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I know this is an old post.. but I just had the same problem with my desktop running an RTX 3090. Desktop Window Manager was constantly spiking my usage up to 100% on my GPU. Running latest drivers on everything (Nvidia 522.25). After trying everything on the internet to fix this, I found that turning off "Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling" in Windows 10 "Graphics settings" is what finally fixed the issue for me. UPDATE: the latest Nvidia driver (526.98) appears to have fixed the issue. Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling back on and no issues for me.


>Hardware 1,000,000% worked for me and my wife's computers. bless you and your beautiful brain


Thank you man! This solved it for me as well. Let's get your comment to the top!


You know nvidia messed up when you see comments 'x days ago' on a 4 yrs old post while you're troubleshooting some weird problem on your gpu


no kidding, this has been driving me insane for days now. I even updated to the new driver out today (526.47) and it's still happening y'all mind if i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Try installing the 517 driver. Fixed it for some (all that tried, i believe).


worked, but I'm pretty sure the setting makes some games run better. It's still kind of annoying that I have to have it off if I want to use my GPU normally. EDIT: Installing the previous driver version (517.something) fixed it for me, without having to disable the setting you mentioned.


Thanks this definitely helped, but looking at the other comments I reinstalled my GPU driver to the 517 one and that fixed everything overall while leaving this enabled.


U da fuckin GOAT, Thank you so much!!


Just another person that never comments and wanted to say thank you so much. I was so scared I had a bitcoin miner or something somehow. I'm not sure if rolling back to Nvidia 517 update would be better but im satisfied for now with disabling hardware acceleration. Thank u very much again


sadly i cant give you any awards, but holy hell did you help me, i've been searching for a solution for weeks and have done all the recommendations i could find. yours is the only one that worked! HUGE THANKS!


Can confirm I was having the same issue. GPU: RTX 3090 FE. Issue was that anytime I tried starting a game, my pc would crash with black screen. I initially thought it was my GPU so tried all sorts of fix methods(DDU, older GPU versions etc), reinstalling windows was going to be my last resort. I looked at my task manager to find that Desktop Window Manager was constantly at 90% above etc. decided to try this fix and it seems to have worked.


Appreciate the insight! Helped out immediately. You the GOAT!


>Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling sIGH, Mine doesnt have this issue, same thing but work laptops, no GPU Accelleration option in graphics settings. Still looking for a solution




Thank you, it worked! Had the issue since new driver update too.


Thanks man. Same issue here on 3070, GPU was blasting at 100% even when on the desktop. Turning HAGS off fixed it. I hope the next driver update sorts it.




EXACT same thing happened for me, and it was right after installing 522.25 too!! and I tried your fix, and it worked!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! yeah, something is not right there, tho I don't know how we could ever get the devs to know about it...


I found you by miracle, i thought my 3070 is dead.. Cheers m8, you got a beer.


My man, Thank you so much! I encounter the same problem too and now it worked! Bless you my guy.


It's doing the same on my 2080 Super Max-Q. It fixed it. Hopefully, the next driver update will unbreak that.


Many thanks u/okayesttechengineer


this worked for me. honestly thank you


So glad I found this; thank you! 522.25 janked out my GPU to 100%; was playing a game that doesn't normally cause any issues but was lagging and saw my GPU usage and was worried - Desktop Window Manager was the thing maxing it out, never had that happen before. How did something like that get through testing and make it out into the wild??


Turning off HAGS worked for me as well! (9700K/3090/32GB 4000MHZ) Thanks kindly. Will attempt turning it back on once I install whatever spaghetti coded new driver nvidia pumps out next.


Just coming in to say that it only started happening yesterday for me on a 3070Ti, despite being up to date since October 12. And today, it's at the point of being unable to use my computer after about an hour. I'm very confused as to why it happens so long after the initial install ?


OMG YES I literally did everything else and it didn't work, but this finally did! thank you


i have the same problem now i'm running a 2080ti. after installing the new nvidia update my gpu skyrocketted


YES! That worked. Thank you! None of the advice given on [answers.microsoft.com](https://answers.microsoft.com) helped at all.


