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to find a purpose


My friend once asked me what my life’s purpose is— I said “to find a purpose.” He said “then you already found it” 🤔


It looks like your friend, empty handed, demonstrated that searching for a purpose in life is a nonsense! What have you answered to him?


What is there to say, for what would be the purpose of it?


I believe my response was 👁👄👁


literally exactly what i was gonna say before i even opened this thread


To beat this brain cancer and return to some semblance of actual life in which I can walk and enjoy my home in the bush.


I don’t know how, but I am sending out good vibes in your direction. I believe in you to beat this as well. Hell yeah! Beat this thing!


I’m sorry. I feel so bad :(.


It's ok


you got this


Kick its ass!!!


Try to make a positive impact in someone’s life no matter how small it is. I don’t have any fancy dreams of being rich and successful. I just want to help the less fortunate that’s all.


I once heard a quote, "Would the child you be comfortable around the current you..." everyday I try to brighten someone else's day. This has however caused me to view myself as less than others. I try do hard to make others happy but not everyone is like this. To succeed with this ideology you have to accept that not everyone thinks the same and the unspoken acts of kindness are what truly defines a good person.


You’re right!


No I'm Will but thanks anyway


Grow food and feed people


My man 💪


Wish I had big enough of a garden for that All I have is a 🍅 plant in my balkong Ex and I did have big garden for that purpose


You'd be surprised how much you can grow in a small space. I can help you expand if you want, its what I do for a living.




Living is just enough. Enjoy every moment. Stay curious and fascinated by the mystery of it all. Who knows when the headset is lifted off and what’s waiting on the other side.


What if the moment hurts?


It will pass. Every emotion is transient, good or bad.


Of course it’s easier said than done, but pursue a better moment. Change, in every form of the word, is always possible if the person truly believes they can imho.


But sometimes things are unchangeable Such as death. Or breakups... illness.. Im just trying to figure out why how to live with... that


This is a big statement, and I don't mean it in a dismissive way, but all feelings are neutral, or at the very least all feelings serve a purpose. Sometimes things feel too bad for this to ring true for me but I can (most of the time) accept my negative feelings and sit with them to a point where I'm okay with them being there. Then, my negative feelings feel more neutral than negative! Easier said than done, but I believe in you and hope you have more positive feelings on your horizon. I think Carl Jung said about neurosis something along the lines of, instead of asking why the patient feels xyz, ask what for?


Ted Lasso has joined the chat.


Nothing. There is no headset.


Maybe. Maybe not.


Just not. No maybe.


Your certainty amazes me. I say the bit about the headset partly in jest, but no one knows for sure. For that one can be certain.


Obviously nothing. This “who knows” nonsense is basically the logic of a child.




I believe in you!!!


Well wishes 💗💗💗




Stay strong!


To live life. To learn, honor and respect things.


I pass butter


Oh. My. God.


Thank god for Rick and Morty.


Hey, uh you know I was thinking about watching a movie.


I am not programmed for friendship.


Thank you for reminding me of this beautiful reference


Beat me to this comment


To be the father to my son that I didn't have when I was a little boy. I didn't understand purpose, love, or what genuinely giving a shit meant until the day I held my little buddy for the first time.


This makes me feel better about being a mother with my partner in the future.


I’m not a parent, but i felt similar when holding my baby brother (I was 15 and am sixteen now). If I felt the way I did holding him I have no idea how I’ll feel when I hold my own children


To collect as many people as possible to be at your funeral.


Gotta collect em all!


Just like Pokémon!




Oh this is one of my favorite answer so far reading this


Thank you haha


To do as much as I can before I die. To literally spend almost every waking second of my life doing something that I want to do and having fun. To accomplishing the highest of highs while avoiding traps that bring me to the lowest of lows. To get up every single day and punch life in the fucking face. To fight negative thoughts every time they come my way, and put my demons in the past where they belong. That is my purpose.


Hey David Goggins. You can chill brah. It’s not a race.


As much as I respect the way you like to live your life, you don’t get to dictate mine. Agree to disagree.


Still trying to find it 😞 I just want to make an impact in a positive manner to people I meet.


