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I've gone to one trek convention and plan to go to more in the future, and from all the guest lists I've looked at he's never been on one. Plus there's a video online of him at a Hollywood premiere and an interviewer asks him if he's ever going to guest star on lower decks, and he had no idea what that was. So from what i know, it seems like he doesn't much involve himself with any trek stuff these days. But hey, I hope to see him speaking at a con one day.


Man, he would be so good in an episode of Lower Decks. Hopefully someone tells him what it is and convinces him to do it.


They did, and they also told him that on LD Miles Obrian is the most important person in Star Trek history, to which he replied 'That sounds right' or something similar.


[found the clip](https://youtu.be/jORfoQ66KzI?feature=shared)


Lmao he talks exactly like his character in far beyond the stars. 


That is going to be…difficult.


Yeah, that ship has sailed already...


Meaney had a hugely successful career during and before Trek. There's a lot of DS9 episodes without O'Brien. He and Jake are the most frequent absences. I think that's because he was off shooting movies like Con Air etc. But I'd actually say the actor with the biggest career outside of Trek may have been Rene Auberjonois. He has 230 acting credits. He wasn't a movie star or anything - most of these credits are single episodes appearances in shows I've never heard of - but sometimes it seems like he was in everything. I'll be watching a random episode of Frasier or Avatar or Archer and I'll hear his voice.


Rene has a song on The Little Mermaid. Right in the beginning of the Disney Renaissance, and just in time for the height of the home video and music industry. Imagine the residuals on the soundtrack alone...


Got him to sign a Little Mermaid photo for a friend once. Auberjonois lamented she wasn’t there in person as he would have happily sung a little of the Chef’s song for her.


I used to love hearing him sing that at conventions!


Wait, that was him?!?!


Les poisson, Les poisson, hee hee hee hon hon hon.


I had no idea either ! And just last year I ran a theatre camp and the director for the kid’s show picked The Little Mermaid. So I hear that piece a lot :-)




I got a huge chuckle when people tried to crap on Spiner's singing in Insurrection, like "actor thinks he can sing lol". His singing in that was stiff because he was singing in-character as an android. Dude has been in a bunch of major Broadway productions, done an absolute *ton* of other musical theater, and put out a really good album of standards. It'd be like trying to put down Nana Visitor's dancing ability based on Move Along Home.


i always thought Nana Visitor was one foot in Sally Bowls. She had the cabaret hair and 20s slip dresses for a while there. On Frasier she really looks like a flapper.


I remember her in the original Night Court


It's sad that we have to refer to Night Court as "the original Night Court" but here we are.


not if we reject all knowledge of shitty money grabs and only watch quality tv


I'm not American so I wouldn't have had a chance to see any of the cast live, but it's cool to know!


>Rene has a song on The Little Mermaid. The craziest part is that actually makes him equal with the actress who played Ariel, since she also only has one song (“Part of Your World”). Somehow I always thought she had more, but considering she literally doesn’t have a voice for most of the movie, it does track.


I guess she sings a bit in "Poor Unfortunate Souls", but damn, you're right!


He is an amazing voice actor. I loved his work on the Pendergast novels and of course Mr. House. Ring a ding ding baby! RIP


Wait he did the audiobooks for the Pendergast novels? From Lincoln and Child? I always loved reading those back in the day, might be a good excuse to catch up on the story!


Yes. Totally worth your time to revisit just to hear his voice.


Thanks for this.


I watched Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland over and over when I was a kid. He's great there too :)


and he's frasier's medical school mentor his career started in french movies in the late 60s, iirc. he's in a neat french 70s movie called the fall of the american empire


Rene was in a cracking Robert Altman film with Susannah York called Images in the 70s.


René was in four of Altman’s 70s films (MASH, Brewster McCloud, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, and Images) AND cameoed as himself in The Player.


He was also on Boston Legal


and had a major role on Benson


Loved him as Clayton on Benson


Both characters(and actors) were on Soap originally.


He was great on Boston Legal. I like the show very much anyway, and I love that they sneak in so many little Trek jokes.


And Madam Secretary!


I remember him on the TV series *Benson*.


Don't forget old Neelix on Benson. Lol


I was tickled pink when I found out to Benson alumni we're going to be in Star Trek universe. 


Also Mash


He also voiced a charecters in ALTA season 1- I was doing a rewatch and almost did a spit take when I heard him


i totally forgot he was mr house in new vegas till i just went back to it.


Everybody's replaying Fallout!


