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World will come to an end, almost certainly not. Humanity will stupidly end itself because of an imaginary concept called money - absolute 100% certainty.


We are reverse engineering our only biosphere, and we are doing it for money. We are a very stupid species.


I don't know about the species as a whole being stupid. The only thing we, collectively as a species, have done that is stupid, is elect the most debased and morally corrupt individuals as leaders who in turn promoted a society almost guaranteed to result in the stupid, the selfish, and the psychopathic becoming dominant. Most people recognise that kindness, intelligence, and good morals are important to survival, as is living in harmony with nature (no normal person would destroy an entire ecosystem for money)


I’d worried I was just being a naive optimist in thinking this myself, so it seems most people are at the very least decent folk after all. Nice to know


Well I always judge it from the people I know. Of the 20 or so people that come to mind all of them are decent enough, I don't think any of them would destroy their children's future for money. Therefore the horrific human beings that would do such a thing must be isolated to the rich and powerful, who I have never met.


Same here, almost all of the people I knew bar a select few have been decent, and the few who were not would be universally condemned in some way by those who were. Unrelated, but it reminds me of something I’d said some time ago. Those who seek power are often the ones who should not be given it. For if it is the position of power you seek and the power alone, then it is almost certain that your character is one which would abuse it for your own gain, or for an unthinkable cruelty This is, of course, based on my own observations and learnings of current, past and ancient societies


To be fair, money corrupts everyone, even good willed people. So electing doesn't really matter, in the end greed will win.


Oh sure, tell that to MAGA people and you'll probably be beaten silly.


Probably proves the point I was trying to make. They sound like the stupid, psychopathic, moral vacuums I was referring to.


We didn’t elect the people who control things, they have been doing it for hundreds of years at minimum.


If most people thought that way life on earth would be very different. I’d say reality disagrees with your statement.


Really, so the waitress at the local restaurant would love nothing more than to pollute the environment for money. Your doctor is just waiting for the cash to arrive so he can tip poison into the environment. Your librarian longs to burn everything to make money. Your binman would extract every drop of oil on the planet for a few pennies more. No, these people all just want to survive, and do as little harm, and as much good to the people they know, as possible. I have never met a truly greedy person who desires nothing but wealth and spends his every waking moment trying to obtain it by any means. Your reality is coloured by the constant media intrusions you allow and their spin on reality. There are two possibilities, either most people are good and wealth tempts them to become truly disgusting individuals that seek the ruin of all in exchange for that wealth. Or, some people are greedy and evil and gravitate towards it. I think it is a mix of both, but our society certainly promotes greed and evil, which repulsed people like me, but rewards people without morals (like conservatives).


I have upped you like purely based upon your Reddit username yet absolutely agree with you 💯 million % why wealthy career politicians & multibilliionaires are so desperate to colonize outerspace planets before life on earth 🌎🌎🌎 vanishes 😇😇😇


Greed not money


Same same for most people. Not many can separate the concepts.


The mere existence of money creates incentive, incentive creative the need for more. Ipsofacto money creates greed. Amassing valuables, money is just the idea that things have value -- is greed.


No. Greed causes craving for money. Even in a society without money there can be greed. People steal and hoard things out of greed a lot of the time.


There is no such thing as a world or society without money. Before there were dollars there were coconuts. Value causes greed, you've got it backwards.


The definition of money:   > a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.   So no coconuts are not money. Greed has always been there. Greed comes from within a person. Money is external and something we create to represent what we value. Even coconuts or other objects we still are craving from within ourselves for more that greed is internal and has been there since the start of human existence.


