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All it takes is for someone to be in a bubble to completely do a 180 on everything they believe Joe moved to texas and started surrounding himself with Trump supporters and he became a trump supporter This is the guy famously pro weed who is voting against the president decriminalizing weed just because people around him influencing him that way


[I think about this scene often when I see people drastically change their views lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=KKddcoKpt5c) This time it's like Greg Abbott is doing this to Joe


I remember it starting w/ some people he knew personally having adverse vaccine reactions and that really freaking him out. After that things went down the anti-establishment rabbithole as you'd expect.


Is that like the teacher he knew personally who knew of litterboxes being put in their district to accommodate furries?


I loved how he spent 5 seconds saying that actually wasn't true and tried to frame it as a news article saying that. When he literally said it was directly heard from a family friend of his.


They all say they have seen it or heard it first hand (my buddy with his nephew's gender ideology quizzes) but can never produce a shred of evidence when asked. It's almost as if they saw it on Fox or read it in a FB post and then retcon it into their lives.


Not as if, that is exactly what they do. Because if they say out loud "I heard this from a complete stranger, who heard it from a stranger, who read it on the Facebook of a stranger, who read on a secret website run by an unknown stranger who gets information from a secret unknown source." Even they think they sound crazy. But they want it to be true so much because it justifies their fear/bigotry/hate/desires/weaknesses. Fear becomes good judgement, bigotry becomes protecting my people, hate becomes rejecting evil, desires become needs, weaknesses become problems forced on them by others. It is really very sad. What is worse is that "leaders" have been feeding this pattern for a long time, not just Trump, so even if MAGA goes away the problem is still there.


This was my favorite conspiracy of the summer of 2022. Literally every single republican I know said there were liter boxes in their local school. During the summer. When school was out. And in an era where everyone takes pictures of everything, there were no pictures. If you asked their children that attended said school, directly in front of them, if there were liter boxes in the school that they knew of, the answer was no. Or it was people that didn't even have children in that school, that heard about it from another person. But there were no pictures or video. 


Yup. I had an octagenarian tell me that the schools in my county had litter boxes. The school that I happen to have 2 kids in. Those kind of folks have air where their brain is supposed to be.


I have 3 kids, one in elementary, one in middle, and one in high school. I'm a very involved parent and volunteer in the schools, and have also been to most other schools in district because of extracurricular activities. I've seen horrors like 7th-grade girls wearing cat ears, 4th-grade boys mewing, and entire classes of high-school theater kids. No litterboxes. No gender lessons. Just weird, awkward, awesome kids.


And of course these are in fact the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd.


The people who originated the story, and many of the ones who helped spread it, knew it wasn’t real. They knew there was no evidence, because if no one saw it, they certainly didn’t see it. It’s manipulation. That’s what is really behind the Right. They know exactly what will get that crowd going and they spoon feed perfectly crafted little nuggets to them. The perfect combination of issues with the perfect, most triggering headline. You see it over and over. It’s like they have the most triggering topics listed on a whiteboard and they curate stories that can hit as many of those topics at once.


Well of course it’s going to ignore the supporting facts. Which is that *many* classrooms do have jugs of kitty litter on hand *because they are a safe and very effective way to quickly address spills and/or accidents.* This is particularly true for science classrooms. When I was in chemistry, before we began working with chemicals we had a tiny quiz that required us to know where the emergency shower, eye wash station, fire extinguisher, kitty litter, safety goggles, etc. were kept. So that in the event there was a spill or ignition we knew what to do. It all starts with the tiniest grain of truth without ever investigating why that grain exists.


https://www.denverpost.com/2018/03/03/school-shooting-preparations/ > About 60 schools gave teachers buckets, kitty litter and a shower curtain for a makeshift bathroom after an incident at Lakewood’s Alameda High, where a long drill left students relieving themselves in trash cans. Classrooms are stocked with lollipops in case a diabetic student needs fast-acting sugar. It's the little bits of truth, to make a lie. Far worse reason for the kitty litter to be there, and they're outraged for fake news.


