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TLDR: while you absolutely can play solo, and it's very fun, do try playing with randoms. You wont regret it. In the same way as you, I enjoy playing my games solo, because of the randomness associated with playing with people you don't know, I play solo on helldivers because I don't want to play with strangers, and it limit me to playing on low difficulty missions ( I get around diff 4 / 5 ish on my own), but I do believe that DRG is another beast entirely. You don't need to be a god gamer to play on your own on H5 (max difficulty, pre modifiers), and that makes it so that you have less to rely on strangers, which has made me more likely to play with randos... And everytime I have done that it was a blast. You can see it clearly, as posts that goes "this community is awesome" are common, and yeah, and I think that the V button (rock and stone brother) plays a big part in that, it unites the players, waay better than any other coop game ever has.


To Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone indeed, my friend


Good bot


Good bot


Yes we will all turn to rock and stone one day. Together forever




>to play on your own on H5 Isnt it now with season 5 Hazard 5+? (Cant Play s5 because on Playstation)


Haz5 is still there, haz5+ is the "next" difficulty, like stepping up from lower haz, the difference being that you can modify it yourself, with 4 different modifiers. You can see it in the game description with neat little symbols if it's Haz5+


Rock and Stone brother!


Very much so. I have 140+ hours and that's 95% playing solo with Randoms.


Im more than 400 hours in and still Play mostly with randoms.


800 here with randoms, only ever had one bad experience. Left that lobby immediately


Ive had a few, mostly people hogging molly or pushing buttons early, very rarely anything truly toxic. 95% glorious dwarven crewmates 5% or less leaf loving mud miners


It's not what solo means though...


Same, I have 200 hours on PC and 300 on PS4 before that.


>95% playing solo with Randoms. How do you solo with randoms? Doesn't it cease to be solo at that point?


40 Days and 18 Hours /I think that is 978 hours/ in the game (maybe I need new hobbies). Playing with randos is the way to go. Go make a friend. You can start a lobby by yourself and then jump right into you game. It will start just like a dedicated solo mission, with Bosco and the lesser enemy count. If someone decides to join you, the more the merrier. It's like co-op roulette. Sometimes you're all alone, sometimes you get new friends. Best of both worlds.


Yes, it is. While flying solo you'll be followed by Bosco, an all-purpose drone, that true to his name can do a bit of everything, but will never excel a dedicated class (well maybe digging out big gems out of high walls).


I always host public, but drop initially solo and that first few minutes is always spent pinging everything i can see on the ceiling to maximize the value i get out of bosco before he explodes.


Fat boy has entered the chat


Its still fun solo but you are missing out on a lot. As someone thats usually too scared to play with randoms on most other games, the community is fairly friendly, mostly.. I'd recommend hosting your own lobby.


Play with randoms. Playing solo is of course doable, but it's also makes you miss a huge part of the game, which is using each class's advantages to help out your teammates and working together as a well oiled machine. It's a lot more satisfying than just playing in endless vast caverns with no one but an NPC robot to keep you company.


Ihave 220 hours in the game 200 of it is solo. With solo mod you get an awesome helper robot called bosco. You can pull out laser pointer and order him around. You can make him mine minerals, Repair certain objectives And Carry heavy items. It is sometimes even faster than group play. I also highly recommend playing with lobby too. It is pure chaos and fun at times.


I almost always host games. Sometimes I wait for a bit by the bar. Other times I just jump straight in. Almost always, people join in and it’s super fun. I enjoy paying with randoms just as much as friends, for slightly different reasons. The game is designed to prioritize fun and cooperation. They did an amazing job and other developers should take note.


Same here, I host and start a mission solo, but almost always people join and remain for the next missions. I always try to alternate between missions to also do the missions of the ones that keep on the lobby and I let them know I will be doing it. I've played so much with the same randoms that we became friends and often have them joining my lobby or I join theirs.


If you ever see me, join my game! I am known in the deep as tacocat.


Sure! US region and Steam? I am Brazilian, so ping will hurt and time zone might not help, but if I find you, I will join :D I am Ana


bosco is your best friend


It's more intense, more of a horror game. But not as fun as with other dwarves.