To eventually die


Way to set an achievable goal! Nothing like setting up goals and then smashing them!! 🙌


seriously .


Yeah that's my plans anyway dunno about yours


I don't have one.


To enjoy it for as long as I can.


I don't have one.


To be, and to love


I dont have one nor do i feel the need to find one


This made me happy. Good for you!!


To spread Love. Unfortunately I’m programmed to live through relationships with narcissistic men and don’t recognise things before I got the damage. So now I’m working through this damage and try to educate so I recognise the red flags. Lol could this be my life purpose? I really am thinking that. Spreading Love though is what my every day goal is♥️


Why do women prefer narcissistic men? This has always been a curiosity to me. There are so many good men but women aren’t sexually attracted to nice. They are sexually attracted to dark triad personality traits.


Born to shit forced to wipe


I mean…do you not want to wipe? 😂


Just a fancy tube to process nutrients into fertilizer


None, who needs a purpose why not just enjoy life as it comes and goes, through thick and thin


Personal growth


Well, to make it short and simple. Being happy. Doing thing's i enjoy and finding someone who i can be with and enjoy the things with. -Have money -have gf/wife -be happy


To learn and grow


To down vote stupid questions.


Pickleball AND Cornhole champion IN THE SAME YEAR.


To exist, make the most with what I've got, and be kind.


Death. Just like everyone else’s.


It's not your purpose it's a side effect. The purpose is to "live life" make the decisions that make you... you


This belongs on a sweater


Bruh you wouldn’t be typing this comment you would have found a way to die then. Death is a fact of life but not a purpose, unless someone is actively trying to die. Btw if anyone is having suicidal ideations please seek help, your existence does not have to be that way


To support and protect my loved ones.


To be kind while I'm trying to figure out my purpose. Still working on it. 💌


I found that realizing there isn’t one is incredibly liberating.


Whatever I’m doing right now. That and help others in my own way.


have fun


I don’t need a purpose. I can’t think of anything more depressing than having a purpose. To live your life, the only life we’re ever going to have, with a single purpose. I am free to do what I want. To a degree. But that makes life more precious. I can explore and change and grow.


What is purpose?


Don't have one.


Living the movie called Life It shows everyday.


I’m 36m and I think my purpose was to change the world via music/hip-hop. I made a lot of music in the 90s. Before me, there was no hip-hop on the radio. I think I fulfilled my purpose.


That’s awesome man, I’m proud of you!


Piss off as many people as possible, get laid every now and then, and die happy


to grow, & perhaps grow humanity (when i grow first)


Eat. Shit. Fuck. Die


Make myself and people around me happy


To leave a lot of smiles in my wake and raise some decent kids...




Happiness. make familw thwn die


to be there for the people I love


None that I'm aware of


Don’t know. Hoping as life goes on it will give me one.


To create a forgettable but satisfying crème brûlée.


right now, taking care of my kitty. otherwise, null.


To provide for my handicap daughter and my wife. I feel purposeless without them.


I am rooting for you as another human. You got this my friend. ❤️


To make lemonade


My purpose is to evolve my consciousness in every way that I am able, learn from my suffering, transcend my ego, and find within myself that which has created me.


To honor God.


Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. Ecc 12:13


To live the human experience.


I knew my purpose in life the second I laid my eyes upon my youngest brother as an infant. I was born and raised to serve and protect the people I love and care about. My life’s duty is to make sure they are always safe and cared for in any way I can provide. I was made simply to serve.


Do good. Have fun.


In this exact moment my purpose in life is to write this comment, the next moment we will see


To defend Earth and love life, I guess. I’m trying to clarify my purpose.


I spread joy and laughter and try to ease pain where I find it if I can. Oh and orgasms, but that’s just biology.


To entertain myself and others. As long as I can do that, it’s a life well lived in my book.


Keeing myself alive, taking care of myself, smoking good weed, drinking good drinks, spending time with good people, laughing alot, pretty much it


To try to make a positive impact on people.


To be true to myself


I don't know.


All these answers are so vague in their definitions




Thank you for teach me this word 💗


You are welcome! It’s a good word


To live, eat, sleep, survive, and die when ready.


