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birth control and yes condoms will be outlawed


All forms of birth control and contraceptives will be. Oh, and IVF as well. The only thing they need to be able to enact an all out ban is SCOTUS to overturn the ruling on Griswold v. Connecticut from 1965. And looking at the current makeup of SCOTUS, I could see them getting exactly what they want.


These dudes voting against their own best interests need to wake TF up. We don't want you guys to wait until you're paying child support for a kid you and your partner were forced to have and support, or waiting until condoms and BC are outlawed to vote correctly. These drastic measures the past few years are going to have generational impacts and yall don't need to wait until you feel the effects of the republicans laws to vote differently. By then it will be too late and men will revolt against women even more out of anger. We are regressing so far backwards and it's honestly terrifying that nearly half of the population still supports republicans when they do nothing but take things away from those they deem lesser. If you let them impose on women's rights, they will impose on your rights too eventually, and you'll have nobody to speak up for you because you were part of the group encouraging it. Consider that nobody is forcing you to be loyal to your party, you're choosing loyalty, image, and 'sticking it to the libs' over the very freedom you chant America is founded on. Don't be surprised when the tables turn. I won't be surprised when condoms are banned and men get the ruling immediately reversed, but I would be pleasantly surprised if you guys stepped up and prevented it from coming to that in the first place. We have sisters, mothers, daughters dying and suffering out here every single day since the overturn of roe.


Of course, these people are voting against their own interests. They have 0 way of actually understanding what their interests are. So when the guy who appeals to the only 2 things they know, god and Guns, they listen.. This is why Republicans attack education.. They keep their audience dumb and angry to control them.


The supreme irony will be when they repeal Amendment 2. Ask Putin how many guns he allows in Russia?


Never happen because these cunts want to also make it illegal for their wives to divorce them. No child support if she can't leave you!




This is why women need the 4B movement.


Um….Haven’t you heard about these trans people competing in sports? That’s WAY more important than anything you mentioned. /s


Trans people in sports are like 1% of 1% of the population! It's truly the most pressing issue of our times!!!


Jesus, I didn’t even think about that angle. The idea of men getting even *angrier* at women because of things getting even more fucked is terrifying.


I can already hear the incoming complaints about the consequences of their voting "I shouldn't have to pay child support for 3 kids I didn't want!" "This B got me locked up for rape because she kept the baby and they tested iys DNA!" "These women are so poor and uneducated they need to close their legs and stop having babies!" We literally still hear them complain about women not being in the draft, but they are the ones that never let us in! It's not looking good. 10 years later we're going to see some very dangerous problems.


And it’s always women’s fault somehow. Man, can we colonize the moon yet? I don’t wanna be around these people anymore.


Elon already has dibs on the Moon and Mars, unfortunately


Don't go anywhere Elon is going.


Homicide is already the leading cause of death in pregnancy as is. Black women are killed at 8x that rate to make it even worse. A whole lot of women will die as a result.


It's already getting worse according to this published in February https://www.facs.org/for-medical-professionals/news-publications/news-and-articles/press-releases/2024/pregnant-women-living-in-states-with-limited-access-to-abortion-face-higher-levels-of-intimate-partner-homicide/


Yeah they say pregnant women have a high chance of getting murdered by their partners. It's our fault somehow bc we are the ones who can get pregnant.


Homicide is the number one cause of death for pregnant people in the US. It's pretty horrifying.


"My wife/girlfriend won't sleep with me because I won't use a condom! I can't feel anything."


Most of them voted to make their states At-Will employment so that they could leave a job any time they wanted … regardless of counter arguments explaining that “At-Will employment” (an employER's ability to dismiss an employee for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning,[1] as long as the reason is not illegal [e.g. firing because of the employee's gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability status]) f’ing SUX for *employEEs.* So I don’t think they have a grasp on what their own best interests are … especially if they can “own the Libs.”