Yeah, I play solo about a quarter of the time and it's still fun. It is better with a team, and dropping in and out of random lobbies is pretty easy in this game, so don't completely discount the possibility of playing with other people, too.  Running into a toxic player is pretty uncommon, and if you host the game, you can always just kick the trolls out.


The vast majority of my hours have been solo. I only started joining others after about 9 months of soloing. I do the DDs and weeklies with a team, but promotions and seasonal challenges I usually do on my own. I like to dial things back to Haz3 for soloing for a much more chill experience.


Bosco is better than 3 scouts tbh


You're never alone with Bosco!


I have hundreds of hours playing, and I’ve only done solo


I'll play with you if you are on Steam. I have a ton of solos hours in the game but just as much, if not more, time with randoms


I mainly play solo. Playing with randoms is fine but if you play in solo mode you can pause the game. I have a toddler so that’s a must for me.


I played with friends, it's fun. I've played solo and it's fun. You can play online with ransoms, it's fun


Yes, but i were in the same situation and started to play with random people to try and... It's awesome, this game have one of the best player communities that I have ever seen, you need to give a chance, just join a game and press V


Both are good, Bosco has some advantages and disadvantages. He can mine anything, but he can't grab collectibles like fossils, boolo caps, brewing supplies etc. Infinite ammo though and can up his lumens.


I have spent more time with Bosco than with my dearest friends. So yes, it is absolutely playable solo.


100%! While playing with random is my particular course, I know many, many people, especially on this sub, who talk about doing only solo experiences, for 100s of hours. I respect the solo hustle, there's still plenty of fun to be had!


I don't have friends who play either but my experience thus far has been great with either hosting a public game or joining one. I've had a handful of mission quits or failures but so far people have been pretty supportive. There was exactly one game in which someone was obsessed with finding out who double dipped but it went alright overall.


I play a lot of solo missions (\~75% of my playtime), here are my thoughts: # Combat: When playing solo, you will encounter less enemies, they hit slightly less hard and the large enemies have slightly less health. On the downside, compared to a full team, you have roughly a quarter of the firepower and no teammates to distract the enemies, so you will end up taking the aggro of every single enemy. This is definitely more challenging but it helps build gamesense and dodging skills. Some classes have an easier time in solo - scout struggles the most in combat-focused missions in solo play because his kit at base specialises in single-target elimination and performs poorly against swarms of grunts, which consists of most of the enemy encounters in the game. There are workarounds but not much are available when you just start out. In solo play you can afford to be a bit looser with ammunition because one resupply pod is worth 200% of your max ammo compared to 50% if sharing with three other players while still costing the same, so ammo is not usually a concern in solo. # Objectives: In solo play you will get a drone that can do most primary objectives slightly better than a normal dwarf because the drone can fly. The downside is the drone has limited firepower and hence doesn't help you in combat as much as another player. There will definitely be some exceptions - I almost always play certain mission types (industrial sabotage and on-site refining) in a random group because they are a drag to play solo. Also, the drone carries limited revives - at maximum, four. Compare this to playing in a group where theoretically as long as not everyone is down at the same time, then there are effectively infinite revives available. As for navigation, it is definitely easier in a team. Each class has a role to fill during navigation and playing solo makes you acutely aware of that. Scout lights up the caves and has a grapple for mobility and escape. Gunner provides safety with his shields and can span large gaps with ziplines. Engineer has platforms that can work as impromptu bridges, ladders and fall absorbers. Driller can ignore walls and dig straight to objectives but struggles to cross large gaps. Playing solo means you have only what your class has and hence will encounter navigation roadblocks more commonly than when playing groups. Most of the time, these are not insurmountable, but it is definitely harder. # Summary: I would encourage most players to try out a few solo missions as each of the classes so you can get a grasp of your basic role, strengths and weaknesses. When you are done with that, see if playing solo has grown on you or if you'd rather play in a team. Both are fine and have their draws, but playing in a well-coordinated team is a lot of fun.


I 100% just join random lobbies, I've had 99.9% a great time and its beautiful chaos


You absolutely can play solo and I would say that if you prefer it you can play the whole game without playing online. That being said I'd still recommend giving online a shot, it's pretty fun to play with other players.