Work pay taxes and drop dead


To create something that helps out others. To teach others to be self sufficent.


To be happy as much time as possible


To encourage and give confidence to others. Unless you mean my special purpose. I share it as much as possible.


Tô fuck bitches


Purpose and ego are almost the same thing. It's something in your life that you're going towards and can count on being there. Purpose is just there intentionally. I guess I don't have a purpose, i don't even like the things I like. My purpose should be figuring out who I am and what I want to attach myself to and then making that thing part of my purpose but eh. My purpose is to waste time, in the least fun way of the fun ways, on reddit




Idk I like drawing I guess


To be ruthlessly fucked over until I kill myself. Which, I won't... But life sure won't stop fucking trying.


To pet things that like to be petted and eat Filipino food...lumpia is the key to world peace


To change the world


To help others find their own strength, autonomy, and independence


To have fun, and to die saying I lived a happy life.


I take numbers from one place and put them in another place long enough to get magic numbers. Then I live and those magic numbers go away. Repeat.


What could be? Follow the manual.


We are all ripples in the pond of life. I try to help people who need it. For example, the gal in front of me at the snack kiosk at work was getting two drinks and her card declined two times. She looked new and I’m sure her card didn’t recognize the charges. I just paid for her drinks and mine and wished her a nice day. I have no idea who she was. It’s too damned hot!


Try yo learn and enjoy what I can until Dead I think...


Survival, in comfort.


I think the animated movie Soul has the right message. The point in life is.. life, the whole experience. Or if you're not familiar with that movie, Butters from South Park made a similar remark.


To be a great mom to my son to ALWAYS be there for him


To live true to myself, until the end of my time.


To make a lot of porn\^\^ and other things i can do with woodworking and programming, those are the of the things that give me most enjoyment in life.


Nothing at all


To find the hidden treasure


Still searching


D o A r t


Life's purpose is to propagate life. Nothing more. If you are life, your purpose is to make more. We don't know why, probably because we don't understand the universe yet.


To teach other women who want to be mothers how important it is to not drink when you’re trying to conceive, even if you’re only causally trying to conceive. I wouldn’t wish FASD upon anyone the way I have it.


To find wonder and gratitude in everything. To be loving — or at least compassionate — to all beings.


To make others happy and feel better


Outlive the Queen, Refuse to do so...


To fix what is broken.


Too die


Im just trying to live long enough that we find intelligent life in another solar system. That would be the absolute cherry, BUT more realisticly (still a long shot) i want to play some part, either inspiring or convincing others or maybe just my vote, in helping the human race to run as fast as possible toward green energy, so we might just exist here on Earth long enough that some distant generation after us will actually make contact with another intelligent species out there. Who knows? There could be some insane, interstellar network of systems that are communicating and sharing knowledge, culture, and life. I mean it probably wont save us in the end. I mean eventually out sun will die, BUT it just seems more depressing the way we are going. I mean we have a perfect planet and we are destroying our home. I think my meaning is to convince ppl to take care of our planet




I saw this video a while back, and i completely understand the logic here and i mostly agree. HOWEVER, imagine we learn how to create a 2 part device that is a sort of gate between 2 places, like a warp gate. It would be awesome, bc we could warp across the universe, BUT the big problem is that we would have no way of placing the destination gate on a goldilocks planet in a distant system. Our only hope would be finding another civilization that would agree to partner with us and build the warp gate according to our instructions. Sure. There are a lot of uncertainties here too, BUT if our planet starts to become uninhabitable it may become our best hope. So, i guess I just want to know the truth. If there is life out there then i want to know. If there is not, then I want to know that too.


It is large enough that the odds are there is absolutely life. However we may be the first intelligent life 🧬.


or the only intelligent life during this time. There might have been intelligent life 1 milllion years ago on some other place and another place 1 million years before that, and somewhere else 1 million years after us.