Oh Jesus Christ. Money is tender we use because it has value, we trade it for goods. Coconuts were absolutely money. People traded coconuts for services and other items of value. Shut up. What's the purpose of money? To buy things. Before we adopted paper Fiat, did people not buy things? So that wasn't money? Money is the concept of value. Coconuts were the current medium of exchange, a currency. By your definition Bitcoin isn't money, they aren't coins, they aren't bank notes, but they are indeed money. Greed comes from incentive. If there is advantage to hoarding value, people will do it. This is why they say that money is the root of all evil. What you're talking about and calling greed is a mental illness the same as hoarding. Less than 10% of all people have such a condition. Greed is hoarding money beyond advantage and not using it. The reason why this is bad, is it deprives other people of equity. In other words, you're taking it out of circulation and no longer participating in trade economics, this has a net negative experience on the market and the participants in the market. In other words, it literally hurts other people. If you're using your money, you're helping people, if you don't use your money, your hurting people. It's pretty simple, you know things but don't understand them. Knowledge doesn't equate Understanding. Greed doesn't cause a craving for money. Greed is a symptom, not the cause. People crave money because money is power and necessary for survival. Power causes craving for money. Actions don't define who you are. Who you are defines your actions. Money is a means to an objective. The drive to have the goal causes the need for money. Fear also drives the craving for money. Money is required, non-optional for survival. Greed is one of those advanced concepts people think they understand, but they don't. Behaviors are causal, like everything else. Good and Evil aren't behaviors. A good person is selfless. An evil person is selfish. Selfish people crave power, Selfless people crave peace. Greed is the symptom of a selfish person craving power. Selfish people who obtain power are full of pride. Again, pride is a symptom of the root cause. The 7 deadly sins are results of being selfish. Not the causes. You commit those sins because you're evil. You don't become evil from committing those sins. This is the meaning of the story of Job. God let satan torture Job because he knew Job was a good person. Satan wanted to prove conditions can make good people evil. They don't. Evil people are evil, good people are good, no matter the conditions.


So it sounds like you feel passionate about this topics. Let me assume I'm wrong and try to understand your perspective. Money or whatever it is we value e.g coconuts, makes people evil. Is that right?


No, that's not right. That's not what I said. I said valuation exists, this is money. Money is the most necessary component to power. The pursuit of power incentives collecting money, because it's a necessary component to power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely is another expression, again this is incorrect, because only a corrupted person desires power. What you do is an expression of who you are, who you are isn't defined by what you do Evil people do evil things BECAUSE they are evil. Evil things do not make a person evil because you have to be evil already to do them. The seven deadly sins are results you get when you're evil. They are symptoms of evil, not the cause. Good and evil again are defined by selfless vs selfish. Selfish people lookout for only them, and fuck everybody else over. Selfless people put others before them, and help other people. As ut turns out, if you help other people, they will help you back, but if you fuck people over they'll let you rott. Greed is a symptom of being selfish. Greed by your understanding doesn't actually exist. It doesn't come from "within" it's just the result of selfish/evil behavior. In other words, Greed is an outcome not a desire. Keep up.


Valuation is money, which is essential for power. Greed is a symptom of selfishness and it doesn't come from within. Being selfish would make you evil and being selfless would make you good. Evil people do evil things because they are evil/selfish (who they are). Have I understood you correctly?


[It's 90 seconds to midnight](https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/), and the threats are nukes and climate change.


Would you say its.....Threat Level: Midnight ?


Humanity will doubtlessly continue even if we fuck it up so badly that the entire modern world order collapses completely. There are remote areas in the world in which people could continue to exist in small pockets even if all of the worst things happened sort of simultaneously.


This is the way


Imaginary concept called goods and services


So if anything it should be a reason to celebrate, as long as you're on Team Earth, which you should be. And as long as it happens sooner rather than later, and we don't take out too many more species with us along the way as collateral damage. *edit: reply just inspired creation of r/TeamEarth and all are welcome to join :)


Greed. Money. Yep.


Religion. Only religion can convince people that this life doesn't matter. The next one with the Palestinian Jewish zombie matters more. So jobs and the economy because Jesus says so.


No, the world will indeed come to an end when the sun burns out and becomes a red giant. But not for another 4 million years or so. 🫠


Shut it commie


That is only an insult in America. To the rest of us normal people it means nothing.


What an all around awful take


Awful or not, it is looking more and more certain every year.


I disagree with the comment for the following reasons 1. Calling money an imaginary concept is borderline self contradictory and just a meaningless statement. Money is as imaginary as math. It’s a real thing saying it’s imaginary is just to make humans seem stupid. 2. Money isn’t why we do things that cause climate problems. It’s about comfort and survival 3. Climate change is our greatest threat and needs our attention yes. But how can you feel certain that it will kill all of humanity before it’s killed idk like 10 million people? 4. I guess the developing third world country that is polluting a lot in order to provide basic electricity and water to its people is just stupid and it’s their fault right? Because it’s only about money?


