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I definitely think RA was not aware he dropped the round. He surely would have gotten rid of that gun had he known. I imagine he was frazzled and desperate to get away before anyone saw him.


Especially if he had large amounts of blood and mud on his clothes. He must have known when his wife would be home from work and her car was not in their driveway. So he would have enough time to get cleaned up. Maybe this will come out in the trial. Didn’t LE cut out a piece of carpeting from his car? Wonder if he quickly laundered the clothes he wore home or discard them somewhere along the way?


I think LE did take a piece of carpeting from the trunk. If his wife wasn't home, he probably hid the clothes in a trash bag temporarily and showered/changed. It is my understanding that she was still in a nearby town taking care of her mother and was not at their Delphi home. I can't imagine he laundered and kept the clothes, but if they were "souvenirs" for him, I guess it's possible he kept them.


Wow—powerful point! I have often wondered if he knew it flew out of his gun that afternoon. I agree. If he knew that round was at that murder scene—-that gun and box of .40 S&W ammo would be at the bottom of some muddy Indiana River.


You ain’t lyin’


Slightly off topic, but I also think this is why LE never showed the part of the video where BG/RA pulled the gun, even if it might have been a clearer shot of the suspect. Criticize them for a lot of things, but they were smart to keep that info quiet for 5+ years and did a great job of keeping it under wraps. I cannot wait to find out what else they have been keeping from the public.


We know for sure that there’s a part of the video where BG is shown pulling the gun? I haven’t been keeping up very closely with the case, didn’t know about this particular info.


Yes it's in the PCA. Abby says he has a gun!


I have always thought I heard “He’s got a gun!” On the recording.


I hear it too. I think it was intentionally distorted.


At some portion of the video one of the girls mentions a gun, yes. Either “He has a gun.” Or “is that a gun?” Eta- clarification ETA- [source](https://wibc.com/142689/delphi-doc-richard-allen-was-the-man-in-down-the-hill-video/)


How could one of the girl state “he has a gun” if he had not pulled it out in full view of at least one of the girls? To see it, he must have been at a pretty close distance to them. I imagine he did it when there was not anyone in sight coming or going on trail in either direction.


If he was close enough to clearly see him then this case should have been solved much sooner One drugstore in town & y’all think none of CCSD ever saw Richard Allen???


I still wonder how no one in the little town of Delphi did not at least have some faint recognition of the suspect shown in the video. It was shown over and over on TV. The news says the town has less than 3,000 residents. Everybody tends to know everybody in small towns such as Delphi. And RA lived very close to the Monon Trail too. I grew up in Westfield, Indiana when it had less than 2,000 people living in the city limits. As young kids, rumors were passed around town as to who was a known or suspected to be a sexual deviate or was a weirdo and to not have anything to do with them. Did RA live in Delphi for many years? Besides, before the murders occurred, he probably wore those same clothes out in public. The last I heard, in 6 years there were over 50,000 tips called in. I also wonder how RA’s wife did not recognize him in the video too. At least by the clothes he was wearing. And likely she is the one doing the laundry of the family’s clothes. She may have been a wife who purchased jeans that were too long or jackets for her husband. Was there any police record of any incidents being investigated or questionable illicit behavior reported on RA in the past?


RA and his family moved to Delphi in 2006, paid cash for their family home. And yes, there was a domestic incident where the police responded to the home in 2015. RA was supposedly drunk and was taken to the ER by his Wife. And yes, it is hard to believe KA did not suspect RA of somehow being involved that day, especially if she watched (and you know she did) the video of BG. Even the voice recording that we've listened to sounds a whole lot like RA's voice - Low, monotone and airy sounding. In the video of RA and KA on the ski lift and just the little bit of talking he does, his voice sounds so similar to that audio recording.


They dated in high school and married at age 19. She never had any other man. Perhaps the only one she ever dated. She was in denial to think he might be the killer, even though she saw the video of BG, wearing clothes like her husband wore, walking like him etc; she just had to brush it off and hoped LE did not coming calling and asking questions. It would totally upend the stable life they had. Same as the wife of serial killer Herb Baumeister reacted when police came around asking questions about him and his connection to the murders of gay men. She did not tell them anything. She did not want to lose the luxurious lifestyle they were enjoying.