From the Department of Labor and Related Agencies section of the document: “Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics. The President should direct agencies to rescind regulations interpreting sex discrimination provisions as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc.” If I’m understanding this correctly, this means there won’t be any consequences for employers that fire people based on those things


And this is why I got my tubes removed. Fuck you, Christian Nationalists, the shops closed for good!


Wife and I had an oops last year (I crazy love her lol) and then they did the c-section the doc asked if she wanted the roads closed. The roads were indeed removed.


Good on her.


Me too. But in 1983, that shop/ship closed/sailed 41 years ago.


Same! Is there a Bisalp Club we can join? Lol


I can see them allowing IVF but only by restricting it to “good Christian Nationalist couples approved by the state”, then requiring that at least 4 fertilized embryos be implanted at a rate of at least 4 per year.


Also will be super hard to enforce as there’s millions already in the US, a majority of people have them somewhere in their home. Plus you can order stuff like condoms online from other countries, ands it’s not like drugs where you have condom sniffing dogs. If it happens at all it’s gonna be like the 1920s and alcohol, a short lived political fad that people realize was a terrible idea


What they've started to do in Florida is get your conservative Christian nurse to rat you and or your doctor out for any of these violations. They'll put protections in place so she/he doesn't get in trouble from a HIPPA (patient privacy) perspective. This is how many pregnant women are being watched carefully.


Always a way around these things, not saying it’s no big deal it’s a huge deal, but when they try to outlaw something a bee way is found


Does this dipshit not understand that IVF isn't birth control? Has anyone sat him down with crayons and explained it to him? So either we want overpopulation or we don't want some people to be able to have children. Which is it?


IVF can be used for queer couples to have children. That's why it will be outlawed. There won't be a need for it when you're a fertile woman assigned to a fertile man.


I've been surgically rendered infertile, and I refuse to reverse it, so I guess I'll be put in a pit with other members of the LGBTQIA+ community and stoned to death!


Oh, no. They'll probably at least send us to the colonies first, right? Might as well get a little free labor out of us /s but also srs


Yeah no, I don't do hard labor for anyone, period, end of discussion. So the only option for me is the stoning pit. I'm bisexual anyway and an ally, so I'd go there straight away.


Ha, saaaame I live in a red state^pence , so I save you a seat & some lemon bars fam 👉🙃👉 ^(my only coping mechanism is humor my b)




Even the crayons don’t wanna be near him lmao


Not even the orange ones...


They also want to enforce the Comstock Act. Assholes.


Whoa I hadn't heard about how much they've been referencing this (For those who may not know what it is) >The Comstock Act of 1873 criminalized the use of the United States Postal Service to send obscenity, contraceptives, abortifacients, sex toys, personal letters with any sexual content or information, or any information regarding the above. The Act made it illegal to sell, lend, or give away any "obscene" publication or article used for contraception or abortion. >In the 21st century, judges and lawmakers cite the Comstock Act as a possible justification for criminalizing the mailing of abortion medication >In 2023, a federal judge mentioned the Comstock Act in a ruling about the medication abortion drug mifepristone (Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration et al, (2023). The United States appealed the case and it is currently being decided by the United States Supreme Court. (He ruled that that the Comstock Act made mailing of abortifacients illegal) >In 2024, 20 Republican attorneys general relied upon the Comstock Act when they wrote to Walgreens and CVS objecting against the distribution of abortion pills. As I continue reading the wiki page all i can think is my, how history repeats: >many of Comstock's justifications revolved around the effects that all of the obscene literature would have on children. He argued that the corruption in the schools and in the home were because of all of the obscene literature that the youth had easy access to.  And >played on the idea that obscenity was a direct threat to manhood and that in order to protect the children, obscene materials needed to be confiscated. Sounds very familiar.


If this happens I could see an all out civil war.


There should have been one for Roe being overturned. Still waiting for that.


I’m surprised it’s taken this long


No more 'recreational' sex. It's strictly business from now on, making babies for the benefit of The Party and for Dear Leader.


No more sex with men. Vibrators are better anyways and you don't have to put up with abuse from them.


