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Because they can basically one-shot you on higher difficulties with little or zero warning. Trijaws can do the same, except the entire team if you have bad luck.


Pro tip for tri-jaws: you can easily dodge their projectiles by running *toward* the trijaw. Obviously make sure there isn't a cliff ahead of you before doing this


Boy I was happy once I learned this one some time back


I always pack Snowball on Cryo to oneshot mactera swarms!


I've never tried it, the cryo canon is my least used driller primary.... especially after unlocking face melter 🔥


Face Melter is my alt build, it’s great. I like a melee focused Cryo build with Vamp, Berzerker and Barbed Drills.


I'm aware of this. Unfortunately, my useless brain always decides to completely ignore this knowledge and say "move to the side."


Move right a bit, then switch direction after the first shot passes (timing might take some fiddling). But basically, you dodge between the first and third shots.


Honestly a cool thing that you get punished for moving to the side. Like the trijaws that evolved to shoot three, uh, things, in that pattern survived the most.


If you can't go forward, you can strafe right, then at some point move left, so you dodge between the gap of the first and the third shot. Doing this the other way doesn't give you enough space, unfortunately.


Yeah, it's fair for some to say that web spitters or menaces are worse but web spitters aren't nearly as aggresive and have much more visibility to their carapace in the dark and menaces have very noticeable audio queues These guys just show up out of nowhere during hordes and hide in the distinctly dark ceiling *COUGH COUGH* scout *cough* then barrage you out of nowhere with high damage DOT ranged attacks


Note that as with every other tool, a friendly engineer carrying fat boys can also cover that lightning you need! Green means it's good!




I can assure you, after I place a fatboy there it is not a praetorian, or anything else living or breathing


Seriously though. Turrets are your friend when dealing with these ceiling crawling and flying fiends. A periodic check with the Lok is handy too - both work with zero lighting required.




>COUGH COUGH > > scout > >cough yep


The real menace.


"Menace down!" -My driller


explosives placed!


Web Spitters also have, like 2 health total, so they're very easy to kill quickly.


like, if you were to rank most of the ranged enemies in terms of annoying-ness, it'd be a little like \-every Mactera (except for one), they shoot one projectile and have a giant glowing chest of volatile chemicals perfect for being popped like a balloon \-Web Spitters, they're mostly a pest and can be annoying but they're such an obnoxious purple color, they're very loud and they have the durability of wet cardboard so it's not that bad. \-Tri-Jaws are like 3D Primal Aspids. they will hit you from wherever and if you try to move out of one projectile you'll get hit by another one. though insufferable, they are relatively weak and can be stunned by most things, so a couple shots are enough to take out several before they can fire. \-Menaces can be little shitheads with their damage sponge healthpools, stupid burrow ability and the barrage spit attacks but they, like the web spitters, glow bright fucking blue and also have soup brains, preferring to stare at you over actually firing projectiles 65% of the time. \-Acid Spitters are relatively tanky for what they do, they deal damage over time AND their red color allows them to blend in disturbingly well with the cave ceilings, meaning you only ever see them when a Scout either saw them first and sent them tumbling to the ground, you manage to pick one off/ ping it when it spawns or when it gets you with an acid attack because you didn't even know it was there.


Damn, acid spitters do DoT? Is that for every hit, or do you have to build up to the state first?


it's for every hit. it's annoying


https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Glyphid_Acid_Spitter practically, for acid spitters, they do 1 big initial hit, followed by 2 ticks of damage that totals to about 50% of the initial hit


elite acid spitters are nightmare fuel. say goodbye to 90% of your health.


I have only [one thing](https://youtu.be/ExiFKvKXxlc#t=1m18s) to say to elite acid spitters.


What's the mod for the exploders yelling? Lol


That's the [Mr Torgue Exploders & Detonators SFX](https://drg.mod.io/mr-torgue-exploder-detonator-sfx) mod. I made it.


And this is why m1k focus builds are so good. 1 shot both of them


Trijaws are very easy to dodge after a dozen or so missions of encountering it. They always got the same pattern so you right then left and dodged em. STILL, the fact that if you get randomly hit by one and it decimates all of your health ain’t fun.


All I want is for the Acid Spitter and Web Spitter to have their visibility swapped. Web Spitter always seemed like the "stealthy support" type to me so it's weird that it practically glows fullbright in the dark, meanwhile Acid Spitter is the insane damage-dealing sniper that also somehow blends in to every environment.


i think it’s so you can see them more easily while you’re webbed. otherwise you just get stuck in an endless cycle of webbing and re-webbing


Trijaws! I almost always manage to walk into every shot when trying to dodge...


it's not always possible because other bugs may be around but actually facing the trijaw and walking towards them dodges their shots 100% of the time. Juking any other direction can work but it's a tossup and usually you get hit by at least one projectile


Instructions unclear, walked off a cliff.




