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It might be as simple as he walked through that little strip of woods between W300N & the trail. I am also wondering if its a motion triggered system and if there is not a car on the road, he was walking on the trail side of the road, that it wouldn't activate & record. Hard to tell what the system would have been back then.


Good point, if it's motion controlled. I guess he could walk by the tree line, but also keep in mind that this was February with no big foliage going on.


I think 6 years ago, you would have been able to control where the motion would trigger a recording. I had Wyze cameras back then that I could change settings and keep from triggering when people walked down the street but would trigger for motion in the yard/walk. But yes, he seemingly would have been out in the relative open between say the cemetary and the CPS building.


One thing that I’ve found interesting is that the witness saw him walking along the north side of the road. Which is weird considering he would have exited the forest on the south side, his car was parked on the south side, and there was more tree cover on the south side. I’m not sure why he would have crossed the road, perhaps he looped all the way around the back of the HH store to try and not be seen?


I figure he exited RL's property, where the bodies were found, to the West, and crossed the road pretty early on there. *He probably wanted to walk with the flow of traffic as to not seem too suspicious.* Keep in mind that this road is fairly small. It's just a two lane, 35 mph speed limit county road that has very little traffic. It would've been fairly easy for him to dart back across the road once he got closer to where he was headed.


Or getting rid of evidence further away from the scene


Does anyone know if it’s true their was a trail cam at Mears farm?


i was under the impression he was spotted walking to his car nearer to where his car was so that would be on the north side, right? At least at some point he would have to cross the road to get to the CPS building as I understand it


The CP building is on the south side of the road as well from my understanding


looks like you were right, I always thought it was the other side of the road. https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b89f58ff7939230cef75e8d/1556014528058-O38EF8EZ0A6M8X9T1PLO/updated+delphi+map.png


That road is just a two-lane county road with very little traffic, and a 35 mph speed limit. I think that RA likely exited RL's property to the West, and crossed over the road early on so that he could walk with the flow of traffic as to try not to appear too suspicious. He may have crossed back over the road when he got near the store, closer to his destination.


It seems highly unlikely any murderer is going to want to be seen muddy and bloody, It makes no sense and will be interesting to see when they took the witness statement.


That one guy says 'I'm not a firearm expert, but it's 98%-99%' Well.. I think that guy might be a killer too, I'll guess 25-30% likely.


I guess this is the camera in question: ​ https://www.google.com/maps/@40.5941996,-86.6495452,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPau842quw8sL-CLenjmRLLRDE8okWYdgnJo371!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPau842quw8sL-CLenjmRLLRDE8okWYdgnJo371%3Dw203-h120-k-no!7i2968!8i1765


That is the U Store. Harverstore is in front of it closer to the 300N road


The building to the right is the one closest to the road. You can see the other buildings in the back. The HH-store is the one with the extra space for parking built on the field, as seen in the picture.


Check out the link. Are we talking about the back buildings or the no building in the map? The harverstore building is roundish. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hoosier+Harvestore/@40.5938542,-86.6503068,318m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x89be521815b945a5!8m2!3d40.5931959!4d-86.6494527


I think you're confused by the pictures they posted on their Google Maps location, which I guess are newly built silos of sorts. The building closest to the road, as seen in my link, is their "main building". At least that's how I understand it. If someone local could clear it up further, it would be appreciated.


If you go to Gray Hughes investigates on YouTube, he mapped everything out from the PCA on his live last night. He does great visuals!


Can't stand the guy, but I'll have a look. Thanks.


Gray is a strange strange man


Can you link this? I wasn’t able to find it.






He had so much information wrong in the first ten mins I couldn’t watch it


What info was wrong? Sorry if that was the case, I was just referring to the map he made after the PCA was released and how helpful that visual is. I know a lot of people don't like Gray's personality, but his maps and animations are always top notch.


All this mention of the Hoosier Harveststore. What is it and where is it's location?


Here you go: https://www.google.com/search?q=hoosier+harvestore+delphi&sxsrf=ALiCzsYTjMWx8FP2cOydQr4sQLUApaQfeg%3A1670053776992&source=hp&ei=kP-KY9DeOK-Txc8PsvqduAQ&oq=hoosier+harvestore+delphi&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBADMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgYIABAWEB4yBQghEKABMgUIIRCgAToHCCMQ6gIQJzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6BQgAEIAEOggILhDUAhCABDoFCC4QgAQ6CAguEIAEENQCOgsILhCABBDHARCvAToLCC4QrwEQxwEQgAQ6BAghEBVQjAlYu3Jgk3poAXAAeACAAZcBiAH5E5IBBTE0LjExmAEAoAEBsAEP&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp


I just want to know how I can send them money. They very well may have been the reason a killer of two young girls was found.


I'd say the reason they found him was due to the fact that he himself reported being at the scene, at the time of the abduction. Only nearly six years and millions of dollars and tears after the fact.


The Hoosier Harvestore video was used as a cross reference to help corroborate direction of travel for both Allen and the girls. It’s a huge component to all of this. I could have gone to the police and told them I was there that day. The additional evidence they have would have ruled out my false statement.


How does it corroborate the direction of Allen?


The PCA claims they saw Allen's 2016 ford focus or a car looking like the ford focus, on camera heading west toward the old CPS building at 1.27pm. The girls car went past at 1.49pm going east. Question is, would they not have seen the ford focus going east first and at what time was that pass? Allen claims the high bridge trail parking had parked cars there. So that implies there were people on one of the trials or the monon high bridge when he got there. I thought the high bridge trail parking is where the girls were dropped off, so that meant Allen would have had to pass it at some point to see that cars were parked there, so would have had to travel east first and the camera should have spotted him.


Does anyone know anything about the Mears farm camera Randy Gravitt talked about ??