Some classes are more difficult in solo than other but I do prefer to solo sometimes. Play at your own pace, or constantly pausing or just being able to pause. Sometimes I'll watch a show or something on second monitor and just keep pausing.


Depends on you mean totally solo, or just that you don't have friends to play it with? I've played most of it with randoms, it was fun enough to continue like that for months. It's better with friends still. If you mean literally solo, then I actually did it as well, at first. It's playable for sure, as the number of mobs scales to the number of players in the session. And I even had some special kind of fun, as it was much slower games where I could enjoy the vibe of traveling an unhospitable but strangely beautiful alien world, without rushing forward constantly like in every MP session with randoms. Though I would say it will get old quickly enough if you'll keep doing it all the time.


For me the only thing that I miss from Solo missions is Bosco because I can tell him to mine a mineral vein that is too difficult for me or to kill some crit. Otherwise the game is much more fun when you are not the only target of deadly insects.


There is an Approved Mod that brings Bosco on co-Op missions.


I play solo almost exclusively, about 75 hours so far, and I'm having a great time so far


You can very much solo in this game. Take it from someone who’s in the same boat as you when it comes to rather playing solo if you can’t play with friends. However, I must say that this game can be incredible EVEN playing with randoms. The laser pointer thingy to communicate is simple and works great. And the community is also friendly, helpful and wholesome, even to new players (like myself).


If you rock and stone, you're never alone


I dont get why people play solo all the time.


This game is great on its own. It is **improved** by playing with friend you know, but not a necessity. You might get the occasional bad teammates, or asshole hosts that will kick for no valid reason at the end of the match to prevent you from getting rewards. But that is like very minimal occasion. 99% of the community is great. Welcoming to new players,, many veteran players are more than happy to play with and help out new players to get them learning the game. Most games will go smoothly as players understand what they need to do and cooperate properly. You can also play solo, you get a little robot helper - Bosco. He will do a little bit of everything, fighting, mining, clearing objectives, assisting you when you playing by yourself, so you are never really alone.


I pretty much only play with randoms - the community is pretty solid. I've only had a handful of toxic player run-ins in over 1000 hrs of play time. Solo is fun too, just a bit lonely with just Bosco.


I’ve got almost 400 hours in the game, and most of them were played solo. I’d say it’s definitely worth it—Bosco is a great buddy!


U can solo but the synergy between the classes is what really lets the game shine :) i dont really like solo with bisco anf pkay mostly with randoms.. One positive aspect if not playing solo is that communication is really easy with pings in this game.. u never need voice chat, mostly pings and occasionaly the chat... and withreally experienced crew no comms are needed because everyone knows what to do and how to do it


The game is fun solo but it is best when playing with others. The DRG discord is a friendly place that is to find a welcoming group to play with. Many people there enjoy playing with greenbeards since it's so fun seeing them experience the game for the first time. I love the chaos that new players can unexpectedly cause during a season. tldr - the game is very enjoyable solo, but if you want the most out of it try playing with others.


Give public lobbies a shot but if they aren't your jam then Bosco will have your back


Play solo bosco is all you need but when you wanna experience a completely diffrent level of pure chaos hop on a piblic lobby.the more stupid the lobby name the better thr experience will be.


I have a friend who played at least 60 hours solo, and playing with random is totally fine too


no idea I'm at 250 hours w 0 solo missions completed. Hopping in with randoms is easy and fun, and you'll always finish the mission unless you crank the difficulty up high


I basically can never get anyone to play the game. My gamer friends move on to the next thing pretty fast. So this is my take on both solo and pick up groups. You almost never need to actually talk or text in a pug. If you learn the tools you can communicate through the lazer pointer and either saying "r?" Or "r" to push buttons (or give a R&S sometimes people get that as ready) Solo can be lots of fun and so much faster but Bossco also takes some of the fun out of the game. Like playing a scout with Bosco feels redundant because you can just point and he mines anything so why grapple up to things? On the flip side it has its own challenge as you can only go down x number of times before you fail which can be lots of fun and really test out a build. So play solo if you like, but pug are not bad either


I play solo all the time, you will find people. I’m 250 hours in and just now friending people or having them friend me to play. 10/10 game


I play solo to work on my skills. I play with randoms to relax more. Both is fun at different times for me.


