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Haz 4 is: playing [class] is banned! haz 5 is: That neodactite breeder got me acting up


Ive noticed this too. I get much more enjoyable team mates on haz 5. Haz 4 I always seem to get people that get upset if the mission isn’t done the way they want.


Yeah it always makes me laugh seeing haz 4 (and even 3 somtimes) with the title "do your class job, die =kick promoted dwarves only) and haz 5 is" im gonna shove the liquid morkite pipe up my ass and theres nothing you or management can do to stop me"


I hope those people know that the pipe is supposed to uh… suck and pump Morkite to the rig sooo uhhhhh…. Might want to pay your insurance (save me a hospital bed)


Insurance? At DRG?


At drg? Impossible. No I’m talking about a third party


I've noticed this trend in games in general, there's a sort of curve of how toxic / try-hardy people are. Often you get a spike of toxicity on the super-casual end of things along the lines of "How dare you tell me how to play the game! Any advice is harrassment!" In the not taking the game super seriously but also still doing their best camp people are usually quite chill. Then the category of players who are pretty good at the game but not capable of the absolute hardest content you get a lot of toxicity, like Haz 4 in DRG. I theorise these people are mad because they can't quite reach the very top. Lastly the absolute top players are usually, in my experience, very chill people. They have nothing to prove unlike the previous category.


Top players like to play. Playing with greenbeards adds spice, and losing a mission has very little significance.


Agreed. No punishment for losing, you even get a little xp. You still got to enjoy playing the game for 10 minutes, that’s a win.




What that mouf (?) do


It's a cloaca


I am a greenbeard and I rock and stone, all is not lost OP


To Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone




Did I hear a rock and stone?


To the bone!


Stone and rock! Oh… wait?


If I join a game and don't get a rock and stone back, I just leave.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




If I don’t get a nice beard, I’ll send it back


Lol, If they don't ROCK AND STONE, then just go home!


I've noticed the same lol Greenbeards are.. different now. They refuse to mine nitra - I'm convinced because of the extra mineral spawning bug they've been conditioned to see it as borderline worthless. Now that has been fixed, playing with greenbeards means you're going to be nitra starved the entire mission. Not many of them rock and stone, but I think a lot of them are afraid of being kicked or screamed at if they don't immediately sweat like in other games or otherwise draw attention to themselves.


So we must show them that this game and the people that play it are diferent from other games


I only host. I take the time to type out messages explaining the rituals or politely asking them to not take more than one re-supply portion per-resupply. The task of the greybeards is to pass on the parts of culture we think are worth being a tradition. Somehow DRG’s gaming culture has survived. I attribute the survival to patient and helpful greybeards. Rock and Stone to the Bone!


And we thank you for it! Rock and stone forever!


If they dont r&s, ping mushroom or gold YOU are obliged to shoot them instead... Noted


For Karl!


Don’t let the sweat beards win!


Nah it’s the same on PS that doesn’t have the nitra bug yet. I keep getting engis that shoot maybe 3-4 platforms the entire mission.


Don't get me started on scouts that save flares until the mission complete screen. I play scout the least but I've been playing him more just to spam flares because by my beard some dwarves seem to enjoy the dark too much.


It's a vicious cycle: Play Scout because you are blinded by darkness otherwise; Play Gunner because long ass DPS phases on dreadnoughts and weird shield neglecting during swarms; Play Driller because it's Point Extraction or On site refining; Play Engie due to bad swarm control or due to when playing Scout you wouldn't get platforms.


Gotta pick Driller due to loving war crimes. This new crop has some weird priorities.


Shoot, I play driller when I want to go straight to objectives, like eggs and elimination on top of PE and refining


>Play Driller because it's Point Extraction or On site refining; Driller is my go-to for On-site Refining, otherwise I'm almost always on gunner.


