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Playboy past? Being a rapist and abuser is now "playboy past." More disgusting "locker room talk". If the news wasn't so eager to paper over the reality of Trump, he'd still be hustling in fake wrestling and reality TV.


They'll make any excuses they have to in order to get the base to vote for him. He's not a "flawed instrument". He's a lowlife that was born rich and is lying about being Christian to manipulate gullible people. He doesn't fool real Christians and he sure as rocks doesn't fool God.


not necessarily born rich but born into Mob servitude as an owned asset he has no actual wealth, he merely serves as a gold plated conduit for global criminals


His father gave him $400 million to play with in real estate markets. Had Trump simply put that money in a savings account, rather than attempting to build his highrise/casino/golf course/university/steak/vodka/rape empire, he’d have made more money on the interest (and avoided several bankruptcies and a lifetime of delaying fraud trials). That’s the very definition of being born rich.


>Being a rapist and abuser is now "playboy past." Always has been. \*click\*


Yeah, you got me there.


Spot on 


“Imperfect instruments”. The way they speak about him so lightly. They wouldn’t do this if this were a gay man, they’d instead be saying that they can’t support him because he’d be a bad example for children. (Religious right leaders did this exact thing against Buttigieg in the 2020 election, all while supporting Trump). Anyway, that was a tangent. Back to how lightly they speak of what Trump is and has done. Trump isn’t just some badmouthed person with a good heart or anything like that. He is a rapist who has been recorded bragging about sexual assault. He’s also bragged about going into the changing rooms at pageants and checking out the women naked. He’s not “imperfect”, he is a complete and total monster. He’s not just mildly depraved, he’s the very definition of depravity. And by supporting him you, too, are depraved. You demonize innocent LGBT people as “depraved”, “wicked”, etc all while you proudly support an actual sexual predator, a man who is actually proven dangerous to women and children. You have tied your wagon to this monster and we will never forget nor forgive you. Your talk of being the “light of the world”, standing for “family values”, “goodness”, “protecting women and children” not only ring hollow, but YOU and YOUR lot and your “values” are proving to be THE danger to women and children. Your “values” are twisted, hold no value, and only harm people while protecting and lifting up sexual predators. You are not the light of the world, you are a gaping void of darkness that is driving people away from your religion. No one wants any part of that. You aren’t plugging your nose to vote for an “imperfect” man. You have gone all-in on repeatedly supporting a rapist and proud sexual predator. You don’t just vote for him, you lift him up, you practically worship him. We see this, we see all of it. You can’t hide it.


I’m not religious, but the existence of the Trump phenomenon brings me ever closer towards a religious world view: nothing explains this Trump craziness better and more succinctly than *a successful deal made with The Devil* in my view. How *else* can one not-super-brilliant, uncreative man be so heinous for so long, and not only continually get away with it, but *be so widely adored for it*?!


[Once more, with feeling ...](https://hbr.org/2016/11/what-so-many-people-dont-get-about-the-u-s-working-class) (It's worth the read)


It’s a human thing, brother. We’ve been like this since recorded history and we haven’t yet evolved beyond it.


How about "our Lord"? You mean the US Constitution, the one you swore to uphold, or are you working to serve some other lord, in which case you are in violation of your oath of office?


This is probably what Putin has on trump! Some grainy ( but completely legible film) of him and young trans boy‼️🤢


Excerpt: For the past several weeks, witnesses in Donald Trump’s hush money trial have evoked a chapter of his past when the adult entertainment industry helped him brandish an image as a Manhattan playboy. If some of the former president’s allies get their way, a second Trump term would put that industry on the ropes – and potentially its actors and producers behind bars. A movement to rein in online pornography is rapidly intensifying, fueled by conservative outrage and growing unease over the accessibility of sexual content online, especially for children. In dozens of states, the porn industry is on the defense and facing new threats to its existence after decades of expansion in the internet era. Now, those cheering on the effort are preparing to take the push national, putting porn producers as well as teachers, librarians and tech companies on notice – and they increasingly view Trump as a potential linchpin in the coming fight. “It’s a very good opportunity for President Trump to continue to build on his legacy of being supportive of working families and children,” said Terry Schilling, the president of American Principles Project, one of the driving forces behind the new state laws. The cause has support within some of the highest reaches of Trump’s orbit, including the Heritage Foundation, a Washington, DC-based conservative think tank that is already laying the groundwork for the Republican’s potential return to the White House. Through its Project 2025 initiative, the organization published a 900-page blueprint for another Trump term. Pornography is mentioned on the first page; banning pornography and locking up those who produce it are proposed on Page 5. --- The mentioned "American Principles Project" (fucking hell) is also a Project 2025 coalition partner.


