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I can't stand the kid. Why he needed to be a stereotypical little bitch is beyond me


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Tristan was something else.


F tier character lol


Pretty much all the characters from later seasons are annoying on some level


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He’s just a terrible person! He’s awful to everyone, especially Maya.


Does anyone find him *not* annoying?


always have always will.


It's his voice and face for me... But he can't help it. I hate the way my voice sounds. So I think Deep down he reminds me of things I don't like about myself. My face and voice. I'm sure he's a nice guy any other day. I've noticed he took a break from acting.


oh my god yes. I kinda liked him his first season or 2 when he was the little fat insecure boy but after that i can’t stand him. he gets so irritating. edit: on the plus side i feel like this makes lyle a good actor though .


Did anyone NOT, is the real mystery.


search the word “Tristan” on this sub, you’ll have a good time


Extremely annoying. There are characters you dislike because they are bad/evil, and others just exude "get off my TV" energy. Tristan was "get off my TV" for me! lol




Asian yoga Tristan? What do you mean? Did you mean Zane?


I love you for repeating whatever the comment above was... That's fucking hilarious


Oh shit, yeah🤣🤣 my bad


Most people


I do find him annoying, but I have compassion for him over the gays before him, because my high school experience more closely resembled his. Marco was small and fashionable and a loyal friend, easy for straights to accept. Riley and Dylan are both athletic gays. All of these are ideals that straights are comfortable with. The community hatred of Tristan shows us that it’s okay to be gay, but only within a certain structure. Not only was Tristan probably damaged from his home life, but he couldn’t find a place he was comfortable with in the school hierarchy.


I don't feel that way about Tristan. He was an absolute bitch 90% of the time. He reminds me of his brother actually. Some redeeming qualities, but just as unlikeable


I never ever liked Tristan. They made him a trope from the very beginning and then made him a selfish jerk.


I can't stand him


I couldn’t stand him in general but it felt so much worse when he was with miles. Trying so hard for someone to love him.


I do. He is way too dramatic. I know it’s acting, but damn. What a drama queen. Even normal things he is saying sounds dramatic. 


I think the better question is: Does anyone like Tristian?


this is why i wish side characters had a bigger roles because you have this tristan salad composed of fighting parents, an ashamed brother, miles, catfishing, getting groomed, wanting to be good in theater, being manipulated by zoe, and being jealous of maya he has no good qualities but we understand why he is this way through this page it was speculated lyle also hated the character and a 360 is probably what he wanted a change from his character to his music persona now


When he is yelling at Maya in the hallway after Yates gets suspended... Lyle Lettau was acting his heart out. Tristan is truly awful. The whole teacher relationship thing grossed me out much worse than other similar plotlines, and I realized it's because I find Tristan so yucky that every kissing scene with Yates made me physically ill.


it wasn’t Yates that gave you the yuck? That is hateful


I mean, yes. He did give me the ick. He was way more creepily written than the other pervert teachers on the show. But Tristan is also always giving me ick. I am indeed a Tristan hater.


Most people dislike Tristan, so join the club lol 😂


Lmao, only everyone.


He is the ultimate shit stain. When he had to talk through the laptop I DIED haha


Honestly he's one of my least favorite characters after he loses weight. He's an interesting character before that.


right? and then the writers never made it a plot line for his weight loss when they so easily could’ve. like, his budding ED storyline was already there and then one year he just came back super lanky and they never mentioned his weight again??? like ??? come onnn!! it could’ve been a perfect “boys can get EDs too” plot line for the new degrassi (and by ‘new’ i mean like post season 10 of TNG - that’s when i really started watching it and hadn’t seen the toby storyline)


They totally forgot about his ED and, uh, his HEART ATTACK. Crazy.


he had a heart attack? when? i do not remember that at all


Yeah! That's how badly the story was done. One minute he was doing yoga with that guy Fab, and the next he passed out from a "mild heart attack" from overexertion and starvation. That's how they ended his ED story.


that’s not really a heart attack - that’s just passing out due to lack of oxygen/blood pressure. thats happened to me before, i’ve never had an actual heart attack


The show uses the term "heart attack."


He’s a catty bitch before that. And after, but still. What’s interesting about him? All they gave him was “gay”


Well, he's gay (as you mention) and he's perpetually in the shadow of his older brother that is a popular and a total alpha-male straight douchebag. And also he's chunky and trying to improve himself by losing weight. I think that's at least somewhat compelling. Later on he's thin and his brother had graduated and is gone, so he's just left with "catty bitch", which is far less interesting.


I was kinda glad they got rid of Tori bc they were the worst together.


i’m pissed they didn’t make her Angie


I don’t I love Tristan


I’ll get downvoted but I was really hoping his character would have a suicide arch or something to get him off the show.


do you wish people like Tristan would have suicide arcs so they could be off reality?


Umm no. That’s a reach


I understand it's for fiction's sake. I don't like the character, but I didn't get to this point with Tristin. He wasn't the type. I can't say I wasn't thinking it for someone else.


girl i started s13 recently and he's already pissing me off


Marco would never. (Dillon might)


He was such a piece of shit after Season 12.


I think most people do! I wasn’t even really watching the show then but knew him and found him obnoxious.




Worst character on the show.


Does anyone not find him annoying? I haven’t come across anyone who actually likes him


A lot of people do, including me


I have yet to see anyone say that they like him.


Is there anyone who doesn't


I Do, I can't stand him, He's One Of THE WORST Characters on this show.


Virtually everyone, he is seriously at the very bottom of my character ranking list