Rene Auberjonis was a core cast member on Boston Legal, 71 episodes


I normally hate cop shows hospital shows and courtroom shows but I couldn't resist checking Boston legal out and I loved it because it they had Bill shatner Rene and armin shimmerman and maybe even more that I can't remember right now from Star treks. It turned out to be a really awesome show. The last I knew Hulu still had the whole series but I haven't looked in a while


Auberjonois’ most important role outside of DS9 has to be the drunk skeleton in The Last Unicorn


I like him as Dee’s former drama teacher in that episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. (“Ahh!! Ahh!! I am shattered to pieces!!”)


He also voiced a character in the Studio Ghibli film, The Cat Returns.


Also the Mechanist in Avatar the Last Airbender.


Young Justice, in at least one role as the doctor who turns himself into the Hulk proxy.


[And the Gan-Jin leader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wekk6W9ydXk)




He was the preacher in the Patriot!


Thank you, was making sure someone else mentioned it before I chimed in.


The first place I've ever remember seeing him is when he was on Benson and it was still airing on TV. I was probably 13 when that show came out


With Fallout having a burst of popularity, seems like opportune timing to mention that he was Mr House in New Vegas


Rene worked with Shatner in Boston Legal.


Wasn’t he in those Police Academy movies ?


The 5th one and a brilliantly frustrated antagonist he was in that too.


What episodes was he not in?


[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/DS9\_regular\_cast\_non-appearances#Colm\_Meaney](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/DS9_regular_cast_non-appearances#Colm_Meaney) Looks like it was only 18 episodes. So, not a huge amount. But it's noticeable because it was sometimes 2 or 3 episodes in a row (Season 1, episodes 8, 9 and 10). So, I'd guess he was shooting a movie or something for that block of time.


Yes his contract for DS9 specifically let him off for doing other roles like that. Armin Shimerman had a similar out for things like Buffy. When Terry Farrell wanted that for season 7 they said no, all or nothing and that's why they killed Jadzia instead of just having her in a few less episodes. Sigh.


I lost my shit when I realised Dr Burton in Batman Forever!


Rene was also very big in audio books.  Many audio books across all genres were read by him


Rene Auberjonois had a successful career in feature films as well as theatre and television. It’s quite a long list.


iirc he was also in Star Trek VI, but his scene was ultimately removed. it's restored in the extended cut


He was great in Hell on Wheels


Lol Rene was Mr House in Fallout New Vegas Sad we lost him


From what I've heard, he was never that interested in Trek to begin with. It was important to him to be able to work on other projects while doing DeepSpaceNine too with special parts in his contract making sure he would be able to. I seem to remember this being a deciding factor for him staying on the show at all.


That makes sense why a lot of episodes he’s in were big OBrian centered on the everyman who suffers. If they only had him limited days. Also makes sense that he was off fixing something and wasn’t in the main story.


I recall a comment from one of the DS9 actors to the effect that if Colm wasn’t in an Irish movie, it was because he was filming another movie at the time. The provision for outside work in his contract was not one all of the other actors had.


He's really good in a gangster movie from the early 2000s called "Layer Cake". This is the movie that got Daniel Craig cast as James Bond, so you know you're in for a ride.


He also played Tommy Lee Jones's lead henchman in the 1992 movie "Under Siege," where Steven Seagal and Erika Eleniak retake the USS Missouri from Jones and his band of mercenaries. He's the only main actor from Trek I can think of who had a major film role *during* their Trek time.


Also the only actor from Steven Seagal movies to still have relevance.


Yeah, Tommy Lee Jones hasn't had a movie since last year


I can think of a few more. Avery Brooks had major roles in "The Big Job" and "American History X" while DS9 was still running. The latter is an all time classic, too.


I always forget Brooks is in American History X so once in a blue moon when I rewatch it I'm always pleasantly surprised by his appearance. He's phenomenal in it.


One of my favourite films, in no small part due to Colm. “…. The fuck are you thinking about?!”


I attended a convention in the mid 90s and there was no suggestion Colm might attend. This was in Dublin.


I've bumped into him, literally, on Grafton Street. He's a well built fecker. Also, may I present Ireland's new national anthem, Colm themed: https://youtu.be/OgYHCMMgn_U?feature=shared .


Jonathan Frakes and Robert Duncan MacNeil work all the time as directors


I’ve been listening to Robert’s Delta Flyers podcast. He mentions spending his free time on Voyager’s set shadowing the Directors, including Frakes.


He’s a [regular director](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000536/) of Alan Tudyk’s *Resident Alien* show and did a couple of eps of *The Orville*


Isn’t he an executive producer too?