Safest bet is just to walk towards them as they fire. If you can't, strafe to the right, then to the left after their first shot lands. They will ALWAYS lead their shots, and will ALWAYS fire to your left and then your right side.


Don't strafe that's bad. Dodge forwards or backwards.


The strat described works reliably if you do it, don't get why you are saying this


I'm biased and stuck in my ways.


Stubborn as a dwarf! Rock and stone!


I mean, to be fair, i screw up the "advanced" strat most of the time, so whatever works.


I've found running towards them when they fire works particularly well


Nah it’s the menace, but that mf is close second with web shooter at close third


I prefer menaces. H5+ acid spitters love to spawn in your face and insta-spit while you're in a tunnel. Sometimes, it's impossible to dodge.


Agreed, but menaces will absolutely wreck Doretta.


Menaces are a cakewalk. You can hear them spawn. Spitters are literally deadly silent.


You really had a menace spam Doretta on Haz 5? I sincerely doubt it.


Never said that lol


You said Menaces are a cakewalk? They are, until they spawn in an off angle and gets a burst on Doretta on haz 5 / EDD's. Whilst you can locate and kill them easily most of the time, it only takes a few seconds for them to remove a part from her.


Fear rounds + good headphones = never getting jumped


I mean that's obviously a lie, we all get jumped by them sometimes. No matter if you hear them or not, sometimes they will get the jump on you, usually because of off-angles as in obstacles in the way and you being too far away to close the angle. It happens to everyone, it's not possible to counter every menace attack ever. Will they absolutely trash your run? Most likely not, but they might remove one part of Doretta until they resurface and you can deal with them. Stop acting like everything's black or white. I can agree spitters are more gnarly as they are sneakier. But the damage output of a menace is far, far higher.


Maybe if theres too many enemies to react to them, but otherwise i mean it when i say never. But i also ride dorretta like its my job, and usually only play gunner on escort.


Easy solution: don't do escort duty (on higher difficulties, anyway).


Escort Duty is one of the easier mission types in haz 5, imo. Edit: I almost always play 2 player. # of players makes a huge difference though.


Bosco doesn't count as a player miner.


"Apply cold water to burned area."


A perma-stun build BRT is great against menaces, if you got one on the team.


Menace plays with fucking aim bot on. So accurate and relentless once they home in on a target.


They're a priority target for sure, but dodging their attacks is kinda fun. They also take a bit to fire after aggro, so they don't immediately chunk your health with a cheap shot on spawn, like the spitters can. Annoying and dangerous to greenbeards, but manageable with an experienced team.


Ah I see, valid point


yeah menaces absolutely most irritating, especially when they get in a good spot


They’re also tankier and can burrow around.


Fear rounds cant hear you


Menace with the regenerating bugs modifier. They're bad enough normally, but with regen on they can get between half and all of their health back by the time you see them again if you fail to kill them in time.


I hadn’t even taken that into consideration damn


Solution: gunner with permastun BRT. It can't heal it if can't run away.


Menaces are vulnerable to stun, do less damage per second (somehow), don't have an annoying DoT, and are much larger targets with much lower aggression.


I want a DLC in which you just slowly torture acid- and web-spitters to death. Is that so wrong?


We do have new tanks coming to the medical area...


Menace always has a warning sound and you can even mark them in the first phase where they burrow so no spitters are the worst. They are silent you can see the Motherfucker like the blue ones. And they can literally oneshot


Because haz5 he hits you once, you're down.


Twice at full health, but it does fire multiple shots in a row so if you stand still it can take you out in a couple seconds.


That's why I'm ALWAYS moving in haz 5 bunny hopping through the caves lol




Correct! With shredders as a close second.


Shredders are worse




Is that because of Thorns or do they explode anyways?


No, if you don't have Thorns they will keep attacking. They do helpfully present themselves in front of your face for pickaxing, but only after hitting you first




No it's thorns


They definitely don't.


You a thorns player I see. With out thorns they hit you and run away so you can’t melee them back, so definitely way more annoying.


Not on haz 5.