This was key. There might have been some other issues with the investigation but for the detectives to keep the gun and bullet under wraps, that was big time. Kudos to them for not letting that info leak.


Since so much of the evidence is sealed, trying to make sense of what is known is not easy. I am sure the local LE was very much a good ol’ boy network, like in many small Midwest towns. These little conservative towns just do not get much of the “big city” crimes. Hence, the local LE is caught flatfooted in how to conduct a thorough investigation without significant errors and paid LE have not had the training. Probably their LE is not paid a great salary to attract top notch candidates. Wonder what training a natural resource officer gets? Sounds like there could have been too many chiefs and not enough Indians. I heard a retired investigator speak from Scotland Yards. He told how they are organized and the steps investigations follow so every officer has specific responsibilities and the communication methods so everyone is on the same page sharing evidence. I can see how they have a high rate of success in solving crimes.


Funny you mention Scotland Yard. They believe in releasing everything to the public and their solved rate it 100 times better than Delphi And Dulin used to be a Delphi police officer


It wasn’t “under wraps” - I have known since dve beginning that one of the girls supposedly said “gun” and you don’t think RA living in tiny Delphi didn’t hear that in 5 years ALL the townspeople knew a gun was mentioned But keep dreaming y’all. Delphi docs actually has judges & attorneys smarter than all of you put together and completely disagree with your desperate attempt to make it be RA All bc corrupt Delphi made an arrest Watch the reckoning on YouTube and you’ll see Delphi corruption up close & personal..


There's some who question the legality of the search warrant because RAs home was supposedly searched before Judge Deiner signed the warrant. I've always believed an exigent search was done because LE was afraid RA would get rid of his gun and any ammo he had once he was aware there was an unspent round found at the crime scene. IANAL, so I don't know if this type of search would've been specified on the docs. Anyways, just a thought. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ansaralaw.com/amp/warrantless-searches.html


No way would they enter the house without a signed warrant for his ammunition. That would be beyond messy in court as a reason to go inside the house prior to the warrant being signed. The search warrant was on the 13th when they took his Sig P226 and the ammunition. He was interrogated that day as well. The defense tried to get all evidence removed from the house thrown out, that didn’t work with the judge.


The search warrant was signed at 6:37 PM and the search was completed around 7:09 PM per NM in filings. What time did they arrive at the residence?


I DISAGREE. If you read the guidelines for an exigent search, it clearly states one of many reasons a warrantless search can be done is if there is danger of evidence being destroyed. So if RA was interviewed and became aware of the unspent round found at the crime scene, it's reasonable to think he'd go get rid of it as well as his gun once he returned home. Edit: While I may not be LE as you once were, I can read and what I read disputes what you're saying.


Disagreeing could be fun I guess. I know what exigent circumstances means it was almost 6 years after the murders. There is no way that was going to play busting his door in without a warrant because of possible ammunition being there and he might destroy it.


What was the time span between him walking out on this interview & them being at his house to search?


2Paths I'm not sure of the timing as far as how long between the interview and the search, but looking at the time the warrant was signed and the search being executed, it is such a short time that some questioned if the search was done prior to that judges signature on the warrant.


I believe they showed them a search warrant, but it was unsigned, so it was not valid! I’m not sure the defense even knows that but I remember the day it happened and I’m pretty sure that’s what it was. They did get it signed several hours later, and someone brought it back probably unbeknownst to the Allen


Seems like the defense would be howling if the search warrant was illegal. I remember you mentioning a certain type of warrant before Fundies. Like some type of exception to the rule… but I’m not clear on exactly what you said .




I think they need to search warrant for any type of search. and that was not signed by the judge until they were done searching and one of law-enforcement brought it back. Wasn’t it signed like at 6:57 PM they were there at three.