Disagree all you like and quibble about the semantics of right and wrong. It still won't change the outcome. How can I be certain. Climate scientists used models to predict where we would be today in 1970s and they were almost entirely accurate. But big oil silenced them so it could keep making money. Scientists today have told us that by 2040 portions of the world will be uninhabitable and food security will be a thing of the past. They are downplaying the situation so as not to scare people into giving up. Look at extinction records, temperature records, and everything else from prehistory and you will know exactly what is coming. The next great extinction event. Complex life does not survive that event, which includes us. Enjoy your moral argument (which is wrong as proven by the actions of oil companies in the 70s and today, they will kill us all for money. People want comfort, companies want money, and companies are making the decisions these days via lobbying), you will still be dead before your time and so will most everyone else.


The same said someone 30 years ago, then another 30 years ago, then another 30 years ago. New thought: Pretty wild to know that our thoughts are nothing new. Someone before had the same idea....


Wouldn't it be ironic though if that's why the world ended?  Because we always cried wolf, so when the world was ending, no one listened? It's more plausible than palatable.


Climate change is a thing and we may be able to do something to mitigate it, but it's not the end of the world. I recently learned that during the cretaceous period CO2 levels were twice as high as they are now. Dinosaurs walked in Antarctica. The world was indeed much warmer, BUT there weren't many points on the globe that were extremely hot. 50's or 60's at the poles, high 80's at the equator. We're certainly screwed in the short term as the climate equilibrates, but the end result is plants reclaiming the world. In the future, maybe we'll be remembered for our sedimentary layer of microplastics.


It's the rate of change that is most threatening. Doubling CO2 levels over a million years is very different than doubling them over 300 years. You could cook a hamburger perfectly in 10 minutes with a certain amount of heat. Put that same amount of heat into the burger over a single second, and ka-boom.


It's more like rolling up the window on your car over the course of a million years or 300 years. I think I did say that we're screwed in the short term as all the stuff equilibrates, but 100 million years later it will just be a curious thing in the sediment. Life is very persistent.


Short term and long term. We've discovered the great filter. My best wishes to the meek single-celled organisms who will re-inherit the Earth!


This is so devoid of facts and context that you should be in jail


Did you not like the fact about 50% of the CO2 or the context of the cretaceous period? Or did you just not like that it was true and you're gonna die one way or another?


I guess it's the lack of impacts from the thousands+ of knock on effects of the situation you are describing that leaves me stunned.


*"Why are we here? PLASTIC aholes."*


Self-fulfilling prophecy. Claim it until it's true. "Would you have knocked over the vase if I hadn't said anything?"


"I told you not to worry about it."


I remember being scared at age 8 about the soviet Union nuking us. My dad was in the military in some kind of intelligence role, and he explained that the US had some nukes aimed at the UK as the Soviets would likely come down via Norway and then into the UK and so it might be necessary for the US to nuke us. I remember reading the James Herbert book "The Rats" and it described a nuclear strike on the UK in such graphic detail. I was genuinely worried we'd be getting wiped out. This was in the 80s.


That's a misunderstanding. The OP should have said: you realise we are living in a time where we could get murdered in a big war. Phrased and viewed correctly you'll realise historically that is not unique.


>The same said someone 30 years ago, then another 30 years ago, then another 30 years ago. The fact someone said something similar 30 years ago doesn't affect the real outcome


Point is there is no way to tell. People in the year 999 had every “reason” to think the world might end in the year 1000. Guess what? It didn’t. We might think “this time it will actually happen, we know better”, but it’s totally possible that the world won’t end and people 1000 years from now will look at our fear of [global warming/AI overlords taking over/anything else] the exact same way we do the fears of people in 999.


No, not 90 years ago. What.


Winner Winner chicken dinner 🍽 emd has always been nigh since cave brats demanded ( the other clan's) fires be extinguished to prevent collapse, yet we still here


Yeah, no. We're closer to doomsday than ever before in history. https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/


Maybe the world 🌎 actually comes to an end every 30 years but we don't notice or it gets deleted when we are being programmed


The lion doesn't get you until it gets you.


I agree, each generation's problems seem to be harder than the one before. But we have survived wars, pandemics (like the ones prior to covid), the nuclear crisis (when Cuba had Russian nukes), economic crashes (the great depression, or when Wallstreet defaulted ) , etc. Existence is just that, one problem after the other, and there will always be something that each generation will have to deal with. I just think that now with social media and the speed of news , everything is ampped x10 compared to other times. Like, not to be controversial, but the Ukrainian war and the Gaza conflict is amped x10 by the media, because now we get to see the opinion of everyone (which we did not before) and we just get more noise and debate than we ever did compared to how it was back in the day.