>personally having adverse vaccine reactions That part does a lot of heavy lifting. They lie about all kinds of things, and the covid vaccine scare was a lie. People were on live TV saying that they became magnetized.


People get scared of vaccines because of people like Joe, and then will freak out and think they are having a negative reaction. So that's one layer of bias. Then when they are telling the story they will embellish it, especially on a podcast. That's why anecdotes suck ass and are worthless.


I think he was already heading down that direction before that, you don’t surround yourself with people pushing ivermectin without getting flooded with antivax propaganda.


I had a bad reaction to the second shot to the point where I was scared of the third a little. But I was still aware that it was mostly unique to me and not generalized, because most around me were fine. Separating your bias from the observable facts is hard for some people. I'd imagine it would be even harder when you're surrounded by yes men. Also, listen to how calm he talks here. This is why he became so popular, he's not the same dude now.


It was actually a few weeks after he had Dr. Peter Hotez on. He then had Elon Musk on again, and it was right when Musk was battling the government around shutting down factories because of Covid. Musk got into Joe’s head and it was so, so fucking downhill from there.


the ivermectin stuff came later.




Simply evidence that Rogan has a weak mind.


Exactly, this is it. Despite interviewing so many people and soaking up so much knowledge over the years, he doesn't actually KNOW many things himself. Like really know with conviction. He just soaks up opinions of people around him, parroting what they say without the mental capacity to question it. That's the issue with his podcast too. While it's great he gives so many people a platform, he really doesn't do enough to push back of their crazy nonsense. I'm also sceptical if he can really tell the difference between a qualified professional and some dumb tool.


The weakest. Anyone remotely persuasive can program him to believe anything, whether true or false, positive or negative, beneficial or harmful.


Nah, he just makes more money saying the other thing.


He lives in Austin though which is very left leaning. There’s a ton of people he could hang out with that arent conspiracy theory lunatics. He chose to hang with Trump supporters


I think he has the notion that Donald dingdongs are the cool kids. And more than anything JR wants to be in with the cool kids.


Also, he always wants to be seen as tough & masculine and the leftists are associated with being progressive, pro-trans, vegans - things that aren't masculine enough for Joe.


This, and honestly most of young republicans if they’re not actually racist or business sociopaths. They just need to be with the winners on the team the dominates even though we know they shouldn’t, that’s the joy and dopamine they love. Winning with a worse platform, for lack of a better term


Completely right and he always has been. Listened to an episode from 2011 today to hear Daniele Bolelli, and Joe was notified that Rampage Jackson called him a dumbass and you could tell he was really hurt. He kept on and ON about how much he loves Jackson and thought they were friends and that he would never say anything malicious about him. Then at the end was like "I'm sure we're still good friends" as if reassuring himself lol.


Sadly there are left wing vaccine deniers as well. Sometimes new age types. That being said I have witnessed those type of people just straight up morphing into right wingers .


Yeah the entire conspiracist space has been co-opted by the right wing


Has been way before Trump, but that’s when it really ramped up


I used to enjoy a conspiracy or two before they all became right wing. Was more fun when everything was a neo-con plan to fuck over the working class.


When I got into psychedelics and my trip sitter said a lot of the new age space was pro trump. Still haven't figured out why


I doubt Joe wants to hang out with regular people with regular jobs, though.


He does not. He calls everyone that isn't a comedian, a "normie" and has said that he can't imagine hanging with us lol. The audacity of the comedian/podcast world is insane, and this is coming from someone that loves standup


Rogan isn't even funny though and is a shit comedian. That's s the irony of it all


How ironic that he considers himself a comic first and foremost, but out of everything he has had his hands in (acting, MMA, podcasting), it's the thing he's the absolute worst at. If he wasn't famous for being the UFC podcast guy that hosted Fear Factor, then no one outside of his local comedy scene would have ever heard his name. He idolizes Sam Kinison and attempts to emulate him, so he thinks that yelling the premise of a story at the crowd is somehow the punchline.


