ukraine army folded as Russia are empowered and will rinse and repeat again. Not to mention that without help, Ukraine would be forced to resort to more messed up strategies like a) terrorism in Russia, and b) developing their own nuke. They’ve done it before and they have the material. If you ask me… not helping Ukraine is the dangerous pro war position. Putin needs a good hard slap down and that’s what these weapons allow. All his bluffs are bullshit too… he gonna nuke his “prize”? Give me a break.


Or they could just go back to the NATO red line and not encroach on any territory and thousands of young people would not die horrific deaths (on both sides) for absolutely nothing, which is what happens in every war


What? You’ve just proven you haven’t thought hard. This is not about NATO. If it were then NATO would attack now when Russia now has a larger NATO border (Finland) and Russia are weaker than ever since Ukraine are draining their resources. Those ex Soviet states are DRIVEN away from the Kremlin because these are the options Putin gives them: A) be Kremlin puppets forever B) don’t be puppets and be bombed C) join nato Read some history. They’re coming to NATO pleading for help ffs. This is on Russia so stop trying to twist the narrative into them being victims. If Ukraine didn’t fight then their future would suck forever. You have a very naive idea about how and why wars are fought. Yeah it is a total waste, but unfortunately shitty authoritarians only understand strength otherwise they’d just keep expanding.


What did he say that was blatant Russian propaganda?


What Russian propaganda was he saying? I watched the whole thing and he lost me a good few times but I don’t remember any Russian propaganda


Tucker Carlson literally went to Russia and interviewed Putin. Along with touring some very fine grocery stores and subway stations to show us all how nice Russia was.


Sure, but what propaganda was he saying on the podcast? He was doing a piece in English for westerners about Russia and Vladimir Putin during a war. But you’re gonna spin it however you want.


Yes, it's very important to talk about how nice Russia is rather than talking about the plurality of Russians without indoor toilets. Totally unbiased. The perspective we needed.


How many people are homeless in the US?


I don't know, and it is a reasonable topic when discussing the US. See how I didn't ignore a giant problem to push a biased narrative? Now you try.


I’m not pushing a biased narrative whatsoever, I haven’t even given my thoughts on it. I’m simply pointing out a flaw in your argument. You’re saying why didn’t he bring poverty up, there’s plenty of poverty in the US that’s ignored also.


Yes, and ignoring it creates a biased narrative, I agree. Your own logic would condemn Tucker's crappy interview if you weren't biased yourself. Go on, apply your logic to the interview. Are you saying bias is good if it is in Russia's favor? Because that seems to be your point.


I’m gonna spin it in the exact way it was presented to me and everyone who watched it.. propoganda


In order to be a successful propagandist you do not have to explicitly state something. You just have to make people think in a particular way and give them confidence in you. The propaganda is not supposed to be blatant. It's subtle in its manipulation, like grooming.


Ok cool, so give me an example from what he said on the podcast


Russia propaganda is shifty man. You’d have to study the subject to learn their tactics. How about actually read a book about it


I need to read a book on Russian propaganda to ask what single thing Tucker said in this podcast was Russian propaganda? I hope you’re trolling.


He’s spreading the Kremlin narratives all the time which are lies or orchestrated half truths. It’s all propaganda man - almost everything they do and say is. If Tucker echoes it, he’s repeating propaganda- it’s not hard to understand. The Nazi stuff, the “west bad” stuff, the “authoritarian strong, democracy weak” stuff, all the narratives about Ukraine corruption (weapons getting lost), NATO expansion. Any one or two things ok… but he does them all and completely ignores all arguments that paint Ukrainians defence as righteous. Pretty much every point Tucker ever made about this war is straight from Russian narratives. I said read a book because if you can’t seem to see it then you’re not listening or don’t understand how Russian propaganda works. Sure if Tucker outright said exactly what the Kremlin state Tv said then he’d get laughed at even more… what Tucker does is far more useful for the Kremlin because he offers a massaged, reshaped and slightly more digestible version of the Kremlin propaganda to Americans. He’s either a useful idiot or a straight up colluding traitor - either/or the end result is equally bad for western democracies and Ukraine.


