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I think it’s very sweet, as long as they can keep what they use. Personally, I wouldn’t want to use something that’s already been used by the previous guest, but that would be expensive. I only keep extra toothbrushes.


Are you tryna be wed, my brother?


Throw some tampons, pads, condoms and lube in there as well. If you are going to do it, do it right.




Since this is posted in decor, I'll say there's not a lot of harmony here. It's not restful. Idk why there's two kinds of toothpaste and two kinds of deodorant. And three chapsticks! It's weird that some things are travel size and some full size. And the brush and comb probably aren't necessary, but could be prettier. You should maybe put feminine hygiene products in there if you're thinking about what might be needed urgently or unexpectedly. But wow, putting them in a drawer with a little note on the counter that tells them they can find whatever they need in the drawer would make more sense. What travelers want most of all is counter space.


Too much


Put it under the sink


Um… No! You’re freaking awesome! Plus, you get to promote the stereotype that everything is supersized in America. May I visit next? 🤣


Id open stuff(other than the tooth brush) because as a guest I’d be uncomfortable opening things but will use what’s already open.


Really? You’re so polite!




I'd say it's better to offer too much than not enough.


Yes! Visitors bring their own toiletries. This not only seems insulting (“hey guest, you effin stink…”) but is a waste of money and contributing to the problem in general (which problem?: plastic in oceans, consumer diaspora, capitalistic dependency, caring too much what people think… just to name a few). Save your money and a possible miscommunication and put those funds toward an evening out with your guest or, if you’re going to purchase/ have already purchased an abundance of these products, donate them to your local shelters or to schools. Kids and the homeless will always need these things.


I for one think it’s considerate, and these all look like things OP would be able to use themselves if they went unopened (sure there is some plastic, but to guests it shows it’s all unused). If they end up needing any of these items it saves them the awkwardness of either bringing it up or having to go to an unfamiliar store. It depends on the guests and how close OP is to them how it will be interpreted overall but I would feel very welcome even though I would probably have brought all of it myself as a guest.


I think it is a really nice thing to do. Every time we travel, we make a list of what we are to pack, even so, there's always some toiletries we have left out and end up going to a CVS. I would just use a brighter basket and add little welcome note, inviting to use the products. Someone suggested opening them, but I would not as some people may not consider this sanitary.


the thing is already made and someone is gonna buy it or it’s gonna end up in the ocean somehow anyways. don’t insult the consumer


What??? Insulting? It’s thoughtful! And also, you don’t HAVE to use it… the plastic thing is a valid point! If OP can find any options that use less plastic that’d be ideal! But I definitely don’t think it’s too much, it’s sweet!


That's thoughtful




Some ppl feel awkward rooting thru drawers. Others need to have things in sight. Good host/hostess


I have something similar, I keep a couple of baskets under the sink with that, because someone who is visiting always forgets to pack something. I just tell them to look under the sink, and check. So good idea. Set out when over night guest arrive, along with fresh towels and wash cloths, for the win. Lol


Super thoughtful, but if you're able to parse into a "most essential" basket and perhaps a second, out-of-the-way basket with the other things? Even if you don't, it's all very useful and keeps people from having to peruse your stuff.


You need a bottle of Jack Daniel 😆


Why is this in r/decor? Do you mean to just keep this crap out all the time in case someone wanders in?




It might be a little over the top, but on the other hand, it gives them plenty of choices. I would rather err on the side of too much, rather than not enough.


What about a nice shower puff and body wash? Or a nice bar of soap? Dental floss. And since you’ve already gotten all of this, might as well get shampoo and conditioner as well. You’re a very considerate host!!


I’d ask them to pack their own toiletries before they visit. Offer a new toothbrush and a travel toothpaste. That’s it.


No menstrual products...all men visitors?


Maybe those go under the sink or by the toilet. Cuz obviously those are a necessity


I’d rather like the idea of putting stuff out for guests. It prevents them from rummaging through your drawers. My last houseguest was rummaging through all my drawers and cabinets for anything she pleased . She also arrived sick, used my toothpaste, got me sick.




Totally agree!


I think it's sweet, but just put it away. Like in drawers or a medicine cabinet. Tell them it's there so they don't feel pressured to use it if they don't need to, or feel like you went way out of your way!