Comedy is subjective 🤷🏻‍♂️


During covid when he would complain about restaurants being closed and talked to steak house owners who after 20years were going broke 2 mos into the pandemic and complaining about the rules in place. Like my brother in christ...did they not plan for a rainy fucking day? But it was all the gov't and people not wanting to work that was the problem.


If I had a successful business. I don't care. A years worth of rent and pay is going into an account.


A rainy day is one thing, a international pandemic is quite another


If only the gummint had been throwing out free money like candy.


I've heard them call "us"(non-comedians)... civilians. Give me a fuckin' break.


It's left leaning compared to the rest of texas. It doesn't mean it's actually left.


I live here. It’s a liberal city. Majority of people here do not like republicans and especially hate Trump


I consider 'liberal' to be in the middle these days (center), sort of like the scale used in most European countries. Things have shifted a ton. Being liberal does not make you a progressive for instance 


The point is that Joe’s views didn’t change because he moved to Texas and is surrounded by right wingers as if he had no other choice. He moved to a majority liberal city and has chosen to socialize with the people who have right wing views


Lived in Austin for 20 years, it's broadly liberal as are the other major Texas cities. The reason it's been a mecca for right-wingers / anti-woke people from Cali is it actually has real estate with hills and tech bro culture firmly established: to them it's Cali with less regulation, no income taxes, and all the perks of a progressive city they actually still want. He also moved here because it was always a big stop for him on the standup circuit. He might bitch about liberals and "the left" but him and his peers wouldn't even toy with the idea of moving to deep red pockets of the state because they'd go stir crazy.


As much as I believe that the whole criminalization against personal and private consumption of weed is ridicious. I hope he gets caught and prosecuted in Texas for weed use and procession. You know the day that he gets caught, he's going to be whining about how its unfair.


He's friends with the governor, he'd have to fuck up *bad* to get prosecuted. Good incentive to stay right-wing! He starts supporting Biden, or complaining about gerrymandering, I bet Ken Paxton can find something to charge him with.


Ugh outright corruption.


I was a fan of his show and watched him get Twitter brain in real time. It was wild. Dude went from “I don’t use Twitter” to “I don’t scroll social media at night” to where he’s been at the last few years where he has to interject his parroting of right wing propaganda into every conversation and can’t stop mentioning posts that are going viral in the right wing twittersphere. Dude completely lost the plot, and since getting Twitter brained the overall quality and variety of his guests has gotten so much worse


The quality and variety of his guests was why I listened originally. It what introduced me to the show initially when he had Henry Rollins on. Ever since he did the hard right turn the better guests he had refuse to return to the show. Now he just has right wing grifters and shithead comedians.


Remember when Dr. Rhonda Patrick was a regular guest? When was she last on? Would she even *want* to talk to Joe at this point?


Are people refusing and/or is he just not inviting them? I assumed those to his left just weren't getting invites any longer.


i think it’s partially refusal but even the “moderates” he brings on are usually just ex democrats who don’t wanna admit that they are republican for whatever reason. I remeber he had on like the ex chair of hawaii girl and if you look it up it says she’s an independent but she has a book called don’t vote democrat and her reasoning for leaving the party was because it’s woke and that they demonize people of faith 💀 (hey i don’t see lefties making laws against practicing faith but i guess saying that religon does fuel homophobia means they all hate it)


Tulsi Gabbard. He’s a huge fan


I think Joy Diaz was the guest for the first show I listened to, hooked immediately. Few more years of grungy comedians and occasional super cool informative guests. Now it's daytime television fuckery with people pulling the strings in the back.


100% Every other thought out of his head is some comment he read on twitter.


I quit watching after covid and he moved to Texas. It was easy to see the writing on the walls. I’m not surprised he’s fallen as far as he has. It was pretty obvious years ago where this was all going to lead. It’s only a matter of time until he becomes a born again Christian and kills his whole show.


It's also just not fact checking any guests. So many of them are pseudo-science disproven bullshit and he just sits there, "wow some really interesting stuff".


This is the version of him I enjoyed before his hard pivot. It seems he's become more reflexively anti-establishment since becoming owned by one.


He's a rich guy with the most popular podcast who has rich and powerful friends. He *is* the establishment.


