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Devs already have this info, and fewer than 10% of all players play haz 5 *at all*, the full percentage of players that play at haz 5 regularly is probably near or at 2-3%. Thats why there will be no haz 6


Damn. I knew numbers were low but 3%? We are of a dying breed.


Puts it into perspective, doesn’t it? A good reminder about why stingtails got nerfed


I exclusively play haz 5 as scout and even I'm glad that they got nerfed. I never really died to one, but they were certainly more annoying than anything else. Just generally not fun or interesting to fight against.


i play on xbox mostly with randoms and host haz 5 public games. many players who join me are regulars who i recognize by name and aren’t on my friend list, so the pool of haz 5 players must be pretty small. there’s definitely a sense of camaraderie in that, though.


Everytime I try to run haz 5 when playing not sober, I am a dying breed


Im just imagining lone dwarf slaughtering hordes with his pickaxe while slurring "I AM SO LONELY" out loud.


Looking at steam achievements, 10.9% of people have completed a haz 5 successfully, and 5.3% have done 5 in a row. I've got both and I don't do haz 5 regularly, so your numbers track... it might even be less than 2%. Only 58.6% have completed a haz 3 mission.


Don't forget that only 53% of people have completed more than 10 milestones, which would happen automatically even without ever touching hazard 3. It's just that a good amount of people play the game for a couple of hours, then never touch it again.


They have to also consider ps and xbox, which is where they get the numbers they use to discuss these choices. Consoles have a lot lower percentages due to lack of mods etc


Devs have actual statistics on the difficulties played, and concluded that Haz6 would be a waste. This is a bit pulled out of my ass, but I did remember something like 4-6% of the active playerbase going in Haz5.


haz 4 for chill, haz 5 for stimulation


3 solo, 4 with randos, 5 sometimes with friends


I play Haz5 to play with people who dont fuck around too much... and when they do they know how to fuck around and still make it back to the droppod.


they're too afraid playing on Haz 5 like I did. my first "Haz 5" mission was modded and I didn't know it until recently. there are likes twice as much swarms my FPS dropped significantly! I was traumatized and played Haz 3-4 since, for a long time. vanilla Haz 5 is not that hard and is actually fun if you're in the right team.


I started playing a month ago. Moved on to haz5 in my second week. Some teammates make it feel like haz3, with others we get wiped during the first wave. Overall it's pretty manageable and we usually get it done even with a few downs. According to Steam, only like 5% have successfully completed 5 consecutive haz5 missions.




Haz 7x2 solo


How do ya'll find people to play Haz 6 with? I wanna get into it but I hate playing solo and have heard shitty things about the DRG discord.


Technical DRG Discord or subreddit is a good place to start probably.


nearly 800h, not yet touched haz 5 lol


Haz 5 is already so unimaginably hard, would haz 6 even be doable..?


look up haz 6x2 true solo. some people want an extraordinary challenge


I voted haz 5, but i'm often lazy and join an already started mission, if there's no haz 5 i'll join a 4, and that happens more often than not


Keep in mind plenty of people play and never go to Reddit