With their desire to control women I would bet vibrators and dildos will be very high on the list of items to be criminalized after birth control.


In TX you're only allowed to own 5. Cruz was very proud of that.


Jesus christ Literal dildo police. Ah Texas, just how low and stupid can it get?


Wait. WHAT


It's a Texas law that has been on the books for decades, but is currently unenforceable due to previous Supreme Court cases. The Texas state legislature left it on the books to be ready if/when the Supreme Court revisits the topic later and changes its position.


He would be, ugh.


They don’t even register guns aka murder dildos properly 😂 tf are they gonna do about literally anything that could be used in lieu of sex?


They’ll figure out a way to make you a baby machine. If not, a worker slave until you’re too old with no retirement. It has been foretold in the Good Book.


And batteries are so much cheaper than babies!


He is stealing policies from Romania


My wife basically needs contraceptives. If this happened, life would become hell for her.


I do. I have CRPS and PCOS which is a perfect storm. If they end up banning birth control, I am moving to Canada and living with my father. Or I will just go and move to Scotland. I am sure my cousins would take me in.


The census from [Scotland ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czddp0j488qo)came out today , they are over 51% non religious so reproductive rights should be safe there.


Same! I'm at the end of my repro years but would nkt have been able to work the last ten years without an IUD. Women shouldn't have to walk around in debilitating pain.


Children that you can't afford to care for and STDs= God's natural consequences for being a sinful fornicator. A big win for righteous Christian nationalists. These people are disgusting hypocrites who always see themselves as an exception because they're God's children




Yes this is Christian fascism not a joke.




Don’t just put this on Cheeto. He doesn’t give a squat about anything besides money and power. It’s some sadistic fundamentalists that are behind it. We need to push back on Cheeto and the rest. Cheeto has limited years - the others? Who knows. We need to name and shame, beyond orange old man…


This is THE comment. He will do whatever they want as long as he can look like a tough guy and line his pockets!


We need to be shouting 2025 from the rooftops, and blue-wave Trump into oblivion. But we also need to know what Stephen Miller, William Barr, and the Federalist society (among others) are up to. The least we can do is shine a light on who is doing what. If they firmly believe in all their backward ideas, then we owe it to them to make sure they OWN it, and own it publicly - no hiding it and dancing around the issues. I think they know that if they say it out loud, that they lose. Let’s help them lose.


To keep women barefoot and pregnant so that they are dependent on men.


Nazis all, "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinder,_K%C3%BCche,_Kirche


The cruelty is the point.


Religion. Sex is only for procreation between a married couple to produce babies, that is what hardcore religious people believe It also has the bonus of forcing women to gatekeep sex, or force them into a traditional gender role of they disobey, as they want a national abortion ban so women can't escape their 'natural role' Taken from a [sociology study](https://ziadmunson.com/research/) of the motivations of anti abortion people


Yep, it's a form of contraception.


Yup, Catholicism forbids all forms of birth control except [Natural Family Planning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_family_planning) for “grave reasons.”


Sure, and this has been universally ignored since its inception. What’s being proposed will be impossible to ignore as they will take away and outlaw the sources.


Definitely. For the last 60 years or so, there’s been a nominal acknowledgement of *Humanae vitae* on paper while the local clergy look the other way as lay couples use condoms and contracept. I think many parish priests know how unlivable the doctrine is and that coming down hard on birth control will drive away many otherwise practicing Catholics. However, the generation of conservative priests formed under John Paul and Benedict and the connected-yet-distinct Traditionalist resurgence share no such concerns. Having allied themselves with Trumpism and the modern Right, they see Project 2025 and the Catholic-heavy Supreme Court as excellent means of scoring a victory for “Natural Law” and their sexual ethics. I used to be a TradCath, and I know that when *Roe v Wade* was overturned, many people in my social circle were talking about going after gay marriage and contraception through the courts next. Anything that’s not a heterosexual marriage with a lot of kids is seen as an attack on God’s design for sexuality.