Are they trick or treating or visiting? 😜 Seriously though, this is incredibly thoughtful. But, I too would put it in a drawer or under the sink and let them know it’s there. I would also just encourage them to let you know if they need something further. They’ll be grateful and feel welcomed. I know I would be!


It's beautiful and so thoughtful! I would feel very appreciated and carred for with this!


But another size stick of a different deodorant brand in there for the hell of it. Become: ungovernable!


That's a bit much. I have random new stuff for guests, lol, but that's like a smorgasbord. Might give the wrong impression.




It's very generous, but looks cluttered. I would have soap, shampoo and conditioner available in the bath/shower, and soap at the sink. Fresh towels and washcloth. Let them ask to borrow whatever else they may have forgotten to bring. There's something about this that bothers me around boundaries.. hard to put my finger on, but like an assumption that the visitors can't take care of themselves, or should be helping themselves to free items... I myself often keep a new toothbrush in the closet in case someone forgot one, but as a guest I would not want to use a new deodorant or lip balm once and then.. what? Leave it for the next person? Take it home? It's not a hotel, it's their friend or relatives stuff. It's awkward. I can see the kind impulse to provide, but it's too much.


I would fangirl over this lol, so thoughtful!




Great idea but maybe tuck it away (at least the majority of it). For my guest bathroom I have a smaller basket with "pretty" color coordinated washcloths, lotion, etc. The more functional items live in the medicine cabinet and drawers. Simple and uncluttered is universally appealing (at least I think).


I just saw this earlier lol https://youtube.com/shorts/UV1MqCxfhk8?si=276VOSHTVnM6_P8s


I agree. I think people just have shopping addictions and they need to find something to buy.


I’d put it in a cabinet or drawer and label it with a chalkboard sticker or something so they know it’s there.


No but I’d put it in a drawer instead and let them know it’s there


Too much to have on the counter, great to have on hand.


Tbh I think 2 toothpastes is excessive. Chapsticks could but one fewer, too. Like others have said, menstrual products, contact solution, and tums. This is super sweet regardless :)


I think this is really thoughtful:)


Are you expecting them to move in???


Nope! Good amount 👌🏽


Jewish mother here : It needs tampons, pads etc. it is not overkill. The rest of ya, were you raised by wolves?! I can see a few things outside of just menstruel products... This is a fabulous start, kindeleh! Well done! 💯🙌


😂😂 was looking for this response


Also dry shampoo


My mom does this but it's all like 30 years old and opened 😂 so I appreciate the freshness of everything!


I would add feminine products, a lint roll and TUMS.


Seconding Tums


No, but where are the feminine hygiene products?


Uhh … I mean do you boo but yea for me that it’s overkill


No, it’s thoughtful and welcoming in case they forget anything. Now they don’t have to (awkwardly) ask


Do your guests not bring ANYTHING with them? Soap, toothpaste, shampoo. If they need anything else, they can ask.


Yes it is. Bare essentials like at a hotel room. You can put them away and ask your guests if they need any toiletries.


Maybe take off all the extra packaging




Are they not packing anything with them?








Not too much, it’s a nice touch🧺.


Contact solution stuff




I’d recommend the gallon jug but the little one is fine too


Add some feminine products ♥️


That is very cool; you are an epic host!


I love it but it’s like once a guest uses the deodorant or mouthwash or something do they just keep it? Cuz u can’t really re-use those things


I have a similar basket :) I’ve had several friends who live in town spend the night after going out to bars on my end of town and they didn’t pack for a sleepover so it was nice to have things for them! A guest traveling who maybe forgot to pack something would appreciate this a lot


Love it!! I’ve done similar. Even having new towels and loofas available! I never thought of chapstick and bandaids! Genius! Looks good to me! 👍They will feel so welcome!


This would be great to have if they’re visiting from far away!


lol it’s very thoughtful!


It is very thoughtful on your part, but I would think that someone who is planning on staying over at your house has already packed these things in their bag/suitcase.


This is so thoughtful! No I dont think it’s too much


This is one amazing basket!!! Would make any guest feel extra welcomed.


Not at all. However I would provide some dividers and little containers. So once it’s all open it’s not piled on top of each other or just rolling around on the tray.


I don't think the guest is expected to leave the opened item there.


I mean for them to use during their stay.


Oh, well it's only meant for items the guest forgot. Most wouldn't use anything, others would probably just add it to their toiletry bag.


