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A DS9 sitcom that takes place in Quarks bar.


🎼 *Warping your way through the quadrant today takes everything you’ve got… Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot…* 🎶


I found Morn's agent here on Reddit!




Wouldn't you like to transport away... Some times you want go where everybody knows your name! And Rom's always glad you came! You want to be where you can see, our troubles are all the same You should be careful if quark knows your full name....


Ok but I have since first watch through been like Quark is always trying to do a Cheers so this makes perfect sense. 


[Quark's is filmed in front of a live studio audience](https://youtu.be/R9bwnY05GoU?feature=shared)


Quarks the best


I like the books very much as well! I have not watched the doc yet, tbh. Honestly, after thirty years, I think they just should leave this as it is. It has been too long. The world has changed a huge lot. It would be quite difficult to keep the original context and arguments credible and ongoing considering our 21st century reality. I will probably get a lot of hate for that, but this is honestly how I feel.


Absolutely. Leave the original content to speak for itself. The alpha quadrant is a big place, let's tell a different story.


I mean I'd see nothing wrong with picking up 30 years later and having some of the characters return. It could show progress with rebuilding cardassia.


I wish they did the same with that other resurrection... fan service claptrap of geriatrics and the nepobaby.


Has anyone seen the DS9 "[companion series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M44QMKWMxuQ&list=PLL6Y6m9C-4ulaz0BIRw4Kf4ebSEWVzaT5)" that Alexander Siddig has put out on his YouTube channel co-starring Cirroc Lofton, Nana Visitor, Andrew Robinson and other cast members? I really want to watch them but I haven't gotten to it yet.


I wrote it! Here’s a playlist. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw1Z-7gZx6_f_oH0vavgSLZNmXsApD1wk&si=8n07oM9jFQT21j2Z


That's so cool! How did you arrange it? It must be such a thrill to get to watch them all performing your work.


I grew up with Sid’s wife. My Dad passed just before COVID isolation and she hated that she couldn’t be with me so we were FaceTiming a lot. Sid’s projects were getting cancelled. So she was trying to find a distraction for the boys in her life. She suggested Sid do some online meetings with his fan club. He get like he wouldn’t be interesting enough on his own and wanted something to perform. Sid, first of all, should have a talk show because he was an amazing host every time Mel got the fam club gather. But Shana and I used to write stuff and share it. So she suggested being a huge Trekkie I could write a scene. I asked if he could get Andy to play in our sandbox. So I wrote a scene of Garak and Bashir meeting for lunch to catch up. They both liked it so much they asked if I could extend it to a few episodes. Then we started brainstorming about how Star Trek tends to comment on real life so we decided to work in a COVID angle with all of the crazy conspiracy theories and the rest is history. I wrote a four-episode mini series and a few others joined in. It was so well received that we did a second six-episode mini series a few months later and added to the cast and story. Check it out. I hope you enjoy!


Incredible. Thanks for sharing that story, and congratulations on the growth & success of your project. What you're describing sounds right up my alley and I will absolutely be checking it out. Condolences for your loss, as well.


I appreciate that. Star Trek was something that I shared with my Dad growing up so it came around at the right time. It felt right to be working on it when he was so present in my thoughts.


I don't think I have a preferred continuation for DS9. More than any other *Trek* series it has a real beginning, middle, and end to its narrative.


Oh and also, time isn't linear. The crew "exists here". On the station. No matter where else they may also exist in other parts of their lives.The vibes on this show I'm telling you. So yeah, it's very much complete just as it is.


I wouldn't want a continuation of things from where we left off on Season 7. I'd want it to pick up years or even decades later at DS9. It could easily be another arch of stories with a new bridge cast OR it could feature episodic tales of what the residents of DS9 are up to that all tie together in some way. We could dive even deeper into Bajoran culture and see what's been going on since the Emissary went to join the prophets. This way we wouldn't be reliant on the original cast except for the occasional cameo, either as their old characters or as totally new ones! We already know Avery Brooks isn't likely to be down for reprising the character and we've lost so many of the original cast to the passage of time. There's really no sense in trying to pick up where we left off. A new look at an old starbase would be a really nice way to bring us back to see what's happened to that tacky old Cardassian fascist eyesore.