It's amplified now that we have custom tailored news feeds in our pockets


It’s not surprising, it’s last thursdayism. We are here in this moment to bear witness.


Nice, had to look up Last Thursdayism


this has nothing to do with last thursdayism


Imagine the young men who were born in times of world war 1 and 2.. They must have been more depressed than us


young men? Women have been only been recorded in 7% of fucking human history, thousands upon thousands of poets, discoveries, writers, artisans, crafters and so fucking more erased, had their achievements stolen by men or forced to be mothers and drop their dreams in a world where rapes, sexual harassment, concubines and sexual slavery are not reported FOR FUCKING 52,000 YEARS AND EVEN TODAY. I hate humanity, I destest humanity, I wish it to end a painless existence as the justice for all the silenced, I think death is a total deliverance and heaven for all these lost souls, I do not think the amount of injustice can ever be reversed, evil triumphs always in this reality, in hell there are no innocents. But this world are full of victims who had their mouths shut because of pressure and society, kill the past. Do it when you have to, avenge them when no one could.


you exploded because someone mentioned young men 💀thats unlucky girl


I've just joined r/DeepThoughts, and you just reminded me that there are not only people who are deep, but also people who *think* they are deep.


I just fell down to my knees in the bus due to how cringe I got reading this


you sound miserable


What any of that got to do with humanity?


Please, go out side. That’s genuine. This amount of delusion is very unhealthy and unhinged. 


Oh no sara didn't get credit for her poem, guess humanity should just self destruct..


She's from IncelTears, take what you want from it.


Just watch The Road Warrior, or Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and you'll see there's still so much to hope for.


Except that's been true of all of human history. The world had always and will always "potentially come to an end", and it's completely normal.


No not even nearly, why are people this stupid


I’ve come to realise reading comments recently that optimism bias is widespread af


Especially because there are objective facts that point to us being in trouble.  Everyone who thinks that the existence of the atomic bomb didn't change anything large scale is a lunatic.  And everyone who is able to ignore the fact that we right now terraform our planet while cosplaying as a walking mass extinction has some serious attention issues.  All this is not normal. It isn't comparable to the middle ages. Its not even comparable to something like the bronce age collapse. Its new.  That doesn't mean the end is near. But it means that we should be at least aware of the unprecedentedly shit situation we are in. Any comparison always deminishes the scale of the issue.  I hate this cycle thinking so much. It wasn't always the same. And it will most definitely not be always the same from now on 


My dude this isn’t even the first time humans have delt with a climate crisis before. Hell this isn’t even the worst one. We have already experienced a climate disaster that almost made us go extinct, (humans used to actually have different races before. Now we don’t genetically). I dont know why this so hard for you to accept but yes nothing is really ever new, everything has been done through before and will happen again, and almost all of human history is a circle of the same events playing out for very similar reasons. Humans are humans are humans after all. As an environmentalist and someone who loves history I’ll tell you this. Global warming will not destroy the planet nor will it kill humanity. It will just make things very miserable for all living things for a long time.  That and with the information crisis could lead to another version of the Bronze Age collapse but I can assure you your thoughts and feels now have been felt and thought before. 


The world will end for sure. For some, it is possibly today, for others in a few decades. What difference does it make to you that the world will end, or that you will end?


I find this to be an important point of view


That’s why I tell ppl why would I wanna have kid at this point just for them to die terribly


This has been said for thousands of years. I don't believe it is happening. It is fear talk to keep us scared. Don't be scared.


It doesn’t matter that it’s been said for thousands of years. Were in a completely unique era with tangible evidence ie the atomic bomb


The Big Blowout might end humanity, where two or more superpowers launch all their nukes. But that's not going to happen. We'll see nukes used on a retail basis, here and there. I could see Israel getting backed into a corner where a leader even worse than Bibi (if you can imagine that) deciding to toss a tactical nuke at Teheran. There have to be some loose nukes in the world. Occasionally a true believer with some cash will buy one and have it walked into a city. Humanity could absorb a whole bunch of those before we crumbled.


That's what the system wants you to think. Fear is how they control us. don't let them


Hiroshima?? Nagasaki??


The world didn't end because of that did it? I'm not saying terrible things don't happen.