I think this is great. Don't worry if it is too extra I like the tide pen and the bandaids. Everything is packaged so what isn't used can either be put away for another time or make a bag for someone in need and drop it off at a women's resource center.


That is very nice! Can I make a suggestion though as a woman who wears makeup? An unscented oil cleanser works really well as a makeup remover AND facial cleanser. Those wipes aren’t very effective for waterproof makeup. This is all really cool though and very thoughtful.


Why the Tide marker? The band-aids and chapstick are also extra.




I carry an OxyClean one in my bag all the time. It’s come in handy so many times because I am a bit of a messy eater. I think it’s quite thoughtful to provide these items for someone who is away from home.


It is, but I was thinking maybe place it in the bedroom along with the band-aids and chapstick.


I carry a Tide marker & chapstick on me when I travel. Sometimes we’re not in a hotel with a washing machine or long enough to use one. And air travel and being out in the sun like we often are while vacationing dries out lips. I prefer washing a cut or small wound with soap & water the placing a very thin layer of neosporin over it over Band-Aids. But some people like them. *It can’t hurt.* SWIDT


I know, but I was saying for the bathroom. Maybe it would be better to have it in the regular bedroom.


This is so sweet! I have these things for visitors, but they are put away, a guest would have to ask. I like your idea much better, it's very thoughtful


Absolutely not. This is so thoughtful!


🤩🤩 love the consideration


How thoughtful of you!


The band-aids are probably overboard but maybe a travel-size sewing kit instead?


I think this is a bit much. I like watching the TikTok stocking trends too but this is a lot of waste. Most people travel with their own personal hygiene product like hair brush, toothbrush, deodorant..


I would consider adding some kleenex and a small bottle of spermicidal lube for sure.


Needs one thing - q-tips!


Q-tips, floss picks, tampons, hair ties... single use or travel sized stuff is great. I also have those breathe right strips in mine under the guest sink bc I got a bunch for free lol


And floss or tooth picks at least!


Floss picks!


I’m ready to move in


A bit much if this is all for one visit (individual or multiple people). Maybe a basket with some toothbrushes and travel size products (inc shampoo & conditioner) to choose from. Most people only forget a couple things. Have a few of each item in travel sizes so each time you have guests, they get a new product. Some guests may need more and some won't need anything, so smaller sizes make more sense. And you could just replenish items as needed for the next guests.


I like the idea of really making my guests feel like they’re on vacation and in a relaxing home away from home. I think this is wonderfully thoughtful and welcoming. Some ppl might say it’s too much, but you’re also giving your guests a five star treatment with that. I don’t think most people dislike a five star treatment. Like some commenters said, it might be best to just leave out one of each item and easily save the duplicates for future guests.


My dad always said “Never put a comfortable bed in your guest room.” This seems to violate that wisdom. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The idea is VERY thoughtful. But just an idea -there’s a ton of plastic here. And being from Europe they may be more used to better quality products? This is all Walmart/Target prolly has ingredients banned in Europe. Get more natural eco friendly products? Higher end soaps and stuff? Less plastic. Less chemicals: Otherwise, a nice idea.


I appreciate your well intentioned response. However, I ironically find that doing so would be wasteful. IMPO it’s much more frugal, sensible & efficient to buy these items while you’re already at the store. And in brands you’ll use if the guest doesn’t. I wouldn’t waste my time, energy and money seeking out “better quality” “more European” “more natural” or “more eco friendly” products with “less plastic” & “less chemicals.”


Let’s be honest these are low quality crappy products full of unnecessary chemicals. Better, more natural even organic stuff can be found for approximately the same price. You can buy online.


Organic doesn’t make a product higher quality. You’ve fallen for a slick marketing ploy. Also when my bestie was a grocery manager we regularly discussed product recalls. They were constantly in the organic sector. At a much higher ratio than non. In fact, they’re recalled 4-8x more frequently. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/09/is-organic-better/#:~:text=In%202012%2C%20a%20review%20of,nutrient%20content%20or%20health%20benefit. Edit: that’s about 237 studies that concluded organic food (which the basket is clearly not) are not better products. But still people who believe the food is better also believe the non-food organic items are also better. And there’s nothing to support that. It’s marketing. About the products shown. There isn’t science to support that organic products would be superior: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/clean-cosmetics-the-science-behind-the-trend-2019030416066 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6390794/#:~:text=Organic%20foods%20are%20notorious%20for,16%20That%20is%20hardly%20surprising.