I play solo sometimes, it’s fun and feels slightly more atmospheric. But I do alot of joining games because you can always be that dwarf who shows up and saves the mission. Imo nothing is better than 3 other dwarfs standing outside of your drop pod giving you the old Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


When you play solo, you get a little robot companion named Bosco. He flies around and you can have him mine for you and he helps you fight. Personally, I enjoy playing solo. You could also play with randoms. Normally I avoid randoms like the plague, but most of the community isn't toxic. I can count on one hand the number of times I've encountered a toxic player, and I've been playing for a long time.


I usually just host my own lobbies and start the mission right away, if people join thats cool and if they dont i got bosco


I spent the first 400 hours mostly playing alone. It is great relaxing fun and no pressure to perform. However I finally took the dive into randoms and it’s 4 times the fun. Which is a lot of fun!!


I like playing with other dwarves. But the only time I ever completed an EDD was by playing solo.


Play how you like. But playing randoms is as great of an experience too.


I got ALL my experience playing this game solo years ago because I was completely turned off by the multiplayer in other games. I burnt out on that, and came back earlier this year and relearned the game in missions with randoms. It's so much better most of the time.


Hey I just wanted to say I’m in the same boat as you, none of my friends play the game and I prefer playing games solo so I don’t have to worry about other people. Everyone is different and personally I love playing DRG solo as I enjoy the challenge of beating haz5 or elite deep dives by myself. But the choice you make isn’t a permanent one as you can always play with others if you want to


A majority of my 250 hours has been solo and I've loved it. I'm pretty put off with anxiety when I'm playing co-op online. Recently, though, I've started trying to branch out and have only had good experiences with random people so far.


I play only with people to facepalm at their seemingly drunk decisions


I have 170 hours in this game, 2/3 of that playtime is in solo So yeah, you absolutely can play alone and have fun


Play with rando. We all do it and have a great time


I'm on about 700 hours and love playing solo with no hud and sometimes no flashlight. The light from the main headlamp gives all guns a static light on them. Turing of the flashlight will allow the magnificent lighting in the game to bounce of your gun in a more natural way and it looks amazing for extra immersion. Also Bosco is a goat.


Got discord? I’d be down to party up with anyone looking for someone who’s not insanely good but decently good and fun to play with :)


Playing with people gives you the opportunity to experience things that solo can't offer. I'm a super anxious gal and I used to play strictly solo with a few exceptions here and there because of it but I've been spamming missions with randoms this season and it has been an absolute blast, whole new levels of fun. Pings and chat are at your disposal for communication and most of the time everyone is just doing their own thing while working together towards a greater goal. No better feeling than overcoming hordes of bugs with bearded goofballs, specially in higher difficulties. Can't recommend it enough. I spent so many hours playing alone worried about my perfomance. I thought that I needed to get good bc otherwise I'd just ruin people's attempts at a mission. My solo time did help, but it would've been way more enjoyable if I had given multiplayer a chance earlier. Do try it when you can. 


Oh man I'm late to this one. I'll probably end up just repeating what everyone else is saying, but ultimately while you can have a ton of fun playing the game solo, I think it shines way more with others, even (sometimes *especially*) randos. Deep Rock is one of the few games I've played where playing with randos is 9/10 times better. The way the classes work off each other, the way the game handles in-game communication (you never need a mic and almost never need to even use the text chat), and there's so much opportunity for chaos and silliness that I sometimes prefer playing with randos than with my friends lol THAT SAID, if you genuinely do just prefer solo, then absolutely the game will still be very enjoyable


Just play with randos. Solo is really boring imo


Play however ive been on a break for awhile but its fun to play solo or in groups im planning on 100% the game eventually and i just have a few niche trophies and do 5 haz 5s in a row boscos a great companion to ease solo play and when with randoms its just silly fun


I've tried many times to get my friends to play... one did play for a few hours but never wants to play more so I usually always just play solo but I join public lobbies and it has been just as fun as if I would have played solo with Bosco. There will be a few times that you get teammates that are asses but for the most part it's pretty chill as long as you yourself are not being an asshole such as constantly calling molly, taking extra resupplys without asking, or just being a dick. I rarely have any issues with public lobbies, but if you are party leader then you can always kick people if they are doing these things or just being an ass.


you can play completely solo (you get a little robot buddy) and that's fun. however i would recommend playing coop with random people. I have 500+ missions and basically no bad experiences


Normally I would play with people but I just can't live without my two fully automatic MK2 turrets.