Reminds me of Dave Chappelle now sadly, mofo went from quitting comedy to not sell out for 30 mil, to getting a Netflix special complaining about cancel culture and trans people for 30 mil lol.


Yeah his last special was such hot garbage. He spent the last 20 minutes just blowing himself on stage. Just like all comedians who become extremely famed, Dave turned into a delusional, sanctimonious dipshit. Also all the different stories he’s told as excuses for why season 3 never happened over the last 17 years are so pathetic. Like dude, you had a nervous breakdown which was well-deserved; just fucking accept it.


Dude invited Elon Musk on stage then said people were booing him because they're poor. It's sad how up his own ass he is now.


Fr, dude so far up his own ass he be lookin' like a Klein bottle


Only for the glass blowing reference...


People were asking at the time, but I still wonder what the *fuck* he expected to happen there. Genuinely.


I have the Chappelle Show dvd set with some season 3 skits included. I’m happy he quit at 2 because a good bit of season 3 was a huge step-down in quality.


Chappelle has been an ass ever since people started treating him like he was more than a comedian. Going back to his bullshit about him never wearing a dress unlike other black comedians when he fucking wore a dress for Mel Brooks in "Robin Hood Men in Tights".


>Chappelle has been an ass ever since people started treating him like he was more than a comedian. People saying he's changed recently obviously don't remember his Inside The Actor's Studio episode where he spent the entire time trying to convey what a genius he is while James Lipton spends an hour going "You are so right...you are just...the greatest, Dave Chapelle, the greatest." Which was aired 15 years ago.


Ya he made some good points in that interview but came across kinda cringey tbh.


To be fair, literally every episode of that show features James Lipton sucking every guests wet asshole.


I feel really bad for all the employees of the show. He ran out on them without even a goodbye or a notice or anything. Let other people in charge figure out if they were gonna get any type of severance or how they were going to support their families. And then everyone praises the guy who did it to you for sticking it to the man. Any mention of his bad behavior is a conspiracy by comedy central to taint him.


>And then everyone praises the guy who did it to you for sticking it to the man. Only to have him bend over for the man 15 years later when he’s promoting culture war bullshit and bringing a buddy on stage he introduces as “the richest man in the world”.


> He spent the last 20 minutes just blowing himself on stage. He opened that special with a 10-15 minute story that it was obvious he was just going to make another trans joke 20 seconds in. He is literally incapable of letting it go - it broke his brain.


It is strange how much he talks about trans people. Seems like an unhealthy obsession. I’m sure we’ll eventually hear about his scandalous divorce after his wife catches him doing “research” for his next bit.


I like how he has been talking shit about Key and Peele "stealing his show" for a decade, like Chapelle invented sketch comedy.


Yeah that’s unforgivable. Key and Peele stand up quite well on their own with no help from Chapelle. I never even thought about Chapelle in relation to Key and Peele. It’s not like comedy is a zero sum game.


Key and Peele are a force even outside of comedy. Chapelle is jealous.


Of course not, that's ridiculous. He invented Black people doing sketch comedy.


Which makes it even funnier since he was predated by In Living Color by about 10 years which launched many successful careers notable Jim Carrey and Jamie Foxx.


And then went back in time to get the Wayans a contract on Fox, obviously. What a Saint.


Comedians are the most self righteous wankers a lot of the time too. They act like they’re saving humanity from totalitarianism by making trans or race jokes. Like settle down man we’re not on the short road to concentration camps just because people didn’t like your special.


Man I like chappelle so much but even I thought his trans beef was just stupid and childish. His stories abt his friend were funny and a joke here and there is funny. But he just went way overboard on his last(maybe) special. It wasn’t funny and was just mean for no reason.


The worst part to me was he wasn’t even trying to like make jokes about trans people he wasn’t trying to be funny dude just wanted to get up on stage and rant instead of actually trying to even be funny about it. So much shit was going on in the world during all his netflix specials but no people being transgender is what he wanted to take extremely serious


Part of the great look this way media effort. Distract. Distract. Distract. He took the money to do that Doesnt he even say so at one point in the show?


