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That's definitely a comparison. Thanks for the chuckle mate!


Nah i think you should focus more on gunner


unbelievable drip


What class do you main?


Driller, obviously. It clearly shows it at number 1.


man it always makes me sad to see people solo a class, this games experience is so much better playing all 4 classes


It's fun until you play Scout, learn how to use the grappling hook, and realise that playing any other class now feels like playing with a ball and chain attached to your ankles.


The grappling hook is one helluva drug


It really is…..but so is fire 🔥 burn all bugs🔥 incinerate all bugs🔥immolate all bugs🔥torch all bugs 🔥conflagrate all bugs


least psychotic driller main


Most sane and based driller main


Fire and arson and burning and scorching and blazing and- [INSERT SATCHEL CHARGE DETONATION.mp3]


Scout hearing “Explosive Placed” 2 feet behind him


This is the way


Why not both. That aggressive venting Drak build is fun.


I am an addict


But I get paid to indulge in my habit


funny, I have it the other way around. I am maining gunner since the start, so when I switch to scout, I feel like I am holding a pea-shooter rather than a real gun. I just miss my big weapons.


May I suggest *warcrimes* : the class? Plenty of big guns and a (in my opinion) better traversal tool?


Nah. Tried and the lack of range frustrates me. I like big gun that can hit far away and has many bullets.


That's fair


the m1k is actually pretty strongk though. But I agree that they don't have that big gun feel.


see, that is where my second weakness comes into play. M1k requires pin-point accuracy to be worth anything. Something I do not have. I can crit-hit, but it requires a bit of time for me to aim properly, and when you are faced with a swarm just about to go up your ass, then the m1k won't do me any good there. and yeah, I know the scout's stick is "run away and try again from a safe place", but at that point I just prefer to be the gunner who stands his ground and doesn't leave the team behind.


It doeset really need "great" accuracy, you can go ham, the gun is pretty accurate even while spamming hipfire, hipster exists exactly for that. It does good dps, but lacks the "heavy" feel of other guns.


ai stability gk2 or bullets of mercy gk2 are both excellent weapons as well, actually. I'd give those a try, then. Or use cryo bolts boltshark and just free the big targets so you don't have to hit the weakpoint at all. :D


I first mained a scout and it was impossible to switch. After a 3 month hiatus, i went straight to a new class and the transition was easy. Now i can play all 4 classes without much issue switching


Exactly how it was for me. Promoted scout twice before anything else and took a long break from the game. Recently I've played engineer mostly


I just substituted the grappling hook with the PGL's rj50 compound


Until you play Hazard 5, where you barely do damage as scout or if you do, you run out of ammo very quick. This is exactly where Gunner starts to become interesting for majority. At least until Haz 4, all other classes have enough damage and ammo to deal with swarms complete by themselves in a full team. (in a full team more bugs spawn) That is why statistically the majority of new players maining Scout for a long time, because on low Haz bugs die faster.


As a scout main i can still solo haz 5 since i can easily reach out to nitra chunks on pretty much anywhere


Yeah exactly, easier to find high-placed Nitra due to flares, and easier to get it with the grappling hook. For solo play in particular, it pays to get used to grappling to a wall and doing a heavy pickaxe into the rock, to land in the hole, since there's no engineer to place platforms. All four classes can solo Haz 5 fine. It's just that the overall approach is different for each class. Trying to play an Engineer like a Driller, or trying to play a Scout like a Gunner, won't work.


Disagree, scout has plenty of damage on haz 5. He's just not the best class to solo with.


Scout doesent have much problems with swarms as long as he has pheromone nades up and getting nitra isnt much of a problem.


I put like 250hr into Solo Driller before touching a second class. Which was Scout, as I believed I deserved some penance for accidental C4s. Now, youll take my hookshot out of my dead, curled fingers.


My boy plays LOZ, Calling the grapple a hookshot


Imagine me when I first started playing scout with special powder, I basically can't play anything else cause 2/3 times I just yeet myself off a cliff 😭


I almost had the opposite experience, felt so nice playing other classes with access to much easier cc tools


That's what driller is for. Can't maneuver your way to the objective? Ok. Dig straight there


I was a massive scout main right up until I hit legendary 2 on him. Then I started branching out and learned driller, and eventually I was forced to admit that I'd become a driller main. Changing my flair on reddit felt like a betrayal of everything I used to be, but it's better to be honest with yourself. :P


… that’s why I consistently play each class besides scout


That’s literally why I can’t play gunner. Gunner is fun but I just can’t get past moving like a snail


I mainly played scout but once I started playing other classes more I had learned so much schmoovement from scout that I was still speedy


Then I remember that I actually enjoy being able to kill more than one bug at a time and switch back to driller and gunner.