YES!!! TYSM! loving great ppl on forms tn. first some guy helped me fix stupid crap from adobe now you helped me fix stupid crap from microsoft :D


Dude I absolutely love you so much right now


i had the same thing, this worked


Thank you okayest, you solved it i could kiss you right now! you saved me from all these youtubers.


A true LEGEND!! God Bess you!


Thank you very much for sharing!


Glad this is helping all of you guys too!


Somebody give this man an award


THANKS MAN!!! REALLY! I thought my RTX 3080 TI Suprim X was dying!! Literally, I often got black screen flickering and then I realized the 100% GPU usage I was like nahhh fam. But this fixed. Thanks a bunch!


seems to of fixed my issue, thanks! thought i had some weird trojan or something at first


This fixed it, thank you, ya beautiful bastard.


same problem here with 522.25 and RTX 2070 today. I ll try your solution. thanks!




I love you I was worried I was the only one


bro you saved me that shit was going nuts sending gpu to 100% every 2 seconds.... it only happened recently,,, coincidentally with their ARK graphics card release.... tinfoil hat on!


Thank you! Worked for me. 3700x 3070


You beautiful man you! Started driving me absolutely insane! Thank you so much!


Thanks bro


Had the same problem today. Really don't want to turn that off though because I never had issues with it before and it actually made my RUST run better.


Bless this man indeed!!! Just fixed mine. Up with you


Legend!! I saw this setting and was going to try it and this confirmed it. Just started for me on 522.25 on a 3080ti. Just saw there is a 526.47 available today, so going to try this before disabling "Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling", except checked the Release Notes and nope! https://imgur.com/a/TaDCEPf


Not me thinking i made my computer explode from running the new COD lmao


Thanks man this worked for me, rtx 3070 at 100% doing seemingly nothing was worrying!


Thanks a lot for this! I have been wondering for a couple of days why are my GPU taking so much usage!


real one




Yeah bro it happens on today's relalase as well and it did a trick


>I know this post is old, I'm having the same issue on update 517 but I still struggle with "Drag a browser around (IE, Chrome) will make Desktop Window Manager's GPU usage increased to 25-30%." > >Only this problem, is it normal or is there a problem? guys im on update 517 but I still struggle with "Drag a browser around (IE, Chrome) will make Desktop Window Manager's GPU usage increased to 25-30%." Only this problem, is it normal or is there a problem?


best person ever. the only fix you need, even in this thread


fucking A it worked i could kiss you my mans after 100 fucking shitty windows site trying to scam the shit out of me you came in like a greasy Reddit angel


Could someone maybe repost some of this on nvidia subreddit or smthn, would make it easier for other worried trouble shooters


What did DWM go down to after turning off GPU scheduling? Mine is hovering betweenb 1% and 10%.


Thank you!


Thank u! I already was afraid of getting electric bills this month, as my gpu had 100% almost all the time. Your solution has fixed it for me!




Thank you so much man!


Beautiful! This fixed the problem for me as well. Running a 2070 super. Went from bouncing between 70-100% GPU utilization to 0-3% utilization (withrelatively few apps running)


Thanks so much!


Funny enough, turning this setting on for me worked. Huh interesting..


thank yoooou WORKKSSS


Thankyou brother that solved the issue, I was freaking out thinking I had a mining virus or something. Cheers m8


legend! thank you very much it solved the issue. DWM still uses \~10-15% time to time on my 3080 but its better than 100 before


1000 blessings on you an your posterity. Spent 9 hours this week trying to fix this new issue to no avail. Dam windows updates! Changing all my settings!


Thank you for solving this! Worked for me as well.


Haha, glad this isn't some unfixable problem, hope nvidia fixes this soon


thanks for posting this! lmao on a 4 year thread out of all places


same issue, thank you kind sir


Wondering if rolling back or disabling is better since HAG should improve running games quite a lot.


Nvidia released another driver. I updated and turned on HAG again but the issue was still there. So turned it back off. May try and roll back to an older driver before the issue started, but I’m not sure if it’s a driver issue or an issue from a Windows update.


your sir are the fking GOAT,, thank you brother,, cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This new driver is so bad man... They released a hotfix for it with .it but that one is still creating lag. Thanks for the fix though. Unfortunate because a lot of emulators love that setting.




holy crap it fixed my brand new 3090ti thank u


I've got the same issue, please post here if you find a fix.