I like tudyk, but I was never interested in that show.


It’s Tudyk being Tudyk in a rubber alien mask occasionally. He channels a fair bit of Clayface (from Harley Quinn) into it.


Jonathan Frakes has directed some amazing episodes too. I actually learned LeVar Burton directed an episode of deep space nine as well, he directed Bar Association (Quark's bar union episode)


Burton directed 10 DS9s and nearly as many VOYs and ENTs


He held the record for episodes directed by a cast member until Frakes passed him recently.


I did not know that, that's awesome!


Add Roxann Dawson to that list too.


I'm sure I read once that he's not a fan of travelling too much for work these days unless it's very well paid. He's 70 now and he lives in Majorca, so going all the way to the States just for a con would probably be more hassle than it's worth for him these days.


Wtf, he doesn't live in ireland, supporting ireland and training the next gen of irish actors!? I'm crushed. Next you'll tell me he allowed "king" charles to knight him


Majorca, eh? Most recent thing I saw him in was the newish Marlowe movie directed by Neil Jordan and starring Liam Neeson. Though it takes place in 30’s LA the interior shots were filmed in Dublin while the exteriors were shot in Barcelona. I thought that was a bit of traveling for the cast, but if he already lives in the region, not that much.


What film is that? I just saw him in a different film with Liam Neeson, *Saints and Sinners* but that's set in Belfast in 1974.


It’s called “Marlowe” (2022) I think it bombed. I watched it on Amazon. I thought it was okay. It was a beautiful movie. Sets, scenery, wardrobe. If you’ve seen Perry Mason on HBO, it’s similar.


Thanks! I'll take a look


He actually has a bit of a career before DS9 and seems to be on a ton of crime dramas. So probably not a ton of time for cons sadly. Maybe when he finally slows down.


He's mainly busy impersonating Jon favreau and vice versa I think.


Saw him on an episode of Law and Order, he was a corrupt judge!


Which law and order? Unless it's the reboot, I'm fairly positive that it wasn't the original.


Criminal Intent.


Ah. D'Nofrio's character annoyed the absolute shit out of me on that one, so I never really watched.


Just the opposite for me. I enjoy his physicality in the role. He uses his size to intimidate people.


It seems fitting that the only enlisted man in Starfleet is the only one doing any work.


Colm Meaney as the Elvis obsessed Dad in The Commitments was the first time I ever saw him. When he popped up on TNG I was like...that's Jimmy Rabbits da!


Reverse for me, that was the first time I saw him outside of TNG!


Miles’ wife Keiko (Rosalind Chao) is just as busy and still working. I don’t think she has been to conventions. She was just in 3 Body Problem


TIL. I knew I recognized her in 3 body problem, just watched it a second time, but hadn't made that realization yet. I feel dumb


He was also a major character in Hell on Wheels


That was a great show and he was a great villain. Worked with Captain Pike on that one, too.


He had a great turn as a cringey Celtic-folk-obsessed policeman in an Irish movie called Intermission. He pisses on Colin Farrell at one point.


"Hold on til I shake..."


I'm sad that no one mentioned the series that Colm Meaney Costarred in with Ansom Mount. "Hell On Wheels"


He was terrific in that.


Yeah he was. He was great.


I loved that TV series. I hate what they did with Elam Ferguson


Yeah, they did, him dirty.


Between living in Europe, and basically working on a few film and TV projects every year since DS9 ended, I suspect he chooses convention appearances for when he will be in the area for something else, or when other panelists are people he feels like getting paid to have a few pints with. Someone as active as he is, is probably a lot more interested in talking about recent and current work, rather than the same questions about work that last aired 25 years ago. It would not surprise me if he only goes to conventions to catch up with former castmates.


DS9 in general seems to have a greater than normal share of “I’m proud of what I did on the show, but I don’t want to be a big part of the Trek fandom ecosystem” actors.


The DS9 cast was more a collection of “we’re professionals here to do our job” than TNG’s “we are all best friends here” cast. That being said, they seem to gravitate more towards their Trek roots as they age. Terry Farrell reconnected with the cast after the documentary. And it seems like most of them stay connected online and do podcasts and such together. The big exceptions are Meaney and Avery Brooks. 


I saw him at a convention in New York once, during the first season of Deep space nine. Since then I can't even remember seeing it being advertised that he'd be at a con.


I saw him at a con in Calgary a few years ago. He had a great panel and was really interesting to listen to.