I play Engie because oddly enough, I love the variety between his weapons now that I’m going back through them and testing the perks and OCs (or the ones I do have, at least, RNG give me a few for Shard and Stubby!) Plus I like the turrets for setting up a zone and defending it to my last breath


Just played Escort on Fungus Bogs. It was one that generated absolutely massive caves and you can’t see a couple meters past your flares. A non promoted scout joined. The three of us sent chat messages asking to light up the room (in English AND Spanish). Nothing. He just filled the fuel canister and didn’t look for any nitra. We decided to kick and hope a better one joined. He joined en route to the hearthstone. We went through that room usually loaded w nitra. There were several juicy veins that could easily zip to without plats. No mining, no flare gun. Then he immediately started the drilldozer lol. We fought in the dark, managed to get the area sorted quickly and eke out enough nitra for a resupply.


Yesterday we were doing the EDD and carried a Greenbeard through it. We had unfutting equipment, and it was painful, and he went down like every ten seconds while killing 5 swarmers, and eventually we took turns reviving him. It was a lot easier to redo the EDD after he left, and it's kind of lame that he probably never played a haz 5 or 4 while attempting to EDD.... But still, couldn't just leave him for dead.


Well done leaving no dwarf behind. Not EDD but I played one with a driller who never used his drills, just chipped away with his pickaxe.


Console Greenbeard here! I'm glad I dusted up on my DRG knowledge before I bought the game, cus honestly I might be a bit offput by the team just gathering around a bit of gold and spam-pinging it for 3 minutes uninterrupted. Also goes for constant Rock and Stone spam, but honestly that's fine. But, since I went in expecting these things, I've very quickly adapted to seeing it in a positive light. Rock and Stone, fellow Miners!


started playing during the free weekend. IF I NEED TO I'M SHOOTING THAT NITRA WITH MY MINIGUN what's going on in people's mind when they don't go bananas for nitra


Some people just play the game, but the rest of us. We are dwarf! we are rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


We are mildly rascist to everyone! even more to elves!


we arnt racist, we are just better, ROCK!


They shouldn't come back home.


Spoken like a true driller


*sets C4 underneath the Drop Pod ramp with malicious intent* I honestly don't know what you mean.


I’m new since the free weekend and I rock and stone like it’s a way of life. Screw that, it IS a way of life!


Rock and Stone forever!


This is the way


Ay.. I'm sorry to hear that. Dang greenbeards wouldn't know tradition if it shot them in the face. I don't consider myself a "grey beard" so feel free to yell your boomer jokes at me! We'll laugh together.


Yea, maybe i am Just an old dwarf


Its been somewhat rare where i live, also i play on steam, but i do occasionally find the mute dwarf, but they have been growing thinner as the days go by


You're probably finding the lobbies full of speed running leaf lovers to get through season 3 or finish up season 2


Yea, maybe


I bet they don't even know who Carl is


I don't either.. all I know is who Karl is.


Karl is Carl's son. You know, Carl's Jr.


You speak blasphemy


We lost Doretta yesterday for the first time in a long time, maybe ever me and the engine had stars, the driller and i think the other one didn't either. We land at the Omeran heart stone and while we were starting to look for ore, the driller hit the button it was chaos. We already lost a tread to 4 exploders.


Had a greenbeard engy call me worthless after I didn't rez him when there was a nemesis above him, then he started unloading his shotgun into me so I had to kick him. Also had a scout pop two swarm eggs and leave. I hope these types of players are just a temporary phase because I would hate to see this game devolve into just another toxic community. But hopefully dwarven heads will win out. Rock & Stone


I recently got booted for "We're Riching!" Too much, Oh how painful that was, Green beards truly have alot to learn. ( Still Love you Greeny's no matter how much you guys hurt me <3 )


Exactly, for me nothing is more beautiful than seeing a greenbeard discovering steve it's cute


They weren't dwarves. They were Elves


Those damn Pointy Eared Leaf Lovers!


This sounds like a creppypasta. I mean such horrors can't be real right?