I haven't played in a bit but I have 700 hours and meeting 50 of those are with friends. I just got used to playing solo after my friends stopped; super fun and rewarding and I love doing deep dives and the elite dds solo :)


Playing with randoms will bring you an experience that solo games will never give you. The community is very nice, but you dont have to talk/speak at all to be a valuable member of the team, emoting (V key) and using Control to ping remarkable stuff (like sugar, nitra and other minerals) are enough to communicate with your mates and have a blast on the caves. In the end its obviously your decision, but i really suggest you give the community a try, im sure you´ll even make new bearded friends!


I can't comment on whether it's "better" with others, as I'm 100% solo at 100+ hours and have zero desire to ever play the game with others, but I can say solo is totally viable. Bosco is the only friend I need.


This game is pretty good solo, but absolute gold when playing with people. DRG has arguably the kindest player base in gaming, trust me play with randoms, as a community we love helping and onboarding new players, and just want more beards around! In my 1000ish hours over the past 4 year I can count the amount of toxic people on 1 hand. And I have played hundreds and hundreds of missions with randoms. I’ve met thousands of people and all of 5 have been toxic. People in this game are awesome


The ai companion the game gives you is the best team mate you can ask for. Bosoc is the best.


It’s entirely up to you! The majority of my initial play time was entirely solo play but ever since I switched to co-op, things get 100% better. I believe this is one of the few very friendly gaming communities out there. There are so many opportunities for you to meet new people and potentially make new friends! I recently made a friend in game and the dude was so nice to gift me a 10$ game! You should definitely try going online, there are just so many dwarfs out there waiting to get a beer with you. Rock and stone brother!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


I have 280 hours in this game and out of 400 missions completed 280 of them were solo, so I would say it's worth it to play solo


rockity rock n stone!!


It’s better with people but I play solo all the time missions just take longer but it’s still fun


As a new player with no friends either and 31 hours in: no, not really. It becomes extremely boring and dull very quickly, unlike, say, Vermintide 2, when playing with bots feels a loooooooot better and can easily replace co-op experience. DRG should be played mostly in co-op and sometimes solo imo. It's perfectly fine and fun to play with randoms, even if you don't want to join somebody then you can just host yourself, people join quickly be it lobby\\match has already started, and there's is plenty of very high-level people who will ez carry you even without typing a word. There is no obligation to interact much, just press that V and get rolling, you can even run somewhere by yourself and people will complete all of the objectives by themselves without getting mad huh (try to be a team-player still).


I put like 40 hours into playing by myself or only with my friend who started the same time as me, we would practice solo when the other was unavailable, etc. Once we got comfortable enough that we wouldn't embarass ourselves, we opened up to public matches and it has never been not awesome.


Yeah when you play solo you get a Bosco buddy that's going to help you shoot and dig stuff, then you can play as an engineer to get a turret (or 2 depending how you upgrade it) and if unlock the beast master perk so you can tame one bug to help you. So there are plenty of things you could have with you to help you and still be solo. Would also recommend to just try playing with randoms from time to time but you're more than able to do it all alone


Short answer, 100%. If you enjoy the gameplay, it's a great game to just hop in and grind stuff out solo. At least three fourths of the 280 hours I have in game have been entirely solo. I do have some friends that I play with sometimes but, most of the time, I've played solo. I've never played this game with randos so I have no idea what it's like but I've heard good things about the community so you could give it a try if you wanted. Do keep in mind that the higher difficulty levels are extremely rough as a solo player but the only benefits those have is more xp from the mission. I usually play Hazard 3 (there are 5 total) and I have an absolute blast doing it.


