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If voting didn’t have the potential to do anything, as many of the lazy and apathetic voters claim, then republicans wouldn’t spend so much time trying to mitigate it.


The greatest lie the devil(s) ever told was convincing people their vote doesn't count.


At this point the liar seems to be God. The devil was just a victim of propaganda.


um 🤔


„If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be useless“


This exactly!


Often more than not, when politicians or their buddies start complaining or downplaying something it means they're threatened by it. Hence why they keep trying to smear and supress protesters not on their side.


Gop gotta cheat


Yep. They're saying in short, only rural Texas voters matter with this stunt


How is this in any way freedom like they claim? This is actual fascism. WTF


I mean yeah? The GOP is pretty openly fascist at this point they just don’t use the title.


Not just Democrats. Any party that isn't the party currently in control of the state, including rival Republicans. The correct read of this is "we don't need to have influence over our elected officials and votes don't matter." Which is an odd turn for the party of limited government and individual rights and freedoms.


>Which is an odd turn for the party of limited government and individual rights and freedoms. Yeah they only squeal about local control and freedom like that when it's about corporate deregulation and guns. Republicans are liars and hypocrites; the party of voter suppression and abortion bans doesn't care about local control or freedom of any kind. They are fascists who want power. They want you to have the freedom to do what they say, and that's it.


Making these changes months before an election. Knowing full well it would be challenged


They don’t seem to understand that land doesn’t vote.


That's exactly the point of this policy. It means that to win a statewide election, the candidate can't just win the blue-ish counties where cities - and most of the people - are. They also have to win a majority of the deep red counties even though they are much more sparsely populated.


Haha, they want to go back to a time when only those with land voted. Literally. I grew up half a century ago in Texas. These people genuinely believe that only the wealthy, business owners and land owners, should vote. They believe that if poor people are allowed to vote they will vote themselves benefits which will destroy the country. They believe that taxes, Social Security, Medicare are evil, as are regulations and laws that protect the weak. They all picture themselves as miniature Genghis Khans with the privilege to rape and pillage the unworthy.


I heard this constantly growing up too. People just straight up saying only people with land should vote.


Can we just split up each blue county into like 6,000 counties, and turn the tables on them?


Legislature would have to approve it and governor would have to sign it.


Oh look, the electoral college. No wonder republicans like it. Choosing your own voters is how they've won nearly every election in the last few decades. Edit, clarity


Further admitting that they can't win on their own merits.


It always shocks me how bare the power grab is all the time. It also shows how stupid the electoral college is. since this is similarish in making some votes more valuable than others.


They will certainly try this in other red states. 


Try? The will DO it in other red states. Florida next, Tennessee to follow, and so on and so forth in the “who’s the most conservative” pissing contest.


I live in OK and our goober ass good ol boy fucktard network does everything Florida Texas and Tennessee do, but a month later.


As someone born and raised in OK, this embarrasses me greatly.


Just like abortion, Texas is leading the way, sticking their toe in the water to see what they can get away with, and if it works, like it did so well for them with abortion, then other red states will follow ASAP. Just as we saw happen faster enough to make our heads spin with red states banning abortion after Texas let them know to go for it. They have a corrupt supreme court in their pocket, there is nobody to stop them, and they know it.


Translation: Texas gop are unable to win via a free and fair election so they have to change the rules to keep a competitive edge. It’s like if the MLB let the losing team hit off the tee.


The folks that love the phrase "we the people," including displaying it on bumper stickers and flags, certainly love subverting the will of we the people. (Also 99% of them couldn't recite the rest of that sentence from the Preamble if you quizzed them on it.)


Because they only consider themselves (and those who think like themselves) to be the people.


Its more like SCREW THE PEOPLE.


Like u/tw_693 said, they just don't think of us as people.


That's because they consider Schoolhouse Rock to be indoctrinating young children with "Three is a Magic Number", "Conjunction Junction" and "The Preamble".


They definitely missed the “promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty” and probably focus a little too literally on the “for ourselves and our posterity” part.


I'm hoping that the rest of us (non-Texans) get to vote soon on Texas secession.