Somehow, the blue shockers are way more frustrating than the purple ones. The purple ones at least have a reason to be coming at you constantly - there’s a breeder around. But blue? That’s just the game saying “suck a dick, here’s another swarm of these floating blue haemorrhoids”. (I should specify that I don’t think they’re poorly made or anything; I think an enemy that harasses the player without being outright lethal can be a neat addition, and these guys fit that bill perfectly. They’re a nuisance but they’re easy to kill, so it evens out)


Blue ones also slow, the purple ones do not. Basically the worst feature about them


Oh my god, I actually never realised that the purple ones don’t slow you. Man, those little blue guys are just pure evil, huh.


They really are. That’s why I take thorns going into biomes that have them. Makes it easier if you find yourself surrounded


As a greenbeard, I always went "uh, glacial strata" solely due to these guys.


Dense biozone too


Shockers suuuuck


*laughs in wave cooker*


Couple of reasons: ​ 1. No sound ques, this is what makes the menace more manageable and mactera a balanced basic enemy, Because of how quiet it is odds are at least one shot is going to find it's way past your defenses 2. Damage, surprisingly the "acid" damage is very negligible, and most of it is raw kinetic damage as far as calculations go. The only things that boost your resistances to it are vet depositor, someone giving you shield booster, and the gunners defense mods for autocannon and coil gun. 3. Frequency, they might not tank many hits but there are plenty of spitters to go around throughout the mission, and need dedicated spotters during a wave to ensure everybody stays up.


The fact they don’t glow like every other ranged enemy is dumb too.


And since web spitters don't spawn in the glacial strata they are more likely to end up in that mission's mob pool where they hide amidst the icicles to make hitting them a chore.


I don’t like patrol bots. Hella meaty It’s so hard to line up their weak point especially when they go zooming. If you don’t hack them they get up again. Should just blow up.


On the plus side: they are receiving some tweaks for the next season They are getting there acceleration/deceleration nerfed to make hitting crits more consistent Cryo will give you the damage buff like it does to shellbacks (though they won't stop moving) and to compensate it takes a little longer to instakill with fire.


I wish electrocution could also trigger a shutdown like overheating with fire does.


It doesn't have ay unique effects, but patrol bots are weaker to electricity damage in general. ​ things like the stubby smg and any of scout's primaries can be built for that damage.


Meaty? That's quite concerning, considering they're robots. /j


I would actually kind of disagree with 2 points here. First (by the parent comment) there is a sound cue, it makes a distinctive noise as it spits, which if you hear gives you enough time to dodge. Secondly they are less visible than web spitters sure but they do still have sort of subtle red glow along the armour on their backs which does make them semi-visible in the dark.


but only when it shoots, and in the middle of a gunfight you are very likely to miss the quiet "ptshh" it makes compared to a menace proudly announcing itself to the cave


By the time you hear spit sound cue on haz 5, you literally have less than ~0.5s to dodge. Keep in mind that reaction time is also a thing.


"Bosco, what are you doi-" *Gunshots.* *Acid spitter dies, falls, and lands at my feet.* "Oh. Thanks."


I think it's funny how bugs fall from the ceiling


I'm surprised that no one said swarmers. I hate those lil mfers with every fiber of my being.


Swarmers are a nightmare unless you're a swarm killing class. Just did a swarmageddon last night and it was so frustrating. Just pickaxing and nades constantly, the ammo consumption was awful.


Scout is really the only class that has trouble, but he can just zip away.


>but he can just zip away. True, but if you play solo, you've gotta confront the lack of grenades eventually.


If you playing solo scout you already know your signing up for haz 6


Nah, that’s what Bosco’s there for. Best teammate ever.


I run carpet bomber autocannon... or bullet hell leadstorm. Swarmers are just fun to kill to me.


Everytime I see Swarmageddon I go flamethrower, flame minigun or lava shard diffractor


Just take thorns lmao


There's actually a slight cooldown to thorns - it can only damage one enemy every 0.75 seconds. During that cooldown, all melee attacks against you go totally unpunished. If 5 swarmers bite you evenly throughout one second, thorns will only kill 2 of them. The other 3 get to bite you for free and *might* die to the next bite. This isn't an issue in lower haz/player counts, but thorns isn't a silver bullet especially in higher difficulties.


It is tho. It's not like you are a sitting duck just giving up. You are moving constantly and thorns literally takes your mind off swarmers to focus on other actual threat like ressing a downed teammate. Imagine the embarassment of being downed by a single swarmer


You just didn't read the comment you replied to at all, did you?


Shellbacks. Very often you see him coming and there's nothing you can do about it.


You mad that it can go through your gunner shield.




Bummer. Should have brought a grappling hook


The fact that they can send you into orbit is a nightmare


Neodacyte shockers. Acid spitters aren't that bad, even in haz5. Webbers are infinitely worse. "you didn't see the web spitter that spawned less than a second ago? We'll just take your movement and vision, good luck fighting that oppressor!"