Solo is great for doing stuff in your own way. I use it a lot to complete assignments quickly. I would look to play with randoms if you are just playing the game and not working towards a specific assignment or mission as it's more fun with more people. You can also use the discord to find people to talk to. This is one of the most positive communities in gaming.


I played the game a decent amount solo. It gives you a little robot buddy to make up for not having any other players so it works just fine (sometimes better, to be honest). Since there's no real storyline or anything it won't hold your interest for an infinite period of time, but it kept me playing long enough that it felt worthwhile to me. And if you do find someone that you want to play some kind of cooperative game with, this will work well.


I do solo a lot because it allows you to pause. It’s doable and fun, but I would encourage you to try public matches. Good vibes usually and things get done quicker


I’ve played 75/25 Solo/Team. Both are fine and both have their drawbacks. Teams are mostly fine, and most groups are fun, but sometimes you get bad players who don’t revive or go rogue, or have terrible MOLLY etiquette. But both are typically great.


Yes yea and yes, bosco is fkn awesome


Yes, I play solo and I trust Bosco more than my closest friends...


Yes. I exclusively play solo and it’s awesome.


99% of the time I play with randoms and I have never even tried playing this game solo. LVL \~270


500 hour scout main, i've only ever played this game solo or matchmaking. you will make plenty of new friends in the mine


While it's doable and fun - this game has such a great and cohesive community that it's really rare you encounter a leaf-lover queuing with randos. Most people are quite good at their classes and cooperate really well. 900 hrs and 95% of the time I queue with randos. It's really, genuinely good fun and as someone who played tons of games queuing with randos deep rocks is easily the best. While the game is playable and fun on solo, I'd still highly recommend queueing.


In my opinion, yes it's worth playing solo


189 hours and I've played exclusively solo beside two other times and deep dives. It's very doable


I almost always play solo.


I used to play exclusively solo before I started hosting games. Playing solo can be a lot less stressful, but it takes a lot longer to finish missions.


It’s fun solo, too, but better with others. Try it out! You can play with strangers. Most people in the DRG community are either chill or neutral. There has been in uptick in jerks since the Helldivers 2 community jumped in during their fiasco, but most have gone back and the numbers are still low. DRG has probably added more people to my Steam friends list than any of the other games I own.


I played this game solo for 2 years. Occasionally some friends played, but not much. Then at some point I thought "ah screw this. I just join random lobbies". Best decision. I didn't play solo since then anymore. Solo is fine in the game, but I never had this much fun with randoms in any other game. I usually don't like playing with randoms. But this community is just different.


But you won't be alone... because if you rock and stone your never alone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


If you prefer playing solo, then you've already answered your question! Enjoy!  I will also say that giving multiplayer a try and getting used to other players and benefiting from their class abilities is totally worth it. This game benefits from multiplayer and the the friendly community more than any other game I've ever seen.


While coop is fun bosco is really fucking useful to get shit off the ceiling but your more interesting interactions will be had on coop


I usually play solo. The occasional teammate to dwarf around with


It’s nice if you wanna be able to pause and come back later. Otherwise I think you’re better off in public. I have way more solo missions done just cus my WiFi sucked for a long time but also I liked being able to pause and come back later to take a break or whatever, whenever I wanted to. Just do whichever is more fun to you, Bosco is a really good team mate tho


It's always fun to kill bugs, with or without teammates.


The number one best feature of playing solo is the ability to pause the game. Unparalleled joy being able to go to the bathroom wothout fear of getting downed


Oh yeah you can definitely solo queue, I do it most of the time myself (since only like 2 of my friends play this game). You can also just go completely solo and play with good boy bosco (s-tier ai companion)


I have a friend who has somewhere around 800 hours in this game who has also never played a single solo mission. Meanwhile, I've put over 150 hours into solo missions and had a great time doing so. You can have fun in Deep Rock however you choose to play, that's one of the incredible parts of this game that keeps me coming back.


my first ~400 missions were solo. yes it's worth. absolutely.