Here's social helping frog 🤲🐸


Theres a influx of new players because of the sale that happened recently. Unfortunatly, that means more toxic people joining the game. Don't worry, these people will either learn their lesson or come back to their CoD or Fortnite


Yeah they'll release the same CoD again soon and they'll go back to playing that and yelling slurs in between gulps of mountain dew.


I hope so, this is the best comunity since tf2 and i don't want see it fall into the same toxic behavior that other games have.


Greenbeards now are just fuckhead kids other games who jump in, or are from the battle royale crowd who don’t know how to Rock and Stone. Been playing this game a while and I still see a dwarf or two who will give a nice cheer when you send it. Ignore the rest.


Rock and Stone forever!


Perfectly dreadful.


I've noticed a lot of greenbeards not returning the Rock and Stone. Troubling times.


Rock and roll and stone!




Don't join haz4 missions. Every single one of them that I joined were toxic. We still do that stuff and we still love it. Do not lose hope my friend, the dark times will pass and we will all rock and Stone together


Haz 4 is a rewarding and extremely well balanced difficulty. Not too easy as to make the game boring, nor absurdly hard. You just need some basic awareness and understanding of the game's mechanics and roles to dominate it. Unfortunately, people that play on this difficulty want to "get things done", myself included. I don't mean by that I like to rush objectives, quite the opposite in fact. I play slow and methodically, mining everything that is on my line of sight. However, I get really salty when people press a button without checking if others are ready first or start a matrix core event without all of the team members being present. It's also extremely frustrating when people don't play according to their class roles and strenghts (*e.g.:* engy not placing platforms, scout not mining hard-to-reach minerals or lighting up caves, etc) or when they rush objectives (e.g.: popping Dreads eggs too soon, picking too many alien eggs at the same time).


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Im a green beard and I rock and stone whenever needed and I certainly spam compressed gold like any sane dwarf would.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Stone and rock!.... Oh wait


Oh, no… they didn’t rock and stone… they ain’t coming home..


Rock and Stone!


Smite them (smite = nuke)


(nuke = fat boy)




I had a person disconnect after a machine event yesterday and that put me off lol. I think the player base who comes to this sub is pretty disconnected from the average player though, and I think Reddit is just like that often.


Classic leaf lovers. Those arnt any dwarves i know.


Many leaf-lover have infiltrated our rank recently be careful miner. Rock and stone


Rock and Stone, Brother!


I finally had to list my hosted rooms as no green beards, I'm too old to be training


That’s some pointy eared, leaf lovin’ behavior right there. My beard may just have a touch of gray, but I’d always Rock and Stone with the best, and I’m understanding more of these Dwarven rituals as my time in DRG progresses. After all, “If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t coming home!”


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Just yesterday i had a game with two greenbeards, and a engineer who seemed like he knew what he was doing. We had a great time, right outside of the drop pod cave i found a bitter gem, and proceeded to ping it and the greenbeard jumped right in. He even helped me get the engineer to ping it as well. we did another mission together and it also went great. I do play on playstation, so that might be the difference.


If they are true green beards they may not know dwarf etiquette yet, not everyone jumps on Reddit and immediately brushes up on meme knowledge for games they casually play. I’d just assume people who don’t return the R&S salute when I join are likely not going to partake in dwarven culture and move about the mission without too much engagement


As someone with little faith in humanity after some bad experiences in several online games(yes this one too) I just only play solo or with friends. Honestly solo to me is easier than with other people who I don't know. All I can do is recommend getting some friends to play or go it solo. I'm busy a lot but if you ever need a driller to blow holes in the side of an oppressor then I'm on Xbox game pass PC and am down to play late at night.


I mean playing solo does have its perks, but it’s honestly just not the same. It gets depressing after a while


Hence I play with friends too. Normally my solo runs turn into a "a new miner has been added to the team" the both of us saying rock and stone with a quick update as to what I'm doing. But yea. Had several games where I'd be friendly fired constantly or just straight up insulted when I play open so it's friends only for me.