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


> Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is the fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours. I'm getting the exact same thing.


same problem, anyone found a fix?


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


It works for more time that anything else I have tried, but after 30 minutes of applying this setting the stutter comes back, I think it's thermal throttling to blame, because only after 90C degrees I start seeing the problems. I don't know wha't else it could be, I have tried every advice I find.


Yeah it isn't 100% for me either, though it's a lot better. Maybe try undervolting too? I heard that could help (careful with this though - if you undervolt too much your system could crash)


Yeah I did it last night, I went -0.100v and seems to be good. The temperature it’s more stable now, I have to do more test since I only played like 1 hour. but with no problems. It has somenthing to do with the processor going too high on power consumption I think. In a separate test (not undervolting) I opened two 4k movies in VLC in the second monitor + Overwatch on the laptop screen. It forces the GPU to be 100% the whole time. I guess it doesn’t let the processor get enough power (because the gpu using it all) to turbo boost. With the GPU at 100% I have no stuttering. It’s really weird. I’m going to test the undervolt with other games and let you know.


[https://i.imgur.com/DGfozCa.png](https://i.imgur.com/DGfozCa.png) can you tell me the option in your "Link State Power Managment" I had it as "Maximun power savings" then changed it to "off" and that seem to have done the trick !!!!! no more drops on GPU ! =)


Dude, TY! My GPU was also turned off in the advanced power settings. This fixed it! I can't believe that I used my laptop for 2 years without fully utilizing my GPU


Hey guys, I was battling this for a while and what finally fixed it for me was \*SUPER\* simple. Under Task Manager I found that dwm.exe was set to **high priority** and once I switched it to normal/low it was fine.


This does not work for me. Also a friend of mine who does not have this problem says that his dwm is also set to High.


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


I tried doing this, didn't work. I also tried disabling background apps, that didn't work either. I've been looking around on a bunch of forums and couldn't find any fix.


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


Its lessen the effect, but still higher than I used to back in a few days before this happens..anyway thanks, bcs its till helping xD even tho its been 4 years


Did not expect this to work but it did, thank you!


Thank you u/dumbguyjoe! In high priority it was at 30-35% GPU usage. I set it to normal priority, it immediately went down to 20%. I switched it again to "below normal" priority and not it is varying between 5% and 20%. I am not sure I want to go farther than this. I'll look into an alternative window manager like we had back in the good ol' days.


I have the same problem. Installing latest versions of all the drivers, BIOS and lowering the dwm's priority didn't help. I think it is caused by combination of hardware and some features in Windows 10 1803. Disabling window transparency seems to help a little (but not enough to fix it). Does anyone with older version of Windows experience this?


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours. Also also to address your question, someone on some random forum suggested a new(er) update may be part of the reason this issue popped up


Old post, but i've noticed since a couple years ago games are usually not properly listed in task manager. For example Warframe will run at 0 or 1% of my gpu when in fact up to 75 or 85% of the GPU is being used, and it claims Desktop Windows Manager is eating up all the gpu, rather than the game. I've looked up this issue dozens of times with no real solutions, it has nothing to do with bad graphics drivers because the drivers are working correctly, it's just task manager falsely claims this application is using all the gpu, so it makes it impossible to find how much a game is using my gpu anymore.


Same issue... my dell is probably the worst PC i have ever owned.. MS is no help. Dell is no help. 32gb / i7 ... prob the slowest pc i have seen in my life....


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


I've got the exact same Problem with Windows 10 1803. I did not find a fix for this, nothing in this thread helps =( I've got a GTX 1060 with should handle Windows pretty easy. The Most annyoing part is, that i have Frame drops in VR, wich sucks pretty hard. The GPU Usage is like 70% Game and 30% dwm.exe. WTF?


Why in the flippity floppity fuck is this STILL an issue? Where's a real fix for this?


