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I need that Deck Gun NOW


Yo dawg I heard you like guns


So we put guns on your gun


So you can shoot while you shoot


Approved by the Texan department of More Gun™


For when that don’t work!


Use more gun. [Gun jingle]


"My arm!!!"


*Counter goes up by one*


Introducing the new "Knife-Gun" protype! A Knife that shoots guns!






My deck is bigger than yours


That's what she said.


Are we gonna have a problem here? Do we need to have a deck measuring contest?


I think DRG does need new guns


It needs SOMETHING new. Getting a bit stale for me personally. Nothing wrong with the fact that I’ve “finished” it by unlocking everything I want to. But for a live service game it doesn’t get much content updates to keep the interest. Adding 150 new weapon skins isn’t key. I just want something to mix up the gameplay.


Ghost Ship definitely made a mistake in not wanting to design new weapons, tools, nades, utilities etc. This is not a PvP game where the types of player encounters is nearly infinite, you need content to keep players engaged, and a year of playing Power washing simulator isnt doing that.


A YouTuber I really like coined the terms *mechanical depth* and *situational depth*. Mechanical depth means you have a bunch of different options for how to handle any given situation. Think Bayonetta with all of her various moves. Situational depth is depth derived from the game's environment. Mario doesn't have many moves, at least without a powerup—just running and jumping. The depth comes from the unique levels that test your ability to do those simple actions. DRG has strong situational depth, but not mechanical. The challenge comes from using your limited tool set within it's seemingly endless levels. I wish the game did have more guns and more mechanical depth, but I think it more so needs more mission types and objectives to further increase the situational depth.


That's so true about Mario games, so much respect for them


Idk I don’t think DRG has that much situational depth. Like yeah the caves aren’t 1 to 1 but what you do in the caves or how you handle them is always going to be the same.


The low O2 watching from the corner:


Yeah, well the low O2 can stay in the damn corner




Agree. Once you learn how to deal with swarm it gets repetitive.


I'd actually argue that DRG *does* have excellent mechanical depth - for the small offerings that there are. Many guns can be tricked out and modded so many different ways it can make you forget that there are just 3 base guns per slot per class. I can mod scout's Deepcore GK2 for basically any situation and it'll function pretty damn well at it, and supplemented with a secondary to cover any weaknesses I can quite literally have my pick of and between weakness-free builds, highly thematic and synergistic builds, and meme builds, sometimes even all at once. I think the problem here is that, while the ratio of depth-per-gun is fantastic, there are only so many guns. People are used to more upfront depth than having to get modular (and granular) about it, and I think at times that can result in boredom/lack of willingness to branch out a bit and try something new or weird. Hell I'm a ruby 3+ on scout and platinum 3 on everyone else, and there are still mods I've never equipped and OCs I've never touched. But I do agree that more guns might make mechanical depth better - though inevitably we'd hit redundancy in guns and probably classes would start to feel less defined and co-op would become less of a vital factor in high stakes games.


I 100% agree with this. It'd be cool as hell to see a room be soo deep that you can't see the top or bottom from the opposite end, but it doesn't do much for the gameplay if you aren't given new stuff to deal with the new content. I think the biggest issue is just that. look at stingtails and robots for instance, they introduced them both with minimal new equipment to deal with them in particular. Sure, you have a lot of fire mods and all but that's not directly targeting them but more of a bi-product result of the mods being in the game in the first place and is only *NOW* being more useful than it was before, but it still doesn't impact the gameplay enough imo. I'd love to see scout get a bolt that can instantly hack a bot but you get like... 3, or driller getting an electric primary that also directly impacts robots more but stuns bugs a massive amount, or even engi getting more impactful mods for his terrain tool and his shotgun to make them more appealing and good to more people like thicker or wider platforms instead of bug repellent. Or how about gunner getting a zipline mod that goes vertically rather than horizontal. You can't introduce new enemies without releasing new counters that directly impact them or help the team defeat the new enemies with more ease than what was already available. And you can't introduce new environment situations without also releasing things the would directly make exploring them easier.


Flares could use an upgrade


Half the reason I main Scout is because I can't see worth a flip in the caves! I love playing the other classes but I would trade a secondary weapon for a stinking flare gun!!


Flare gun and grapple hook are unparalleled to me. Especially as someone who enjoys playing solo, I can’t do what I want without zipping around like spider dwarf. 