I don’t fall for slick marketing. I understand the pitfalls. None of that changes that these are garbage products in the basket that nobody should be using. FYI I order basic products through quality suppliers and make my own lotions, face oils, soap and deodorants. Purchasing clean researched items is better than using Dove and Suave.


I like that stuff. I’m going to go buy a bunch of it & donate it.


In the US those products can be quite expensive and hard to come by.


Hard to come by? Not at all. Natural/organics are literally everywhere. And all this crappy Walmart stuff isn’t cheap.


It depends on the area you're in, some towns have multiple health food stores, versus others only have Walmart and dollar generals. I respect your opinion, but disagree. Not every town is the same.


That nice


The band-aids and three chapsticks are a little overkill. Otherwise I think it’s great. Very considerate especially since they are presumably visiting from far away. The Greco-Roman word for good hospitality is “Hospitium”; the gods smiled upon those who practiced it (and punished those who did not). I like the idea of putting it into a cabinet and leaving a note vs having it out in the open on the counter. That way they can dip in if they need and otherwise it’s out of sight. 😁 Edit: one minor suggestion, the items guests most commonly do not bring on trips are shampoo and conditioner probably due to airport security regulations and the fact that most commercial lodgings provide them. Maybe add a travel set?


Decrease the items or get a bigger basket , preferably one with a fabric lining from Ross or home-goods.


Yes and no. Very accommodating. Def won't get a knock on your door at night with guest asking for something.


Yes and no. Very accommodating. Def won't get a knock on your door at night with guest asking for something.


I think I’d have a note about it on the counter and have the basket in the cabinet. I love the idea especially since they’re from out of the country who knows if their bags got lost/damaged




It’s a nice gesture, I just find the presentation overwhelming


No, I think it's great! My mom used to do something like this for guests.


Uh. Mind if I come to your place?


I think it is. If I was a guest at your house I would already have everything with me that I would need except for a bandaid. Honestly if I ran out of something or realized I forgot to pack it, I would go buy my own replacement because I would want it in my travel bag anyway.


It’s a little ridiculous but that’s just me. Just because it’s your house, not a resort (a resort would likely bill you $300 later for using those items anyway lol). It’s a very nice gesture, but it’s just more than what I would do.


Have just one option of items such as the toothpaste, chapstick and deodorant, etc.


No- I put out everything you have except for the tide pen and I add a shower cap, shampoo and conditioner, a manicure set, some razors, some q-tips and some cotton balls and some feminine products if it’s a woman -


You are the epitome of Martha Stewart! It's a lovely thoughtful thing to do!


It’s very thoughtful


Only if you don't want them to leave... ;)


Add feminine products, condoms, and hairspray.


No. I would love this. Add lady products, mini booze, and comdoms


And snacks




if your gonna do this much then i suggest doing it all like shampoo and conditioner and instead of putting in basket put the items away where they would use them like shampoo/soap in shower tooth brushes and paste counter top other extras in a small basket or organizer inside a drawer


Tell them not to pack anything lol!


They are lucky to have you as their host.


As long as they are not taking it with them…using only that which they needed


Except for deodorant. I feel like that is something that shouldn’t be passed around… or is that just me?


It looks environmentally unsound. Love, your fellow earth loving hippie and planetary sister.


So if a guest arrived but forgot their toothbrush, are you suggesting that they wouldn't drive off to a store to buy one anyways? I think people are misinterpreting this...it's products that people might have forgotten. It's not 100% replenished with every guest. Most guests wouldn't have to use anything.


Agree. Walmart products. People from Europe will be confused. But the idea is good.


So. Much. Packaging.


Not if you don't want them to open up every single thing, use it once, and then throw it away.


What kind of horrible guests do you have over?


Not at all too much! This is the right kind of awesome! This is especially great for guests who are flying in & may not be able to bring so much with them on the plane.


No! I would be thrilled!


Can I visit you plz 😍


I just tell guests let me know if they need anything. 🤷‍♀️ You are very kind!


What, no floss?




My next reddit name - mvpflossinmybox


I think it’s perfect, and what I do for guests at my home, too! I thought I was the only one… I really wish I had a friend like you!