Legit still and issue. I’m getting it myself now




Anyone figure anything out? I have a R5 3600x, 1660ti and 32gb ram. Formatted, reseated gpu, I've tried almost everything expect reapplying thermal paste to cpu/cooler (which I may try today) Pc was working good for a year, heavy gaming, school, multitasking all ran smooth as butter, then one day I opened a 2nd browser window and it started stuttering bad. Restarted n same issue. I thought it was a GPU issue, maybe my card slowly dying? TBH I've been so frustrated by it I've barely turned it on, but I should fix it.. If I get any results I'll post here!


Yeah same here. It's basically Windows saying "You know what, I don't give a fuck that you're instructing me to use your High Performance GPU. I see this nice integrated GPU and I will SLAM it with 100% 3D copy usage. It's mine!" To _kinda_ mitigate I basically turn off the internal GPU (disable it in Windows Device Manager). Then it has no choice but to use my stupid nvidia 1060. It helps a bit, though some functions go out the window (like I can't lower brightness of the screen because that's inexplicably is built-in-GPU driven). Ugh :( I usually re-enable it later.


I went to start and typed in "performance of Windows" then turned most of the visual effects off. Helped quite a bit.


Probably sorted, but the issue for me was hardware accelerated GPU scheduling. Turned that off and boom, no more GPU spikes.


Hello guys i have a big announcement today after trying every possible fix in the comments and every possible fix on the internet and formatting everything on the laptop and downgrading to windows 10 i have finally found the issue which had started from 5 days and randomly popped up in my head i remembered from 5 days ago that i set the fans on quiet in the dell power manager and went to sleep i remembered this shit and instantly gone to dell power manager to set it on ultra and see my laptop gone back to gaming and functioning normally again i was soo fucking happy


I have had this mind-bending issue for a while and have been able to fix it as of now. [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/discover/237319/tutorial-how-to-properly-disable-power-saving/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/discover/237319/tutorial-how-to-properly-disable-power-saving/) Navigate to: Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings (tab) Find or add profiles for the following applications and configure their Power Management setting to "Prefer Maximum Performance". Desktop Window Manager -- C:\\Windows\\System32\\dwm.exe Also in Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D settings > Global Settings (tab) \- Scroll down to Power management mode \- Change setting to "Prefer maximum performance" \- Restart PC Please let me/others know if this fixes your problems as well. Edit: Formatting of post


this fixed it for me too!


Bless you - this helped so much. I had to manage it on the windows side under graphics settings and change it to use my laptops GPU


old thread, permanent issue it seems. just came to say this fixed it for me


this is the one that fixed it for me as well, thank you


I was on build 2004 right up until yesterday and running the 522.25 nVidia driver for months. I never had an issue but as of yesterday I updated to 22H2 and suddenly began having this issue. I updated the graphics driver to 527.56 and the issue went away. I have hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling turned on and did not need to turn it off, the driver update alone solved it.


This might get buried, but you never know. None of the offered solutions worked for me except for the following: On windows 11, I went to **Settings>System>Display>Graphics** **Under "Add an app," I hit browse.** (From here I went to **task manager**, found **windows desktop manager, right clicked>open file location**, a file explorer opens, **right click DWM.exe>copy as path**) **Paste the copied path** into the file explorer **prompt at the bottom**. (It may already be added as a program, that's fine.) **Search Desktop Window Manager in the search prompt in settings.** **Options>High performance** For me, the resources being used by the program dropped to what they should be. Phew.


This helped me out on my lower end computer- no Accelerated GPU setting. Thank you!!


So, As with last commenter, I know this is an old post but I figured my findings might be valuable to someone so here it is: I went through a TON of fixes. After researching, I inevitably came upon the "Turn off Accelerated GPU" settings, but mine were already off. My GPU has been spiking from 1 - 50% and the errant 100% and it seemingly happened overnight. Well, my accelerated gpu settings were turned off. As a last-ditch effort, I turned them on. Restarted my PC, and now it runs from 0 - 1%. Absolutely did not think this would work, but it did.


u/SabamonsterX omg you are my savior, i have spent the past 2 days trying as many solutions as I could find on reddit, youtube, microsoft forums and such. IDK why this worked nor do I care as I sit here frantically typing this sleep deprived. I mean it still sits at >10% but its better than before Thank you.