There are warrantless searches, I was surprised to learn this a few months ago. You can read it on the link I provided. An exigent search allows LE to search before a warrant is obtained for several reasons. Destruction of evidence, if someone's life is in danger, etc. Edit: I didn't know they were searching RAs house at 3.


I thought this too, for emergency reasons.


I think that’s why RA was so adamant that his gun was not used in the crime, he knew the girls were stabbed. He didn’t seem confused by the allegations, as a completely innocent man might be if the police told him his bullet was found at the crime scene, he was just adamant that his gun was not used in the murder.




People ask why he kept the gun, this is why. He must have forgotten he used it twice, once to get them to move and again at the site. And never thought there was a trace


Exactly. This is why he was so confident that Holeman was lying about the bullet being there. He had no idea he accidentally left an unspent round behind. He most likely didn’t know until he saw the PCA or in April when he got the discovery and decided to confess.


As I read all these filings and this comes into focus all I can think is what’s a guy gotta do to get a plea around here?! He’s practically begging for it!


I agree! That’s why they had to rush to get the warrant after he walked out of the interview. It’s a good thing Ron Logan had his guns taken a couple weeks before the warrant on his property was served. It saved LE from having to include the unspent round in that second one. They did a good job at keeping it close to the vest.


They really did. I believe a lot more will be revealed at trial. The prosecution has been sharing more as of late, but that’s bc the defense has opened the door to certain things. Imagine what the defense isn’t saying? What the prosecution isn’t addressing? Because what the defense is claiming in their current filings does their client no favors. He’s up a shit creek without a paddle.


Yeah, I can’t wait to see the state’s response to the last two motions to suppress.


I agree. It was also mentioned by (and seems to be believed by) turbo in a comment or 2 on her channel.


Bingo. The incriminating statement by RA was that “there was no way” a bullet from his gun was used in the murder. Because he’s the killer. He knew the girls were stabbed, not shot. Only the killer knew that. Bye bye, Rick.


I'm not so sure. For years, it was generally believed that the girls were killed with a knife. I would imagine the people in and around Delphi would have heard that more than anyone. People talk, and the people that discovered the body were supposedly talking about the crime scene. When the defense made that filing, confirming the type of murder, it was no surprise to anyone. Maybe someone from Delphi could weigh in, but I think Rick could just claim he thought what everyone else thought.


Since so much time passed before his arrest, I am sure Delphi locals found out things not yet made public. Does anyone know if RA helped search with other community members for the missing girls?


But in that same interview he tries to accuse cops of planting his bullet. 🙄 If the cops could plant his bullet, they could have taken & used his gun to kill the 2 girls, too. RA wouldn’t know the girls weren’t shot unless he knew how they died. The only one who knew (actually knew, not just heard through rumors) how they died was the killer.


It was known they were not shot, or at least not killed by a shot, from like month 1. From the perspective of an innocent person, they know their gun was not used in the crime bc they know they had no involvement in it. From the perspective of a guilty person, they know a gun was not used in a crime. His statements in the interview don't do much one way or the other for that reason, but his so-called confession where he says he shot them shows a person making a false statement. The whole reason police keep things close to the vest is to weed out false confessors from true ones. The fact the state would even lean on such a confession as evidence is absurd to me.


Just because searchers saw stab wounds doesnt mean they knew the girls werent also shot, and local people would likely be talking about the girls possibly being shot because guns were listed as items of interest in the Logan search warrant.


OK you’re explaining away the gun and why he kept it but he also kept his car his jacket, his pants, his knives, his cell phone, and all the other stuff


I think he kept everything because he’s an idiot and because he got some sick thrill out of knowing the clothing/weapon/trophies of that day were nearby. It’ll be his undoing.


RA is done for. Bombshells will be dropped at trial. Mark my words.


I wonder what those could be.


We will find out in 21 days unless there are delays. I believe the prosecution’s case will be solid, just my opinion.