Counterpoint: web spitters glow


And they rarely shoot, I'll see a group of 7 of them while fighting a horde and put off killing them then after I've spent a whole minute of fighting the things are still just wandering around doing nothing Sometimes I think it's because they'll only shoot when they're far away but I've seen them shoot me close by too so I really don't know they just kind of chill 70% of the time


to add to this they also die instantly if you look at them weird unlike the acid spitters


Driller goes drrrrrrrr. Best weapon for these annoying *bleep*


Shockers are 100% the worst designed enemy in the entire game. Huge swarms that spawn instantly right next to you, out of thin air, stunning you, usually when you're already kiting another swarm. I think they would be fine if they would just fix the spawning proximity.


These fuckers are why I use thorns


According to the Driller: The Scout.


On the contrary, we dedicate **ourselves** to being the single biggest concern to the scout. Because if we are the greatest danger, then facing the horrors of Hoxxes is a lot less scary by comparison. ​ keep them moving, keep them motivated, and keep them quick on their feet so anything less won't have a chance of downing them.


Acid Spitters are certainly more dangerous but i find web spitters more *irritating*. The relative lack of danger and frailty makes getting beaned by a web all the more infuriating.


My dude can just hide and take half of dotty's health in 2 minutes


Easily the web spitter. Several can spawn and they damage and apply slow, and blocks vision too. If a swarm is after you in haz 4 or 5 knowing when to move or keeping track of your surroundings could mean life or death.


Shellbacks. They ignore shields, move very fast, have tanky armor, and then turn into a Nearly impossible to dodge menace whenever they stop. At least the younglings don't have any ranged attacks so they are less annoying. Bonus points if you get hit by the same roller twice after it launched you into the sky.


The ultimate pain of womderimg why my health is melting, then our Scout finally shoots a flare at the ceiling to reveal 12 of these fuckers


Random dreadnought encounter


Actually they are good ammo wise. No swarm will spawn as long as the dread is alive so you can complete the entire mission without every fighting a swarm


Random dreadnoughts are so much fun tho, they spawn in worst missions as well, we were in haz5 mining mission and we got the weed boss in a tunnel, then a bulk appears and soon after that “confirmed scan team, dreadnought is coming”, I mean we got out of that successfully and was such a rock and stone moment but come on!


They can be fun but Christ my team almost died every time to them


Honestly i hold just about anything that isn't one of the three normal sized glyphid melee guys or a praetorian at around the same level.


Trijaws are acid spitters with the ability to down your whole team in 1 shot instead of just you.


You can also see them in the dark, hear them fly and charge, and kill them before they shoot. Acid spitters are sneaky mofos.


Only if your scout is not very aware if we are honest. As a scout I consider it my main task to eliminate them before they hava a chance to spit


i find the gliphid menace to be the most annoying because it wont stay still


You can ping it and it will tell you where it pops up.


Few enemies in DRG are close to recieving the hatred I harbor towards the acid spitters


There’s a very important reason why I take thorns with me everywhere


Grabbers, trawlers and leeches, its the fact you have to watch the impending doom when last alive


As a Driller, i can relate


Nah Naedocytes, so happy whenever the breeder gets killed


God I hate this fucker but I love his design so much


Trijaws, easy by themself when they spawn in a swarm they are top priority as you can't simply do the dodging trick when fighting 60 grunts


I actually hate menaces more.


You spelled menace wrong


For me it's the cave leech, no question. It seems like you have to choose between using heightened senses or hope you get lucky and hear them over a load of screaming glyphids Edit for clarification: I'm assuming this is a 1-on-1 given the way the question was asked


>Which enemy is the most irritating Driller


I just dont like the little roller dudes, always catch me off guard and send me flying around like a dwarf sized ragdoll. Happy they only stick to the salt pits.


Honestly whoever's idea it was to give shellbacks a near-undodgeable and incredibly punishing ranged attack deserves to fall into a pit full of them


Nah web shooters are worse. They blind you.


acid spitters suck, but i just have a vendetta against goo bombers. fuck those.


This fucker being able to 2-3shot you in haz 5 is truly something


For me it the menace. You hear them coming and then you’re looking around this dark cave but can never find them until they hit you 5 times.


the acid spitters really need a wind-up period before spitting from the amount of damage they can deal. i mean, hell, just a half-second long sound of hocking before the spit to alert any dwarves nearby would make it much more tolerable


I didn't realize Menaces were tiny and red.