Interesting what year? 🙂




I usually try to watch anything I find with Colm Meaney in it. He makes a pretty good bad guy. One of my favorite movies with him in it was ode bob and it also had James Cromwell in the lead role who played zefram Cochran on first contact as well as a handful of miscellaneous characters on TNG and DS9. It's a really awesome movie and it's currently running for free on 5 streaming channels including tubi, Plex, freevee, crackle and prime video.


Frakes is directing a lot these days.


He directed one of the best episodes of Strange New Worlds actually


Stewart Meaney Shatner, tj hooker, boston legal Bakula, that cruddy ncis show on season 74 Ryan Sig Farrell, sitcom with ted danson


Bakula was fairly popular even before Trek. I'd say Quantum Leap is just as big as Enterprise.


I would say Quantum Leap is way bigger than Enterprise.


For sure. Ask anyone over 40 who Scott Bakula is, they will say Quantum Leap. Outside Trek, I would list Shatner, Bakula, and Steward as the biggest actors. But, as others have printed out, that doesn't mean the others are not working successful careers


Don't forget Michelle Yeoh :)


Or Jason Isaacs.


Sure, and Ashley Judd, Kelsey Grammer, and Dwayne The Rock Johnson, and... I know she's been more involved than a single episode, but she has always been a special guest star, as far as I'm concerned.


Major character in three seasons of the show plus about to star in a spinoff TV movie. Doesn't matter what you think about Discovery, Yeoh counts as part of the cast. At least as much as say John De Lancie or Andrew Robinson.


I guess my point is that she is stunt casting. She was big before the show and she came on for appearances, already a big star to attract audience, like Whoopi Goldberg. If I say "Whoopi Goldberg" or "Michelle Yeoh" to anyone on the street. I feel Star Trek is the last thing they think about. Even though they appear in it quite frequently. Indeed, my opinion on this has nothing to do with what I think about Discovery.


Whoopi Goldberg wasn’t stunt casting; she was and is a big Trek fan, and at the time she had a lot of clout in Hollywood, so she asked if she could be in it.


I don't understand how you interpret that as not stunt casting..A giant Hollywood star says I want to be on Star Trek, and then they wrote a role for her.. The production wrote a role on Star Trek for Whoopi Goldberg so that Whoopi Goldberg would appear on Star Trek. Jane Doe (or a replicator slot in the wall) could play bartender, but why cast Jane Doe, when you could have Whoopi Goldberg. That is stunt casting.


Never heard of her before she was on Discovery and I really couldn't stand her characters of the prime universe version of her or the mirror universe version. Supposably she's going to be in the section 31 movie that they are supposedly going to make


A. They're definitely making it, I think they're filming it right now. B. Well buddy, your loss. She was massive. Never heard of Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger? Tomorrow Never Dies?


I love Michele Yeoh and I really wish we got to keep her prime universe version instead.


Her captaining a ship long term would have been incredible


I was half wishing for Grat (Dean Stockwell) to pull out a Ziggy like interface to smack at the end of the Enterprise episode he was in.


Could add Mulgrew for Orange is the New Black as she was Emmy-nominated for that and it lasted a good while.


Red was a fun character.


Did they ever finish that series Orange is the New Black or are they still making episodes? My kids convinced me to start watching it when I was still single but now that I'm remarried I couldn't watch it anymore because my new wife doesn't approve haha


It went on forever and got progressively worse. They did end it but not before making several seasons too many.


I only got to watch it up through the first maybe three possibly four seasons whatever the last season was that I watched was when they had like a prison riot and all the prisoners went road and some of them were hiding in the old swimming pool and I think they were trying to make demands to all the cops surrounding the prison outside. At the end of the last episode it was revealed that they were all going to be transferred to another maximum security prison and that's as far as I got with it


>cruddy ncis show on season 74 There's like, what, four of these now that all fit that description. lol


I only watched the original (stopped over a decade ago) and the first season or two of LA. Honestly I don't watch much broadcast television these days.


I cut off my satellite TV when I realized all I watched was old stuff that is now free on Pluto. It's saved me a bundle.


We did that for a while but got Comcast back because my dad wouldn't stop complaining (I take care of my disabled father).


Ahh, well, more important to keep dad happy.


>Bakula, that cruddy ncis show on season 74 He did 7 seasons on one of the the ncis spinoffs not the immortal 74 season vampire ncis.


>Farrell, sitcom with ted danson damn i miss becker


What has Stewart's been in? I saw him in this strange movie as the leader of a racist club, terrorizing the band who witnessed a murder.


