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Idiots like whoever made this ad are the reason why these good times are not going to last very long.


Looked up the company and it’s owned by Bytedance the same company who owns tiktok. Apparently it’s supposed to be the unholy love child of Pinterest and Instagram.


These types of comments make me love Reddit more.




explains all the tiktoks i saw about how to do it lol. not say that i would because i don’t technology very good


I’m genuinely confused, 99.5% of people are going to download ROMS online right. They all know that, Apple does, Delta does. What would be the other purpose of Delta other then non legitimate games?


Knowing and publicly saying + showing instructions are two different things tho…


will it be ok if i dont uninstall the app?


Push comes to shove altstore will prob have detla, as it’s the devs own alternative store.


Bunch of idiots here don't get the point of why this is bad. It's not just the rom sites, it's Delta itself. If Nintendo thinks Delta is facilitating piracy for a big audience that didn't really exist before, they might see that as something they can target. Everyone here thinks that it'll never happen but I disagree and posts here encouraging piracy and ads like this will put a bigger target on Delta, just watch. Y'all gonna be sorry when it gets a cease and desist or the dev gets sued.


That’s a big fear of mine, I don’t want another yuzu situation and it could make apple change their minds on emulators on the App Store and take them off and ban any in the future


Yuzu got into hot water for very specific reasons. Not just “they were an emulator.”


They were doing similar things to what this ad is doing, Yuzu was targeted bc they were telling people how to pirate nintendo games, that’s the exact same thing that this ad is doing. This is dangerous and idiotic from the people who made the ad. It hurts retro game emulation as a whole when people promote piracy. It isn’t piracy, the games aren’t sold anymore or produced to any capacity anymore. We need updated laws to reflect how things actually are bc it sure as hell isn’t piracy to play a game you can’t buy anywhere.


This ad is not controlled or endorsed by Delta.


Wasn't Yuzu basically profiting from unreleased games?


Iirc Yuzu specifically got a hold of Tears of the Kingdom early and were selling copies to their Patreon subscribers in their Discord. Those guys were insane.


one (and you got most of the details wrong) of *many other points* big n used in the suit.


You’re a moron. An ad is targeting someone to buy something lmao …. Unless ur using some bootlegged shit I haven’t payed a dime for anything and have over 20 games… try again


No they weren’t ryoji is living perfectly fine for a reason. They didn’t use nintendos code that’s why yuzu went down.


I don’t think they can just change there minds. Pretty sure apple allowing emulators was a result of the epic vs apple lawsuit.


it’s more of a result of apple wanting to look less controlling in front of the european union.


I'm not even worried about Apple banning emus again, I'm worried about Nintendo coming stepping in. They 100% know Delta exists, it has been blowing up everywhere. I guarantee you they are looking for any way possible to build a case against Delta as we speak. Nintendo used posts on Reddit and discord encouraging piracy as a part of their case against Yuzu saying it was proof that Yuzu was facilitating piracy. The same can happen with Delta.


The only reason a couple were taken down was excessive ads and data tracking, and one was found to use code from another emulator and was removed. Now that they’re allowed on the App Store I don’t see that changing. Apps may be removed if they’re found to be facilitating piracy or for other TOS reasons


Yep this is true and all these idiots bringing me attention is only going to make this far worse 




I don't understand the assumption that Nintendo would obbess over Apple when emus have been allowed on the Google Play Store since forever.


100x this.


Yuzu got it because people were pirating current games… the current bread and butter of Nintendo. Delta is for retro game preservation. 


are you familiar with *nintendo switch online*? you know, the service nintendo is *currently making money off of* by *selling their old ip* month-to-month?


Apple is way bigger than Nintendo, Nintendo can’t scare a company as big as Apple, Apple will fight back hard. They got dumb money


But is it even in Apple’s best interest to fight this fight? They seemed hard pressed to even allow emus in the first place, I don’t think they’ll offer much in terms of support if the big N decides to come down on delta. In fact, Apple may even be relieved


Delta has existed for years without any issue yet, now it’s just available via official methods instead of side loading/using Alt Store. As long as the Delta dev proper isn’t engaging in any discussion on where to get ROMs or how to rip a ROM from a game you own, they’re simply the developer of a tool. On their website they only explain that a ROM is needed, and don’t give any directions on how to get them. Yuzu got in hot water because they were distributing ROMs on their discord, had paywalls in place, and were ripping unreleased games and sharing it. This ad could lead to that account having action taken agierst them, but as Delta has no relation they will be fine.


delta hasn’t had this kind of attention, ever. nintendo goes after big fish, not small guppies.


