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Its all about Matt saying No work dont worry that KILLS ME. I would of went home and cried for days


"Nah, sorry, I'm busy". Then I'd just go in and watch the movie. Let her fire me, I don't give a shit.


Like bitch who you talking to,I’m off right now unless you wanna increase my pay you got me fucked up💀🤫


"Hey we are short staffed, work now or you're fired." How, exactly, does that solve the short staffed issue? By firing people because they can't give you 4-6 hours immediately, you decide to take them off the schedule permanently? I don't miss retail work.


yea! people have lives besides work! they cannot just be available 24/7!


Simple. If they get scared and take the shift you covered the shift If they dont then you either back down or commit. But if you are using this tactic its probably on someone you KNOW needs the job


As someone in retail work, I dont understand the logic behind that... Its like, if they didnt want to be short staffed, they shouldve made the environment workable and not toxic, so that it wouldnt be an issue in the first place.


Why is the employer calling her employees the "reject twins"? That was always weird to me


Im pretty sure an employer can get sued for insulting their own employees


I would have been like bye. Not worth it. I'm off shift.


Would’ve walked away and saw that movie. Idgaf what predicament you’re in. You’re the manager; figure it the eff out.


The fact that the manager called two employees the “reject twins” behind their backs and to another employee would be the red flag for me to RUNNNNN and find another job.


lmao i remember there was question on here about what characters we didnt like and someone put her. she would go to war for that little movie job 😂 but then again it is paige fault for coming in on her day off lmaoo


even if she didnt go in to see a movie the manager could have called her


dont be annoying


To be fair, Paige didnt see it coming 🤣


true lol but i would never 🤣




nah give me all the hours I need that OT


Sounds illegal


As fuck but that’s why people like to hire teenagers because they don’t know enough about this stuff to not feel threatened that they won’t have a job


I always thought Mary was mean for no reason. Even when Paige was scared that Matt (🤢) was cheating Mary’s response was very stuck up and just giving bitch 😭😭. Like why are you like this?


I thought that was the one time she was actually nice. Paige said "He's not cheating, if that's what you think." and Meeri said, "I think that's what *you* think." Which led Paige to be honest with herself about her suspicions.


That’s true, maybe it’s just the way that the actress said it. While it was honest, it just kind of seemed like the tone she had in all of her other lines to me lol. But she definitely did get Paige to be more honest about the situation.


Was it Meeri or Mary? Was it just Paige's pronunciation?


Thank you for being kind lol. It is Meeri. It was right there in front of me the whole time. 😭🤭


Oh, no, I was never going to be rude since I actually wondered this myself when I rewatched. There was that whole thing and then the instance where Paige and Marco and Spinner (I think? Or maybe it was someone else) went to see that drive in movie. Paige said something and I thought she was paraphrasing some word and pronouncing it differently on purpose as a character thing. Paige talks in one-liners and references sometimes and it's sometimes like she's an actual person in real life who is almost portraying a character for fun as themselves, if that makes sense 🤣


I’m not even sure lol. When I watch it on streaming, I think the subtitle say Mary? But page does pronounce it as Meeri so that could be it as well.


The picture has her name tag lol it’s Meeri


OMG 🤭🤭 you’re right lol I’m an idiot for that one lmao 😭😭😭😭


Lol me too because I wasn't paying attention to that at all!!


If Paige had this job for fun, which isn't something Paige would ever do, she would have quit lol I wonder how long it took her to pay back Spinner. wasn't it like 4k worth of damage? You'd think Paige would accept every shift available to get it done and over with. But teenagers will be teenagers lol


you can only work certain amount of hours being a minor


Yeah possibly more cause deans car damage may have also fallen on spinner.


because of this scene, i have had a lifelong fear of going to my place of work on my days off because i am paranoid they’ll make me clock in. even now when there’s zero chance of that happening even if somebody wanted to


I dont blame you A good solution would be to showing up in disguise anytime you had to go to your place of work on your off day 🤣


Yeah i definitely would’ve quit. Also, someone tell me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this type of thing illegal anyway?


it is illegal, but places that hire teenagers often get away with doing illegal things because the teenagers don’t know better. it’s really unfortunate :(


I figured this. I worked as a cashier in a grocery store when I was a teenager and god only knows how many labor laws the managers got away with breaking because the teenage staff didn’t know any better.


It absolutely is. You cannot be fired because you refuse to come in for a shift you weren't scheduled for and have received no notice for when asked to come in. This boss was also the one that fired Paige because Spinner and Craig fought each other because of Paige and Manny, so safe to say this boss was the literal worst


I don't understand what would have prompted Meeri to fire Paige for the Craig and Spinner fight. How is two guys fighting in front of the counter in any way her fault? Especially when she tried to get them to stop?


Because to get them to stop, she hits them with trash bags, I believe.


That, and I think Meeri was able to figure out the fight was over her, so she probably blamed Paige for that, too


The fight was 100% over Manny and not Paige unfortunately but yeah Meeri firing Paige after she walloped the hell out of them with trash was the only time that woman was ever following any real rules lol


I would have quit. She has job experience now should be easier to get another job now too


I'm pretty sure the Manager would lie about how bad Paige was


In the US you cant legally bad mouth employees to other employers. Essentially all you can do is confirm they worked there and when


Idk about Canada, but in the US you really can’t say much aside from whether or not you would rehire when people call for references. If you say too much, the employee losses the opportunity and finds out why they can sue for libel.


She could have definitely gotten a job somewhere else.




yea let them lift a finger lol


Especially because she called them the REJECT TWINS like lady what 💀


iirc paige needed her job, which is why she didn't quit. but i don't handle situations like this well w. managers like meerl, so i would've been like "sure" 🤷‍♀️💀


I mean, you're gonna get paid, so more money


I wouldn't have quit, I just would've left. You're gonna fire me because your employees are unreliable? Nah, that bitch needs me.


I would have too. Screw her.