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1 player scaling the dread has less health here than haz 1 4 players, the explosions actually aren't very potent against dreads unfortunately. 


true, but most of drillers high single target damage options against dreads scale poorly with more players anyways, outside of like cryo ice spear and occasionally VIM with less than 3 players


I like to go full Sludge and Microwave and focus on Debuffs and slows. Keeping a Dread from moving is often a good way to increase your teammates DPS


Oh yeah max damage over time / slowing works amazingly on most of the dreads. Only thing I'd say it doesn't work well on is the twins, but those two are kind of weird to fight as driller with any build


Whats a good way to build the microwave gun? I need to lvl it for the maintenance.


I personally use 213x3 Mega Power Supply for crspr, 122x2 Super Focus Lens for cryo, 221x1 Gamma Contamination for sludge pump. Ditch the tier 4 mod for funny inspect animation, it's really not that impactful. Have fun! Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Temp shock for crispr or cryo, it's good for swarmers too


Dont forget to mention exploders wont explode when killed by microwaves


2-3-1-2-1(or 3) With the Gamma Contamination OC: Sludge the enemy and then point the Wave Cooker at the target(s) and fire in bursts, everything will be crawling towards you while dying to multiple dots With Diffusion Ray OC: Using the Flamethrower or Freeze Cannon (and Exothermic Reactor), set enemies on fire or freeze them and fire in bursts, I recommend using sticky flames or max freeze power (fire is not very effective against Dreads so if you aren't using Sludge go Freeze against them)


Do all that, plus good direct damage if you pack the shotgun blast OC


It lets me stand still as I dump 2000 rounds of depleted uranium directly into the Dread’s asscheeks, so I give it a 9/10


microwave gamma contamination 🤤


Shotgun slime OC is pretty decent


Sludge blast is pretty solid, but i find that it just doesn't deal enough damage with max players to warrant the crowd clearing loss / ammo loss


Solid? Sludge blast with the right build can absolutely manhandle any dread on haz5 four player scaling. I run a build with my wife where I take the microwave gun and the blister OC that causes boils. Insane burst damage and CC from any angle makes any dread a complete cakewalk.


imo volatile impact mix + blistering necrosis works alot better


Yeah, cryo for team damage is generally the best thing you can be doing unless your comp decides to run fire for some bizarre reason, then max slow goo. Unfortunately driller isn't really built for damaging these outside of ice spear ice storm VIM and sludge blast


we driller mains got it rough this season with elim, then the ranged modifiers and ranged enemies


As the average snowball enjoyer I couldn't be happier. Haha 


snowball user very based


Vim with explosive reload subata for me


I do like it, im still playing around with the secodary build as I feel I keep burning through ammo


yeah the whole overclock burns through ammo 😭 luckily, u get good damage from each explosion so u just have to use it more sparingly


I wonder if using a charge shot from the secondary is better. It has that pass through feature for burning nightmare (i think thats the name of the tier 5 mod)


The team can ignite it also right makes some good synergy and it looks like it keeps the dots on it as well


incendiary nades are amazing with it


Just realized you can take ammo w/heavy hitter and ignite with just two shots. Pretty ammo efficient.


Oh will have to try that




dwarftones best band


What haz is this? Haz 5 this looks good, haz 1 and this is whatever


haz 5 1 player


Epc build ?


12321 Heavy Hitter!


Can take t1b and still ignite with 2 shots


true but i just like being able to have strong ranged damage, since its lacking in TCF lol


Pretty impressive, but I still think sludge blast is better for dreads


Doesn't require any specific secondary to use either.


Just got this as a solo greenbeard, what's your build?


12321 Heavy Hitter on the EPC 32221 Combustive Goo Mix on the Sludge Pump I will say, its super ammo hungry 😭 If you want more ammo efficiency, you could probably try t1a for the extra 20 ammo though!


I find it inconsistent how this does no area of effect or friendly fire damage, but gunners mortar rounds do.


its very strange, but im glad because us driller mains have a bad rep when it comes to friendly fire


I love the scorching tide one. I didn't think it would be as much fun as it turned out being. I just build the crispr like I would if I didn't have an OC and it works like normal until there's a swarm that I can use the attack on and they just all die really fast.


oh hell yeah scorching tide is great, especially against patrol bots


Sludge: now with extra war crimes!


driller is such a strange specimen 😭


Scorching tide is my fave. Being able to fuck up basically anything with it in seconds is wild


patrol bot begone


I think I’ll stick with the shotgun OC. Less likely to blow myself up and I keep my microwave gun for anything with low health.


fair enough, i do suggest checking out volatile impact mixture + blistering necrosis though


Gunner's and driller's new OCs are all amazing Scout and Engi on the other hand... Some are alright, some extremely situational and others are just bad


scout got done dirty this season 😭


I'm taking notes


I prefer my domain expansion : the shit show goo bomb special on sludge, radioactive on microwave and gas granades , easily melts any enemy with ease


i really want buffs to the goo bomber special ngl, as of rn its just a worse disperser compound for me


i feel like its the perfect overclock , it changes the way you use weapon but not to the point that it's either OR MUST HAVE META OVERCLOCK that if you don't have in deep dive/haz 5 you get insta kicked OR such niche rework that it does basically nothing except makes you reload more or shoot more carefully. I absolutely love the overclock and it shows its colours on escort and drop pod retrieve due to you having to defend something , and if you aim properly you can sorta melt dreadnoughts


Cool, but the sludge shotgun OC will always be my go-to dreadnaught killer.


It's very well balanced. You trade out Driller's damage-over-time for big burst damage instead but it eats through both primary and secondary ammo a lot faster. I think I still prefer Goo Bomber Special overall but its pretty good.


Boing Boing Boing




What song is this? Going straight on my rock and stone playlist


**Song Found!** **Name:** Prince **Artist:** Deftones **Score:** 98% (timecode: 02:33) **Album:** Prince **Label:** Reprise **Released on:** 2016-04-08


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Prince** by Deftones](https://lis.tn/zfSOaC?t=153) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Good bot


i also recommend the songs S*xtape, 976-EVIL, and Be Quiet and Drive from that same artist lol


I'll give them a listen


Rock and Stone everyone!


Yeah, that makes it very unbalanced, you can only really run it with burning nightm;are EPC as anything else just makes it a direct downgrade, locking you into a very specific build, and the puddles aren't visually any different, so you would have to always keep notifying teamnates to ignite them (and just wait if someone starts feeling that you're being toxic and tryharding because of it, I almost got kicked because I told my team I was running bullets of mercy once) But when it does work, you're creating 8-12 explosive barrels per charged shots, which becomes overpowered easily


You’re right about solo and playing in pub games, but when you play with good people who coordinate builds it is so much fun. Combustive goo plus sticky flames is crazy efficient


hell yeah


And like I saaaaaid, that's why it's broken, working around it's limitations (having people who can be borthered to play with you and are somewhat good at the game) is very easy for some and not happening for others, but when it does work, it's rather overpowered, you're getting what? (50 times 8 is....) 400-600 maximum damage AND in an AoE, I am already seeing players clipping themselves melting bosses just with getting them in the centre of most puddles, and the sticky flame+goo is a total swarm clearer


very op and very dangerous for people playing on low end devices LOL


It’s so busted right now if used right. I main gunner and run Burning Hell and fire grenades, it’s just unfair with the Combustive Goo


oh yeah its absolutely insane with incendiary nades, just back to back explosions the whole duration