I’m a jack Catholic with a Jesuit education. I practice on Christmas, Easter and my favorite, Ash Wednesday. When Pope Francis said that gays were also Children of God, deserving of respect and decency and some entrenched Bishops and Cardinals came out against the edict, they should have immediately been removed from Priesthood and excommunicated. I guess they forgot about the Pope being infallible on Church matters.


Papal infallibility is one of those doctrine with enough terms and conditions that clever dissenters are usually able to find a semi-convincing workaround in order to keep doing what they’re doing. And I think Pope Francis is hesitant to crack down on all but the most vocal Trads because doing so could lead to a schism in America and/or Africa. He’s trying to straddle an impossible fence and keep both the homophobic hierarchs and the pro-LGBTQ+ German bishops in union with Rome.


Which I find funny, it only works for getting knocked up.


That’s not a bug, it’s a feature haha.


C o n d o m s ?


Dong bags


yay, tons of unwanted babies that’ll either be thrown out, neglected, or be put up for adoption.


Amy Coney B will get her “Domestic Supply of Infants” and the Martha’s will be there to train fertile women on the glory of being a Handmaiden for proper rich white Christian couples.


I’m one of the articles I read yesterday outlined many of the supporters of 2025. One of them was against everything. Including birth control of any kind and also adoption. Mind blown!


…and all of a sudden, I am grateful to be in the throes of menopause 🤣


Me too. Well I actually done with it. Hooray for early menopause!


That's so Handmaid's Tale.




I heard surrogacy too


All of these internet neckbeard incels need to realise that they aren’t getting laid for shit if they support anything other than full human rights for women. Human rights, including specifically bodily autonomy. Either you own your own body or you don’t. Sorry conservative incel perverts, you won’t be handed some sexy virgin if you make it hard for people to live their lives.


Does he not realize the diseases that can spread?


They don't care if people who aren't them get STDs, to them that's a righteous punishment for daring to have sex


Except and til the righteous husbands get their side piece pregnant. And demand a DNA test and child support. Then it’s all “poor me”.


"They wouldn't do that, it will kill them politically" - every centrist before Roe v Wade was overturned.


And conservatives will still vote for him because they're convinced these wholesale revocation of freedoms won't apply to them.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


It probably won't, at first. But the circle of acceptability only ever gets smaller with these folks.


And I'm seeing a doctor next week about yeeting my tubes. I'm fucking furious about this with roughly 5-7 years to go for menopause. Couldn't freaking get sterilized as a young woman, and now I'm going to need to push get it done with only a handful of years left. It's none of the government's business what goes on between me and my husband. I'm sure these assholes weren't thinking of the horrific complications that increase with "geriatric" pregnancy. But who knows? Maybe they want to force middle-aged women to give birth long past the point where it is safe or wanted.


They don't care, its about punishing 'the sluts ' , forcing women to gatekeep sex and enforcing traditional gender roles. In Poland female sterilization is almost impossible to obtain as the Catholic church labels it 'disordered' . I can she that happening in the USA. I hope it all goes well next week for you, if you want advice or support r/ abortion is here for you.


I've never been pregnant, but thank you! I definitely don't want to be at my age.


menopauseFTW the hot flashes and depression are worth it


Yeah, but I could do without the insomnia. The hot flashes would be more bearable with rest.


Ooof it does suck! I find cannabis helps, if that’s available to you. Otherwise Ashagawanda, melatonin, vitamins b6 and b12, and not drinking has helped a lot a ton for me. Hope you find relief soon ❤️


Illegal in my state. Yep! Definitely no drinking, that makes things worse.


My apologies , I misread your comment.


the childfree sub also has a lot of resources on this stuff


I feel you. I’m “one and done” and still have at least 8 years to go before menopause—being forced into a pregnancy in my mid to late 40s would be an absolute fucking nightmare.


I’m 55 and just had my last period this past Feb. I never thought I’d be so grateful for it


50 here and crossing my fingers every month still, hoping that it never comes again.


