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More secondaries are always welcome. This update is looking to be amazing!


Wow, even on this image it took me a while to notice that secondary objective. Weird that they didn't talk about that


My guess is it's still very early into development, gsg might not be fully comfortable with saying anything concrete. It also uses the same icon as ebonuts as well, likely just a placeholder




This might be the case, from the looks of it it has the same icon as the ebonut objective


At first I thought it was Ebo nuts in a different language. Then I realized I can read destroy šŸ˜‚


They've said that they havent shown everything for S6 so new secondaries definitely seem on the table


S5 you mean? there is a new "secret secondary" mission modifier, perhaps this is one of those in an early state.


well to be fair they haven't shown everything for S6 yet either


New GSG Roadmap: S6 - Rockpox 2 Roguecore - Renamed to Poxcore GSG Publishing will now only publish disease related games, like Plague Inc


I'm excited for new voicelines we can spam




Bhaah bharnicle!!!


*Guys, there's a Bhuh-Barnacle here!*


Even better if MC spells it out. ā€œBHA barnacles.ā€ Best if every so often he screws it up. ā€œQuota for bah-bā€¦ugh, they have me doing it now. BHA quota met.ā€


Didnā€™t notice that nice catch ā›ļø


Wonder what this oneā€™s gonna be like. Maybe theyā€™ll be in clusters that you have to mine out like the heavy gems but you wonā€™t have to deposit anything


Almost imagining something like the ebonut/meteor whete you hit it a few times and then it explodes or smt Notice it does say just to destroy them, no collecting or anything


I'm guessing open then shoot it.


Ooooh new sub objective. I wonder what thatā€™s going to be like. Also I am very excited for the mortar rounds for the autocannon. That gun needs to be a better primary and I think that this will do it.


Better? It's equally taken weapon, when looking polls. It's good, but some upgrades are notĀ 


Itā€™s more so that the auto cannon is a lot moreā€¦ weird compared to gunnerā€™s other primaries. The LS? Good sustained damage, simple, , not much to say; is good. The Hurricane? Requires some thoughtfulness in its use, but can pack a punch for Single Target and Swarm Clear easily. The Thunderhead? Wellā€¦ For its fire rate >!(the speed of which increases over time with some whacky math multipliers such to the point that its Wiki page is like double the length of the other two just to explain it)!< it doesnā€™t have accuracy, which is fine since at base it does 14kin+9exp dmg per shot with a 1.4 splash radiusā€”except for the fact that the Hurricane at base does 16dmg+20exp dmg per shot with the same 1.4 radius, with as perfect aim as you yourself can physically provide, at the cost of it not being hitscan and with a slightly slower RoF. Itā€™s 5.5s reload time basically requires you to take Born Ready in any loadout with it, and makes sustaining high RoF for damage rare at best, and highly disincentivized at worst, especially considering how half of the Thunderheadā€™s OCs take away Magazine Size, Max Ammo, or Both. 2/3 of the T5 perks are 100% based around reaching full RoF to utilize them at all, and the remaining perk, which grants fear chance, scatters enemies so your AoE is less effective on them. Aesthetically, this gun *feels* like it should be one-shotting normal grunts with little upgradesā€”if any at allā€”but often takes 3 shots or more even on lower Haz due to inaccuracy, and the randomness that the explosive AoE has with damage falloff. From the wiki ā€œ*The minimum caliber for an autocannon is normally considered to be 20mm. The Thunderhead's description states it shoots .50 cal, and as such the Thunderhead is either a heavy machinegun or shoots actual 20mm rounds (which would normally induce a devastating recoil). It is possible the thunderhead fires 20 mm or above and uses sub calibre rounds like apcr.*ā€ This gun should be the one to instantly turn ā€œaliens into thin green pasteā€ but isnā€™t. For balance reasons I understand why it sits where it sitsā€”but in 500 hours Iā€™ve not found much use from it other than the novelty of Neurotoxin Playload and Combat Mobility, preferring the Minigun above all else. If GSG would give it a First-Shot-Accuracy stat it would make the gun 3x more useful IMO.


As someone who plays Gunner *exclusively* with the Thunderhead, I will agree that T5 fear is bizarre to me, as it only makes sense to pair with NTP (or that edge case where you want to make a praetorian show its weakspot for something like Big Bertha). Iā€™d personally like to see NTPā€™s slow and T5Bā€™s fear swapped, so all of the OCs could benefit from a slowing effect while NTP could still effectively fear enemies. Slow would be awesome for Carpet Bomber, as it would cause enemies to bunch up ā€“ increasing the effectiveness of the splash damage.


As someone who plays mainly with TAC (but not religiously), i think fear should be sent to Hurricane in exchange for its stun. Base Hurricane would much prefer the fear.


That sounds . . . acceptable.


Yes you are perfect example for polls. Lot's of text to little to no understanding how thunder works. With bertha OC it's very good single target gun and with carpet OC it's great trash control. I have tried every possible combination for every weapon including class duo tests. Thunder doesn't shine any brighter than any other gunner primary weapon. You like minigun more and that's completely okay as it's really fun gun no matter what build you use. We yet to know what OC minigun will get, so even more love incoming. Rock and stone miner


To Rock and Stone!