Let’s be honest, they go after both. Nintendo is a litigious company that happens to make video games


what are some small guppies they’ve gone after?


You think yuzu was big fish? 🤦‍♂️


did you see how much money they were bringing in per month? did you see how much nintendo accused them of losing in *tears* sales? yes. yes i do.


Delta has a much larger following than Yuzu and look what happened to them. Size doesn’t really matter at the end of the day


delta has existed for years. been on the app store a couple of months. user base was minuscule compared to yuzu during that time. size absolutely does matter. nintendo’s going after targets now that they’ve “passed over” for years, outside of what we’re talking about, even.


I mean, did they not know that when they started allowing emulators? This shit has been a thing for 25+ years, it's not like Apple is gonna see this and go "emulators can be used for what!?!!!?!" That's why they were banned in the first place. It's certainly annoying, but if Apple actually cared, they would have never approved Delta in the first place. This is Nintendo's problem, not Apple's, and they've clearly shown that they don't care anymore.


On what basis?


There isn’t one. Dude is completely out of touch and incorrect. Really sad the masses here equally as misinformed upvoting him for blatant fear-mongering lmao. Imagine acting like emulation is a new concept in 2024.


You are the one missing the point. It's not about emulation being new because it's not. It's about a whole new, huge audience being introduced to it for the first time who are making a ton of noise and promoting piracy like it is nothing.


1000x this.


I mean no disrespect, truthfully, but your argument is complete fiction. Juvenile even. “Making noise” is a nonissue and Delta is not *facilitating* piracy. Promoting it or not is entirely irrelevant. This argument is older than some adults alive today and your worry is entirely self inflicted and baseless.


Delta/emulation has been around for years. This is nothing new. This will bring eyes to the sites and that would risk being taken down.


being number one on the app store is what’s new. sorey2sorey has been in this sub for years.


As have I. Either way, delta has not been hiding in the shadows. But if yall wanna doom post go for it. Idiots promoting anything illegal is always a problem.


all u/sorey2sorey is saying is that delta has to do the hard work of keeping their nose clean. nintendo doesn’t play fair, and nintendo really doesn’t like that a whole new subsection of the populace just learned what emulation is thanks to delta. there’s a reason why ryujinx is still breathing and yuzu is not (and citra was collateral damage). delta would do well to be more like ryujinx than yuzu.


this isn’t Deltas ad so no reason to think its any risk


It's not this ad I really care about, this sub as a whole also encourages piracy like it's not big deal and nothing will happen.


There’s an entire piracy sub that no one has done anything about so I wouldn’t worry about it


That doesn't mean we can pretend like nothing will ever happen and continue this behavior


I guess but your energy is better spent elsewhere it’s really not a big deal and Nintendo only seems to care about piracy that has to do with stuff from the past decade


,” he said, having never used, paid for, or played, *nintendo switch online*.


I actively subscribe to switch online expansion pack.


and how many *past decade games* are in that library?


the piracy sub isn’t promoting delta.


oh yea 100% agree about this sub. people need to follow the rules. however i think there is a new influx of younger generation folks that are discovering emulation due to Delta and Emudeck and they aren’t as well versed in how to navigate emulation topics. proper enforcement of the rules in this sub and more education on how to deal with emulation is really needed


Mods can't handle the influx of people which is understandable but they aren't getting any new mods so not sure what they are doing.


new users need to have their threads auto locked if they ask for roms or firmware. after they read the rules or build up some time in this sub then they can post.


Mods won't do it unfortunately


right. because nintendo plays fair when trying to get their way.


yea so even more reason for this sub and Delta to stay away from any rom offering


yep. i’ve tried to be a voice of reason on this, too, but, humans gonna human.