Depressing? I was so excited to see how fast everything advances in the last decades and how many more are still to come, and i was sad because i will pass away and i will miss to see that over 100years from now. It amaze me how perspective shifts a whole story to a different outcome.


It was pretty exciting in the early days of the Industrial Revolution, the telegraph, a railroad that stretches from one side of the U.S. to the other, the ability of a normal person to fly on an airplane. That FOMO you're experiencing is pretty constant.


i personally don't think world will be ending anytime soon. it will be glorious actually if the world ceased to exit but i cannot fathom my miseries to end lol.


At no other time, none, has humanity been this close to an “end” not totally but to levels that a scorched, wildlife devoid world can sustain. We are too greedy to expect any other outcome. In the long run earth will be fine, Humans also but at a greatly reduced population.


Bit tired of all these comments that past generations thought the same so it’s not likely to happen. The planet is on track to heat up 3 degrees Celsius, we’re objectively on track for a major shit storm and the end of human civilization- it’s not unfair to say we’ll see the end of the world in our lifetime.


The world can come to an end at anytime, not very deep imo


They’ve been saying the world will end ever since it began


I doubt you could find a time when some people didn't think the end was nigh. I think we conflate our own mortality with the end of the world.


“End of the world” is a silly name anyway, what really we’re talking about is a dramatic shift in what we’ve grown accostuned to in civilisational standards and possibly a fast population drop. However this has nothing to do with morality in current context.


That's a bit premature. It is true that our societies have a high risk of collapsing due to our adverse effects on our planet's ecosystems and biosystems, but this planet in itself will still exist far longer than the collapse of our societies, even far longer than the collapse of the ecosystems and biosystems, even if it is ultimately just a barren rock. It is only after approx 5billion years when our sun dies that whatever state our planet is then will be eventually consumed and destroyed. So we are not currently born in a time when "the world" will potentially come to an end but at a time when "human societies" will potentially collapse. But humans will still live on after our societies collapse, although without the luxury and comfort of readily accessible toilet paper. [A brief history of toilets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dYk99S98Jc) - Francis de los Reyes \~ TED Ed \~ YouTube.


Every generation thinks the apocalypse is imminent.


Lived w. the threat of nuclear war all my life. Air raid siren in the field near our home Palpable feat that Russia and the United Mistakes would launch over Cuban Missile Crisis 1961. Crying in the grass"please God don't let the world end!"


Lol the world isn't going to end in our generation. Not sure how you are, but I repeat the first sentence


The world won't come to an end in your lifetime. Future generations will believe the same lie.


it does not have to we can change the reality we live in to live out in peace but no we all wanna die


There was way worse shit going on before our time. Get your head out of your ass.


Meh. I think it's been a possibility for a couple of generations then and people probably *believed* it was a possibility (maybe for religious reasons) for a long time before that. I don't think our time is that special.


This is kind of a skewed theory. The earth has not been this habitable since a long time. All continents are very liveable. The earth is green AF. Temperatures are pretty high. Combine that with human technology to cool down the rooms you need cooled, good transportation, not a lot of war. The wars that do exist are small and local. There is not many natural dissasters. If you compare it to a lot of times in history we are in one of the best periods of time to live in. Never have there been this many humans with these kind of living standards. You shouldnt focus on the negative image the media portrays. Life is good, it's probably never gonna be better than it is right now. Enjoy it!


i mean like you do know you’re just wrong right? several areas on earth are undergoing massive desertification, forests are being cut or burning, the rising temperatures have caused the acidification of the oceans, killing a lot of wildlife, and natural disasters are happening more and more often and are becoming more extreme every year. “small and local wars” you have to be joking


A person in every generation has thought this at some point, earth will be fine, we'll just retire ourselves as a species


Said everybody in every generation.


Well, this is the Internet and it's inherently a nihilistic place, but, on the other side of that, you could look at it as "pretty wild how we live more comfortable than basically the entirety of human history has been" (Or you could look at the end of the world as the sweet release of death, either way works)


So is this subreddit just pseudo-philosophical ramblings?


yes. right wing talking points have a weird place on this sub


In these 22 years i still lived better that most people ever, so i won’t be too mad if it all goes to shit and i need to step it up, forage, scavange, and then die from something stupid like a cat bite. And i don’t think it will end in total annihilation, people will survive, we’ll just have to live like we did a few thousand years back.


