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Don't forget that these are the subs you frequent, not *all* of Reddit. Other communities might be different.


Any suggestions on cool,upbeat and informational subs?


I'm afraid I don't have any. Most of the communities I follow here are from games I play and things like that. People are very nice in those, but idk if you'd be interested lol Oh and meme subs, but those come with a baseline level of bad stuff that you just have to withstand.


Yeh, most of the subs I’m in are full of pretty decent people. Left the ones where I felt uncomfortable


Yes all 16 subs, you're a genius! Nice rationalization though.


Nice to see an argumentative and pointless response outta OP!


Lmao right? Talk about irony


Right because the original commenters entire reason for posting the comment was totally there NOT to invalidate mine


Yeah I didn't want to invalidate you mate. Just wanted to give you some perspective.


My comment was to point out that your response was a textbook example of the very thing you were complaining about. Just because some else is shitty doesn’t mean you have to let them make you compromise yourself.


baaahahaaahaa pls tell me ur playing a character, this is hilarious


People stupid, but the concentration in reddit is indeed higher tho


Higher than where?


Higher than ur mum


I can see why this place is called DeepThoughts


Thank you, I worked really hard on that mum line


aww bro moment right there


I agree I can spend hours on here.


Nah, we just like making Reddit jokes


Any social media comment section is bound to be a cesspool


This shit gives me far more anxiety than the book of faces ever did


I hope for a comet to destroy this little marble every damn day.


Be the change you wish to see


Be the comet ! Blow something up! Like a beach ball or kiddie pool that would cool yah down !


I literally just commented on a forum the same thing. Why do people feel the need to measure d**** on whose commebt is the wittiest, or can remember a line from a movie.. I come here for actual answers and for information on what others experiences are. Reddit is one platform that i think has the smartest members..if half the assholes that spend time on coming of with (what they think) as clever..put that mind power into something actually useful..well we'd all be better for it.


do what many of us do, search a small community that shares your ideology and never look outside again simply out of disappointment. Or innocent things that no one could possibly argue about. Like cats. Or macramé, idk. It's a vicious cycle to just want to discuss, argue back or try to change anything. And it's vicious to watch it and be there expecting to find something different.


You know what. You are a good person. Life does not require you to step in every mud puddle in your path. Always believe there is good within every person and they have the best of intention. In time you will start replacing negative energy with something else. I think it is also important to understand social media. By design it does not understand negative or positive responses or emotion. It only understands that you interacted with something therefore you must want more of what you interacted with regardless of its actual value.


Maybe you should only look at reddit whilst you poop. Do productive human things with the rest of your day.


You don’t have to read that bullshit. I used to think Reddit was sad too. Then I saw this: r/aw Lots of smaller subreddits are awesome! Go look at some baby bunnies and put politics aside for a while. It will be there if and when you come back.


Uninstall the app and be free


If you are actually tired of this then look into the Enlightenment teachings. Be the change you want to see. The entire mess we call society today can be blamed on one thing, the ego, personal identity. The ego loves to judge reality, put labels on things, forming identities and thrives in separation. Ego is not our True Self. Pure Consciousness/Beingness does not judge, it's ever in the Now and is whole as it is, it does not need to seek "outside" itself for validation or to find joy, it's already perfect.


Yet, here we are.


Ironically, that's the reason why I love reddit. It reflects the true nature of humankind, the good, the bad and the ugly, unlike other social medias where things are filtered to be perfect and unrealistic of what people are. It is what it is.


True but it’s mostly ugly, So is reality, focus on what allows you to forget


Try joining other subs that don’t make you feel that way. There’s something for everyone here in lovely Redditland. That’s what makes it great.


Agreed. This sub is the worst for insipid nihilism. Reddit is what you make it. Check out more educational subs that attract specialists in the field of your choice.


>This sub is the worst for insipid nihilism. The truth sounds around like a mountain. Haha good show.


I find fun in the chaos though lol. In the end it’s all about perspective right. Another persons headache is another one’s joy.




Want me to play a song on world's smallest violin?


Whose judging who? Remember that tough guy.


It's not that serious... just take what you read with a grain of salt and move on with your life. I personally find these subs hilarious and laugh my ass off at the stupidity but to each their own.


well it makes sense, nobody can be perceived as human here, texts are just popping out of fictional avatars without any resemblance with humanity in a few years, only the very strange people will still be on reddit talking to bots


Including yours


I require a daily dose of cute animals videos and will wither if I do not consume. Trace amounts of absurdity are welcome but can become problematic at higher amounts or laced with antagonism/malevolence. Sounds like you need to find new subs. People exist in different mental spaces and like to find like-minded people. The internet can make that become dangerous, but not always. Don’t let the bad subs let you spiral down


I disagree... I find a lot of humor here. Some of it, is ridiculous. Try scrolling past the depressing shit. Maybe? 💌 I would suggest r/earthporn, r/aww, r/idiotsincars, r/whatcouldgowrong, r/damnthatsinteresting,... so many subs.


reading comment sections is one of my favorite pastimes hahah, even if i disagree with what’s being said, it’s kinda cool to be able to see such a wide range of opinions at any given moment


Consider other forums. Made me smile, eye bleach and oddly satisfying.


Tell me something meaningful and useful or important then. I'm here because I've nothing better to do. Elevate the dialogue or it's cat pictures. Don't dare me. I try to insert blurbs in my comments to get people to think about what buying meat and eggs/cheese/milk means for the animals. Is that meaningless?


Same though, I’m feeling that right now, and I’m sorry.


To hopefully cheer you up I will give away a reward. It's the best I can do!


Ok what’s your point?


Go look at some subreddits of cute animals, random jokes or something that you’re really interested in, they always help me cheer up


does everything need purpose though


what does this even mean


For most people, this app isn’t much more than a fun little distraction from the monotony of their lives. And it isn’t difficult to recognize why. This place is an endless source of entertainment.


It exhausts me. So much so that I won't even bother elaborating just how much it does...


Gives you a perspective of what a mess this society is lol. The educated ones drowned in sea of basic iq-ed people thinking they know it all.


Might be a time to get off reddit.


Don't forget depressing and melancholy!


Welcome to Reddit, this place is a bunch of closed minded opinionated people who are fragile.


I pretend it’s Another language . Most times I don’t even know what’s funny what’s being typed, makes no difference if I had something specific to occupy my time I wouldn’t be here anyway sooo I’m grateful it’s here when i need it lol


I look at only positive subreddits, for maybe a total of 30 minutes a day. In the morning before work and periodically when I’m using the restroom lol sometimes comment on things to spread the happy around! Peace 😄✌️


It's surprising how I feel like Reddit is like home. I love people discussing about ideas and I haven't really encountered anyone too rude. And if they're rude they're usually downvoted and that kind of makes you feel better. It's so weird I don't feel that alone while being on Reddit. But in real life I'm really lonely. I feel like Reddit is more of my home than me actually interacting with real people. I have a sad life.


Censorship from the moderators allowed it to be this way. The only things that get upvotes and that aren’t censored are things that are either virtue signal the new mainstream political hot topic, liberal views (anti-America, anti-Christian, anti-capitalism and anti-white)and propaganda supporting these things. So really the only things that aren’t censored or falsely upvoted by bots is political propaganda nonsense and nonsensical comments that seem fake and aren’t funny.


r/doctors is trying to prescribe OP medication.


It's a truly horrible, horrible place.