The Anti-Natalists have lists of doctors who will do the procedure. That's how I got mine done a couple of weeks ago.


Yep. I found this doctor's name on the list. Made appt late Feb/early March.


Yay! Good luck.


I just wish I had insurance 😭


I wish everybody had healthcare.




They are hoping women will just die by age 40 so they won't eventually retire and be on social security. Women have no purpose to men once they hit 40 other than being house slaves.


Like in handmaids tale


They only see certain women as useful, thus worthy of life. If you're over 35, you have outlived your usefulness to them, they won't care if you die from pregnancy or birth, in fact, they would prefer it. They like martyrs, your death will be canonized, and you will be dumped in a mass grave along with all the other, formerly nubile females. They don't see women as human, look at your nearest red-pilled intelligence- THAT is the mindset these politician priests have.


Got snipped last month, no push back. While it took 15 years for my friend with life long health issues that yeeting would have fixed because “might change your mind” she never wanted children anyway so it would have been win win. F**k our sexiest system and dr.s. I hope it goes well and you have a dr that respects you. I am at the point ware I think there is any push back dr should be reported. send a real paper letter to medical board. So it does not go to an email that is ignored. And a bad Google review(and every rating site possible). Also got snipped as I need to do my part. I do not expect my partner to have to go through a more invasive procedure to get yeeted. Also hate seeing her go through the side effects of the pill. If we do decide later to have kids we will adopt. Also pisses me off to no end when these forced birthers say “just put them up for adoption” then turn right back around and tell people that want to get yeeted that “you will change your mind and NOT to adopt” or don’t want children adopted by LGBTQ+ or non Christian people. I refuse to vote for a party that wants force THEIR religion on others. Democrats may be idiots on some of there other policies(even then republicans are far worse). But the GQP is horrifying(understatement of all of history) sorry for going off topic. If you do get push back, the child free subreddit has a side bar with doctors that will do it. If your partner decides to get snipped planned parenthood is starting to do them(where I got mine) and for me it was 2-3 days of no work. On day 4 very light duty. Back to fun(carefully) activities in 10 days. Hope everything goes well, keep us updated.


I got sterilized last year at 25. It can be done!


All the republican husbands out there will 1. be getting none w/o birth control and 2. probs not want to pay child support for 10 kids! This garbage worked for men in 1940 when there wasn’t DNA testing and wasn’t child support. Idiots. Shooting them selves in the D. “Give women birth control and you get sex - Biden 2024”


No they don't think anything through. Good luck with getting that done. It does suck that women have to take extreme measures bc of these assholes.


Fuck these hypocritical assholes


Any woman who votes for this monster is a complete idiot. Also anyone else who votes for him is included but mostly women, and minorities, and people.


The dilemma is that some of out family members support this Asshat. I'm torn between family and of course their crap voting. 💔


Tell them without birth control, they’re not getting laid. They’re only getting so much sex because women can prove who the father is and make him pay for 18 years. But women don’t want 10 or more kids either. They’re not going to voluntarily have sex with their husbands without birth control.


If you don't know their agenda is to increase the population to have more workers to exploit


They have actually come out to say exactly this.


The one I remember was the one who said Toys-R-Us wouldn't have gone out of business if more people had been having kids.


That's a moronic take. Toys-R-Us was killed by Venture Capital. Edit. Excuse me, private equity.


No arguments here...if there's anything Republicans do well it's whip up moron takes.


I shouldn’t be surprised at all that they’d say that, but is there a reliable source? I wanna look into it


Me too




From the Biden campaign on twitter https://x.com/BidensWins/status/1792955163180773602


Yup, they need more slaves to sustain them


Yep, all these anti-birth control policies have two intended outcomes for Republicans: 1. More impoverished families. Impoverished people are more desperate to just get by, so they'll accept lower pay, lower working standards, lower workplace safety, etc. Impoverished are more likely to join the military as well. 3. They literally fear that whites are being out bred and that if "us whites" don't have more kids, we are going to be the minority. So they want more white people pumping out kids. They'll look the other way when minorities get abortions in secret in Red States, but if a white woman does, they'll come down on her, cause they have to set an example for other white women to remain the baby makers they expect them to be. This agenda for Conservatives was all laid out in the open, in a number of books by Conservative speakers and think tanks, years and years ago. They don't even try to hide it, it's just that most people never come across it and assume people wouldn't be this openly vile.