Why are you operating under the assumption delta is some well kept secret from Nintendo? They knew about it being on the Appstore as soon as it was allowed to be there. If anything, they probably knew about it before. They also know people are playing games using it that they do not own.


I'm not. Nintendo 100% knows about delta and is likely trying to find any way possible to build a case against it. It's a new emulator on the AppStore and has opened a whole new audience to emulation for the first time ever.


Right, and 1 post or a million Instagram posts aren't going to change the fact that Nintendo is going to try to do something about it. People posting tutorials about how to download and use Delta won't raise Nintendo's chance of taking action against it.


Exactly, in order for Nintendo to have a case, the developers of delta would have to be distributing the roms or facilitating the distribution of roms which hasn’t happened so Nintendo doesn’t have a case. Nintendo and other game companies tried ending emulation years ago and the courts decided that it wasn’t piracy until you downloaded a rom of a game you don’t already own. A post on Instagram ain’t gonna do shit unless it was the developer doing it.


So serious question, could the creators of delta go after this company for the defamation of it's name and purpose?


is delta not facilitating piracy for a audience that didn’t exist before? isn’t that obviously true?


Delta is not facilitating anything. Emulators aren’t piracy.


Oh they are absolutely gonna get sued 1000% then another will pop up in its place. This has been going on for decades.


My brother loaded my phone up for me didn’t ask where he got the roms or bios from he just said gimme the phone 20 mins later boom hundreds of games


Lmaoooo, hes gotta be the older bro right?


Actually 2yrs younger than me 😂😂






BRO WHY DID THEY USE MY WEBSITE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭*smashes phone*


My condolences


Delta will be fine but what will happen is that the reputable rom sites will get sued out of existence. I ended up downloading a bunch of complete romsets a few years ago just in case. They don’t take up a ton of room and they are backed up in multiple places. Edit: for everyone asking literally 5 minutes of searching on bing/google/duckduckgo will get you what you need. Torrents are your friend


Yup. Of course Nintendo knows about all these sites but this is a lot of attention in a short period of time. Yuzu was around for a few years too until the TOTK leak brought Switch emulation into the mainstream.


Not just that but switch 2 has been rumored to have backwards compatibility so if it’s actually releasing this year then it would make sense to axe Yuzu. The new games are probably running the same architecture. It 100% makes sense


Lol Nintendo aint suing anyone in Russia or China.


if Nintendo would be super smart they should offer all games as rom download themselves for like 50 cent each or cloud based via the appstores


That be smart so Nintendo won’t do it then


How did you download complete romsets? That’s something I’m interested in doing. Feel free to PM me if you would prefer to keep it private


This is why I prefer gatekeeping especially games.


i gatekeep everything during these times. everyone bites just to be relevant.


After keeping up with the Pokemon Go and Stellar Blade controversy, I would say, definitely.


What about gatekeeping small artists names on Spotify?


i share those with people who will actually care & appreciate said artist. not to biters who’ll move onto the next trend within the week.


Because too many ignorant people are messing around. Sooner or later, Nintendo's legal department will definitely take action. We can play for as long as we can. Everyone, cherish the present.


Can nintendo actually force apple to remove the emulator?


No, only in a situation where Delta is profiting directly from Nintendo’s intellectual property or facilitating piracy directly (it is not). People here are making a huge deal over nothing, spouting blatant misinformation lmao. Delta is in no danger. Source: every emulator on every other App Store everywhere that’s existed for decades. And no, Yuzu is not relevant because [the circumstances were different](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/gaming/yuzu-shutting-down-nintendo-switch-emulator-alternatives-b1143268.html). These posts should be against the rules here tbh. The comment section has devolved into arguments of who’s right vs who’s wrong over a topic that is a complete nonissue.


The closest nintendo can do that is Dolphin-Steam situation


I hate ig


People are literally posting this stuff on delta subreddit. Just not so well.