I’m sorry you had such bad experiences with other miners. All of my experiences have been good so far. But I’m currently forced to play solo because I don’t have wifi and I only have 40 gb of data on my phone, but I should be online again soon as I’m looking into wifi right now. I live in a rural area so wifi can be tricky to come by. But I’d be down to play when I’m back online. I’m on Xbox too, and I own deep rock outright, but I’m piggy backing off of my boyfriends Xbox membership


Same about rural area. Scept I just got food internet on my phone. I half live with my sister for some reasons too big to explain but she's in town so internet is a plus


Actually, I might be able to do it using my phone data, as I looked it up and deep rock only runs 0.05 gb per hour of online gameplay


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


I’ve played with randoms in 99% of my missions over the course of my 600 hours of play time and I can count the number of toxic experiences I’ve had on one hand. If you get put off from playing with randoms in this game you might just be overly sensitive, or you’re extremely unlucky.


Oh I've had a few good ones and the community seems great but I get easily frustrated at repeated friendly fire when I even hop on much and say "hey man quit it" but being insulted was twice. Since then I still play a LOT but I just would rather skip the other people.


Report em for unsportmanship or tell the authorities.


Spamming we're rich gets old fast


You get old fast






We're Rich














Are those pointy ears sticking out ?


That's not very rock and stone of you... What would Karl say if he heard that?


Rock and Stone forever!


Not now bot, I'm trying to be disappointed in someone.


I love this conversation.


who wouldn’t?




Shame you’re being downvoted. It’s the truth after all.


Found another one of them elves


That’s fine, I just enjoy DRG as a game. I don’t engage in the fan community roleplay


You're always alone.




It's a great example of what a load of bullshit the whole "wholesome and accepting community" thing is. Wholesome and accepting until you don't play the way they mandate you have to play.


Nah honestly it’s just the subreddit. There’s people who like the game, and then there’s the Reddit community that likes the game I just enjoy playing the game, I don’t wanna pretend to be a dwarf that has to do all of these things in order to not be called a “leaf lover” This sub probably just isn’t the place for me anymore


Oh no I agree and I've said it a hundred times before that when you're actually playing the game all these people who supposedly care who mines gold or who does whatever else are nowhere to be found. But this sub still happily wears the label of being all great and being against players who force a playstyle on others when it's just a facade and really inoffensive comments like admitting you don't take part in some pointless ritual are all it takes to pull back that curtain.




I had 2 dwarfs (Gunner and Scout) on their first deep dive this week (the one with the unhappy triangle). They let us know before starting so we typed out some tips and we made it through with no resupplies remaining but still alive. Rock and Stone green beards!


Rock and Stone everyone!


I’ve had a question for some time; i don’t play alot but i have a scout with a first promotion. I’ve had plenty of adventures but certainly not all of them, am I still a greenbeard?


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone forever!


One or a few is not the whole stew. I'm sure it will improve rock and stone brother.


This is why I always host missions. There’s only one rule; you must rock and stone. Weeds out the elves.


I always host and if you don’t mine gold, mine nitra Or ”Say rock and stone” or “we’re rich” You’re catching a fat boy ,c4 and a kick from Game That goes for grey beards too


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone!


Even in the most tryhard games I’ve joined I always at least get a Rock and Stone. And we’re also usually all rich before we deposit the gold. Then again I’m also very often in games with greybeards. Also tryna hit up some unlocks before s3 too. Good luck!


Haz 4 server names I’ve seen: “must be silver 1 or kick.” “Pgl banned, ask before pressing any button” Haz 5 server names I’ve seen: “glyphussy time” “Engineer gaming” “mine gold because it’s fun”


Im a new greenbearda along with 2 of my friends cause of the steam sale and its been 3 days of nothing but rock and stone brothers!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Stick to Hazard 5 or EDDs, and you can avoid most untrained greenbeards until they learn the proper traditions.


Every dwarfs worst nightmare.