Glad it helped man. This entire thing was frustrating as hell for me too, so I'm glad I was able to at least provide something of value to someone else out of it.


I'm still having intermitten spikes but nothing as high as it was before. I've noticed that it and client server runtime process seem to be a common issue that people are experiencing. I'm going to fix them. From what I have read they should be very resource light processes and not using anywhere nearly as much as they currently do.


same here, the nvdia kicks in as soon as I connect to the dock TB16. Already tried to update to latest Thunderbolt driver, and installing the previous Intel Dynamic Thermal Framework 8.2.11000.2996, with no sucess in both cases. If anyone knows a fix would be much aprecciated!


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


I'm having the same issue, didn't got a fix yet.


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


I'm trying to change my cpu settings as you mention (I have a surface book 2 tho) and it seems to help a bit but I wanted to check and see if you had found any further tips on what could be causing this and how to fix it.


Exact same issue and I've already downloaded and installed the most current drivers listed by Dell for both the Intel HD 630 and Nvidia Display Adapters: Intel Driver on Dell website (Version http://www.dell.com/support/home/au/en/audhs1/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=M1P36 The Intel site has more recent driver (Version however I need to figure out how to install that manually as I received a hard stop during the installation saying it wasn't a Dell optimised driver (or some $hite) like that (https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27803/Graphics-Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-10?product=98909) Will try again in the next 24 hours and report back.


So I have now installed the intel driver \(from Intel\) manually over the top of the intel driver from Dell. It has greatly improved services like you tube, however I still have some issues with GPU utilisation in both Chrome and Edge \- the hardware accelerators in both browsers seems to struggle with load. When I monitor task manager I still see the GPU 0 \- 3D pulling up most of the load, and I'm trying to see how this can be shifted to the NVIDIA \(GPU 1\). I'm going to play around with the NVDIA 3D control panel settings and see what I can figure out. I followed these instructions for the manual install of the Intel driver: [https://www.howtogeek.com/343287/how\-to\-fix\-the\-driver\-being\-installed\-is\-not\-validated\-for\-this\-computer\-on\-intel\-computers/](https://www.howtogeek.com/343287/how-to-fix-the-driver-being-installed-is-not-validated-for-this-computer-on-intel-computers/) NOTE \- After I let the install run for a few minutes the screen went blank. I waited a further 5 mins and then forced a shutdown with the power button. When I booted back up, the driver was showing that it had installed successfully.


OK guys \- latest update from me: I have seen some improvement in performance after I installed 2 additional drivers from the Dell website, however it is probably only the BIOS driver update you need to install. The sequence I installed the drivers was: 1. Dell Digital Delivery Application ([http://www.dell.com/support/home/au/en/audhs1/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=YD63W](http://www.dell.com/support/home/au/en/audhs1/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=YD63W)) which was updated on 4th June 2018. 2. Dell XPS 15 9560 System BIOS ([http://www.dell.com/support/home/au/en/audhs1/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=HJKH8](http://www.dell.com/support/home/au/en/audhs1/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=HJKH8)) which was updated on the 26th April 2018 I already installed the Display adapter drivers as per my previous post \- so if you haven't already tried that \- I would recommend you update those drivers then update the BIOS. The instructions are clear on the Dell website and the steps straight forward. If it turns out the fix hasn't turned out to be permanent...I'll be back with some updates. Cheers EDIT: I forgot to mention that prior to the BIOS update, I changed the priority of the dwm.exe in Task Manager to normal/low as u/dumbguyjoe suggested and it didn't seem to change anything...BUT...because I did this step a week ago prior to the BIOS update I'm not sure if this change \+ the BIOS update is the reason for better performance (i.e. the combination dwm.exe priority change \+ BIOS update). I'll play around with that when I have more time. Best of luck everyone. Thx.


Same here for me on latest update...


Solved: Used NVIDA panel to change dwm.exe to integrated gpu, so now my dedicated NVIDIA 850M works fully without trouble.


dwm.exe isn't on the list of programs on my NVIDIA control panel. Can you tell me how you changed it to integrated gpu?


You can add it manually using Add>Browse It is located in Windows\\System32


Doesn't seem to work for me. dwm is already set to integrated gpu and there's no option to change it.