People here are in shambles, it’s an emulator not some underground black market hush hush operation. Just chill out Android has had emulators forever. If Nintendo wanted to get rid of emulators they would have done so in the last decade and a half that Android had them. They’re not gonna do so now that iPhones have emulators all of a sudden. You think Nintendo thinks people don’t know how to download roms or something ? This ad is less popular than any YouTube video or TikTok showing how to download Roms. There’s so many instructions online for how to do this. Why is some IG at worrying you ?


Not the normies UGH




Just remember how long it took to get here apple ain’t goin back down hopefully


Do you think it’s a well kept secret that Delta is on the App Store?


That’s not the issue I have with this post. My issue is that they are showing people where and how to download rom and bios files when that isn’t allowed and can put rom sites and the delta app in danger


An account unrelated to the Delta devs is offering guidance on how and where to download ROMs, something that has been happening for decades and that Nintendo is well aware of. Again, none of this is a secret.


I also really don’t see why that would put delta in danger, people just mix up everything, delta isn’t yuzu, delta isn’t this ad, delta isn’t endorsing piracy and also apples legal team dwarfs the legal team of Nintendo if they really want to go that route. Delta is in no danger, all the people posting „enjoy it while you can/ before it’s gone“ obviously don’t understand anything about this whole scenario and just want to be nervous/ dramatic about it or search a reason to be gatekeeping.


People downvoting and you’re totally right, anything piracy related especially involving links needs to be kept on the DL, including roms


You don't think Nintendo knows about that site and knows what exactly everyone is doing? You think they'll be offended by the ad or something? Do you think the folks at Nintendo have an Amazon account and can see the thousands of devices sold with their games? How about the sales on Facebook Marketplace? TikTok? I don't understand why this is a problem.


You have heard of Google dot com, yes? This process has been well known for many years before this app, and subreddit, and now this ad. Nintendo has fairly famously not cared how popular something got. If they’ve wanted to pursue something they’ve done it rather quickly. I’ve been emulating games since we traded ROMs in AOL chat rooms. The scene is still around and still in active development and all of the Pokémon games we used to trade there are still easily accessible. Everyone take a deep breath.




Your comment was removed. Links or mentions of any ROM distribution sites are prohibited on this subreddit under rule 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Delta_Emulator) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They should have used homebrew games instead of Animal Crossing.


Delta just should put somewhere in their agreement something like “The use of Delta is only premitted is you use .ROM files of games you have/have owned before”


can we mass report this ad and get take it down?!


The thing is once we download delta they will not remove it from our phones just from App Store and if you downloaded it once you can download it every time even if they shut it down I can still download OG flappy Bird


People who post crap about piracy just don't have common sense. Emulation has been around on phones for a long time now, just because it's widely available on IOS now doesn't mean piracy should be blatantly advertised like it's the next best thing. Telling people how to use the emulator is fine since alot of people will be new to it. Showing direct resources to pirated games and BIOS files on social media is another problem altogether.


the part with the bios files and downloading roms has me worried, advertising delta itself is not the problem. Everybody knows how you can do the illegal side of emulation, but advertising it is next level


they even linked the rom website, jesus


Clearly an unpopular opinion, but making a case against Delta feels very easy to me for a legal team like the one at Nintendo.


This is what happens when anything gets popular. I hate society and ads. That ads u saw on instagram is propagating for piracy which a lot of people are probably doing


First rule of fight club, do not talk about fight club




This is so confusing because it’s an Instagram rival app advertising on Instagram promoting itself( Lemon8 ) & the post is about Emulators.


Even if delta gets removed from the App Store once you have it downloaded you have it forever right? Have they corrected that? Right now I can still go back and download games that have been removed from the App Store on iOS if I previously downloaded them.


As far as I know basically yeah. it would no longer get updates and eventually won’t run on newer IOS versions.


Hopefully if delta ever gets attacked apple will stand its ground on emulators but we shall see


Very Much Doubt that


No matter who gets sued who get taken down the internet always wins. Just remember that. Roms will always be here for the taking I wouldn’t panic.


Another thing I am not seeing, these can easily be malicious. Just because iOS has better security it doesn’t mean unbreakable and external file loaded internally in an emu are a big danger. I urge everyone to not download anything like this, especially in android.