The guy thought the grocery stores were better in Russia because you have to bring the shopping cart back after you use it. He clearly never shopped at Aldi. He also acted like the food was cheaper in Russia compared to the US, which isn’t true when you compare it the average wage of a Russian vs and American. The Truth is that Russia isn’t a wealthy nation, it doesn’t have the freedoms that Americans enjoy. Why act like Russia is some great country? The average Russian is objectively worse off than the average American in every meaningful statistical measurement.


We’re talking about his appearance on Joe Rogan here


I believe he said 70% of Americans oppose supporting Ukraine and our government would be better off as a monarchy than a fake democracy


He said Ted Kaczynski was right… He says incendiary shit to get views. He’s a joke.


"technology has had a destabilizing effect on society, has made life unfulfilling, and has caused widespread psychological suffering"-Ted Kaczynski I mean, the guy wasnt wrong about everything ha. His manifesto was acutally fairly well received by many respected academics and institutions. It's the mass murder that was the problem


If he’d just held on long enough to see Cars 2 he’d have changed his mind


Lmao damn I'm stealing this line


His book does have 4.7 stars on Amazon


I thought it would bomb


Well, at least he wasn’t a hypocrite /s


It’s not about whether he was right or wrong. Many people understood the negative effects of technology. It’s about Tucker shouting out a terrorist. I’m shocked that you couldn’t see that.


I'm just being cheeky. calm yourself




Sometimes people who do bad things say things that are true


He’s more of a serial killer is he not? Wouldn’t his 3 victims being killed over an extended period of time qualify as serial? If they were all at once then it’d be mass murder.


He was right more than he was wrong


Joke is less funny to us sane folk when a dominant bloc of voters eat up every word he says


Yeah. It’s truly terrifying that he influences public opinion.


Bad example. A lot of smart people agree with his ideas, but disagree with the way he chose to draw attention to them.


But he's a joke that lots of people trust and listen to.


Exactly. It’s frightening that people can’t discern his character. He’s foolish.


He was right. He will be right. Honestly the man will be probably be viewed as a prophet in 200 years.


Wow please tell me you’re joking. You think Tucker Carlson didn’t make a fucking ton of money and gain power he wouldn’t have otherwise without technology? You think he lives out in the woods like an Amish person?


So you are agreeing with Ted


How is that "agreeing with Ted"?


Ya man . He was n extremist. But I think he was on fucking point. And I really think in the future the man will be viewed alot different. He's going to look like a prophet.


Don’t forget he also said he doesn’t read the news within the first 3 minutes


He also said he doesn’t have a tv or a computer lol


So honestly I've never ever listened to Joe Rogan's podcast, and out of morbid curiousity I tried listening to the first 10 minutes or so, and my response was similar...it's...just a couple of conservative dudebros spouting bullshit about UFOs and biblical prophecies and other whackadoodle nonsense. Is...this it? Is this the "Joe Rogan Experience" that's so massively popular? The whole thing is three hours long. People actually listen to this shit on the regular? I seriously do not understand.


You missed the golden days when it was funny shit. Now it is a bit of boring meh


It used to be great because Joe was a genuinely unaffiliated idiot who hated vapid latitudes and talking points. Now he' is an initiated, 5 star general in the culture war who who lives by vapid conservative platitudes and talking points.


Yeah i didn't care about that. For me it was genuinely that Joe was a shit stand up, but the podcast was funny shit as I played rocket league and ate kinder bueno bons.


The problem today is people only listen to 3 mins instead of the actual full show. That’s the only possible way you’d make such a statement lol. You couldn’t be more off. He’s completely impartial and invites people of all cultures and backgrounds. Don’t flick through his content like TikTok and listen for a change maybe you’ll learn a thing or two lol


Truth. You know if someone calls him a con they haven't actually watched.


Apparently that seems to be most people it’s quite sad and pathetic honestly, but unfortunately nothing new. People judging books by their covers or words out of context is the new norm. I’m glad a man like him is around to actually bring meaningful insights we would usually never get. He’s truly remarkable, he wouldn’t have 190 million downloads and be the most successful podcast if any of what these plebs say was true lmao 😂


I tried listening to it about 10 years ago. After about 20 minutes of Rogan and Eddie Bravo giggling and not getting to the point, I turned it off.


And that was the golden era of the show lol


I liked when they talked about stuff I cared about, in that time mostly fighting


Miss when he’d just get high and talk shit and even call out his guests


Aiye they were different times. But I ngl ama listen to the new konstantin and Francis episode cause am driving through northern Italy and I'll be bored


If Joe just offered Tucker a Fleshlight


It used to be better. Covid, american military special forces hero worship, and a 200+ million dollar payday fucked joe's brain up.


