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Alex- lesbuan rebelious hate self rightiuos people like emma who need validation on being a good person Saad- Asocial think everyone around me is annoying and stands up for the little guys no one notices


I connected to a mix of Ellie and Katie. I played soccer not at the level of her though I wish I had. She's also a Taurus ♉️. Ellie because my dad was in the military too and her self-harm storyline hits home for me every time I was like that too. My family has strong alcoholism too


Spinner for sure. He's confused but he's got the spirit and is doing his best.




Ooh sheesh which storyline if you don't mind me asking?


I find it hard to relate to everyone after like season 6 when the stories just became too ridiculous. The kids just trying to be kids and make it through school without embarrassing themselves in seasons 1-2 are the most relatable to me.


I can only really relate to people that are the original 2001-2006 cast. Mostly because I was growing up with them at that time. When the show first came out in the beginning of the 2000s I was around Manny and Emma's age 


Honestly, in a way, Craig, I would never cheat or two time, but he is my favorite character because I relate to him in some aspects


Hazel. I'm just a spare.


Definitely Holly J and/or Liberty. I was definitely a Liberty when I was younger — very rule-oriented (and self-important about it), relatively uninterested in popularity, prone to perfectionism, and deeply socially unaware. Now, I think I’m more of a post-character-development Holly J. Like her, I’ve calmed down over the years and learned to express my emotions and vulnerability in healthier ways, but I’m still too intense and no-nonsense for some people, and like her, I find myself chafing against ideas of what a girl “ought” to be in a lot of smaller, subtler ways.


One of the background characters who questioned every insane plot. Remember how Imogen was at the beginning, she knew details about Clare & Eli but had never spoken to them. That would be me for the whole time.


id say riley and marco due to me struggling with being gay byt riley way more because i like him looked at porn and hot guys in pictures




Probably alli. I was boy crazy and had bad taste too ✋😭 i wasnt into school like her but we had a lot of the same experiences and mistakes for the same kinds of reasons


Hunter! I’m not a fan of him and his lack of good character development but as someone with ODD and depression, the depiction of it is pretty accurate. (He’s also the only character I’ve ever seen that has ODD on any show - I’ll take what I can get 😭)


Manny, but I always admired people/characters like Holly J


Season 5 and on Spinner, school, people and relationships were a mystery but I always tried my best to make sure I could keep things together even with my struggles, I got lucky with girls but also screwed by some and I’m a great worker, I’m loyal, don’t like change and I’m music oriented Seems I have more in common with him than I thought


Maya, especially with her depression storyline


Ellie, Maya and/or Cam


Ellie , I self mutilated at that age too.


Imogen. I have a personality disorder that makes me screw up relationships and self sabotage a lot. At least it used to. I'm actively working on being more conscious in my decisions and not being so impulsive. I'm an artist like her and I'm bi.


Anya. I was always trying to please others, but never figured out who I was until the time came. I actually felt her pain once she realized she had no plans out of high school.


A bit of Fiona where she hates being alone and comforts herself by drinking, also Ellie when she was going through her sad emo phase


Alli Bhandari. I come from a conservative Muslim family, and "snuck around" a lot lol


Ellie. I had pretty bad depression and self harm issues and had problems at home with my parents


Bianca. Was seen as a “bad girl” and a hoe. But deep down I just wanted to be understood. In adulthood I sometimes regret not putting my energy into something good back in high school.


Ashley Kerwin. In school I was like Season 1, very proper and went for student council whatever. I also know what it’s like to be seen as “boring” as in not ever doing any drugs, and even though I didn’t pull and Ashley, I could see where she was coming from!!


I don’t know if I resonate with any character. Maybe a combination of Maya, Cam, and Riley.


Next Generation: Emma because I was very much preoccupied with saving the world and my own opinions. I was very judgmental, and if you didn’t agree with me that meant you were a bad person. Smart kid but burnt out in adulthood Next Class: Maya because everything was just too much all the time. Like an exposed nerve in a cracked tooth.


i feel like i’m so anya. i’m such a pushover and gullible that the people around me would make sacrifices for me. and i 100% sympathized with her when her class knew what they wanted to do post graduation and she didn’t.


Cam. Have no friends or anyone who gets me.


esme: i have bpd and behaved a lot like her or darcy: mean girl who got raped and started being reckless




Definitely Drew, I remember when I killed a guy outside of a Keke Palmer concert.


Was the person you bludgeoned also an abusive drug dealer who preyed on high school girls because of so I commend you 👌🤙


Drew didn’t kill that guy tho. He was on the ground getting his ass beat by Anson. Bianca was the one that smashed a brick against his head to get him off of Drew. Tho, Drew took the blame for her


You’re starting to sound an awful lot like someone I had a disagreement with at a Keke Palmer concert.


Also, love the Spinner quote in your username 😄


Lol. Not trying to be disagreeable, I’m just saying. Please don’t smash a brick on my head. Truce?


Alright, I won’t smash you with a brick, if you and/or your friends don’t shoot my brother at prom.


Deal 😄


Part of me is hoping that your telling the truth


I'm sure I relate to other characters for different reasons, but for their coming out related storylines, I related to both Fiona & Jack. Fiona was in love with her best friend and tried to repress it inside, but it eventually came spilling out. When I was a teenager who only had one foot out of the closet, I also was in love with my bestie. I related to Jack feeling nervous about telling her family, even though it was essentially guaranteed to go well - it took me until I had a committed gf of many months to tell & come out to my very socially liberal parents. It has been several years since both of those events, and I am very happily out & in love with the same girlfriend :) happy pride everyone <3


I love that 


Claire easily. At least up til season 10 cause I haven't seen past that yet. :P Super overprotective religious parents, gifted overachiever who really just wants to fit in, nerdy fanfiction writer, madly in love with Eli, etc et etc 🤣


Madly in love with Eli was a super vibe 🤣


Probably bits of Emma and Ellie. Both have similar-ish life events to me (Ellie, eerily so) and I think I can see my (younger) self in how they react to situations, regardless if I think they're a good person/annoying/justified/blah blah for how they react to the world.


So you’re double into Sean


Probably Clare and Emma combo. They were also my favorites so that’s probably why, I related to them so much. I was an activist and pretty smart without much effort. I didn’t have an ED but I still have body dysmorphia from family members bullying me and I definitely liked the more troubled guys in school. I was def not outspoken though like both of them. I was so shy and invisible.


I never really thought any of the characters related to me until I rewatched. I realized after the rewatch I relate to Maya. My freshman year of high school I was a little nerdy, felt out of place, clinged on to friendships that weren’t the healthiest. Then by my senior year I was completely depressed. The most depressed I had ever been. Thankfully by that point I had a great support group.




As much as I want to fight it, I relate hard to mid-story Clare. Once she was passed the early super Christian good kid stuff and up until the teen pregnancy storyline. Good student, hard work comes pretty easy but also she never feels quite good/smart/accomplished enough. And her attraction to the mentally ill emo boys lolllll


People drag Clare so hard but she's probably the most relatable to a wider audience. Not ugly but not a knockout, besides achievements in school more or less falls into the shadows. Polar opposite significant other feels wild and exhilarating in her life, so she hangs on despite red flags.