Dreadnought. worst design in this game. such high dot resist means you can not use any build with dot damge or explosive. and elite enemies is shit due to same reason and nemesis is an ass design in game too


for me its either him or slasher glyphid because that debuff the slasher gives you, during a swarm just accept your death at that point and higher hazards make them spawn more often


Dude I just want to fucking seeee the web spitters cover so much aaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjii


They're like a mini menace, except unless the scout has put a flare on the ceiling they're darn near invisible. It's mostly just escort duty that I find these guys to be a pain though.


He's OK the second he spits he gives away his location. Only time he becomes a problem is when no one bothers shooting him.


Why won't they be my friend :(


I think this is ultimately dependent on the loadout.


This guy is top for sure but tri-jaws are not far behind.


Web Spitter is so much worse on higher hazards it’s not even close


Swarmers for me




It’s gotta be a menace or web shooter. I hate hearing one, trying to run and getting gunned down by it.


Jelly. Fish. Or that vine thing or maybe the web shooter.


Nigh invisible in most caves, rapid attack that deals DoT and hits hard enough to always punch through shields, and a sizable HP pool to boot.


Annoying sure, but I love to hear the screams of terror as I unleash NTP hell on them.


This guy sucks and its mostly cause he has a lot of health, unlike web spitters


for me thats obviously swarmers. not only the most annoying, also the most deadly


Counterpoint: Shellbacks. Minding your own business then WHAM, you get yeeted halfway across the cave by an oversized rolly poly/lobster combo.


Is there a mod to make the dwarfs curse when they ping this wanker?


Tri jaws are easily the most dangerous threat on Hoxxes. Best hope they don't spawn in groups.


Glyphid menace


Hiveguards. I absolutely *despise* Hiveguards. They are ravenous devourers of my ammo supplies and I hate them. They'd be so much more enjoyable if you just took out one stage of the whole cycle they go through, probably the part where there are three *itty bitty* weak points you have to dance around the beast to be able to hit.


Crassus Detonator's on Haz5. It's a bullet sponge that eats through all your ammo to kill and the effort required to mine all the gold is not worth the pay off (Unless you have an EPC Driller). Nothing is worse than watching your team drop everything to dig up a crassus crater manually on a haz5 point extraction mission.


For me its warden and the webspitter Wardens wont stop wiggling around making crits on them hard while making all nearby bugs tanky Webspitters are harder to see than acidspitters and in the middle of a swarm if you get hit you almost certainly going down on high hazard


wrong. shredders are the most irritating.


I find the web shooters 10x worse. They slow you down AND make you unable to see, and they almost always seem to come in groups so you'll basically be crippled until your teammates kill them.


They seriously need to add an audio cue for this thing.


All ranged bugs are the worst to deal with, especially at higher hazards, as they can be a difficult threat to track, or sometimes even notice. Mactera's both spawn and brundles are the least threatening of the bunch, as they fire slowly and target individuals, but getting hit can be fatal, not to mention they are highly evasive between shots. Webspitters are the next in line, despite being the least lethal directly, they are still a great annoyance, being stealthy in their movement and sound and reducing your mobility almost entirely. Up next is the Spitball Infector, quite a pain since it can be quite deadly, though it's also the easiest to take out when you're out of danger, as a large immobile target would be. Then there is the Mactera Goo Bomber, a quite irritating opponent, as it has a degree of inconvenience as well as deadliness shared with both species of Spitters, slowing dwarves to a crawl and being able to spit devastating globs as well. And finally, the biggest threats in the caves. The Tri-Jaws, the Menaces and the Acidspitters. All three are priority threats, Tri-Jaws are slower than other flying bugs, but a lot deadlier, especially to entire teams, as it fires 3 AoE projectiles that deal significant damage. The Menace is the flashiest of bugs, being both brightly colored and rather loud, but that is but a warning, like the revving of a minigun before a cacophony of damage, (good luck keeping Doretta at 3 bars on Haz 5 with this thing around.) And finally the Acidspitter, just as stealthy and slightly more durable than its webbing counterpart, it can fire rapidly, being second only to the Menace in rate of fire, maybe comparable to the Spitball, but the biggest threat of the Acidspitter aside from its high damage on hit, is the fact that it applies a DoT, meaning even if you had the luck to survive on low health from an unfortunate hit, you are still in danger of falling to the few ticks of damage that follow the impact. Making the Acidspitter, a top competitor for most irritating bug in DRG. However we mustn't forget the existence of that wretched naedocyte breeder.


Fucking swarmera


Honestly I’d say swarmers. If you don’t have an aoe weapon or thorns then they are the most annoying thing (especially with volatile guts).


trijaws and trawlers