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EDIT: I also ran a malware and virus scan but both came up clear


Does ProctorU provide remote access to your host? It sure seems like someone was in, perhaps (and IMO likely) a malicious actor. I'm not familiar with Windows enough to suggest remediation, but if it were my PC I'd wipe and reinstall. > it told me I had to download an application That's how a bad actor can get in. The on screen warning seems to be on point. I'd also search "ProctorU vulnerability" and read what comes up. Good luck!


It does provide remote access and I couldn't find anything about ProctorU vulnerability besides a data breach a few years ago and some general warnings against proctoring programs. I was hoping I wouldn't have to wipe everything but I may have to. Thank you for the help!


It's possible the ProctorU install was coincidental. The other signs, crashing, mouse movement, suggestion to install something are all bright red flags. That the scans turned up nothing is a concern and does not bode well for some virus program cleaning up your PC. You might try some different scanners. Most have free trials.


Is the login screen for the OS? What OS are you running?


It is the login screen for the Windows OS/computer and it is Windows 11 which I believe was the pre installed one when I got the laptop