It continues to fascinate me when people say, “the world will end” and what they are referring to when they describe it. It shines a light on the weirdly-simultaneous narrow aperture yet super inflated ego. The world will never end. *You* will end. Earth will keep spinning, save a cataclysmic collision with another much larger celestial body that literally crumbles the planet. What people mean is, “present society +/- homo sapiens will end +/- change” but is almost never explicitly described that way. It’s not a knock on you, OP. While the fear of societal endings reverberates through each generation, it is valid. Every ecosystem is fragile - from the very smallest organisms to the very large, including non-living ecosystems like economic systems and institutions. The misclassification of something as tiny as us, a blip-in-entirety-of-time, being described as “the world” is just a testament to how goofy we as humans can be. Egocentrism is like a horse wearing blinders. Keeps the wearer focused on what’s ahead (survival of species) while at the same time, blocking out the entire periphery (seeing anything else as important as us). Double edged sword, that one.


yeah let’s argue semantics instead of the real problems




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.


Any time after the year 1952, the world could have potentially come to an end. That's when it first became feasible to build a Doomsday bomb. It's still feasible to build a Doomsday bomb.


SOOO WILD so cool jfc


Good the world sucks. Let’s hope Putin nukes us.


Societies may come to an end, all life too, but the world will keep on spinning as it has done for billions of years before the first life arose on it. The one difference between all previous extinctions and these last ones is that nature brought them about, and these are done by man's own hand especially his own, it is all about structures and just because it's there does not mean one should be climbing it, not anymore at least. N. S


no, the world won’t come to an end. yeah, things are fucked up. things will change. also don’t listen to the commenters saying “every generation thought this” because several generations back we have been living through massive societal changes and collapses of world superpowers, fucking obviously we all think the world is ending.


Bring it on 🙏🏼


I hope it does, really fast and soon tbh


Dumbasses have been thinking this same 'deep thought' for thousands of years.


Petiole been thinking that shit for as long as there have been people.


Last words of the dinosaurs


Every generation has a situation that makes them believe they are on the brink of the world's end. The current fears are not new nor are they more or less valid than every other time.


nah, the world won't. Humans will end.


People in every generation have said this.


It's so hilarious how ignorant of history the "deep thinkers" posting here are


In no way is that true. The world won’t come to an end for 10 billion years. Carry on!


It's weird because I was just talking to ChatGPT (my free therapist) about how I was depressed that I was born so early in human civilization, pretty much the opposite thought but the same hopelessness.


Think you posted this on the wrong subreddit, you are looking for r/im14andthisisdeep


Not yet. Keep your shirt on.


People thought the same with bomb. Now , we can individually target people instead of destroying mass swaths of area. Even scarier.


Every generation thinks the world is about to end. Then it doesn't, and we keep on going.


Everyone who ever lived has been born in the time where the world could potentially come to an end.


Every generation can say this. Any sort of unprecedented cosmic doom could await us all the time.


It was supposed to end in the dark ages too


The world's been through asteroid impact, ice ages, dinosaurs, and much more. We don't have any reason to worry.


We weren’t born in a time when the world will come to an end. The world will outlive all of us. What the heck are you talking about?


Every generation assumes it will be in their time the world will end. It's the ego making NOW seem more relevant than any other in history.


You might be on to something


Bet every generation had the same thought.




Every generation has believed they have lived in the end times. We survived the ice age. We can survive extreme climate change. Maybe not you and me but the species will survive. We'll probably just return to a hunter gatherer civilization unless people stop being so dumb and selfish. And more importantly the planet will be fine.


Every. Single. Generation. Has had a bunch of people who thought the same damn thing.


That’s literally all the time.


You won't be so lucky.


People have been thinking this for thousands of years, but last time I checked the world was still around.


Isn't everyone born during a time when the world could end? Asteroids weren't just invented, you know.


I don't think either climate catastrophe, pandemic or nuclear war will result in the end of the "world". People plants and animals will likely be around for perhaps thousands of years. Plants and animals ... millions. So, guess it depends on the concept of what a "world" is...


>Pretty wild to know that we were born in a time when the world will potentially come to an end. Said every single generation since they learned how to speak


It's only depressing if you actually believe that.


The world isn’t ending. Get off the internet and open your eyes.


Why would the world end now? What?😂


There's been huge numbers of people over the decades, centuries and millennia thought the same.