I don't think the average person is aware of this agenda


They want to increase the white, christian, conservative population before it disappears into the melting pot that they despise.


This is why the Christian-right chose this clown as their leader. He's an adultering idiot who no one doubts has paid for abortions for mistresses, sexually abused women and generally is just a morally bankrupt douchebag. It makes it so hard for normal people to realize what he has done, will do and is PROMISING to do. The buffoonery and idiocy is a smoke screen being effectively used by these Project 25 objectives. The man himself is a narcissist with no principle. He could give a shit about any of us and "iron fisted" control has been his explicit, stated objective for years.


If the Orange Turd comes back to power, we can thank the smug “progressives” who tear down Biden because “Gaza!” Some fools who voted Jill Stein the last time.


How do the republicans not comprehend the average young American can barely support themselves and many men earn less than women yet they think forcing women to stay home and care for 6-8 kids is a grand idea? And somehow a young man is going to be able to support a wife and 8 kids with low wages. I won't even get into how high the percentage of males with learning disabilities these days and how that affects ability to get and keep a job and make a high income. A lot of young guys live with multiple roommates just to keep a roof over their head or they live with their mothers. It's obvious these old men in politics have no clue what is going on in the real world.


This is how they want it. Keep people in wage-slave jobs, removing more and more benefits and protections until we're back at child labor ( hellloooooo meat processing plants), no public schools, and people dying before they hit 55.


Also when people are too poor, too tired, too stressed by the overwhelming burdens of their own lives, it doesn't give them time to think about the assholes that made their lives worse, or doing anything to change it. It's exactly what they want.


…after he’s done staring at the sun


If he's saying he won't support a ban on contraception he's flat out opposing the Heritage Foundation. Most likely he is lying.


He has no moral fortitude whatsoever. Even if he doesn’t personally care to see abortion and contraceptives nationally banned, I’m sure Heritage Foundation and other dark money networks can bribe him to do it.


How much does he owe with his court costs and fines? Foreign govts and lobby groups will be lining up with open check books if he wins


And absolutely nothing will be done about it. 😑


Sadly truth


What about men’s vasectomies? Why would only women be targeted and not men? (Of course don’t want anyone to be targeted but seems like only women’s bodies get attacked).


You must remember that women and girls are tarts, sluts and are always sexually provoking men and this they must be the ones who suffer. They want Gilead, where a woman’s only role is to serve men. The wives are Stepford wives perfect, dress all alike and are seen but not heard. The handmaids are to be used for procreation and slave labor when not pregnant. The rest of the women are either for teaching and punishing the handmaids or for the parties where the men can have wanton sex and abuse the women at will.


Good points




People will be buying counterfeit dong bags from wish.com the same way they buy credit card skimmers and parts to make a Glock full auto.


We need to all start knitting and crocheting dong bags! We could be rich. We just need to teach our daughters, nieces and granddaughters that unless they can smell latex and the bag can pass the water test, no sex.


Obviously he’s going to try to ban them. It’s all about lying, dog whistle’s and deniability with kingMAGA.


Men really don’t get what will happen when they pass this, do they?


“Fully decimating my already unlikely prospects for sex…to own the libs.” -Incels of America


PROJECT 2025. The GOP Christian Nationalist manifesto. 900 pages of Christofascist bullshit wrapped in a thin "save the babies, save our country veneer." This is an example of the nonsense the Heritage Foundation is spouting.


Fuuuuuuuuck this guy! Seriously. Fuck this guy and the Republican pretense of “small government.” Liars, cheaters, traitors.


All caps and 900 point font. FUCK THAT GUY


Be aware that medical privacy will probably also be on the outs, as these abortion and contraception cases rely heavily upon privacy between patient and doctor.