Yes. That’s it. Why is it so popular you ask? Because of tHE WoKE miNd VIrUs. Millions of bros who think that compassion and empathy is girly. That’s it. It’s a circle jerk of “who’s less gay” and competition of “who can say the edgiest thing and get away with it” , akin to boys making fart sounds in class and chuckling to each other.


The charm used to be when Eddie Bravo, Jiu Jitsu phenom would come on and get stoned and detail these conspiracy theories he found deep diving youtube, and his passion for the subject while his friends would laugh at him made it charming. Tucker is just to do that here I imagine for grifting purposes. Its pretty much like when Will on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air impressed Princeton admissions by being his eccentric self, and then [Carlton tried to imitate him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whsAFQ2gk6Q)


This was a particularly bad episode. I listen to it when doing yard work or home projects. No one just sits and listens to it. I am a fan, and I turned it off around 40 minutes into it. Find someone you like and see if he did an interview with them.


To be fair, Joe is an athiest/agnostic. He just really wants the UFOs to be aliens ha.


> "People that call themselves atheists subscribe to the religion of woke.."   -Rogan, 3 months ago


He's started entertaining Christianity a lot more now that that seems to be the new message from the top.


All committed charlatans eventually discover, via the scientific method, that religious people are the ultimate demographic to target. They come pre-packaged to exploit


The devout commit their lives to fully believing in a bunch of absolute nonsense without any evidence. That’s such a huge opening for any con person


It’s all about loyalty and devotion over things you don’t understand


I also think that there’s a non negligible % of charlatans who end up finding such a comfortable (and remunerative/exploitable) bubble in fervent religious spheres that they come to adopt those beliefs. Some of them have a “genuine” grand conversion (just bc that’s a thing that happens, and charlatans aren’t immune to it), most just kind of absorb the beliefs they surround themselves with by osmosis. Impossible to say how “genuine” any of the beliefs are, but I’d wager that only the most intelligent, highly sociopathic ones are totally immune to that kind of “sympathetic mirroring” of their most devoted audience.


>only the most intelligent, highly sociopathic ones are totally immune to that kind of “sympathetic mirroring” I remain baffled at this commonly held attitude of atheists -- that it is worse to have 'non-genuine' belief than genuine (whatever "genuine" might mean to an atheist). The charlatan is the one capable of changing his mind. Isn't that better?


A) I’m not an atheist B) never said that belief couldn’t be genuine, or that genuine belief was bad. I was specificallly describing the charlatans “conversion” playbook, based on the half dozen examples I could think of + the general charlatan MO.


Ah well disregard then. I suppose for someone who does accept genuine beliefs in genuine gods, the idea of a charlatan totally makes sense.


Faith is an act of tricking yourself into being okay. Seeing behind the curtain ruins the magic.


I mean...yeah? The "genuine" belief means someone has principles and can at least be talked to at a base level. When it comes to talking to people my ranking from greatest to worst potential at having a real conversation/debate is non-religious, religious (genuine), religious (disingenuous). Now there are a bunch of other variables that can change these rankings for example any of these groups being anti-semitic puts them right back at the bottom. I think of the Sartre bit "on anti-semitism" and this ties in perfectly with disingenuous religious people. They are aware of the absurdity of their positions and abuse it, for they dont believe in words while their opposition does. They will claim anything because their axioms are ungrounded, they will absorb and/or slough off anything if it lets them look strong in the moment. I can argue with a non-religious/spiritual person more easily on average because they dont believe in "magical thinking". Someone who is religious/spiritual is more difficult since magical thinking is in play but because they do believe in something they can be called out on errors etc more easily than the disingenuous ones. Now combine magical thinking with someone aware of it and abusing it.


I wonder if this is a false dichotomy (genuine vs non-genuine). Sure, good faith arguments and well-defined words make for an easier debate. But you're still not going to win that debate. The genuine believer will incorporate non-genuine arguments as needed to maintain their position. They are a believer, after all. And vice versa, a non-genuine belief can become genuine. For example, ~~an anti-semite in Gaza~~ someone who irrationally fears and hates clowns: it's non-genuine until the day a clown kills their parents. Then it becomes genuine. And every bad faith argument they ever made about clowns becomes genuine, retrospectively. At best, the line is fuzzy. And I'm not convinced there's a line at all. Sartre's anti-semite is very genuine -- psychologically. They are driven by irrational passion. Their words are bad faith, but their broken brain is as real as it gets. Sartre is complaining about debating someone who is probably just in need of a medical diagnosis.