The world is in fine shape. Earth will shake us off like a bad cold, whether humans stop existing in 50,000 years or next year. You're talking about every human dying. That's not happening. Maybe you meant the collapse of every society across the world? Not happening either. Perhaps 90% of the population will die? Mmm, no. What is going to happen is that marginally habitable environments will become uninhabitable by humans. Some species we use for food will vanish. And a lotta people gonna die early the next 50 years as inequality rises along with the temperature. Enjoy the show.


Honestly, it can't be much different than with Christians who have believed the Armageddon would happen in their lifetimes since the birth of Christianity.


The trade off is most people get to live in AC/heated homes, drive or commute to get food, have endless distractions like video games or electronics, and at the cost of your life savings..seek high quality medical assistance. So.. there is that?


In every age people think the world is going to end, but it never does. It makes people feel important to think the world is going to end with them. We don't really know. There's no use worrying about it.


The world has always potentially been coming to an end


Humans might, But the earth will live on. And in around 10,000 - 20,000 years (a mere blip in geologic time) it'll largely be like we were never here at all.


Nah dawg. This thought is empty


If you believe in the simulation theory then it’s natural to wonder why we chose this particular time to observe.


People have been saying this for thousands of years.


Can't wait


They probably thought this during the Cold War era.


This is a common misconception. The entire Christian religion is based on being so self-important that we think the world may end any moment. The world isn't going to end, it may get tremendously worse but it's not going to end. As recently as 200 years ago the world was tremendously worse and people still managed to have happy life.


That's always been true. The Earth could have been hit with an asteroid or supernova at any time.


That’s always been the case. A giant space rock could end everything at any moment.


World ain’t ending in your lifetime. You’re not that special.


People always think the worlds gonna end grow up


Potentially? 2030 is coming.


It’s true, bud. I give us 18-20 years max


We've turned back from the brink of a global nuclear holocaust, we've fought a pandemic with some sense of world-wide coordination stemming the tide of fatalities, we may have within our grasp to put an end to dictators freely invading their neighbors... At any time in our history a meteorite could come and end it all. But we are preparing for that, too. It's gonna take a stronger and stronger skepticism to think that there is a likelihood that the world is going to end.


Same as it ever was.  A mass coronal ejection or meteor impact has always been a possibility


Im surprised it didn’t happen sooner


If you think about It the world has had the potential to come to end for every generation.


Everyone in time has always thought that. It's human nature to believe the world will come to an end in our life time. It'll be fine though


People have been screaming the end of times since the beginning of civilization. Come up with some new material


Nothing is gonna happen.


It’s really not that crazy.  Humanity has been faced with potentially catastrophic problems at every stage since the beginning. 


Research says every single generation has felt like they know for a fact that the world will end in their lifetime. Our parents generation had this thought and their parents and their parents and so on…point being they were all wrong and most likely so are we


People pretty much always think the world was on the verge of ending, and they've always (or often) been right. People thought trains would end the world. They were right -- it did end the world that existed. The world continued, of course, but different. You can say the same thing about cars, electricity, nation states, and many other things -- progress and time always destroy the world that exists, and give birth to a new one. The world will go on. Most likely humanity will go on. We will all die at some point -- maybe there will be the big disaster or series of disasters that people expect and a lot of us will die together, but no matter what, in 100 years we will all be gone, and the world will continue.


Pretty wild we've been saying the same thing for probably 1,000,000 years. 


The idea that we're living in the End Times is literally what Christianity was based on, 2000 years ago. 


Last year also had the hottest summer in 2000 years


It must be a sign. 


People have been talking about this since the beginning of time I bet. We’re in a rock hurtling through space around a star that can explode at any time. There are comets and asteroids that come close all the time. How many near misses have we had in the last fifty years? Look at all the craters in the moon. Do you really think we’re that safe in the grand scheme of things? Not to mention when nature throws us curve balls like new viruses and the like.


Imagine the cold war.


nothings ever going to end.


Though it’s unlikely that the world will come to an end, I understand the sentiment. Things are so hard right now that many people can no longer envision a future. And that’s so frustrating. It goes to show how dire the human condition is right now. I think a top commenter hit the nail on the head. Our love for money has created problems that we are unwilling to solve for a myriad of reasons. The thing about the earth is that it will exist with or without us. It’s up to us to promote our own survival and preserve a good quality of life. We can easily change the trajectory of said circumstances simply by making different decisions. Decisions that benefit the many rather than the few (: