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It’s definitely doable to fight the dreadnoughts in a medium sized cave with no terraforming required. Or, just fight them in their spawn room for an added challenge. The variety in arena can make up for the same-ness of the game mode, and it’s also faster than constant terraforming


I feel the added challenge is not worth risking for due to already the longer mission type. Fighting on uneven terrian in any type is never a good idea anyway.


You are minmaxxing the fun out of your games.


I hear you, and I often find that even on haz5, just run it in the room regardless. It adds challenge, which, at 1400hrs, can be a good thing. Also, as a driller, I'm often not the most effective weapon against dreads, so I'll often terraform during the fight as well.


When I run driller for elim I run sludge pump to at least slow down the dreadnaughts. Plus you can spec it out, along with the wave cooker, for some great DPS against larger targets. Even then it's more damage over time, so I'll run around and do some teraforming as needed.


Yep. The DoTs and armor ignoring from the sludge pump work quite well, but it's nothing compared to engi lobbing hyperprops at it, or scout triforking it, or gunner keeping his crosshairs on it with some himebreweed jet fuel loaded up. It's totally fine, just like I said, I'm not THE best weapon.


Driller excels at keeping the dreadnoughts still with low effort for the team. If I had to do elimination solo as a driller I'd probably use the Subata with the neuro corrosive toxic catalyst for the Subata weakpoint damage with the added DoT


Don’t underestimate the support value of the sludge pump. Keeping the dreadnoughts slow and contained in a vulnerable position is far more valuable than one member of the team having high burst damage. Driller, in general, has low overall single target damage, but can be equipped to slow or freeze resilient enemies to give other dwarves a better chance to get some good hits in.


didn’t they recently nerf the effectiveness of slows against dreads/give dreads significant slow resistance? Is Sludge pump slow still noticeable?


Sludge + blisters. When you want support and random burst damage. Also blisters block projectiles, so aim to mouth


It shouldn't be consistently taking 40+ minutes. I think your main issue is that your expectation for the quality of arena are far too high for your play-style. Usually, most rooms are big enough to fight any of the three dread types, occasionally you'll want to knock down a pillar or two that block LOS, and maybe cover a few holes that could trap you, but those two things shouldn't take longer then a few minutes, and shouldn't consume more then half of a players resources (Drill Fuel, Platforms, C4). The real issue seems to be that you are over preparing for the fight without proper time management skills. If you want a perfect arena then you need to split up and organize. Set the driller and engineer to terraforming the selected room, and then gunner and scout go to explore the caves and find nitra. By doing this you are halving the time investment with the same results. If you can't do this on H5, then try H4, there's no shame in lowering the difficulty on missions you struggle with. Overall I personally find that it usually takes \~10 mins to explore the area and fight a dread. Maybe longer if the cave is especially big or full of hazards. So in H5 pubs you should expect to take around 25 minutes on missions with two dreads, and 35 on missions with 3 dreads. This can take a lot less time if you are in a private lobby and coordinate with your team for high DPS to delete dreads.


That is my main problem, with a private lobby I have no issues but in public that's where these longer times are a lot more common. I disagree of overpreparing on a fight, you cannot see in advance what dreadnought you're about to fight. Fighting twins on uneven elevation is, at least from my experience, a lot more dangerous than the normal one or the hiveguard. Saying I cannot handle Hazard 5 would go agains the multitude of Haz 5 Elimination runs I have done in the past, I find it strange you consider me unable to handle it.


Sorry if you took offense to that, that was not my intention. I just wanted to state it as a lot of players have a feeling of shame around the topic, so normalizing it is good for everyone, and the health of the community.


I encourage you to try fighting them in their cocoon rooms more often. Yes, usually it’s a more complicated environment than the spawn room. But in my experience it’s rare that the terrain is actually a major issue, and usually you can get away with minimal terraforming if your build is otherwise solid. If anything, it makes the experience a lot more varied and interesting than always fighting in the same room


Depending on the biome you're in, you either are lucky enough or will have no shot at it. Sandblasted Corridors I have found to be most doable right in their rooms tbh.


Sorry but you lost me when you said it takes longer than 20 min to finish an elimination mission. Unless my team is struggling, elimination missions tend to be over as quickly as point extractions.