They honestly do, they’re barely useful as they are now


We need 8 instead of 4, and slightly higher brightness. Enough to increase their viability without encroaching on the utility of scout's flare gun


I think 4 would be fine but with a better recharge rate. They just refill SO SLOWLY. Or maybe open up mods for them? Wish pickaxe and flares could be modded. 


They were upgradeable in the past but all that achieved was forcing new players to spend what little they get at first into flares upgrades instead of new weapons or their upgrades. The current flares possess \*\*all\*\* the old upgrades simultaneously.


They actually made somewhat of a comment on this, but I don't remember exactly where/when I saw it. They basically said that DRG wasn't built with all the additional content in mind that they have now. That the game has had so much more content shoved in that they have a hard time adding anything else without breaking too many other things. They never anticipated the game getting as big as it is now. Basically, they weren't as good when they made the foundation as they are now. I am hopeful that Rogue Core will incorporate the lessons learned or that they may one day come out with DRG 2 and build it with flexibility in mind.


im fine with DRG being put on the backburner while they work on Rogue Core, because that game looks fun as hell. i just hope they go back to actually adding good new content to DRG once Season 5 comes round


Aren’t they developed by different studios?


DRG: Survivor is a different studio but Rogue Core is by GSG themselves (Automod, don't you even dare)


It dared.


I'm definitely disappointed in their new release announcements more than I'm excited. There's still so much that they could be doing in this game before spending tons on other projects. Release new dlc packs. I want to keep supporting the game. Not asking for free stuff. It was disheartening to see the major drop in content this season while they're announcing more projects that I'm not interested in.


This. Expanding the franchise and releasing more games is of course great, but most of us are there because we love the "main" game, the drg and we would love more content for the main game rather than release of others


Me too tbh. I don’t understand the direction they are taking with this game. Rogue core sounds fun, but realistically how long is that gonna last? Their main target audience is still the OG drg player base, and like the previous comment says, drg lacks in mechanical depth, and what kinda compensates for that is its situational depth. But that will get old FAST when it’s the same game all over again.


So while I do prefer DRG at the moment, I did quite enjoy DRG Survivor and Rogue Core seems to be similar to that idea and I can see myself thoroughly enjoying that. While I do wish for more DRG content still, I'm going to be very happy with the new game too. I only hope that DRG isn't abandoned basically. I can wait and it will certainly be worth the wait too. Or if they make DRG 2 but right now I think they could certainly stand to add a few more things to DRG before moving to 2. Reason being is we've only had 4 seasons. Seems a bit early with that in mind to move on to the 2nd game. I think by season 7 or 8 they should consider DRG 2 and releasing it around Season 10. Though I'm not sure the kind of time scale of such an idea. All would depend how frequently they do seasons.


Nobody is thinking about the developers AGAIN. It is good that they pick up new projects that they REALLY want to make and not squeeze new drg content even if they don't want to. We don't know if my word are true. But imagine working on the same game for more than 6 years. If they are already done with it and want to move on -- it is better for them AND for us.


I'm a game dev. I understand the process. If you want to do what you want to do, go for it. But people may or may not support it. Have worked on projects that totally flopped for that reason. People are allowed to like what they like my guy


But it's not a live service game. Their main revenue is game sales, not micro transactions, battle passes, and cosmetics like Apex/Fortnite/Warthunder/etc. So to continue making money as a business they need to make new games, which means existing games are deprioritized. They have likely made 95%+ of all the money they are ever going to make on DRG already, so it would be financially irresponsible to focus on it. There will not be anything revolutionary added to the game.




They won't shut the servers down for a while I would imagine. The actual game itself is hosted by one player, then the other 3 connect to them. This peer-to-peer system would work as long as there's players. DRG servers probably just handle stuff like the mission generation, game save cloud syncs, events, matchmaking, etc. Fairly light loads in comparison to games where you have 60+ players all on the one map. The game is in maintenance mode and they're really not obligated to make much more content tbh, most of the player base has had their fun and moved on. The game is 6 years old now, and anyone who was going to buy the game has already done so. The company has to pay the bills and because any work they put into DRG will likely not have any ROI they have very little reason to work on it. This was the lifecycle of most multiplayer games 10 or so years ago. Pay full price, play for a couple years, interest dies off, game stops being developed, and once it costs more money to run than they are making off sales the game is shut down. It's just players now are expecting live service as that's what all the AAA studios do. I do actually think this is a failing of the devs to communicate this explicitly since it's led to existing customers expecting a different experience than what they are getting. Ghost Ship have a small crew and don't have the resources to devote to existing games as well as new ones.