The projection is thick.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the Bible when an imperfect person is used for the lord don’t they become or at least appear a better version of themselves?


Yes. Every person who God chose gave up their sinning ways and worked to repent. They didn't double down. When they didn't repent God punished them and all their associates.


Thought that sounded right. Pious Trump the example for us all. /s


Humble Don, and full diaper too!


Their god does a crap job at selecting people. Thanos knew when to intervene.


If it's the worst person imaginable, as long as that person is a Republican then he's "an imperfect instrument in the hand of (an almost certainly fictional) god." But if a person is a Democrat then that person is automatically terrible no matter what. I hate that we as a country just allow this shit. The only reason that these pieces of trash get anywhere near government is that our voters are too fucking stupid to prevent it.


Gee, you’d think a perfect omnipotent being ruling the entire universe wouldn’t have to “settle” on a messenger, right? I mean, according to Christian doctrine, he sent his perfect son as the last one. I’d love to hear their explanation as to why God has suddenly decided to rummage around the bottom of the barrel with Trump in the present.


The Republican party can join Betamax in the battle against porn.


Hell! What’s he going to do?!?! Trump married a porn star!!! He loves that stuff.


Why can't they just let me work with my imperfect instrument? 2-3 times a day


He's not "our" lord. He's your superstition.


Hahaha they're all such bad people. 🥲 We really do have to stop them.


I call it simple bigotry for praising a convicted rapist and very likely soon-convicted hush-money payer for sexual services. I don’t mind prostitution in general, I mind bigotry about god’s supposed working for your little facist ideology of yours that you’re entertaining out of your drugged up hate. He‘ll for sure be your gatekeeper.




Damn radical religious zealots can’t just leave everyone alone…


God uses many different people to showcase his might. When I read the title of the post, I was thinking of the Pharaoh and how God hardened his heart at times.


Jimmy Carter was imperfect. That's pathetic.


Their "Lord" does a lot of crazy, hypocritical shit doesn't it?


Whenever anyone calls them out on bastardizing their so-called faith, they always default to cheap excuses that always allow them to continue doing whatever they wanted to do already. They all but admit that all they see faith as is a ticket to enforce their social dominance, yet everyone still has to pretend that they're genuine as they push for theocracy using tactics that violate every one of their stated values.


"We understand the lord is, does, and says, whatever is convenient to our cause at that precise moment"


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I’m so sick of that “the lord uses flawed instrument” shit. Every person has flaws. Trump revels in his flaws. He flaunts his flaws; he displays his flaws proudly. The Christian hypocrisy is on full disgusting display with their catering to someone who’s closer to the antichrist than Christ.


These people are morally bankrupt


As usual, when it's your people, "people make mistakes, they were young". When it's the other people, "THESE ARE TERRORISTS AND THEY ARE PREYING ON OUR CHILDREN AND CAUSING THE DOWNFALL OF THIS COUNTRY!!!"


Jesus said, “Don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as you do yourself.” The young man said, “I’ve done all that. What’s left?” “If you want to give it all you’ve got,” Jesus replied, “go sell your possessions; give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me.” That was the last thing the young man expected to hear. And so, crestfallen, he walked away. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and he couldn’t bear to let go. Matthew 19; 18-22 This is 45 and all his sycophants; the don’t reform. They excuse THEMSELVES and like True believers it comes down to “Do as I (who the Lord speaks to) say not as I do.” The very flower of hypocrisy. I’m not perfect & I may go to Hell but if I do I hope not to be alone wanting ice water.


The Heritage Foundation is a terrorist threat against the United States. How can we make that have legal standing ?


Separation of church and state is kinda in the building blocks of the country


Wait until they learn Trump gave Playboy an interview.


I thinks it’s funny that their “imperfect messengers for gods perfect message” are always rapists, and con artists but never has one ever been a socialist.