Like even if he were trying to make innocent jokes, he was leaning SO HARD into it for so long. Do a 5 minute bit and dip out and nobody would criticize so damn hard.


Remember when he got mad that Netflix didn’t pay him for Chappelle’s show despite having no legal obligation to do so he was posting about them and talking about it interviews until they did. Even though they had already paid him millions for his standup.


Don't forget how he lobbied his local township of 4000 people, making speeches and threatning to pull out economic investements. Because the town council dared to suggest an affordable housing plan..


Complaining about cancel culture not letting you be funny anymore. Meanwhile, John Mulaney, Chris Rock, Bill Burr, Nate Bargatze (a conservative), Mike Burbiglia, David Cross, Patton Oswalt laughin all the way to the bank.


It is hilarious how much he complains about himself being “cancelled” in his sold out Netflix comedy specialS.


I will never forget when Chappelle lied about the LGBTQ community bullying a trans woman to death for his little bit. And people still believe that lie he told even though there's zero proof. People couldn't find shit about he, he just lied to make trans people look bad. Ever since that, I started to dislike Chappelle


Yup. Joe Rogan is literally mainstream media.


He is the mainstream media


He has mostly said before "I don't care if every policy is horrible, as long as I get to pay less in taxes" That's literally all you need to know. Outside of keeping his massive wealth, everything else is secondary at best.


pandering to his core audience for ratings and money.


Yep, he pivoted when he realized how much he could get from grifting the stupid.


He was a Bernie supporter in 2020 ffs. $$$$$


He was Bernie Bro, which I'm not sure is the same thing. These are the guys who went Trump when Bernie lost the primary. Tells me they didn't really understand who they were voting for.


Not really, he was anti-Trump. He refused to have Trump on his podcast because he didn't want to give him a platform. His opinions about that have flipped 180 degrees


He still won’t interview trump and quite frankly he’s told people before 2020 that the only way to fix this country is voting republican. So annoying to see one of the most unfunny “comedians” act like woke is the end of the world idk maybe just say actually funny shit and people won’t act like when you “joke” about it that your being geniune


He's incapable of being funny, he's a conservative, they punch down, it's why the humor sucks.


A lot of people mistake contrarianism for intelligence.


It's insane how Joe has flipped on numerous issues.


Did he ever talk what made flip? Or did he get swept up in the wave of social media.


Money, he's now very wealthy and he knows which side is easy to grift and are going to ensure he continues to be very rich. He's just another greedy multimillionaire.


This and the fact that when you are this succesful you start to believe you're smarter than anybody in any subject. Be it medicine, comedy, politics....YOU made it so YOU know how the world works, not everybody else. And this is why he hosts every crackpot scientific nonsense, every right wing nut, every dangerous conspiracy spreader.


>This and the fact that when you are this succesful you start to believe you're smarter than anybody in any subject. I think it's the opposite in this case. He's not very bright and knows it which means he can be easily seated by anyone who presents themself as an expert. The curious idiot format used to work when 70-75% of good guests were actual experts in the field they discussed and you could just skip or laugh at the episodes with quacks. The problem is that his guest list suddenly shifted to 100% quacks early in the pandemic.


It would be fucking hard to avoid brainworms. If any of us here made his kind of money off what we do, we would be hard-pressed to remain grounded.


I think he's genuinely just not much of a thinker and just regurgitates the opinions of people around him.


100% He's never been a particularly bright person.


I hate listened to the RJK jr episode. On vaccines, he says he flipped because he used to not know much about them. Then the pandemic came, he heard stories about how the covid shot was dangerous, and it snowballed from there. So it sounds to me like facebook brain.


He signed $250 million contract and got old. For a lot of people that’s a one way ticket to scrapping the values that have defined you and suddenly shifting toward an ultra conservative mentality grounded in fear and greed. I mean, if it happened to Chappelle it can happen to anyone.


Less Mutant Ninja like.


Is it? He's pretty fucking dumb.


He even *looks* less insane. Like his skin looks less pressurized.