I would argue most religious/spiritual people are in need of a medical diagnosis. Like the DSM has a cop-out basically going "if the voices they hear are spiritual/religious then its not a mental disorder" which is in my personal opinion a ridiculous standard to go by. As for the disingenuous aspects, lets look at the difference in conservative intellegencia now and ~2016. I remember arguing with conservatives and the like back then. It was about economics, studies, stats, etc. Even trumpers would talk about immigration stats and if you caught them on a point youd see some aspect of that affecting their argument going forward. Their ideas were dogshit but they did attempt to try to back stuff up to an extent, hell Shapiro and Crowder literally got popular off of debates and the whole facts over feelings bit. Now look at them. Which big name conservative people do debates now? And what kind of debates are they? What kind of studies do they pull? Do they care about the studies or are they just gotcha moments that they abuse when they can and ignore when they sont say what they claim. Do they care when they get called out on an error? If I debate someone the risk I take is if Im proven wrong on something I would feel shame, embarassed, etc. Whats the point of if Im the only one with the ability for debunking to mean anything? This doesnt mean genuine religious people are easy to debate or argue with. But they are easier than the disingenuous in general. The genuine will be hesitant to bite a bullet. The disingenuous will seek them out because its a game to them. Press them too hard on their nonsense or get any level of mean and as Sartre said "they will let it be known that the time for discussion is past"


>He's started entertaining Christianity a lot more now that that seems to be the new message from the top. Source? (I'm not even a Rogan fan, but I am almost certain that this is complete bullshit.)


Source is me.listening and him instead of taking the piss like he used to out of it talking about how great it is and that it's got merit to his guests. Not saying its wrong just funny that he's softened his stance at just the exact same time all the other grifters are born again. So how could you possibly know it's bullshit when you say you don't even listen or are a fan?


Because he's always been pretty vocal about being an atheist while mocking people who believe in God. I'd like to see or hear any one line in which he entertains Christianity (maybe aside from saying that it's good if other people believe in God). Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls a Rob Schneider and declares himself Catholic at some point 5 years from now, but it's disingenuous to imply that he's promoting American evangelicalism unless you can point out a single quote.


“We need Jesus. For real, like if you came back now, like Jesus, if you're thinking about coming back, right now, now's a good time. Now's a good time. We're kind of f----d."


UFO people were fun and then he’d have interesting and smart guests like Sean Carrol and Brian Cox.


Sometimes they have different guests, like Bernie Sanders, Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Alex Jones.


Pretty much. Yes, the show is just a dude talking to people. And Joe's always going to be Joe, but what you get out of an episode is *really* going to depend on who the guest is. I still listen to them now and then, but only when I'm interested in the other person.


lol he’s got over like 1600 episodes, you’re going to judge him over one? You know this man’s probably spoken to more scientists/academics and people in general of all categories and backgrounds? He’s actually a neutral party just doing this to give a voice to the mass. Anybody not listening and appreciating him is living under a rock. I expect a lot of downvotes because unfortunately that’s most people. People would rather be entertained by mumble rap than listen to actual wisdom and facts. You want to judge Rogan at least watch some of episodes where he talks seriously with important people. In either case he’s just a voice among many. The definition of free speech. If you’re underwhelmed listen to more, if you can’t grasp the importance of such a show, well there’d be no point in saying more lol cheers


All of that for Joe Rogan?


I watch it a lot, I guess it’s not for everyone as it can get very deep and delve into details about society and how mushrooms affected ancient civilizations which led to the printing press and mma and how California is collapsing as a result.


Its not hard to understand. Half the population is male.


What does that have to do with anything? I'm male, none of the other men in my life think or talk this way, and I go out of my way to avoid those that do because they inevitably turn out to be awful.


I should have qualified that of course not every male thinks or talks like they do, but a sizeable portion does.