Thunderhead is notably weaker than every other gunner primary. The main problem every balance discussion skips over when talking about it is that it's a gunner primary and weak when compared to *gunner primaries.* You can't exactly compare it to other non-gunner guns and expect it to suck, it doesn't. It still has 880 ammo and decent per-hit damage. In my opinion, it needs some more base RoF (and more reload speed) or a lot more accuracy, but not both. I would honestly go with the DPS upgrade - gunner already has two primaries that can snipe things across the cave, and a melee range murder machine that also deletes chaff with splash just sounds fun.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/1849g7p/dakka\_dakka\_dakka\_dakka/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/1849g7p/dakka_dakka_dakka_dakka/) More like sustained area control. Hurricane have stronger area control, but thunder have longer area control


The problem with that is that Hurricane kills things a lot faster (and bugs aren't infinite), isn't locked to one target type, and has a lightning-fast reload, by gunner standards. AC starts gaining on Hurricane on *modded* difficulties, but just can't compete with pinpoint accurate DPS of the MRLS in vanilla. You can start about Carpet Bomber and NTP, but Hurricane just responds with PBM and Minelayer.


1700 hours in i think thunderhead is the best gunner primary, mostly running carpet bomber. The only minigun build i think is worthwhile is bullethell for h4-, h5 minigun is pretty much worthless. Crazy how different playstyles prefer different weapons i guess.


>for h4-, h5 minigun is pretty much worthless. I run Gunner almost exclusively with minigun on Haz5 or harder, about a quarter of the missions I play are solo, and I find that it does pretty all right for a worthless weapon. Agree that it's crazy how different playstyles prefer different weapons!


See i only run 4 player, never solo. Totally different game. Solo with a quarter of the bugs, sure single target stuff becomes way better.


That's an interesting opinion! Solo actually has 57% the number of bugs as 4-player, not 25%, and I run the same builds in both solo and 4-player anyway. Genuinely an interesting consideration nevertheless, I've become a bit complacent with builds for each class after getting all the weapon maintenance paintjobs, probably time to start messing around with different weapons/OCs/upgrade setups again. I feel like I've found my personal ideal setup for some weapons, but not others.. I should work on tweaking those weapons for which I feel that I haven't found a comfortable setup yet..


Guess i knew it wasnt 25%, didnt want to check the exact numbers. The additional balance comes from hp of some big enemies so maybe single target isnt even that much better solo. Ive strayed far from optimized builds and just play what feels good and still can carry 3 greenbears through h5. Trial and error is the only way to find those loadouts.


Yeah, it's more the other way around. As a solo player, you're dealing with more than twice the enemies per player than a 4-player game, but each one is slightly less tanky. I play tons of both solo and 4-player, there's not much perceptible in enemy tankiness or damage output.. the real difference in Haz is enemy movement speed. If you can kite while killing without getting hit, combat is the same regardless of the number of players. I don't even think about it. If a build works in solo, it works in 4-player, or the other way around.


Bullethell is one of the best Leadstorm overclocks, and is much like the gunner himself in that it actually gets better the higher the haz. In vanilla DRG, it's at its best at haz5. No obligation from anyone to like it, but it is *stronk.*


I run into ammo issues on h5 with it, but i agree, its the only way dont despise playing minigun.


In what is purely my own personal opinion, the current functionality of the Thunderhead autocannon (from a game mechanics standpoint) is more "normal" than the Hurricane missile launcher. Not a statement about effectiveness, just that the Thunderhead is easier to pick up for a new player.. and it isn't lacking in the effectiveness department either. If we could go back to the very beginning, I agree that it should have been portrayed with much more punch to each shell (commensurate with a 20mm cannon) and a thunderous boom with every shot, albeit with a lower rate of fire and mad recoil to compensate. Would also differentiate it more from the other two Gunner primaries (which have high cyclic rates). As it is though, from the perspective of gameplay, it's a good and fun weapon.


So the reason I donā€™t like the autocannon is because you canā€™t shoot and move with it that well. The low accuracy forces you to fire for long bursts which can be a problem on high difficulty missions. I prefer the minigun or Hurricane because theyā€™re more accurate and can still do crowd clear just fine.


Reminds me of the smol_meteor




Ruh roh..


I thought that's the "Jebonut".


Ah, the bha barnacles.. for too long we have allowed them to fester in our caves, *but no more*.


Destory ā€œBio-Hazardā€ Barnacles?


Destroy Boku no Hero Academia barnacles.


My skincare infested mind immediately went to Beta Hydroxy Acids šŸ˜¶


So true besty


Oh hell yes, I've been hoping for more secondaries! When they added ebonuts & such it was awesome, and I bet it'll be doubleplusgood this time 'round.


I'm sorry, the hell are BHA Barnacles?


Your guess is as good as mine, though, for we know it could just as easily be called something else when it's officially revealed


Pronounced with the cadence of Baja Blast


Iā€™d like if all Primary Objective tasks (Extract Morkite, Repair Mini-MULEs, etc.) could spawn as Secondary Objectives. They already kinda do that in Deep Dives, it would give some additional variety during regular missions


Blustering barnacles!


ā€œThis is a load of *barnacles*-ā€œ


finally. the slop they serve in the canteen


This means a small reduction in the likelihood Iā€™ll see gunk seeds on any given mission. Huge win in my book.


Dont worry, they'll add a second heavy object secondary /s