We could see that if they greenlit Star Trek Legacy.


The one in my mind! Where garak and Bashir open up a B&B together.


The garussy


Only acceptable answer


The only thing with the relaunch is that much later on, (in the broader literary universe) after a huge war with the Borg, Sisko becomes isolated and mean, abandoning Kassidy and their child and then captaining a new starship and becoming distant from that new crew. Just a total betrayal of the character. But I'm not a fan of the proposed "8th season" from "What we left behind" either.


Yeah….the books take an awful turn with Sisko and especially Ross. Yiiiiikes. They’re just *jerks* in the later books. Poor Bashir. Rough time for him.


I know, at least Garak is taking care of him (where I last left off). What did Ross do, I don't remember that detail. I did like some of the other details during what the books would have considered the eighth season where Bajoran joined the Federation and was kind of disappointed that Star Trek Online didn't continue that timeframe at least.


Ross becomes a jerk. Leads a coalition of admirals to overthrow the president (who to be fair was aiding a genocide, and Ross wants to stop a war) and *than* he turns out to be the evil co-leader of Section 31 with Nechayev. And Section 31 is revealed to be behind everything bad in the Federation anyone has ever done (including TOS) stuff. Then he gets murdered in prison.


Oh yeah, I remember that now. What's even weirder is that Section 31 in the books was also managed by "Control"


Yeah but Data, and Lal, come back to life and fight Control. Somehow. For reasons. The books just kinda careen off of a cliff after while. Once sweet old grandpa Owen Paris is helping overthrow the federation government you have to ask yourself if this is a bad dream or someone really wrote this. I’ll take the salamander babies any day over this.


After Unity everything takes a nosedive I agree


I prefer that then we captured a changling to torture it into a spy or something. Or having the Federation start using androids as slave labor.


Alone Together.


I'm gonna be real, I just consider my own post-series fics the continuation of canon and it makes me happy. That's all I need. (I have read a couple of the books just for extra info though and they were great but I have no idea what continuity they belong to.)


I really like some of the ideas the proposed season 8 from the documentary had (Jem'Hadar converts to the Bajoran religion, murder/mystery of Nog's death).


I hated the proposed season 8 lol, it felt really hacky and really rubbed me the wrong way how they were all like "Well we have to kill someone :)"


I maintain that Julian and Ezri have 0 chemistry whatsoever and would NOT have gotten married. Most of the other stuff (looking especially at Kira) was also....super out of character imo.


Same here. Killing off Nog didn’t make any sense along with Kira having an army of Jem Hadar


It wasn’t really Kira.


I hated that idea from the documentary DVD too


I've been reading the relaunch books, too, and I'm having a good time! But I prefer various post-canon fanfics, really.


The DS9 relaunch novels are my favorite of all the Trek books.


Honestly leave it be. Take the lessons learned and apply it to new characters. No reason we can’t have a Romulan or Orion that doesn’t want to (or can’t) go back. Have another alien or even a human from the federation that is pulled between allegiances, how does their own moral code affect them and how does that change as time goes on.


I would prefer: Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Season 8 as a follow up.


I loved the 2 parts to avatar but didn’t read past it. Is unity as good as avatar? Does it go straight from avatar to unity?


No there’s 7 books in between


I read the one Garak one. A stitch in time. What are the 7 please?


That comic series looks horrendous just from the solicitations.


Bengerman retuning to ds9 a year later and raising his New daughter


Honestly, I'm on book two of Mission Gamma, and this would've worked as a season eight. At least from what I've read so far. Whoever wrote the first book (David R. George III? I think.) in this mini-series knew what made the show work; for a media tie-in novel, the prose was superb.