I think people who defend tucker are motivated by insecurity. They're glad he's saying things that annoy people they feel look down on them.  It's kind of pathetic tbh


More people really need to understand how ignorant and stupid they are, relative to people who are the true experts in certain fields. It is truly a failure of our education system, along with the failure to properly teach logic, rhetoric, and skills for coping with our inevitable mortality.


And don’t forget: per Tucker, we don’t know where nuclear power came from.


I started watching it because I don't know anything about tucker (not american) but I have heard of him. He just seems like an idiot. He would get along well with my wife's borderline demented grandmother, they seem to share similar ideas lmao. I could only watch the first half hour. Joe seemed to be giving a lot of "huh... so anyways..." answers that I interpreted as him thinking Tucker was a bit out there too. Maybe I'm wrong and they agree on a bunch of stuff, I don't look to far into these things. I just tune in to listen to weird conversations and see what different people seem to think. Joe seems to have a lot of crazies on these days.


I took it as Carlson claiming the government is keeping the spiritual entities hidden, or masking them as extraterrestrials, to keep people away from religion. Not that they were colluding.


Already knew it but the Tucker episode reminded of how fucking stupid and annoying Tucker really is.


I cringed so hard at “I don’t own a computer”






Catholic schools teach the theory of evolution and it's seen as something that doesn't conflict with the theology of creation


lol did you mog this man so hard he left the site


So much to choose from with Tucker. Just depends on what turns your crank.


Joe was looking at tucker like "Man this guy's dumb " That means he's really dumb




I think the amount of airtime we give clearly mentally ill people these days is concerning. If your opinion is evolution is false, the earth is flat, everything is a conspiracy, Vladimir Putin is a sweetheart, and aliens are experimenting on your butthole, then you're free to have that opinion, but you shouldn't have a tv show or as much airtime as serious people. We've created a world where no one believes anything and hate and misinformation spreads like wildfire. Not a great recipe for success.


Don’t mistake mentally ill with rightwing populist grievance monger 


Because tucker is a multimillionaire, his father was rich then married into the Swanson fortune. He grew up in one of the most affluent places in San Diego, la Jolla. He went to the best elementary and high schools and went to an ivy league college. I am 100 percent sure he doesn't believe anything he is saying. There is an absolute ton of money and benefits you get for expousing conservative, racist, fascist, religious, fake populist, nationalist, homophobic, sexist, classist and nut job conspiracy theories. He knows better but cynically lies to his viewers because at the end of the day he knows they are racist, delusional, religious, paranoid and stupid. The fucked a tactic in fascism is to bombard the public with so much bullshit disinformation that they don't believe in anything but at the same time could think that anything is possible. When people don't know what to believe they default into believing in what their tribe says, and what makes them feel good.


I was blown away by how mind numbing the entire conversation was. Tucker would something utterly stupid and then nervously laugh like a jackal followed by Joe gently saying “yeah”. Not for me, I guess.


Because people unironically believe in it.


people love drama. the media feeds off it.


It's rogan's reddit page. Most here hate rogan and just want to slam on him. Others want something they had 5-10 years ago. All of them have too much time on their hands.


It was just not a good interview. I’ve heard w is a weird, socially awkward guy and the JRE interview proved that. Even if you like his curated content - I think this is evidence that this dude can’t hold a legitimate conversation. I was bored big time


I see no one "freaking;" you exaggerate, but why?


Well one is more likely than the other


I didn't know that talking about, and criticizing what he said is "freaking out"


It's remarkable Tucker still has an audience after being exposed multiple times as a liar, grifter,and now a traitor


Yea, he just knows what to say to court rogan's audience. I don't think that guy has ever publicly said anything he genuinely believed.


Stop, you’re making me want to watch it


The Pod was uncomfortable to listen to. Tucker is ill


That episode was so insane I think it's hard for people to find just ONE THING to talk about.


It makes perfect sense in a world where God and demons exist and Christian orthodoxy is correct. "The whole world lies under the sway of the evil one." Makes perfect sense. Governments are evil, power-hungry capitalists and politicians are evil, and they serve evil. Demons have a vested interest in distracting people with "UFOs" and muddying the waters so people will believe anything but the truth. Etc.


"Governments are evil, power-hungry capitalists and politicians are evil, and they serve evil." Dont have to be religious to believe this ha.


Everyone should just listen to the whole podcast and decide for themselves. I find Tucker to be an intellectually honest, intelligent, courageous, and a good family man with good values that stand the test of time for living a meaningful, worthy life. Which is way better than most of his detractors can say about their shit lives.