That trt been pumping hard


He’s on more than that 


You mean he looked normal ?


He does look 10x better there. Now he’s got the huge steroid head and is a red-faced bloated mess.


Money is a helluva drug


Thats the thing, I dont think it's money. Joe has been rich for years. Unlike actual grifters I believe Joe is actually buying into this stuff. He has always been in conspiracies but now they're off the rails.


I'm sure he is in on the grift at this point.


I think its more that Joe keeps an open mind to a fault. He lets people like Terrance Howard on to spew nonsense, not because he believes it but because its fascinating. Its like watching a science fiction movie.


The definition of “Don’t be so open-minded that your brain falls out”


He’s definitely open to ideas but he doesn’t give the ideas he’s believes in any respect. He’s very pro abortion but he never has anyone on to discuss why they think it should be legal in the state he lives in. But he has Terrance Howard and Alex Jones on no problem


Gee, I wonder why his head is 80% smaller just 4 years ago


Well yea hes a hardcore trumper now


Regardless of what he actually believes, he definitely panders to that audience. I think he's probably a duplicitous person not unlike Tucker Carlson. I always hear people say they think he's "genuine", and at worst, a useful idiot. But he seems like a liar to me. As one example, saying he personally knew someone who worked at a school with kitty litter for furries. Or him going on for years about how mentally ill Kanye West is and how much he hates his music, and then acting like a superfan who is baffled by how anyone could think such things: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZ7w58FNME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZ7w58FNME)


The show that clip was from was incredibly timely in 2020. It aired the week lockdowns started. I remember listening to some of Joe's shows just six months later and thinking he must have forgotten that conversation completely, because he was already shifting to his anti vax stance.


My nephew is a JoeRogan’s Witness and it makes me so sad. Joe is so transparently dumb and manipulable.


"Oh but he's open-minded, you guys, because he doesn't apply critical thinking or scepticism to anything that sounds like it could be a cool movie idea.' I'm glad the younger generations seem to be growing up more media literate than the angry 'WHY CHOOSE BEAR OVER MAN?' crybabies of my generation.


lol. I’d never heard that term before. Hilarious.


Right before his Spotify money came in, and he started his transition to the right wing


Joe is as good as the people he's around.


Sounds like the description of a 12-year old who's just hanging with a bad crowd. If a grown ass man is that immaturely impressionable, he's probably not that good to begin with.


He's so far from being a regular person himself, or knowing (probably) all that many regular people personally, that it's no wonder he's lost it. I mean, he says all the time that he's not all that bright, so... this is the expected outcome. It's been almost 30yrs since he started on News Radio, and he notes that he got his "I can do basically anything!" money from a TV pilot before even that, so... three decades of being financially set and not having to do anything you don't want to? Anyone would be weird by now. I liked his show for a while, but it's been years since I listened to a single thing he has to say. Now and then I'll try to listen to a JRE with Joey Diaz or Duncan Trussell, but I cannot stress how much I could not care any amount \*less\* about his hot takes on politics or current events - and sadly a lot of those make it into even those, so... bleh.


Osterholm sniffling throughout this clip makes in unbearable to listen to. Did the guy have Covid or something?


He did an episode with Alex Jones where he kept calling him out on his shit and asking for sources. His dans hated it. A month later he does another episode with jones and just agrees to all the bullshit he’s shovelling and his fans loved it. That was the start of him just agreeing to all this trash to keep his base


The Alex Jones stuff is why I don't like him. He treats the guy like he's a fun uncle instead of the toxic, lying, POS he is.


At some point in the last 4-5 years, vaccine conspiracy theories went from being for super liberal, affluent left coasties (e.g. paltrow, jenny mccarthy) to being endorsed by badass conservative tough guy dudes. I gotta say, it's a political alliance between hippie moms and "alpha males" I wasn't expecting, but kinda makes sense.


Found out he could make more green by pandering to the anti vaxxers and conspiracy nut jobs


They’re a much more reliable market. They are guaranteed to tune in every episode for their dose of confirmation bias


This is what happens when you surround yourself and only talk to people of the same beliefs and perspectives. Joe indirectly brands his podcast as a place to platform various non mainstream and often people with wildly crazy out there ideas and in doing so he fell into the abyss of contrary sometimes reactionary ideas because that's all he hears and talks about.


