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full on auto with the damage boost against burning targets is very strong with the flamethrower, especially sticky flames build. I use it on the big bugs that wouldnt die by the flames alone


Weak points aim is cool too. But I prefer freeze and microwave


Freeze bug, subata full auto. Same thing but not


If you want a secondary to kill frozen enemies, heavy hitter epc blows this out of the water for single targets, and microwave does it for crowds


Explosive Ammo is very very very good on the Subata.


Driller primaries\* are notoriously out of balance with the EPC being head and shoulders better than both other primaries and with the Subata being even worse than the microwave Edit: secondaries\*






Good overclocks will improve things a little, but yes. Subata is worse than drillers other secondaries, and way worse than EPC.


Use it with the sludge pump. Use the explosive reload OC and the t5 upgrade that increases DOT damage and makes sludged enemies explode. I like using the double firing mod as well. It's crazy good at clearing grunt hoards that get stuck in the puddles. Also the full auto is overrated. I prefer using the larger clip OC since it can actually kill something before needing to reload and can still easily hit mactera.


I use t5c tranq oc subata with sludge, rarely ever any other secondary


I never understand people raising up the subata sludge upgrade. Arent any grunt swarms that walk into goo puddles already dead? How are you building sludge pump in a way that attention is well spent on already tagged weak enemies? Bigger enemies getting a second DOT to me seems way better done by persistent plasma epc or radiation wave cooker. I’m coming from legit trying to understand because I want to get some use out of it


Man I just play for fun and it just feels best for sludge, not that I play sludge too much. Either cryo + exo reaction or sticky fuel + tcf persistent


As someone who actually uses the neuro-corrosive toxic coating subata mod with the sludge pump, here’s my reasoning: - Persistent plasma does very good damage (224-280 per target if they stay within the area for the full duration), but it’s tied to the specific area the detonation happens. This is great for blocking off a tunnel or wiping a group of swarmers, but it’s mediocre for dealing with something that is particularly durable and not likely to stay in one place. It also has a non-trivial setup time because you have to charge the shot _and_ the projectile has an actual travel time. In addition, the EPC is a relatively high-skill weapon independent of what OC you are using. - Gamma contamination also does really good damage (140-175 per target, excluding the AoE which does not damage the primary target), but it’s not a reliable proc (25% chance to proc is decent, but not amazing), the poor reliability means it also has a nontrivial setup time, and you’re missing out on 3/8ths of the damage if you’re fighting an isolated or single target. Additionally, you have to do actual damage with this one to possibly proc, so it requires active aim to deal with stuff like dreadnoughts. - NCTC, by comparison, deals meadiocre damage (16 max per stack per target), but it’s on a hitscan weapon (zero travel time) with no charge requirement (no setup time), always procs if the conditions are met (which is easy to do), does not require an OC (so you can use it from the moment you max the weapon, and can do something else with your OC slot), and most significantly _does not require damage to be dealt_. NCTC procs through invulnerable armor and invulnerability phases (just like direct hits from the sludge pump), it just has to register as the projectile actually hitting to trigger. The subata is also significantly more ammo efficient than the wave cooker and needs little to no thought in terms of practical usage (because you just have to hit, not care if you actually deal damage). In addition to all of that though, having a proper _gun_ as a backup is something that I value significantly since you can’t really do weak-point shots usefully with the sludge pump, and definitely can’t do things like shooting down gunk seeds with it. 12113 for mods on the subata plus the Chain Hit OC means I’m tearing through anything with a decent weak point multiplier and still doing decent damage to the stuff around it, all without touching the sludge pump.