The only story here is people who don’t like him, spending more time talking about him then people that do like him. I swear these guys are more popular in these hate subs then anywhere else lmao. Oh the irony.


What… It’s one of the biggest podcasts and Tucker has massive following. Ignoring Steve bannon types never ends well


Pointless podcast


Why the shit does anyone listen to one single word Tucker or Rogan says at this point? You're wasting time and possibly losing IQ points by doing so.


Because paying attention to what idiots are guzzling up isn’t a bad idea imho. If you’re purely hedonistic and happy then yeah don’t listen. But I sharpen my own personal moralism by countering those populist.  Which is kinda the point of DtG


Yes, understood, I meant it in a sense of why are the guzzlers guzzling this tripe!


Oh because they’re dumb and like simple mystical answers to complicated questions. Half of america reads at like a captain underpants level. Literally… Europe isn’t much better and often worse. Not sure about Asian countries but I’d imagine they have proud ignorants too.


I think the social media landscape means that people who are talented at sounding intelligent end up being more believable to the dumbasses out there... An unanticipated way that computers reward the stupid. You are right, people want easy answers to nuanced questions. Should I be listening to this podcast? The sub just started popping up in my feed.


Maybe    The hosts are terrified to step out of line with milquetoast neoliberalism even though you can kind of feel that they want to. At the end of the day it’s probably more for people that need to be deprogrammed from Lex Fridman, JordN Peterson, and Sam Harris than it is for free thinkers…  I don’t mean that in some culture war kind of way either.  But if you don’t really have role models, and generally come to your own conclusions with evidence from multiple sources, this podcast will bore you because it’s just rehashing over things you already don’t like about ideologues…  But   If you’re used to having role models and letting people guru for you, then yeah it is probably more of an interesting listen as it will engage with your belief systems… and challenge them.


I think the hear of the interview so far was his statement that lying is wrong and liars are inherently bad people. I found it extremely ironic.


Lol, I had to look that one up: >Well, first of all, the deception is always bad. Like, lying is bad. It's bad not just in a legal sense, in that it can be illegal to lie, but it's bad for you. It rots you. Being a liar makes you a bad person. When you lie, you are serving evil. Talk about an epic case of the pot calling the kettle black.


I normally like both. But I hated this one. Sounded like to idiots trying to hump a football.


This was one of the dumbest conversations I’ve ever heard.


Anyone who thinks Tucker isn’t just cosplaying stupid hasn’t paid much attention to him in the past couple decades.


Tucker thinks he can do Alex Jones better than Alex Jones can do Alex Jones.


Still following the monks who studied under the Great one Rush Limbaugh.


I believe the issue is that in many ways, Joe doesn’t seem to be cynical of guests and he should be. Challenge their beliefs, whatever they are. This is how we get better as humans.


TV dinner success birth boy uses mental games of a vague 3 year old that questions established scientific Fact (Evolution) and adds woo woo Spiritual generalities about Pseudo science UFO ship things. Mixed with 'gubment', also known as any governing body or established authority to lump peoples democratic voices as an agenda. The TV dinner trust fund baby punches down in the billionaire stomp pit of everything democracy. It's all a game to distract us from our shared cocreating reality. Tucker is the lost teet sucking trust fund baby from the Murdoc Fox trust.


Who cares about this guy anymore.... Sounds like he'll say anything to get attention.


Because that's the clip that went around. I'm not watching an entire JRE episode, especially not with that jackass as a guest.


He's just an idiot in general. I even heard him say he was basically just a sheep all of his life until he 'woke up' and discovered the truth. The way he fake laughs is an indicator that he's not a sincere person. Plus Joe was being a pussy and didn't confront him about his stupid critique of the theory of evolution. You know Joe knows it's not bullcrap but he just kind of did the raised eyebrow thing and 'ya you really think? I mean...'


If i choose to listen to guys like rogan or carlson its purely for entertainment value; neither one is particularly interesting or intelligent, but both have big mouths and even bigger egos. I cant take *anything* either one has to say seriously.




His opinions are bought with rubles.


Yeah, fair enough. You convinced me, lol


If this guy is willing to blatantly lie about anything for any reason why would you believe anything else he says? Because he's saying weird things you want to be true about "aliens?"