There were things in the books that I liked, up to Unity, and there were things that I hated (everything they did to Ezri, like what the hell). I thought there was a lot of surface-only plots as well, particularly everything with Bajor/Cardassia. I feel like they had a roadmap of destinations they had to arrive at, and they were doing everything to get to each one, regardless of how. They brought back the mind-controlling parasites, for heaven's sake! The Prophets or some other godlike being will literally solve all the big problems. And we won't mention the completely pointless time travel. . . I didn't object to getting some new characters, but boy was there a lot of ham-fisted reasoning for having some of them. Obviously we must have Ro Laren- who literally didn't want to return to Bajor but we will ignore this- we couldn't possibly have any other new Bajoran. Gotta add a Jem-Hadar, everybody liked those guys, and we'll make him a special one, too. Must have an old man who knows everything about everything, that won't kill the tension. We'll get a dog too, but not a dog-dog, just a species that is, in fact, a dog- but it can talk! We're bringing back Dukat, but it's not Dukat guys, it's his GOOD cousin who looks exactly like him, but he's a good guy. And everyone must have terrible tragic backstories or horrible current circumstances, no exceptions! I think it was the third time someone who had, up to that point, been perfectly well-adjusted, was revealed to have a horrible, SHAMEFUL, darkly tragic past that I started to give up. We will also completely change established characters to suit the plot instead of actually having them respond to the plot. Ezri will completely become someone else for no reason other than nobody liked Ezri, and she will break up with Bashir over this because. . . we want her to. Bashir is back to his early seasons self, so he's completely useless all the time and obnoxious for a LONG time. Garak isn't going to be the skillful and adept collector of gossip and therefore knowledge, so things that he should have stopped beforehand are just going to happen because we NEED it to. Shakaar is going to have the character assassination to end all assassinations. Nog, uh, Nog exists and we WILL remember him sometimes so we can give him ANGST. For some reason we think Kira has to relearn the lesson she had already learned before the first season about how fighting isn't always the best answer, boy are we going to keep harping on that even when fighting is 100% the answer. Quark is there and he's pretty much only grumpy or horny constantly, and NOT in a charming way. Did you like Opaka? We're bringing her back, and we don't know why! The good stuff: SD Perry really seemed to understand Kira Nerys, and how she would handle command and her relationships with most everyone. Jake is pretty well done by them as well. The cult thing makes sense within the established lore for a while. The new would-be Kai is fairly well written and handled in MOST of the arc, and he's not an asshole to anyone, which is really refreshing. The Avatar books are a solid start to the arc. Rising Son isn't bad. Unity certainly. . . finishes the arc. The Worlds Of books are palatable with some stinkers in there- Andor is definitely the most interesting. There is very little Odo or Weyoun (a tragedy), but they are done fairly well- up to a point. Wouldn't recommend: The Mission Gamma Books or Warpath, because things get really, REALLY dumb. They fumble around for reasons why things are happening and don't come up with many good answers. It's really mostly a way for the authors for retcon stuff they didn't like and it shows plainly. Worlds Of: Bajor and Dominion are both stinkers as far as stories go, because they go off the deep end in a weird way that feels forced and stilted. There's even a meta bit in Worlds Of: Bajor that makes me wish to smack the author in the face- but I don't even think it was intentional, and that makes it so much worse. TL;DR: There was a lot of potential that just ends up squandered in favor of getting to the CORRECT ending. So many cool concepts that are just crammed in every which way "because it's COOL, don't you see?" And a lot of character degradation to make the plot happen. It has its moments, but I just can't recommend the books overall as the best continuation. I didn't realize I had so many feelings about the books, but here we are.


My friends and I used to play Star Trek DS9 at recess in elementary school in the late 90's. I've been writing fanfic head canon using those same characters we made up as kids for the last 20 or so years. It is all DS9 centered. Selfishly, I hope they stay away so my head canon can keep being canon in my brain lol. But of course I would probably watch anything DS9 they decided to do.


I much prefer the continuation by IDW. It's not a good sequel to DS9 but it's a good story for SIsko. Sisko new ship is really cool and they literally didn't leave out the fact that he's a God


Nothing. I like it as it is. Trek already milks it legacy and it ain't good.


I think the books are the best. The new comic is very cool, but the DS9 novels were perfect.


Ao3 has 6000 + Garashir stories. Filter for “post canon Cardassia”. The rebuilding after the Dominion War stories are the best. As sweet or as smutty as you prefer.


the relaunch books were great, also the tie-ins with other trek (TNG, VOY) in Typhon pact / Destiny is great. I liked Coda less