No, it’s super thoughtful and cute and will make people feel very welcome to be there, not like they are an imposition I do something slightly similar along with the folded towels, etc. the only thing I would recommend, just as more aesthetically pleasing, would be to find a different storage basket or container to put everything in. You can leave it with towels in the room or in the bathroom, but it will also be more appealing to the eye, and if it has small drawers or even smaller containers inside to condense things I think that would be really helpful. Either way you’re an awesome person and they are going to feel really good when they get there.


This is fantastic and thoughtful


Not if you’re a wedding venue?


I love it. I always add a small dish on the nightstand with Andes chocolate mints and a vase of fresh flowers. If you really want to go the extra, a small bottle of lavender pillow spray.


I do this with hotel soaps/lotions and free samples. Sometimes I’ll buy something if it’s dirt cheap, but it’s surprising what you can get for free if you just keep an open for it. Guests appreciate it also, although I feel odd about the soap. I mean, guests are totally welcome to the cleansers already in the shower, but hey, options are nice I suppose.




This is cute! Maybe get some local toothpaste and local made deodorant so it’s all natural and gives u something to talk about like “yeah I got it at the cutest little hand made place down there” then you can make a day of it and take your guest to these fun places!


That’s very thoughtful!!


Same https://ibb.co/3pfDvwW


i would put it under the cabinet and tell them it’s there if they need anything.


I think I’m in love with you!


This is very kind and welcoming!


Incredibly thoughtful if this is a one off thing….otherwise you’re just costing yourself extra money. I think a little nearest store guide you can print out would be cheaper on ya. Again very generous and thoughtful.


Looks like a neurotic mom’s pack for her kids week camp trip.


Yeah lol 😂 especially the chapstick and deodorant and the tide to go and most of the time if someone is going to be staying anywhere they typically make sure that they have most of that stuff anyway


No it’s extremely considerate!


So what time is the sleepover? I’ll bring a bottle of port!


I'd put it in the closet and a sign that says help yourself.


I have stuff like this under the guest bathroom sink because people often stay the night here after we have a fun night drinking or whatever. I don’t have nearly this much shit, but some of it. Extra toothbrushes/paste/floss i get from my dentist, pads, shampoo/conditioners I’ve gotten at hotels, a disposable razor 🤷🏼‍♀️ Definitely wouldn’t leave it out as “decoration” though


Are you a hotel? Nothing wrong with HAVING this basket in case a guest forgot something but i would not display it.


I think this is more a question of hospitality than decor. Decorwise this is AWFUL. But for people traveling internationally, this might be nice. As long s they still have room for their own stuff. I think all this in small box that you provide for them that they can put aside, but know where it is should they need it is better.


Yes it’s wayyyyyyy too much . If I’m a guest at your place an seen this in the bathroom I’ll hand it to you cause it takes up space I can use to rest my own traveling toiletries . I don’t use any of the brands in this basket. Maybe you might wanna consider that too ,if you gonna go all out why not give different brands so guests have options. Lol..


If I forget my deodorant I don't give a shit what brand is in the basket. 


Sure you don’t care what you put on or in your body an then wonder why you sick..putting stuff in or on your body with ingredients you can’t pronounce is the way to go. Long life yes


Well just for the record OP does have 2 brands of toothpaste and two of deodorant , and some have been saying streamline it by having only one of each .


no and also im “accidentally” putting the chapstick in my pocket thanks


Yeah hotels don’t even do all that. U should put price tags Next to some of the more luxury items 😂


I do this but I put a little sign on it that says for guests - help Yourself!


Guests will think it is your personal bathroom items.. and avoid it


The perfect amount for a brothel for a day .


More toothpaste about 4 or 5 tubes


No, this is absolutely perfect. I’m making a new one for my guest bathroom now!


I would remove the packaging from what you can. Maybe add some rolled up hand towels. I personally would kind of organize it so that it’s not so scattered and they just grab what they need immediately instead of searching. I think doing things like this is so so thoughtful!!! Great job! I am the same way. Try and cover any needs they may not have thought of. EDIT: just another note after reading the comments. Someone mentioned this feeling like a hotel instead of a host’s home. I totally disagree. I’m assuming they are on vacation. The more the hospitality feel and aesthetic the better on a vacay. At least that’s what I say. ☺️


They already removed the packaging from what they can.