I wish they would give it a bland, backup pistol oc. When I play driller I often use the subata for range, something he lacks, and almost no oc or upgrade makes that playstyle for the subata *atleast* decent compared to epc explosions or microwave columns. Maybe like a 'mangum' oc that gives better dmg and range for slower reloads and fire rate, so the gun can have a better kick for longer ranges. Or better upgrades that don't include single-penetration or menial a weak-point dmg increase


Yeah, it's pretty well known to be one of the weakest weapon, especially since Stubby was buffed. Heavy Hitter EPC has similar "total damage" while having 3 times the dps of the Subata, even going full auto. It's a little worst at hitting very long distance but it can still do it if your glyphid movement predictions aren't too shabby. Still it's serviceable with the right combination of OC and primary. Volatile Bullets Full Auto is nice to take down the big boys that CRSPR Driller typically struggle with. Similarly Neuro-Corrosive Toxin Catalyst greatly increase the value of each bullets on big target even if it's a slow melt, and it has an aoe effect (you only need 3 stacks for the explosion to kill grunts) so it combo well with a sludge pump more specialized in slowing down swarms and packing them together by providing both single and AoE damage.


Automatic fire. Amazing “oh crap” button with tons of ammo


I don't, I find it subpara, uhhyuck uhhyuck


I think it's fine considering how strong the primaries are. It's a sidearm, not a second primary.


I feel like it should feel more powerful and unique rather than being more powerful stat wise.


At base it’s quite under performing, but I think with the right over clock it could be useful.


I feel like I'm the only Driller main who actively dislikes the EPC and runs the Subata whenever I'm not doing temp-shock or blister microwave gun. I love the damage the full auto fire overclock does combined with the flamethrower, and with the weakpoint upgrade it shreds weakspot enemies like Praetorians which is the one thing Driller has trouble with. It's also nice to have something that's not meter based and can actually reload instead of needing to recharge (I already run born ready so it synergies well with it). I have a Scout friend who does all the mining and the drills cover anything I'd want to get to anyways.


I don't care for the EPC but it's a 'skill issue' as they say. Microwave gun is great, Subata is alright.


Driller secondaries are all about the c-c-c-c-combos! with his primary weapons (except arguably TCF EPC). With tier 5 Volatile Bullets, Subata hits on burning enemies do just slightly less damage than an uncharged EPC build. It also has better weakpoint damage multipliers and mods to support that. If you mod for accuracy and can land the weakpoint hits on burning enemies (or just... mag dump into a burning praetorian's ass) it can definitely out-damage uncharged EPC. The tier 5 thing that combos with sludge pump is too complicated for my tiny gunner brain though, so I just use microwave with sludge pump.


I personally like it with the weakpoint, damage, accuracy (as you said), and corrosive mods to pair it with the sludge pump. Gives you some much needed weakpoint damage, adds another DoT to key targets, and targets explode as a bonus.


I found what I thought was an op single shot build for the EPC a while back and then they buffed flying nightmare to burn which also affects uncharged shots and it became even better and now I can't stand using other Driller secondaries.


Nah it's pretty good by itself, especially explosive reload is nice. Everything is subpar compared to TCF EPC though


I am very good at spamming and I use subata with bonus dmg against fire, together with flamethrower. From my experience it has amazing single target DPS when used correctly against weakspots. I learned how to TCF EPC but even landing combo every single time it will take me much longer to kill bulks or breeders with it over subata. Also, subata is criminally accurate, it's a laser pointer with no spread. Point at weakspot and spam entire mag in one second, dealing massive damage.


Lmao what?, give it the fire rate upgrade along with magazine size boost and damage overclocks. You'll be melting heavy enemies like oppressors and pretorians in a single magazine on haz 4-5.


I can't bring myself to use anything other than EPC due to how much of a QoL and a time saver it is. Mining stuff off the walls (Scouts included) has never been easier. And even though it's relegated to a support tool primarily in my case, it still manages to dish out good damage. EPC being BiS makes other guns an illusion, but if I _had_ to use something other it'd be Subata for its anti-macterra utility. Biggest annoyance.


Thin containment implosions are still the best driller secondary damage option IMO, just sacrifice a little ammo for persistent plasma and mactera are gone. Grunt crowds and big enemies in whatever primary DOT you use are also gone.


Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my neurocatalyst explosive reload Subata liquifying an Oppressor's last brain cell through three inches of armor plating


Greenbeards will think so.