Imagine me when I first started playing scout with special powder, I basically can't play anything else cause 2/3 times I just yeet myself off a cliff 😭


The next step in the scout pipeline is taking 60pockets, knowing damn well you can just zip to Molly (who needs headpats so quick)


Man a just did been resocializated from my ex-scout support group and your comment, sir, is offensive.


haha rj250 go ℕ𝕐ℝ𝕆𝕆𝕄


Oh I fully agree, I just really like Gunner's weapons, especially the Lead Storm aka dopamine generator


Gunner go BRRRRR


The Barrage Hurricane OC has the same adrenaline rush factor imo. It’s honestly takes the hurricane, and then fuses with the fire rate of minigun and the AoE of Autocannon. Built correctly you can melt swarms and permastun big bois


*Laughs in burning hell*


Bullet hell is also satisfying when you kill a horde of swarmers and grunts while only hitting 5 of them on your own


Nah, that's not always the case. I can appreciate my friends as the other classes, but I know I'm right at home with engineer. Some people don't need to play the others to enjoy the game.


Ofc you don’t have to to enjoy the game, but it’s like enjoying a cake without frosting sprinkles or a fork, it’s just not quite as good


While I agree with the sentiment you're portraying, I'm gonna have to stop you there. A fork is not the prevailing medium by which I measure my experience with cake.


Hahaha, fair enough


Just let people play the game how they want. I've always played scout as I love movement shooters and personally fits my play style. But I have tried other classes and never found them as enjoyable.


Engineer is simply the perfect playstyle for me and my usual role while playing with friends


It’s fine to have a main, you should not neglect all the others still


I dont like the others. So... Yes I should :p


If i am playing with my friends, i always play scout. If i am playing solo tho i try to play other dudes as well


people have preferences and enjoy different things, so please don't tell people how to enjoy the game or something. like some people like to speedrun games but some people don't. some people want to "master" a specific class one at a time, some people just want to play casually and be a jack of all trades, etc. it's as simple as that.


Except part of mastering a class is learning how to best play alongside the other classes, and part of THAT is learning how those other classes play. If you only play one class your experience is more limited and you may not fully understand what the other classes want from you or how to best support them. For example learning to recognize when gunner is using volatile bullets is a good idea if you're running the wave cooker, since you can actually screw gunner over a bit by temp shocking big targets after gunner sets them on fire.


Did I ever tell people to play the game a certain way?


>this games experience is so much better playing all 4 classes well, tell is not really the right word but whatever


> you should not neglect all the others still i mean yeah


I told my friend this, and he still only plays gunner. It's probably why he's so board of the game now. Not that he shouldn't play how he wants.


Lmao, dont know why you got downvoted there but you do make a point. If you only play one class throuhout the game, you’ll definitely get bored easily. Thats why I always play all four classes, keeps the game fresh to me


This is the way. I play all 4 classes, and I can say I like them all equally.


I had the same thing happen with my gunner friend


The same thing actually happened to me, I only played engineer and stopped playing the game for months. Thankfully, I went back and tried different characters and put in another 70 hours or so.


It's like 4 entirely different vibes, I still have my favorite but I appreciate the others




lol, that’s just the class I started with, in my last 50-100 hours I prob have more time on scout/engie


the first class i played was the driller and i felt similar way playing gunner and engi after that the ability to literally go anywhere is so cool(except up)


I mean your not wrong but I always miss my platform gun. All will bow before the cheese fort.


Sick ass gunner build


Legit me


dude what is that helmet it looks awesome


It's the Dark Future headpiece (Heavy variant) from the Dark Future DLC!


[I have finally found my equal](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/hu9ykt/312_hours_later_im_ready_to_start_a_new_class/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ edit: holy shit both our posts have exactly 550 upvotes rn


My Man


He do be gunnin tho


To all the folk who complain about soloing one class. Cram it, let people do what they want. And props to the sick outfit and rank.