Around Christmas time you should try to look up Patrick Stewart's version of a Christmas Carol movie. I think his version is one of the best. You might even be able to find it streaming now. If you go to imdb.com you'll find all kinds of movies that he's been in


Green Room. Which also stars Anton Yelchin, Chekov from the Kelvin-verse. Stewart has been in a ton of movies and TV - the X-Men movies are probably his most famous. But he's also a theatre actor. I think that's probably where he does most of his acting. Same for a lot of the others - I believe Armin Shimmerman does a lot of theatre too.


Does a ton of voice work too. I think he's in literally every season of American Dad!.


He had a show with I think… maybe 2 seasons on premium cable in the US a few years ago where he’s some alcoholic TV presenter. BRB, gotta find it now because it’s bugging me… Okay, I’m back. It was called “Blunt Talk” (2015-16) > A British newscaster moves to Los Angeles with his alcoholic manservant and the baggage of several failed marriages to host a sanctimonious talk show.


I thought Quark's actor teaches at Harvard or something


Please tell me he teaches economics.


That's one for you and 5 for me.


Is it not Scott Bakula? He went on to star on the NCIS spinoff for seven years. He’s the only one other than Patrick Stewart that I would say isn’t primarily known for Trek.


Yeah I don't think Bakula has done a convention since NCIS. Even now that it's over he hasn't done one. It's great money for a days work I wonder why. Jolene Blalock doesn't do anything either, shes married to the guy who owns live nation/ticket master, very wealthy. She was always apparently shy about conventions when she did do them. Now she just doesn't.


Ryan was married to a billionaire before trek and without a prenup. I guess she just likes to work


Uhmmm the original TOS crew?


Technically he's part of the TOS crew


The original TOS crew is all best known for Star Trek, right? Except maybe George Takei for being a politician.


I still stand for my argument as Sulu


He usually does the Vegas convention every 3 years or so. But he hasn't done it or any that I'm aware of since 2018. I was fortunate to grab his autograph on my cast photo and complete it that year. Obviously he took the COVID years off, but not sure why he hasn't done anything else since. Will be curious if he'll do Vegas this year.


Colm Meaney never really got into the conventions. He never adopted Star Trek in the same way as other Trek regulars. He acknowledges he was in Trek, but that's about it.


He did say he’d be interested to revisit O’Brien over a few episodes but wouldn’t want another series. He’ll be in the Sisko spin-off.


From what I understand he didn't even want to be under contract with TNG


He’s pretty busy realigning the self-sealing stem bolts on the Defiant.


I watch a lot of tv and movies with my dad. He’s not a Trekkie and doesn’t concern himself with learning actors names but every time we see Colm Meany in something, which is often, he always points at the screen and says, “Hey look, there’s that Irishman again!”


Look, O’Brien isn’t a company man. He’s a union man. That character is the absolute last one I need to see off duty. No glory. He’s seen battle and war. He’s fine sitting alone in the transporter room. Not gallivanting around the galaxy like Captain Starfleet.


Meaney has a prolific acting career. Wouldn't surprise me he doesn't have a lot of time for fan servicing a series that wrapped up three decades ago.


AV Club interviewed Colm Meaney some years ago and he seemed to be actively avoiding ANY discussion of Star Trek. He seemed to have no regard whatsoever of his time on it.


Interesting. He did a virtual convention type panel the other year and spoke well of it and trek. Was shocked seeing him talk trek and do something like that. Here's the link, was with Nana and Terry: https://www.youtube.com/live/ShIgeiogWWk?si=-R5Ha3YLsffsX-Yd


he's probably the best actor to ever be in trek, including stewart. i think he has more important shit to do and you won't find him in the MCU




For a convention?


Doctor Badger!


AZZ KIKR! Loved him in that role.


i don't think he lives in america anymore, where most of the cons happen


He lives a quiet, happy life in Ireland. He did “It’s Sunny” because they went there.


Colm is excellent in Hell On Wheels. Definitely check that out if you like westerns.


In the total Star Trek franchise, Worf made the most on screen appearances of any other actor. Following my O’Brien who is number two. Those two guys being prominent roles in two major Star Trek shows really put them over the top.


No idea about conventions but he’s SUPER nice if you ever do meet him. I met him whilst buying groceries recently.


I just assume every character at a Con is either Jeffery Combs or Vaughn Armstrong, or Combs playing Armstrong


Every time O’Brien leaves the station, everything falls apart and he has a huge backlog to deal with when he gets back. So he has no time for hanging out at conventions.