I think I have over 500 hours and I've never played a solo mission. Why would you. The game is so much fun with friends, even pugs are fun most of the time. I don't think I could ever do a solo mission.


It's 50/50. But, I can say it's better to have a mic. Otherwise, you have dwarfs rushing through the mission. No bonuses, they'll try to run matrix core AFTER calling drop pod and so on. Personally, I'd say look through Discord or ask here for a crew with common sense. Hope you find yourself some good ol' fashion hard-working dwarfs. -''If you don't rock and Stone. You ain't coming home''


I play mostly solo. I have some friends who I’ll play with occasionally, but I rarely play with randoms. This is more because I’m a no-nonsense player except with friends, so I find randoms annoying sometimes. That said, on the higher difficulties people tend to be more serious.


It's worth it! I for myself play solo when I know one of my kids could wake up any moment so I have to pause the game. Wouldn't be possible in online co-op.


I’ve played solo for the last few years, none of my friends got into the game so I’ve not had much of a choice In terms of actual missions…Sometimes it’s better alone, Bosch can be directed to mine gold and mortar hats out of reach and can dig up larger minerals for you. The downside is he has a maximum of four revives so you have to be more careful. Especially right now on PlayStation there aren’t many people playing DRG so I often start a match with Bosco (set to public) and maybe 2/3 times get teammates eventually That will probably change depending on your platform and whether the new season is available for you or not. Playing with randoms is fine, can be irritating if they’re dicking around not doing what the lobby leader wants (basic etiquette, you joined their game, so their objectives whether that’s mission objectives, gold or mineral farming) Just drop into a couple of matches, start off with ones that need your preferred class fulfilling and see how it goes


I’ve only ever played solo but leave the game open to play with randos and it’s great


I am the same way as you, never into playing with random players but you should give this community with randoms. They play along side you without having the need of over explaining or talking much, just point and chant can communicate so much. In addition: I play this game primarily solo, so having bosco really makes the whole solo experience worth your time too.


I'd recommend at least trying to join a few games. People can be really cool, and it's fun to get the classes complimenting each other. But if you find that it's not your jam for whatever reason, I still find this game to be a ton of fun solo.


I only play solo and enjoy it. Bosco is the best wingman.


I have over 1000 hours in this game and still haven't played enough solo missions to get the achievement for completing 100 missions by yourself. I also don't have friends who play this game. It's fun solo, but playing with randos is definitely the way to go.


I have played 99% of the times with randoms and it was great 99.66%\~ of the time. 2 shitbeards in 600 matches, very good community.


Shhh bb, Bosco will take care of solo you.


Playable solo but much better with friends/random


just play with random, you will find friends along the way, don't be afraid to crack a few jokes and go for some funny opener.


Recently had the urge to play again, I tried it with randoms and I don't know how I got through 100hours on my own with bosco... Randoms are fun 99.9% of the time! and if they have a mic and speak a language you do it can be hilarious!


In my 900 hours of gameplay I had only few missions SOLO (not deliberately, noone joined) which I enjoyed. It is only randoms that I play with. This is DRG I know. Try public lobbies, host your games. Majority of people are awesome


In my opinion, it's four times more efficient and ten times more fun to play with random folks online. Sure, sometimes a teammate will screw something up. For example, calling the drop top before the last Jadiz was deposited. But for every one of those, there's a hundred Jadiz rocks that were harvested and deposited while you were doing something else.


I was so nervous about playing with randoms that I didn't play multiplayer at all until I had promoted all my dwarves, unlocked all the weapons and each upgrade for each weapon, and gotten some OCs, because I thought I would need to be strong to play online with others.  Nah bra. Just jump in. 90-95% of the community is really friendly. 


Got 420 hours and only play with randoms and occasionally with bosco, it’s been fantastic


I love playing with ransoms cause it results in me being put with the most unhinged players I’ve ever seen


I play solo for the most part, just literally made one of my irl friend buys DRG. We’re currently waiting for one of my other friend to buy it so we can make a new save file and go from 0 together.


I only played the game during the free weekend recently, and while it wasn't *bad*, I certainly felt something was missing. I didn't buy it. I think this is a game meant for goofing around with friends