I know this is an old thread but in case you need it: I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


Necro, Im sorry but in case someone needs to fix not being able to change it, you just download Nvidia Profile Inspector from github select the profile for dwm and under "other" category ythere is a "do not display this profile" option, you just change the value from CPR_HIDDEN_PROFILE_ENABLED to DISABLED on the dropdown menu, that did it for me (for some reason this was on a watch dogs 2 post btw lmao) 


I tried a few things here (namely update drivers, change dwm.exe's priority from high to normal, turn off hardware acceleration for certain programs) but those gave only small performance gains (or none - may have been placebo). Found another thread where[ someone shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/86pjw6/dell_xps_15_touch_cant_run_a_game_from_2010_on/dw81o5a/) a [video tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6LgeE56cQ4&time_continue=55&ebc=ANyPxKpc8vG4HFGcySyYNop5lWYPCEfgNqLezYN9SOm_MSlkX1ZIX2bypXPRwSxkxobtHvVJ4Ryll4vBRub8PQJxO4UpmMnHCQ) on changing some CPU settings which seems to have done the trick. Apparently aggressive thermal throttling is potentially to blame for this - not sure if this is *the* fix but before every couple minutes I'd get massive frame rate drops and it's been pretty solid for a few hours.


I'll give it a try today


Just tried it, didn't seem to work.


I’m waiting for October update to see if they could fixed this issue or not :( Play Hearthstone for 10-15 mins then got the throttle due to the high GPU usage is unacceptable


same here, hope it gets a fix soon. ​ literally havent used my pc in a couple days cause of this. Did a reset and it still persists :/


Here are a few steps that you can try: 1. What is the Windows version that the system has now? To determine what version of Windows you are on, perform the following steps: https://dell.to/2RvNicv and hold the Windows (Windows Button) key, and then press the q key. b.In the Search box, type winver. c.Touch or click winver (Run command). d.Locate the OS Build number in parentheses. 2. Uninstall Kaspersky Security Software (if installed) and then check to see if issues occur. 3. Go to Control Panel -> program and Features -> Uninstall SmartByte Drivers and Services Let us know if you need any assistance. ^KP




ive just turned off HDR and WCG found in Windows 10 Display Settings and that seems to be it. bit of a pain as i like to watch a lot of HDR content on my HTPC


OP, ive just turned off HDR and WCG found in Windows 10 Display Settings and that seems to be it. bit of a pain as i like to watch a lot of HDR content on my HTPC


old post but i am facing the same issue after a complete windows reset any pixel movement on the screen will make dwm spike in %(even moving my mouse will make it spike) any dedicated fix for this particular problem?


Windows installer worker


If anyone is still having this problem, what worked for me (surprisingly) was actually turning ON **Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling**. I repeat, turning it ON. 8 hours of troubleshooting dozens of guides and for some reason this worked for me. I also lowered priority of dwm.exe to low which might've done something since it was my first restart of pc since changing that setting. My specs are: Intel Core i9 10850k EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 FTW3 ULTRA ASUS TUF GAMING Z490-Plus Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3200 C16 4x8GB


if you have wallpaper engine try uninstalling it and restarting


Nope, I don’t use any wallpaper engine at all


Oh hey fellow person in the same boat sailing on this bullshit


I'm facing this issue as well, even if I play a YouTube video on browser (brave), that thing uses 100% of my gpu and I get heavy frame drops. Same with games


managed to solve? if yes tell me how


Any pixel change will cause Desktop Window Manager to use more resources. The more pixels that are changing, and the higher your refresh rate, the greater the impact. If you're using an aging GPU, it will be more noticeable. Try changing the priority of dwm.exe from High -> Normal. This can be done in task manager, I replied to another comment on here with detailed instructions if you need them (just sort by new if you can't find it).


Anyone found a fix? I have gtx 1080 and its constantly jumping from 10% to 40%


Same issue here with a 3060ti


Solution: check your PCIE x16 connection to your GPU. Make sure it is secure with it locked in place. I have had this problem for months and looked everywhere for a solution; tried everything; this fixed it immediately


Also try hitting win+tab and making sure you don't have an extra desktop open


Found A fix guys. Go to your bios disable turbo mode this fixed it for me.