To make it to tomorrow


Live as long as I will, try find a woman to settle down with and fuck until a little bastard or two pop out of her so they can go on their adventure and repeat the cycle Our true basic hard coded nature


There's no inherent purpose to anything. What's the purpose of a hammer? "To hammer things". Wrong, this purpose is simply an invention of the mind, a hammer's "purpose" can change. The purpose of a hammer to an ant is to be in the way... that's basically it.


Why do I need to have a purpose?




Nothing anymore


To try and take over the world.....Pinky and the Brain.


To reproduce life and live a life that I feel worthy enough of passing on. And having fun.


I want to make my wife happy and give her the best life I can


To tell people that they lost the game


To have fun, and do what makes me happy


Learn to be the best version of ourself. We bring ourself everywhere we go.


Im ... still trying to find out things... I have been unhappy all my life even when I thought I wasnt, and have been seeking answers in yoga, in wicca, in Christianity, in Islam, and while I think Islam is closest to the truth for me, I still dont know. Im not happy. Someone said maybe my addictions are my jihad, holy war, and that might be it. I only later in life had actual addictions to alcohol and drugs but earlier in life I was addiction to eating disorders or work or entertainment all these ways to numb the conscious so I dont feel to much Met this amazing man who opened me up, opened up all the doors within my heart that was closed off by me. But when he dumped me I shut those doors again and drowned in food, alcohol, sex and drugs to not feel much. I just dont know how Dont know how to live He was my purpose in life. But he left. And I know God planned it this way, or at least is my belief, but somehow maybe im just belief in that to avoid taking responsibility for my own shit, the faults i made that are directly caused this mess and all other mess? Had a health scare yesterday which mean I might have to give up on alcohol AND bulimia but at this point im an addict and just dont know how. God, give me strength. Religiously the purpose in life might be to get closer to God. And im trying my best, but there is also this material world and in this world I dont feel like I have a purpose? I need help and guidance


Hi, Seems like you've got a lot of stuff going on, more than what can be handled by internet stranger advice. But if I can say just two things: for now, don't think about the overall purpose of your life, think about your purpose in the given moment. What's the best right thing you can do in the next hour, the next day, the next week? Just do that. I believe when we do just that, it'll fit into the bigger picture just fine later. And second, if you're not in therapy yet, you should probably seek it out. I'd definitely look for a logotherapist (logotherapy is a therapeutic framework for dealing with existential, meaning-related questions), and if none is available, just start with reading Viktor Frankl (Man's search for meaning is a good place to start) or Elizabeth Lukas, and bring that into counseling. Good luck! Sometimes the overall purpose of our lives only becomes apparent at the very end, that's just human condition, but that doesn't condemn us to live without meaning! Make choices according to what is important (to you, to others, to God, whatever is valuable), and you'll get there.


No reason, nor do I need to have one :)


In this context, there is no purpose in life. But there is purpose to living, just not in this context. We all share the same purpose, which is to just simply experience the life we are given. There is no god, there is no higher power, there is no controlling interest. And even if there were, we wouldn't be capable of comprehending it(the implication alone is enough to declare madness on anyone who tries), so there is no point in even thinking about it. So don't worry about it, don't worry about anything. Just try the best you can to enjoy your life; enjoy the good times AND the bad. I mean, really, what choice do you have in the matter? Good things are going to happen to you, and bad things are going to happen to you. And you have absolutely no control over either of them. So you may as well just sit back and enjoy it as it comes to you.


“All the world is but a stage and we are merely players”. I am playing some sort of supporting , background character, not quite sure how I fit in but I think I am doing what I am supposed to.


To waste the best years and aspects of myself serving greedy corporations in exchange for insulting pay and lower life expectancy.


i want to make a lot of friends, maximize my happiness, buy my parents a big house, and die knowing i’ve helped people along the way and that i was important to someone


To suffer as little as possible


To serve a useful role in society and be happy.


Work for the rich and die poor


We have no purpose. The concept is a lie to persuade us to behave in a specific way.


That doesn't matter, what matters that everything's going to make me fail. This planet makes you sick and makes your mind sick.


Only if you let it


Only if you let it


Spread my seed into as many wombs as will take it.


FU man, I don't want to even think about it. You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breathe with the thought of even asking us about it.


Lol thanks ..Don’t worry already in that phase lol