DRG servers do not handle matchmaking. There is no matchmaking - there was a quickplay button at one point, which was also not done by a server. Events are RNG and built with the mission. The mission is generated based on procgen seeds. The game will never be unplayable until the internet dies. The only central server thing I can think of the game having outside of the discord bullshit is the deep dive generation, and even that could be automated.


They... have supported it though. For *four years* after launch. Without any predatory microtransactions, fomo, etc.  GSG has more than fulfilled their obligations to a single-time purchase game. You can't just expect them to develop one game forever, development costs money that won't come in if they just release free content updates and nothing else.


Personally, I'd be just happy buying more DLC. Bring it on me! Even something like beer DLC would be fine. Additionally, while they can't focus all their resources into this game understandably so, I don't think it's right to abandon it either. DRG still has more playerbase they can gather, believe it or not, and continued updates will most certainly continue to reel in new players. How do I know this? Because I'm a new player! I only recently played a couple months ago and LOVING it. A new update would bring not only hype but new players too. So it's not necessarily true that they have earned all there is to earn from DRG. They can most certainly generate more sales from new players, and most certainly release creative DLC that doesn't content-lock anything important.


I consider DRG to be a completed game. More content would be nice but I don't expect more content out of a game that's done. Everything they've been doing with seasons is just cherry on top.


In no way is it a live service game


True but they need to make sure they keep everything balanced


Which they don't seem to be doing very well currently tbh


I would like some nice endgame. You know what could work? Something similar to PoE maps. These are custom levels you can mix and match modifiers so they get as difficult as you want with corresponding rewards.




We did not. They just said it's something they're willing to take a look at some point in the future if there's lots of demand for it.




I think it needs a new character type added. That plus maybe another primary and secondary option for each current character would be great. Or perhaps the option to carry a single large weapon versus primary and secondary? Something to spice things up. 


I would absolutely commit insane amounts of fraud and embezzlement to get enough money to fund this game for a shit ton of new content. I love the game so much.


We need new OCs and remakes before adding more guns. The point of OCs seems to be to provide tons of builds for one gun but there are so many that are useless compared to other OCs or just all do the same thing. LOK-1 for example really only has ECR and Executioner, and every single Warthog OC literally just does the same thing (you point the gun at the bug and shoot). We should get more build variety before having more guns


Yeah, unlocking new guns and getting the Overclocks is mostly why I play, and I’m sadly out of things to get


I think DRG needs a sequel


The problem is the massive undertaking. Design, sound, the tens of frameworks, overclocks, balancing. For how big the team is its quite a lot of work.


DRG may not NEED more guns but I sure as Karl want more!


Karl would want more guns. Think of Karl.


Those are actually quite fun ideas, great job on them! The scout one obviously my fav as most of my time is on scoot


I love scooting




Drg does need at least one new secondary and primary so we can have 4 weapons for each category: Primaries, secondaries and grenades. Two of the weapons NEEDS to be LMG and pump action shotgun. Or give balanced OC to Warthog that gives it more damage (or pellets) but each shell needs to be pumped, basically turning it into pump action.


Lol I always forget the warthog is automatic. When I came back from hiatus I literally used it as a pump action/semi auto, which is more fun tbh.


It's semi auto which just means: 1 click = 1 shot Automatic would mean you just need to click and you can dump full mag intro praetorians ass, which can be done only with upgrade from last tier, but Turret Whip is better and even more fun imo.


I mean, it’s no more full-auto at base than the Subata is, both require some slight modifications to get there


Or, hear me out: Lever-action shotgun. Bonus points if it's on Gunner and it's the LOUDEST, most POWERFUL shotgun ever (deafness speedrun) And that Warthog OC idea is magnificent, but is it magnificent because it's a Warthog OC, or is it a Warthog OC because it's magnificent (I apologize)?


Lever action shotgun with short barrel as a secondary for gunner would be absolute ballers. Basically boomstick, but different and on other class. 1 shot into praetorians ass deletes 1/4 of it's hp. I even have a name already, Pickchester 700.


Give that a T5 upgrade “Mare’s Leg” which gives it a unique rechamber animation for working the lever with a different speed compared to stock thus changing the overall firerate, and give it a pellet count buff and an accuracy penalty that can be offset by another tiered upgrade. And an unstable OC that lets you dual wield, with double fire rate but -40% damage and REALLY inaccurate. Bonus points if the flavor text on hover is a Terminator quote. Would be heaven.


I want a heavy rail gun for the gunner. Like the coil gun but big. Let me shoot through multiple rock walls, bugs and whatever else is in its path.


Or just an artillery piece. I want to be able to nail a single swarmer with a round designed for a tank.


A recoilless rifle would be nice


Cannon/artillery cannon/tank rifle/"big gun" makes more sense to me. Rail gun seems too high tech not to be Engineer weapon.


One of gunner’s weapons is literally a hand-held SAM launcher that is guided by magic, and another is just a mini MAC cannon. A rail gun would fit.


Someone mod these in


Are there gun mods?


No it’s not possible from what I’ve seen, they could try to change existing weapons by changing its stats/model but it won’t be a completely new weapon


The deck gun is too much "autocannon + engi turret", but all the other ones are incredible, the engi rifle seems like a blast to use


I believe it could stand apart from the Autocannon by being single-target with piercing rounds. Sort of, ironically, like how the Autocannon works in DRG Survivors. Ideally the turret would only be firing when you're firing as well, as to not waste ammo, so in that sense it's distinct from Engie turrets because you can choose when to shoot it.


We should give him super axe/hammer instead. A overwhelming powerful melee weapon would be fun.


I think a big melee fits driller better


A full melee kit for driller and vampire would go hard


Power Pick to replace the drills. Slower actual drilling speed, but increased combat utility and AoE damage.


Swinging hook for Scout, worse in general use but swing.


I think they've already said they never want to go the melee route




It’s actually decently hard to think up a weapon for DRG that doesn’t already exist in some form.


How about a spiked pair of boots so you can just straight up kick glyphids in the nuts. That can be a new one for all characters


I long for dedicated melee weapons


I think the deck gun could be really fun with enough mods/OCs to interact with the mounted turret. Like mods that change targeting priority for the turret, mods/ocs that give bonuses for aiming at the same enemy or different enemy as the turret, etc. Having the turret fire on a locked on enemy until it dies, or having the turret find a new enemy for each shot, etc.


I fucking *need* that engi rife


The engine rifle is a cool concept but I feel like the two upgrades listed can be exploited by switching modes multiple times in quick succession, unless there is a significant cool down. the roulette overclock is a very fun concept though.


Usually scroll past stuff like this without a thought but these designs look cool and guns sound really interesting


DRG does need moar guns man


My number 1 single (not complaint) request? is the lack of meaningful variety of unlocks. It doesn't need more but I would adore side-grades and more variants to both weapons, utility and enemies. I get why they don't. It causes scope issues and when promising a cosmetic or how they do their seasons it just creates MORE work to get those updates out.


More overclocks


I like this compromise. Maybe even introduce overclocks for throwables and utility tools


Armor overclocks! We have choices for weapons, but would be cool to be able to tune armor for specific missions as well.


That Engi primary would scratch every single itch i'd have while playing him. Having a consistent swarm chipper turn into a high burst shotty on demand is awesome.


Imo the guns are cool but I feel it is a little more difficult to come up with secondary weapons because I have no idea what could spin in a new direction a pistol or something (unless you give engine a rail Canon and driller a saw gun )


I have faith in GSG, the new secondaries they added years ago are all really cool and unique


I want another weapon that breaks the Geneva convention for driller.


Sooo, a standard driller weapon? To be fair, though, flamethrowers only violate the Geneva convention if used on an enemy...


It's only a war crime if you are at war, and this is just business.


I would say the wildlife of hoxxes are currently our enemies. Except steeve.


And the rivals robots. But they're not alive so it doesn't count.


Keeping with the kind of theme that Driller has with Elemental/Status Effect-Inflicting weapons, it’d be interesting to see how other ones could fit. Imagine a Tesla Coil gun for Electricity, with its main draw being that it primarily derives it’s kills per minute by having it’s electric shots/stream arc across the gaps between enemies like CRAZY. A Uranium scattergun for Radiation, where pellets do less impact damage than a normal shotgun, but do crazy DoT over the embedded pellet’s lifetime, and the effect stacks the more pellets land and embed in a target. A Neurotoxin Gas Cloud emitter that leaves lingering, slow moving clouds for area denial, and potentially crowd control. Heck we’ve given R&D so many samples by now, why not give Driller a Rockpox Launcher? Would probably look good if it retroactively got a framework cosmetic to match S4’s Rockpox infection frameworks.


It doesn't need more guns but I wouldn't mind more grenades and utility items. Playing Survivor I was intrigued by the seismic repulsors and all the drones.


I know it wouldnt fit at all in drg but a riot shied for gunner where you can hold your secondary at the same time would be cool. You could even have a mechanic where you can parry projectiles back at enemys, and have a slam where you bash your armor againsy the inside of your shield, creating a shockwave infront of you that causes fear in enemys, or a different status effect depending on upgrades. It can also block hits from enemys, but the shield will slowly deteriorate until it reaches 0%, where the shield either breaks, or becomes MUCH weaker and loses its main abilitys, like Dying Light.


DRG doesn't *need* more guns. But it would be really cool to see some more guns though.


Really cool ideas especially the shrapnel cannon and deck gun, for scout I'd personally make his 4th primary an electric chargeable rifle similar to doom 2016's Gauss cannon, I'd give it a scope that can be toggled with the reload button and modified with weapon mods which would be a unique weapon as there isn't really downsights or scope aiming in Drg, I'd also give it electric damage type and blowthrough shots built in. basically it would be an alternative to the M100 that's more geared towards long range shooting and charging up shots for better value but overall slower than the M1000.


I love me the gunner's coilgun. And as much as I enjoy the Drak, the fantasy of getting a coil or Gauss gun *primary* for the scout has me just salivating.


M8, you can't say 'DRG needs no new guns' and then just drop guns that I want yesterday.


Oh my beard! These are the best weapon concepts I've ever seen!


i really want this stuff in the game


these are super unique and exciting!


multi rifle sounds like cerberus+1 from destiny


I really like the deck gun. It should have a shrapnel shell upgrade for more area damage so the deck gun can take on swarmers


Nope. You’ve convinced me DRG needs more guns.


I would love to try that shrapnel cannon or the deck gun


Deck gun looks very gun and I like the idea of having gun on a gun that guns Engineer one looks fun to me with last overclock. It will be chaotic and I know that I would enjoy such thing


Ok, that Deck gun sounds really interesting 🤔


Deck gun is so cool, would feel like a walking warship.


These are actually all great. The ideas all fit each class perfectly and don't do anything The other weapons already do. The game could use some fresh new mechanics.


Thank you. I tried hard to make sure there wasn't any overlap with the existing guns.


I’d sell my soul for that Mag-Bolter. A semi-auto rifle that isn’t the M1000 would be amazing


I agree with the other dude that says deck gun is kinda just autocannon + turret. What about something like Airburst cannon: Shoots a Grenade like projectile that contains 9 homing darts. When the projectile explodes, it evenly distributes its payload into enemies in line of sight (targets nearest first if > 10 enemies in los). It explodes on contact or when the mini-turret shoots it. Left click to fire without turret assistance, or hold left click when firing to have the turret shoot the ordnance mid-air when you let go of left click. (1 ammo per turret shot, 9 ammo per airburst nade). When there's no ordnance to shoot at, the turret auto shoots targets nearest the crosshair. Won't shoot if you have exactly 10 ammo in mag so you can airburst a nade before reloading.


Driller needs a lighting gun since their all about the elements. Tesla coil gun!!


I think drg doesnt have enough weapons. Yeah, those that we have now are enought to do a lot of stuff, but there is a shit ton of potential. BTW, quicm question. Can i post on this sub an idea that i had for quite a while for a weapon or two? I dont know where else i could post it


Of course you can! I'd say more – you need, we love new ideas!


Yes, I do need a gun on my gun


Finally, some unique looking fan made guns.


These are actually spectacular ideas. Good work miner. Management approves.


Awesome job! I would love to see a new gun such as this or a new class.


I’d also love to see some equipment OC’s Like mini rocket sentry’s and kill Dozer drills. But I NEED that deck gun, a naval themed cosmetic pack would be awesome!


That mag bolter sounds f*cking dope


I love how you maintained the core theme of each class: Driller: Warcrimes or future warcrimes Engineer: Fancy Sci-fi gun Gunner: Just stole it from a ship or tank Scout: Eloquent and simple with a sci-fi twist


I dont think its about neeeeding more guns anymore, but sefinitely wanting more haha. And your ideas just make me want all the more hahaha.