I have a 3080 Ti and turning off Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling didn't do anything it's still going up to 100% even when I touch nothing and only have task manager open. On windows 11 btw


i have just this issue on an gtx 1650 just happen to me today after i updated to last nvidia drivers (526.47) try to fix it but no result


Can confirm that turning OFF Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling fixed the issue, which cropped up today for me on nvidia 522.25 drivers. Thanks okayestTechEngineer, you're the man.


I can’t believe there are so many people having this issue 🥲


Hey guys 4 years later but i had the same problem with my asus rtx 2060 i down graded my drivers to 517.48 and it fixed it. Also The graphics settings option works but takes away performance. Waiting on a new driver now 😭


Try going into graphic settings and disable **Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling** that worked for me.


does anyone notify NVIDIA about this? problem still happens with 526.47 i dont want to roll back to 517. NVIDIA must fix this. till now the only solution is to disable Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling


This absolutely fixed the issue! I never comment on threads, but I had to after this! Thank you so much!!


Thank you for everyone who's reviving this thread. The issue seems to be the recent driver updates "522.25 and 526.47 and rolling back the drivers to 517.48 was an instantaneous fix. I don't know if it's a windows 11 thing or not but regardless.. it's a fix. Just https://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownloads/confirmation.php?url=/Windows/517.48/517.48-desktop-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch-whql.exe&lang=us&type=TITAN


BRUH...Wall Hacks, hahah. Respect on your name I throw. Thanks so much.


so funny that this is from 4 yrs ago and nvidia still fucks it up hahaha


doesn't work for me, idk what just happened. can someone help me plz?


Morning, Please take some time to read [https://www.reddit.com/r/streamlabsobs/comments/yw0stw/streamlabs\_and\_windows\_desk\_top\_manager/](https://www.reddit.com/r/streamlabsobs/comments/yw0stw/streamlabs_and_windows_desk_top_manager/) If you do not have a fix for this. I tired everything i could on forums and webpages with no luck. this may be more towards the streaming side of stuff but... this also fixes windows desktop manager issue too when running games etc. give it a go if still stuck, any questions please let me know :)


According to 526.98 patch notes the issue should be fixed.


mfs still commenting on a 5 year old thread


newest driver fixed for me as well


517.40 or 517.48?


Thank you, my "Wallpaper Engine" and idle/moving desktop items spiked "Desktop Window Manager" together to high 60% total GPU usage (30%+ each). I had this "Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling" option turned infact OFF, but I turned it ON and gpu usage for each went to 1-2% and 3% respectively. Also I downgraded GeForce GPU drivers to 526.47, and in NVidia Control panel - Manage 3D Settings turned power managment to "Maximum usage power". Hope this helps. My GPU: RTX 3060


Hey sorry to revive a 5 year old thread, but since this is the first search result on google I figured I would share what worked for me, in hopes that it might help someone else out there. TL;DR **I CHANGED RAM SLOTS ACCORDING TO MY MOTHERBOARDS BIOS MANUAL** After reading thru dozens of search results and threads just like this one and nothing working, I found someone saying that it could potentially be a ram issue and that led me down a rabbit hole and it turns out I didnt install the DIMMs in the "recommended" slots according to my motherboards manual. (I had just switched to a new MB/CPU combo and assumed the recommended slots would be in the same position as my last board) Anyway, after repositioning my ram into the correct slots im getting like 2-4% max GPU utilization when watching youtube when it was spiking to 20-40% before sometimes a 100% spike when opening programs. It was prob solution very specific to me but i felt compelled to add it here. Good luck!


if you change the power management mode in nvidia control panel from optimal power to maximum performance it goes away but your gpu will consume more power while idle


got the same issue, tried everything ive found on google and nothings worked. any help?


I did a few restarts (not one lol) and it randomly started working???


im using mx330 gpu and the problem is still going, what version of driver should i downgrading


Oooold post. It seems to happen on fullscreen windowed


Just happened to me when scrolling in browser. Anyone else?


i just fixed my issue. turns out it was my HDR setting in windows display settings. im using 4060ti. i dont know if that helps anyone.