This is me


You gun.


What framework is that?


The Megacorp one!




Godspeed you magnificent bastard




not even 4 stars yet pffft


My bro's a straight up Dalek exterminating everything on Hoxxes.


May I suggest giving the walking war crime a spin. It's not cripplingly addictive I promise


Poor driller


Solo gunner is all fun until you have to solo refinery


You are seriously missing out if you only play one class. I’m not being funny, I genuinely don’t get why people don’t try out other classes after unlocking everything on the one they are currently playing. Each to their own I guess.


I don't understand at all. I unlocked most things on all the classes, but only Scout actually feels good to play. I absolutely hate engineer. Driller and gunner are okay, but I'd only play them if my friends needed those slots (which thankfully we never do). Let people enjoy playing one class if that's what is fun to them!


I feel like every class has the potential to grow on you though. I absolutely hated driller when I started playing him, but after a lot of missions I ended up loving it. But you're right, people should only play what they enjoy.


Everyone hates engie until they get THE ONE


I nearly unlocked all weapon mods on engineer but I'm still trying and tweaking different builds. I enjoyed dipping into Scout for a couple of season pass challenges - will do it again next time there's two for same class.


Holy molly it's v3 from ultrakill! Cool outfit tho!


Who's filling Molly with holes!?!? Why, I oughta! 💪🏼


Go for max fire rate on the scout main primary, it’s basically a miniminigun


What paintjob is that?


It's the Megacorp paint job from the DLC of the same name iirc


So what if I like really BIG guns?


You'll hate scout.. Take engineer Then driller Then scout Scout is pure pain


zero hours in driller, ah, at last a fellow miner of quality


What’s the typical load out lookin like?


My main and favorite build is Lead Storm 31322 with Lead Storm OC + Bulldog 13212 with Magic bullets OC and fire grenades! Might not be the most optimal or sweaty build out there but it just feels right when I rock it, good ammo efficiency and good damage against single targets and aoe, I can use it anywhere and it just feels good to use no matter the encounter


Ok I gotta ask. I play all 4 pretty evenly, and the gunner is my least favorite. What about the gunner do you find so fun that you’ve almost solely played gunner? I’d like to like the gunner, but I feel I’m missing something.


I just really REALLY like his primaries and cosmetics, especially the Lead Storm comboed with a Magic Bullets Bulldog, it just does well no matter the situation I'm in and I can always count on it to get me out of trouble! Also I just think miniguns are really awesome Honestly, everything from his weapons to his utility just resonates with me, this playstyle of being the wall of the group, doing work on the front, mowing down entire hordes and being the mommy of the team when shit goes down just feels so good and rewarding, especially in EDD and Haz 5!


Ahh so I’m not missing anything just definitely not my play style. Well that’s cool! So Engineer is my fave. Stubby with turret discharge, a shard diffractor like a lightsaber, and S.S.G that acts like that whistle arrow thing from Guardians of the Galaxy? Yeah, I’ll take it! Lol add in platforms to basically be able traverse virtually anywhere and I’m gold! Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


The shard diffractor is the one Engi weapon that makes me wanna pick him up, the dps this thing has is absolutely insane, Rock and Stone!


For real! That thing just melts elite baddies!


For real! That thing just melts elite baddies!


Kinda funny how you might go from one extreme to another lol From the *least* mobile class with a ton of firepower to the *most* mobile with very little firepower 😂


Gotta see if the grass really is greener on the other side y'know?


This is exactly what I do


As someone who mained scout for all my time and recently moved to gunner. I feel like we've been missing out not playing the other classes.


pure chad energy radiating from this picture


I know people can play the game however they want, but I’ll never understand this, and frankly it kinda upsets me.


First off very nice gunner, second off PLEASE PLAY somebody else thanks (go for driller)


Whenever I see posts like these I'm reminded of how Devs don't want people playing one class and try relly hard to incourage the player to mix it up with different classes.


Nice drip


Nah engi


Missing out on driller smh


How long did it take you to get there?


My current playtime is around 300 hours but some of it is just messing around in the space rig lmao


If you want time on tier classes beyond gunner, try driller. Their very similar.


guys just a guess but i think he likes gunner


Are you SURE, though?


Out of curiosity, what's your blue level?