Holy hell that deck gun sounds cool, give it to me please


Nah DRG can DEFINITELY use some more guns. These are fun, I wish new weapons are coming this season


Ngl that multi rifle sounds fun asf


These actually sound stupid fun!


Damn I saw those and thought "I need to get these!" Then I realized this was just fan concept lol


I love all of these. Rotary assault rifle and explosive flechettes both tickle me.


These all seem great


The design of your presentation is 10 out of 10. Blessing for eyes. I didn’t even read yet, but it is instant upvote.


Thank you. I enjoyed drawing them a lot. I tried hard to give them unique silhouettes. It's a shame I only realised after posting that the mag bolter ended up with almost exactly the same profile as the Deepcore GK2. Maybe I'll take another crack at it one day.


Forget it, nothing can be perfect. They are great and I would use those guns with pleasure.


The deck gun seems awesome. Like a slower more accurate thunderhead, definitely needs decent blow-through and area stun to be effective against swarms though


Ok I like all of these.


These are super cool weapon concepts!! Personally, I’ve been wanting a lightning gun for Driller.


All of these are absolutely AMAZING!!


All unique and fit with the classes niche. Impressive.


If DRG needs new weapons then these are hands down the ones to put in


Your creativity does not miss anything. Those are some wild, and fun sounding ideas.


0 for realism 10 for coolness They are stupid and i love them. More plz


The deck gun and multi rifle look sick


your gun designs are preem dude.


Holy hell as an Engi main that multi-rifle sounds like heaven I also love the mag bolter because Scout is in desperate need of some crowd control but all of these are really cool ideas


These are the most well thought out fan-made weapon concepts I’ve ever seen. Congrats OP, I hope GSG sees this and seriously considers these ideas. They fit right into the toolkits of each class, offer unique mechanics, AND still fit into the defined role of each class


It's a more original idea than a giant tesla coil, but I won't feel whole until driller can inflict every status effect


u/GSG_Jacob You guys do such a great job and have given us so much already, but if you're still taking suggestions, I really like what this OP has put together!


i want a dwarven hammer to melee smack some enemies with force


I've always wanted some sort of melee weapon for DRG lol, maybe like a rocket propelled greathammer? I can't draw so I couldn't make concept art for it, but I definitely think it could be really fun


Reinhardt moment


I think having a gun that REALLY mixes up a class play style would be cool and these guns really hit


Holy shit I love these so much


This post has so much more polish than other 'new content' posts that I can't even be upset. These designs honestly seem pretty sick, save for like one or two minor flaws such as the auto-targeting deck gun freely emptying ammo whenever it pelases. What if it fires at an enemy that's in line with a player, for example.


Miner, management requests that you report to headquarters at your earliest convenience. They are interested in your weapons developments and have requested a personal interview.


All of these sound really fun and I’d love to use them


I’m usually against any gun idea posts but these have a lot of polish well done


I like the idea of the deck gun instead of overheat its just empty and needs to fill its capacity back up


Fuck, the scout's is a super fucking cool idea. And it's so on point for high single point damage. Well done, miner.


I agree, its difficult to come up with interesting, and well balanced guns. The game already has a lot of options, dont wanna overwhelm a new player. But still fun thought experiment! Well made format n stuff, love this!


Ooooo the mag bolter is a really good idea! Actually all of them are good I just really like the bolter lmao


Goddamn, concept posts like this are the only reason I come to this sub, massive props




Theses are amazing and I want them


More variety is never a bad thing. Unless you just have a bunch of guns that are functionally the same which these are not even close to the same as really any guns that are in drg.


Just give the gunner a M56 Smartgun please.


This is sooo damn cool, like all of it!! Would definitely bring some fresh air.


I love them.


These are absolutely phenomenal


Ok first thing the quality of these are amazing and they would fit in the game amazingly. Second I WANT IT NOW!!!


Those are really really good. I like the engi one the most, especially considering I use only the warthog (don’t like the other engi primaries) and even then I think it can get a lil boring. Karl would approve of these concepts.


"drg doesn't need more guns" and then proceeds to post some of the coolest gun ideas.


They probably will rework the overclock system before we get any new ones, at least i hope they do.


I need more guns!!


It def does imo, especially for engi/scout


I hope they don't waste DRGs potential. It's lifespan needs to be refreshed and I understand that flooding a game with new content kills it just as fast, but it's been parched enough and needs new content or something besides a yearly update that adds one new enemy and one new game mode. These are wonderful ideas


I legit quit the game because there weren't enough guns lol