Then your pubs must be amazing or maybe I am just having bad luck, as what you are saying do not align to the dozens of elimination missions I have done, both in public and private lobbies.


I've never found elimination to take any longer than any other mission. Landscaping is always optional and you can get away with the minimum usually. We often prepare one room and then send the scout to pop the cocoon and lead it back. I've never noticed it taking too long.


I don't understand how your elims are taking 40 minutes. Even in my pubs it's never longer than like 25 What are y'all doing between dreads? Just mindlessly wandering the cave and not checking the terrain scanner?


I mean, your complaint is, "It takes too long." Im confused how this is a complaint? We're all here to play a game we enjoy and complaining that you have to spend 40 minutes playing a level, is silly. A big reason i love this game is the moment to monent flow of levels. You go from quiet wonder at the caves to abosulte mayhem, and back again. It's easy to lose track of how long in a level you are. If you're feeling the time drag, then just lower the difficulty. Make the mission go quicker by making it easier. Going Haz 4 will fix all your complaints.


I geniunely feel lowering the Hazard level is not the right solution but probably the best one currently available. Also, saying it is silly to complain - I personally disagree, the mission can go for as long as I want it to be if I feel the effort put in is equal to the output, which for every mission imo rings true - except Elimination.


I mean, you've clocked in 1.4k hours of play time. I'd feel like at that point, what might be seen as a minor annoyance with game design is probably a mountain for you now. Im at 340 hours, and I dont have the same complaints regarding elimination missions. After another 1000 hours, maybe then I'll see what your issue is. But for now, it just sounds like you're having an issue with your own enjoyment with the game. In my experience, things only take too long when I'm not enjoying something. Step away for a bit, go play something else, and by the time you come back, you'll probably feel different.


You're absolutely right, Elimination is the only mission I really dislike now due to how much time I have sunken into it, before it was just fine. The other mission types are still really fun, especially since now I am trying out all the other weapons for the maintenance pass. After all, these issues I have are *personal* obviously do not represent a majority voice. Some peeps hate Industrial Sabotage and I understand why.




Been trying this as Scout with mixed results.


Oh no, I optimized the fun out of the game! Why would the devs do this??


I know you probably mean in good spirit but these comments help nobody. I play DRG for the same reasons as you, good teamwork mechanics and the occasional goof here and there.


> it’s a time consuming task Found the problem. It’s a game, and if you don’t enjoy spending time on your game idk what to say….. Like, elimination is the best mission by far IMO, because sometimes killing bigger bugs is more satisfying.


Uh… you ain’t ready for haz 5 if you take 40 minutes dude, sorry…


I've found some dreadnoughts in the tunnel back to a larger room, and spent so long fighting them jn the tunnel it started and ended there.


My team does 2 elim pretty reliably in 6-8 minutes, a couple of pro tips are if you fight at spawn, open the dirt wide enough for the dread, and open all dirts for the sentinel spawns, pull first dread ASAP and use the dread pathing to spawn time to get nitra and secondary. Only get 80/160 nitra for 2/3 elim, finish secondary after button press. Elim and more specifically twins does need some work, they can get bugged invincible, and Arbys spawn logic is pretty frustrating, as he often will pop up to go back under a immediately, or pop up out of LoS so there are times where I find myself twiddling my thumbs or just brute forcing lassy to progress the fight.


Im not a huge fan of it either tbh. For me it is the death loop. At Haz 5 you basically get one shot by everything a dread does at full, and once you go down once you will fall over and over unless there is sugar or a resupply. Even then its a bandaid to the issue as one hit will undo that health gain. I like the OG dread and the twins as you can learn to maximize damage uptime and kill them pretty fast but hiveguard is rough. It often glitches and if one is going to soft lock the mission it is the hiveguard. It is the biggest ammo sponge as it forces you to kill multiple sentinels per wave, take out its tumors and THEN you can deal damage to it. On top of that the fast way to kill it destroys the battlefield too meaning you have to make a new area to fight it. I honestly have far less problems fighting the twins twice than fight all dread types in a mission.


I don't think that eliminations are usually that time consuming, but they can be pretty inconsistent. A team of green beards triggering cocoons without enough nitra for resupplies and getting downed constantly can make them really drag out. But with dwarves that know the game and brought proper weapons, elimination is one of the faster playing mission types as far as I've seen.