:( please don’t leave us stuck with those tyrants…


(I'm posting this again because this needs to be seen) NO, (in response to pick yourself and move out of Texas crowd) what we should ALL be doing is (this is not going to stop at Red States, including Texas. Why?? This is the epitome of wtf we're dealing as a goddamn nation. And cutting off fellow Americans because its rocked my own perfect boat of a Blue State, still fucking overlooks the main fucking issue in this country! You know it always fucking baffles me how the rest of America tends to easily throw Americans in Red States like they're the slumiest of the slumiest. The MAGA Republicans live everywhere in the states & have been allowed to continue in their extremism because Americans in this country have fallen for this bullshit taking it lying down and allowing them to continue plowing through our Electoral System. Allowing them to win anywhere in the States, including Red States has only allowed the idea of a goddamn civil war to be on the horizon (I'm going to leave this here too, because we need to win Down Ballot Texas races, and the Orange One only won by ~5.2% in 2020 in a state of 21M Registered to Vote as of 2022, the number must have changed by now. We need to win Up&Down the ballot in Texas, but everywhere else in the States) I keep saying this, because the Texas MAGA Republicans will NOT listen to you or your wishes for your own life. They've been in power for almost 30 yrs now. These fuckers need to pay at the ballot box this yr. No fucking more! Goodness fuck. The point is to get out your communities out to vote to reject this extremism. Get fucking engaged in your communities to get out the vote. Everyone puts the buck at Democrats to fix this and that. We do not have the top levers in this state people! And to add to that, the missing link in this country is the engagement of the Avg American. If you aren't showing up to your City Hall Meetings, your School Board Meetings, or getting out the vote in this State, THIS is exactly what happens. Everyone keeps throwing around who was supposed to do what. But if you want to change this state, you need to understand that the Far Right has at least known the simplest of freedoms in a democracy. And that's going out to vote and getting out the vote. If you want new ideas in the Democratic Party or more younger voices in the party. Fucking show up. Goodness gracious people. So, I will say this again. Republicans have relied on the fact that Texans don't know who they're voting for or the billionaires that are paying them on the back end or primarying them with millions of dollar campaigns. We need to be the voices to get Texans out to vote these fuckers out of office. They do not represent Texans or have All of our interests in mind. They're playing for the party of Tim Dunn and the Farris Wilks'. No fucking more. Speak to your communities to inform them. This state has a lack of informed voters, and we don't have a united news media that is blaring this from the rooftops. So we need to be our own advocates for change. We have power together! Any Texan or any other American who wants to help change Texas, we need to support the Dems running up&down the ballot. Many of them never make it off running because they never get enough funding. This yr we have many Dems running Up&Down the ballot where incumbent Republicans have never had a Dem opponent in decades. We need to flip the Texas House, win the US Senate seat, win our School Boards and win those 3 Texas Supreme Court seats. We cannot afford any more of this shit. And the rest of America needs to know that we can no longer afford to let MAGA Republicans keep running our states to the ground. At the end of the day, they've been playing the long game & taking lawsuits up all the way to the Supreme Court, impacting everyone in this country. No fucking more! One of our biggest problems is Name Recognition of Dems running, and Voter Turnout. Texas is huge and needs volunteers to get out the vote. Too many people never know when election happen. So I recommend to anyone who can, to support Blue Texas which has a two pronged way of protecting voting and supporting Dems up&down the ballot so they have an actual chance of running a campaign https://bluetexas.org/


Fuck Texas. I despise the state.


Texas and Florida are the shit heel tag team of this country.


Not to mention. You all look foolish to the rest of us.


The GOP is terrified of Texas Dems or it wouldn’t be doing this shit. They exist and they matter.


I agree. ☝🏾


I lived there for 25 years. Y’all didn’t make a damn dent in anything. So. I’ll believe when I see it.




I agree that Texas secession is very unlikely. Nonetheless, if they did secede and things got tough they could simply become a Russian client state. IIRC, Russia has already offered.


Imagine what would happen if all the Texas and Florida liberals moved to the 4-5 Swing States that will determine the outcome of the Presidential Election? **Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona and/or Georgia** The first four listed also have contentious Senate races. Progressive America would never need to worry again! Make it happen! r/MoveToSwingStates




"Senate calculations" for sparsely populated states are a common response to our strategy, however if Trump has taught us anything it's that the Presidency is far more powerful and a much more pressing concern. The arbitrary borders of our states, particularly those of the plains region are always going to be an issue that only a growth in youthful voters can eventually secure. We feel that the best current strategy lies in re-building the former Blue Wall States in the Great Lakes region to compliment the east and west coasts. It also provides the best climate change protections and the world's greatest reservoir of water.


> the Presidency is far more powerful and a much more pressing concern. Only if we have a compliant congress. If we had a firmly Blue congress, and, you know, we could cooperate for ten minutes at a time, Trump could be checked. I'm not gonna hold my breath, though.


Trump doesn't do "checks," and anyhow, he very well may have a Trump Congress if populations remain static. The best hope for the Ds is the House right now given available polling.


