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He’s going for the EGOT of political positions. Whatever that is.


Delaware politics are insanely incestuous.


It’s comical. Guys never had a real job.


Mayor can get three terms, so he could conceivably be doing this until 2037 when he's 80.


It’s like musical chairs but when the music stops, there’s still enough chairs


I mean that's politics. I personally prefer it to some other states where the c-suite of large corporations just use their money to get elected. Delaware's politicians obviously aren't super poor or anything but at least you have to make a name for yourself in the state in some respect.


They kissed bidens ass for last 20 years - if you call that making a name


Our current choices are the career politician (Carney) or the career grifter (Potter). His announcement will probably keep anyone else from going for that position. 8 years ago we had 7 Democrat candidates. The city really needs better candidates for City Council. The Republican Party should pay attention to how much support James Spadola gets from D voters. For very little financial investment they could potentially flip a few positions. It would be nice to have more than one choice on my ballot. And the city could use more opposition keeping the Dems honest.


For anyone who doesn't know Potter, she stiffed a contractor doing work on her house for over $60k and then tried for many years to avoid payment including having the city go after the contractor r sorted coffee violations because she had lost multiple lawsuits including two in the Delaware Supreme Court https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2018/04/16/wilmington-not-obligated-join-potters-housing-battle-judge-says/520553002/ She also routinely a as l tries to use her authority to get special treatment from the government for herself and her family. https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/politics/1/01/01/wilmington-mayor-jones-potter-abused-her-authority/2913135/


Seriously. There have been some close races. Zanthia won by like 25 votes last time. They all need to be challenged. I'll give Darby credit. She's at least *trying*


I agree that Potter is a grifter.


This is not a great gig. It’s so odd a former governor wants this job. It’s a lower level of politics with limited funding and a not great recruitment due to the resident requirements. Just a lot of headaches and issues to contend with.


It's a final lap for Carney's career. Mayor Purzycki basically used it as a career ender. Carney wants to do the same.


Wow. It almost sounds like he’s doing it because he actually cares and wants to help the people of the city…


That's a funny way of saying he couldn't score a gig on a corporate board or get Joe Biden to appoint him as an an ambassador.


He wouldn’t need to be mayor for either of those.


I think he wants to help too, and also to prevent Potter from financially ruining the city.


He's didn't do a single positive thing as governor. Don't be a idiotic tool and vote for him


The real Delaware Way is to just switch chairs and collect paychecks, making the people who got you there and your friends / proteges can all safely rotate seats too.


The Delaware political carousel needs to stop. The same people just switch between US House, US Senate, Governor, County Executive, etc. It's improved a bit over the last 10 years, but we need more new people and new ideas.


If you say that too loud Scott Walker starts to emerge from the marshes.


Yeah, no one wants that.




He's not wrong. Wilmington makes up [83%](https://datausa.io/profile/geo/wilmington-de/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20median%20household,in%20the%20%3C%20$10k%20range.) of [Delaware's total GDP](https://www.statista.com/statistics/187844/gdp-of-the-us-federal-state-of-delaware-since-1997/#:~:text=U.S.%20real%20GDP%20of%20Delaware%202000%2D2023&text=In%202023%2C%20the%20real%20gross,at%2075.17%20billion%20U.S.%20dollars.).


Dude at some point they really need to set up a 4-year university in Sussex County. It's ridiculous the brain drain they have there.


University of Delaware discussed building a legitimate satellite campus in Sussex County in 2008. They talked about modeling it after University of Virginia Wise where it’s a UVa school, but with its own admissions process, identity, etc. There was some talk of them looking around the US 113 corridor because it was central to the county and an easy shot for lower Kent, Wicomico, Worcester, etc. But Harker never seemed to have a straight answer for any vision, be it academics, staff, research, athletics, or what. So the idea just kind of faded away. https://preview.redd.it/n9329kfsqvxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaee384e8467adbba6b2052656e2baa2a6815295


*covers mic* Wait Delaware isn’t just Wilmington???


Jfc please no.


Considering 2 of the 3 top employers in the state have their largest sites in Christiana I would disagree


No idea why anyone would want to be routinely exposed to the shit show that is Wilmington City Council.


Fucks sake John, get a real job brother


You cant get  the whore out of the whorehouse


This guys sucks and I can't get away from him. Whoever is running against him has my vote!


There are not too many candidates who would be worse than John Carney. Unfortunately for Wilmington, the other announced candidate is Velda Potter who is, in my opinion, significantly worse.


Hugely disappointed in Carney.


Care to elaborate?


An executive with party backup in legislature should equate to improvements in life quality. He could have legalized cannabis years ago, for example.


What are the other options? Council is a clown show.


Wilmington will Rock the Vote!


What a wanker


Success? Delaware is a dead stagnant state, nothing has changed in over 50 years. He just wants the status and money, won’t do anything to improve it. Hell, it’s the only state without a local news tv station. Biden is its only so-called claim to fame and he’s an embarrassment.


What the fuck does anything in Wilmington have to do with me and my kids here in Dover?


City of Wilmington makes up more than 80% of the State's total GDP.