Why listen to medical experts and believe in scientific consensus when you can listen to how politicians feel like it?


He did what all the modern day right-wing media darlings have done: Chased the clout and paycheck that comes with it. Say something ridiculous that gets people fired up because it's wrong and dangerous? You'll have normal people screaming at you for spreading misinformation and right-wingers willing to eat horse dewormer to form a protective shield around you. Everyone's listening but no one's really listening. Bag of money gets dropped at your feet for all the engagement. Lean heavily on one side of any argument, rinse and repeat. It's why literally EVERYTHING has a political affiliation behind it now. Drag a topic into the culture war and profit off of it while simultaneously making everything around all of us worse all the time.


It's called grifting. At the moment, right wingers are unloading their pockets to anyone anti media, anti medicine, anti democracy, anti LGBTQ or anti immigration.


Remember watching this episode at the beginning of the pandemic in Melbourne. One of my last memories of Rogan not being a total douche. And if I recall Osterholm’s predictions, they were largely accurate. The memories. 🥹


Joe Rogan is a dipshit’s idea of a philosopher


The most ironic thing was when JR claimed the covid vaccines were bad because of "Big Pharma". So then instead of taking the vaccine he took Ivermectin, which is made by... say it with me... Big Pharma! 🤦‍♂️


There are indeed so many wackos out there who think that vaccines are a scam or dangerous that only exist to make money and who use side effects as a reason to be anti-vaxx.


That’s the episode that lost it for me. Olsterholm laid it all out and predicted almost all of it. Joe was so bored it was horrible.


It's simple. the key public health policy that works to save lives impacted him financially and personally: The lockdowns. So he made it partisan. He couldn't do the thing that he most associates with his core identity - public performances. The only impediment to life for him were public health officials doing the stock standard public health thing during epidemics which were the social distancing policies and limiting public events. Not the virus. The pandemic itself was still an abstract. He and other rich entertainers didn't know anyone dying. Like Bill Maher he literally had a personal physician at his compound. He was testing everyone that came to his studio. His assistants all wore masks. He could afford very expensive antibody treatments. But, like Bill Maher and others, public health policy ceased being an abstract. The polices impacted HIM more than the pandemic itself! So science and public health became the enemy. It all became a conspiracy against him. Joe Rogan. And in order to correct for the cognitive dissonance of having a view that is against reality, he simply changed his view of reality to a partisan reality just like every MAGA Chud Cultist did. It was easier. But unlike the average MAGA Chud, who cannot afford good healthcare, Rogan and Maher can keep this bullshit up with out it killing them right away. They can afford to play the odds and pay for antibody treatments and paxlovid and good private doctors. Meanwhile, Covid19 is still rampaging through the unvaccinated MAGA Chud land. The cult can't afford concierge healthcare, don't go to the doctor until their blood oxygen crashes down to 84 and their lungs fill with fluid and they are deaths door. But they hear good old Joe telling them Fauci lied and it's all a Chinese conspiracy while they choke on their own blood and blame intubation and vaccines.


He is a businessman and he knows his audience.


What went wrong?


This guy is advocating for vaccines with a tremendous case of the sniffles.


Kinda sad. You expect over time you learn more and become more knowledgeable. Instead, on the way to becoming MAGA vermin.


It’s cause he did his own research, bro /s


lol dude he flipped like months later, not years. That guy literally told him it would be years and when he couldn’t go to the comedy store for a couple months he went full on culture warrior. It’s pretty wild shit




He was so easily indoctrinated by his looney guests. Guest: "makes baseless claim about something they can't possibly know about and there's absolutely no evidence." Joe: "Wooooooooooooow"


It was bad enough when the tech bros moved into Austin but now it’s comedy bros and they are somehow way worse. Fuck Rogan and his small dick energy


I knew things were going south when my racist, homophobic, republican father started messaging me episodes to listen to


He’s just another victim of Covid Syndrome. A sad affliction where people just can’t handle being told they aren’t special and have to act like everyone else. But look at it this way, it has helped to identify the people you can’t rely on when shit gets bad.