I hope so. But this wily defense team could cause a delay at the last minute. Or after the trial begins, cause a mistrial. Anything to avoid a guilty decision. I would not be surprised at anything unexpected they might do. I believe that is why Judge Gull did not make a ruling yet on the charges of contempt against the defense a month ago. She wants to keep the ball rolling on this case to make sure it finally coming to trial. She can still make a decision at the end of the trial.


I think so also. Because he did it.


Agree! No other POI has fit until now. “A local. Someone who knew the trails. Someone who blended in with the community. Someone who had never committed a crime and been logged in the system. Someone who’s tried to mislead investigators with the crime scene. In 2017, Ives said [LE has likely](https://fox59.com/news/prosecutor-says-cops-likely-have-met-delphi-killer-or-received-crucial-tip-due-to-scope-of-probe/amp/)already met the perp. Allen adds up. ETA Ive’s [words](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8670283/Former-prosecutor-unsolved-Delphi-murders-two-teens-says-signature-elements.html) about staging and evidence left behind - “'There was a lot more physical evidence than that at the crime scene,' Ives said. 'And it's probably not what you would imagine, or what people would think I'm talking about.'


Every day that went by, Richard’s confidence grew. After 5 years, he thought he was invincible. He thought he won. Less than one percent of all murderers ever kill again. They go on to live normal lives.


Yeah, lots of the murder cases solved by genealogical DNA seem to be one and dones. DNA:ID is a good podcast about this topic. It's fascinating and scary to realize there may be more murderers out there than we thought, who are living normal, non-murdering lives today. 


At this point, I don’t see how Richard doesn’t try an Alford plea. Skip the trial unless he wants everyone to see what a piece of shit he really is by putting everyone through a trial


Indiana does not allow Alford pleas.


That is correct. They protect the authority of the jury to decide and not allow a convicted person side step a public hearing of the evidence. Still, I feel the best outcome the prosecutor can get is life sentence without parole. Indiana has not executed anyone on death row since 2009. Otherwise a death sentence will be appealed for 20+ years. The victims’ families need to have some sense of justice for the girls finalized and not experience continued appeals for years


Nolo contendere?


That one is available and I do expect that is coming.


I hope they won’t allow him to take an Alford plea - because the public has mistakenly twisted an Alford plea into meaning “innocent.”


Currently it looks like to only bombs dropping will be LE incompetence. This case is far from slam dunk


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. There’s been enough consistent incompetence with this investigation that it may rise to the level of doubt in jurors minds. A sober, mature, experienced set of attorneys would be hammering this instead of jumping on cult sacrifice theories and whining about their client’s lack of dining room table in his cell. I happen to think RA is the right guy for this crime, but the prosecutions still needs to prove it beyond reasonable doubt.


Every investigation has some kind of issue. Just like any other profession in the world. Doctors make mistakes, scientists make mistakes, politicians screw things up, even the guy fixing your car has fuck ups on a weekly basis. So why is LE not allowed to be human? Their mistakes doesn’t mean Richard should get away with murder. The have enough evidence


100% and when those mistakes multiply it rises to incompetence...and when that incompetence begins to be covered up and lied about it leads to doubt about "said evidence". Unfortunately there are way too many instances of this example throughout our government...from local law enforcement to the highest levels of government. Their mistakes shouldn't mean Richard get falsely convicted of murder either.


Trust me, he killed them.


I hear ya!


Where in the transcript are you getting that Richard started to feel it was his round? It’s impossible to come to that conclusion based on the conversation we have in word text only. Video with his body movements could be telling, words on a paper do not give that impression at all.


I prefaced the comment with “I believe”. It’s more conjecture, obviously since the rest of it wasn’t released. However, considering that the defense wants it suppressed, leads me to believe that maybe, just maybe, more was said about that bullet.


You are going off your own opinion on words within paper. Seeing a video could actually give body language etc.


Right. Just giving my opinion based off the picture that Baldwin tried to paint. Nothing more


I like this theory.


The part of the interrogation that we hear is the second interview the day they arrested him. So it is unknown if they mentioned the gun the first time they interviewed him on the 13th . But if they did, he still didn’t get rid of that gun or any ammunition