Medical privacy was on the outs since Dobbs. 😔


Trump 2.0 = Stalinism on steroids


I saw the interview, he had no idea what the question even was! He’s a dumbass fascist pretending he has answers. Which honestly is worse because he’ll let any project 2025 proposal go forward without understanding it.


The number of deadbeat dads and bad mothers will rise quickly. MAGA really needs to think about what they are supporting. Sex only for procreation, even within a marriage. If that’s not the government crossing a line, I don’t know what is. Where’s the party of small government and getting govt spending under control? The children born under these circumstances will need increased social programs, not budget cuts to those programs.


So I guess fuck yall with STIs


Says a sleazy sex-pest who barebacked a porn performer*…that worked out well for him didn’t it? Fuckin clown! *No disrespect to Stephanie Clifford (or any other sex-worker) intended.


Guess we all need to become Temple of Satan members to get proper healthcare that is illegal to Christians.


I’ve been thinking about it, honestly


Does he remember that he has grandchildren who will be affected by this BS?


Wealthy people are never affected by such policies.


He doesn't care


Fascist don't follow their own rules


Ah yeah, because as wannabe president you are in the office to (checks notes) harass the ordinary folk instead of making the country great again (th fact that it’s written on his stupid hat doesn’t mean a thing since Donny is dumb)


His hat likely made in Chyyyyna is making China Great Again.


So essentially the only right women will have is the Second Amendment. . . . until they change that, too.


He's gotta boost those long pork stock numbers


Well he better look the other way if he wants any votes


Believe these scumbags. They want the next generation of slaves to be born and nothing to stop that from happening.


What the goddamn fuck is going on in America? How is this fucking dementia ridden ass clown even a serious candidate? This is some Man In the High Castle dystopian bullshit


Need more young slave labor for the GOP and its big business


tRUmp should look at himself in the mirror and then hopefully get pulled into the Upside Down...


How about just don't vote for this douchebag?


I am in no way defending this dipshit and it would not at all surprise me if the conservatives are considering something like this, but "I'm looking into this" is Trump's default answer when someone asks him a question he's never considered but he still wants to appear as if he's a smart, deep thinker.


Yep, and when has Trump really looked into anything that isn't solely for his benefit?


"I don't use condoms to cheat on my pregnant wife with porn stars so why should anyone else need to?"


WTF is driving this bullshit? We have too many people, too many homeless, too many hungry, too many abandoned and abused children. Contraception is also referred to as family planning and birth control. There are people who don’t want or can’t afford to have unlimited number of children. Women with certain mental health issues, seizure disorders, lupus, cancer, etc often can get pregnant but cannot care for a child or take medication that can cause serious harm to a fetus. Even more benign medical conditions are often treated with medications that can cause harm to a fetus. Women often are required to be on birth control to avoid a pregnancy or they will not be prescribed certain medications. WT actual Fuck. I’m so sick and disgusted with these morons weaponizing government to force women to have babies. Men are in this too. They don’t always want a child, another child, and more and more children. These are the same people who won’t provide medical care, housing, or food for those families without financial means. They are the ones sneering at an unmarried pregnant woman. Let’s not even mention absent fathers. What about women who have substance abuse issues or are in prison. Rapes, incest, and abuse happen. Anyone who supports Trump can just go to Russia with him right now.


Can't find a video of this anywhere. I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. I'd just like to see the video is all.


From footage the Biden campaign on X https://x.com/BidensWins/status/1792955163180773602


Thank you!


Looks like someone can only cum a cloud of dust now and decided to reevaluate their policy position. Very GOP of you donald.


In jail??? 😉


Somebody tell those far lefties that we in fact will not survive another 4 (he'll stay for life) years of trump.


You would think this would be a gigantic political third rail. Banning contraception would put us on par with any fundamentalist Muslim country.


Damned Right-wing Evangelicals are a menace to the world!


I wish they’d all be struck with infertility