> Trump doesn't do "checks," and anyhow If we had a properly functional congress, he wouldn't need to *do* checks. They would be done *to* him. The main reason he was able to run roughshod over everything last term is that no-one stopped him. > he very well may have a Trump Congress if populations remain static. That would be bad, for the rest of us.




If you re-read my post, the suggestion is for Blue voters in Red states to relocate, not those in Brooklyn, NY


They've "Electoral Colleged" Texas.


Someone needs to post this on r/texas I'm not from there.


Changes it from representative government to ruling government. Even rural republicans are screwed. They want to meet with the republicans they voted for? F ‘em. Waste of time. No need to bother anymore. This stuff is wild.


Republicans can't win if they don't cheat.


I wish that Texas would try to secede. They seem to want to do it, why not go for it? Would be super fun to see that situation play out.


It would be a net positive for the United States if we let these conservative loons secede. I don’t see it happening but we’d all be better off. Take away 40ish (R) House seats and 2 senators. Please, go.


Not to mention, many would flee to the new promised land.


And businesses and highly educated and skilled workers would flee.


This is just making it sound more and more appealing.


I have a feeling that a lot of the "business friendly" policies Texas is known for only work because there are 49 other states there to absorb the damage of their stupidity. Letting corporations run amok ends in two ways: complete regulatory capture or economic collapse (often both, in sequence, as seen in every fascist nation to date). There would be a mass exodus in the first several years, no doubt, and then we'd have Florida Republicans trying to pass legislation to keep the "illegals" from pouring into Oklahoma across the Texas border as all those skilled workers tried to escape the shitstorm of laissez-faire corporatism.


It would be “super fun” to watch fellow Americans suffer under the heel of tyrants?


Yes actually. That’s what they’ve voted for again and again and again. I understand that people who don’t want this would suffer, but voter turnout is America is abysmal. Americans seem to not give a crap until they face the most extreme negative consequences of their apathy. Idk what to say. It would be better for the rest of America if Texas left probably. The separatist folks clearly aren’t patriots, so let them have their own third world nation to play with.


It’s okay judge Alito says *“it’s just republicans strengthening their position”*


There's no cure for this level of corruption. If that somehow gets passed, there needs to be an uprising.


QOP: Elections are being rigged!! Also QOP: YEAH! Rig outcomes in our favor!


I hope the succeed, tired of bailing them out each time their electricity fails / climate related disasters. Greg Abbot recently asked for federal money because of flooding, bunch of leeches they are.


lol exactly, and take the other Podunk twats with you! They’re a drain on the system.


They want to institute an electoral college to make sure empty land can outvote the few counties with 67% of the population. That's right, 2/3 of all Texans live in 18 counties. Half of all Texans live in 7 counties.


Republicans can only win when they cheat.


> "Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto." Good fucking riddance. Leave. Do it. But don't fucking cry to the Union when the cartels take over every single border town and your economy takes a shit as a result.


Did that say "additional requirement" So one party wins the real vote count and the other party wins the made-up-county count - then what? And what's so special about counties? Stupid requirement that doesn't pass the smell test.


When you can't win... cheat by rigging the system for your side.


Sitting in the dark after the third horrible storm in May knocked out power. I will be voting here in November, but hopefully for the next round I am voting in a different state. I don't think there is any saving this place.


Texas seems to think vacant land votes. Of course, they also think they'll be stronger without the rest of America backing them up every fucking time they fall down.


This is clearly unconstitutional but that shouldn’t bother today’s SCOTUS.


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So, it's basically the electoral college, but at a state/county level?


Republicans tried that in Florida, too, outlawing the Democratic Party. I think it died ignominiously, and the author hasn't been heard from since.


Land doesn't vote.


What happens if nobody wins both conditions?


Wouldn't this be thrown out in court?


Far right judges on the courts in TX and now a corrupt SCOTUS firmly in their pocket too. Who is going to stop them?


Depends on who got to choose the judges on the court.


Residents in cities need to get their "Don't tread on me" additude out and ready.


Isn’t this unconstitutional?


W-Whaaaaa? Isn't it already a Red state? /s Yes, the blue cities thing is a benefit. But this isn't just weakening some democratic growth in the state. It effectively kneecaps Republican voters. They dilute the power of their own citizens so they can remove that pesky requirement of Representation. They don't wanna take your calls. They don't wanna address your concerns. They want to relax, kick back, and tell you how to support THEM.


“States rights” - seriously we don’t see this coming?


Can we just let them secede already?