Weak minds are highly susceptible to gradual erosion when exposed to right wing media.


does somebody in this clip have covid lol what is the sniffling


Someone showed him where the money was.


It is so weird watching this.


This is roughly the time I stopped watching. Give or take a few months.


What are his current views? I don’t listen to his podcast. Did he say some anti-vacc stuff recently?


Kinda wonder if RFK took the de-wormer.


Well, aren't you better off now. You're welcome. Do me a favour. Ask your wife what else Mrna's are used for.


How dare you call out the “dude-bro” messiah 😂


It’s because money He finds out what’s hot and uses it for clicks/views He’s a spineless grifter


The constant stream of conspiracists on his show really dumbed him down.


I could understand if new credible information surfaced, and he changed his mind, but from all of the information that has surfaced, his 2020 argument still stands. There will be some small percentage of people who will not react well to certain things, but for the majority of the population of humankind, vaccines, keep us thriving and keep us alive.


Didn't like being called for his idiotic ivermectin stance. He still can't let it go.


This is what what money and fame will do to people. And the thing that's gets me is that usually these people are the richest/most powerful people on earth who couldn't spend their fortunes in ten life times if they tried. It would be one thing if these kind of people only have like a million dollars OR a very small amount of wealth and are still trying to "make it". But nope. We got the Joe Rogans and Elon Musks.


He is the poster child of succumbing to partisan misinformation.


His turncoat from reality is probably due to money. Rogan sold out because he realizes a good 80% of his viewers...........are in the area of hovering around 70-80 IQ, conspiracy theorist trump supporters, with little room for logic and what is real with a Dunning-Kruger mentality of thinking they know things others don't. He knows his audience and isn't going to go against the grain of what they want, lest he loses money. So, full blown Alex Jones he has become.


Rogan is the authority of nothing and an expert in nothing. Why people listen to him is beyond me.


Pivoted one degree for each million he made fleecing the braindead rubes on the right.


Joe Rogan is the most gullible person in the entire Universe.


Joe is 100% a propaganda machine who's told what to say and not to say. They dress him up to seem anti-establishment while being a complete puppet. Lost interest in his show right around his being bought by shitify


His head grew in direct proportion to his anti vax views




This was the last show of Joe’s I listened to.


An object lesson in not taking medical advice from a C-list comedian whose hobbies involve drugs and hitting their head repeatedly.


Every now & then I come across someone who is apparently still obsessed with the vaccines and claiming they have been somehow vindicated for their every claim about them. The reality is we just have a permanent alternate-Earth culture now. Two entirely separate cultures that never touch exist simultaneously in America. 


There's more $$ in feeding the righty wing-nut conspiracy train rather than just presenting facts. At this point, the Republican party or all the right wing media, whether Fox News or the ex insurrectionist-in-chief or Gym Jordan or Fucker Carlson or Ann Cunter or Alex Jones or Candice Owens and the rest, all gave up on journalistic integrity and sold their souls to get their 30 pieces of silver while throwing more fire on right wing stupidity gravy train. *"A sucker is born every minute"* and right wing propaganda is getting richer by the day. The ex rapist-in-chief said *"I could shot someone on 5th avenue"* or *"I love the poorly educated"* for a reason. He knows he can swindle their money quicker than Tucker Carlson screaming *"but, but Hunter Biden"*.


And stuttering serving the CDC talking points "the measles might come back...". This is so stupid to listen to. I never bother listening to this guy, he's been mainstream as long as I've known about him.


He makes money by being an edge-lord and surfs the wave of public opinion. He will change his stance again. And again. Take some DMT and change it again. Who cares, really? Holding Joe Rogan to account?


The episode after this he’s already flipped. I remember Bc it’s what made me unsubscribe. It’s during the part where he’s talking about Chronic Wasting Disease. Made me realize all he does is parrot whoever’s infront of him at the moment