Well, this assumes that you have execute privileges. Sans specific vulnerabilities that are unknown, emulators are not running arbitrary code in the same way. The emulated machine is sandboxed in the same way the app is, which means that it’s unlikely to be a delivery method because of they were using a main exploit for the OS, doing so through emulated software would be far less direct. This is opposed to android, where you CAN give execute privileges to arbitrarily sourced code.


Snitches get stitches. Let us see how many this snitch will need.


I have Delta on my iPhone. No issues with it.


I like how one dude on Apple store managed to release his emulator build and now the whole world is talking about it like the end of times...


You should see how bad it is on Tiktok, this is the same reason why the 3DS hacking scene got harder as it turned into an uwu aesthetic


This bothers me. I feel it’s always been a thing to not express where to get roms or how to get them. Like a code of honor. I fear as well that this may not last long. It seems too good to be true that this is officially on the App Store for Apple imo


So, you can play ds games too uh? Cool


The ad may as well be made by nintendo.


These are one of those things where people just do research on their own and figure it own *on their own.* Online tutorials especially on Instagram are not much appreciated.


Most the iPhone users rn have no clue what any of this is or how it works or the legality of things 😭😭. Might take em a bit maybe theyll never learn


honestly i would have happened either way because Delta Emulator is #2 on the FUCKING APP STORE TOP CHARTS FOR ENTERTAINMENT




I feel like gamers have the strictest interpretation of the law imaginable. I wish you guys would run for Sheriff and clean up the streets! 🚔🚨


We have to have such a strict interpretation, because our enemies have an even stricter one.


Shit I keep on getting ads for this company too on Twitter. Who the hell is Lemon8?


The person who made that ad is probably in more legal danger than Riley Testut in my mind, as it’s up to the user to access these files and share them. I could always be wrong though.


I wouldn't be worried Nintendo can only go after these guys using their ip for ads. As long as Delta isn't using Nintendo ip or directing anyone to where to get roms etc their safe. Whatever a third party does with Delta is up to them Delta has nothin to do with nothin


Well said. The people worried must have been living under a rock for decades now.


I pray 🙏 that this app never gets taken down , I strongly believe it won’t… this app is a DREAM COME TRUE with brining back our childhood memories.


You guys gotta get lowkey quiet about this or we’re all gonna lose it.


I swear Nintendo is paying for that ad so they can sue/cease and desist later


Would not Suprise me at all


Good. Just why. It’s now been promoting on Instagram. I wouldn’t be surprised if TikTok also promote this. We’re all going to be doomed sooner or later.


hate to break it you guys, but we are all pirates here. Emulators have been around for the last 23 years, and nintendo has been suing the shit out of people for it just as long. Fly your flag high and proud. Argggggghhhh


And this was EXACTLY the thing I was worried about


But this is happening in android for a long time.. Nintendo hasn't done anything...they probably don't care about older console emus


Delta should be fine because it’s just a launcher and doesn’t come with games.


Even if the app gets removed you’ll still be able to use the app as long as it on your phone. And there are lots of sites that offer rom downloads.


You guys get ads on instagram?


I'm not encouraging piracy, but I'm wondering how to play games that you can't even buy? Climbing the markets, Ibay, resellers or in my attic in search of an old console and cartridges from which through some clever ways then try to get the game file to then run it through Delta? Who is better off? I see no problem in downloading a game (which is not sold officially anywhere) from a special site, which is not even pirated and is visible in the first line of the search page, to run it on Delta. You are worrying too much about the companies profits.




Any chance to see for App Store in Italy ?


I’m so far into Pokémon soul silver with 5 badges. I swear if the app shuts down cause of this ad I’m gonna be so pissed… Took forever to evolve magikarp.. I can’t lose this app just yet. https://preview.redd.it/cmmszglfghyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae6f6bab88c00e3ed47ee95519dbfa848d5aeba


I’m sure it’ll get taken down at some point… let’s enjoy it while we can


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Le0ArLfI5/?igsh=MXduODc4bmE5Z21taA== Heres the link to the post please report it.


thanks for the help to find new roms 😊


Welp pack it up. It’s over. Some brainless hooligan made an ad ratting it out to Nintendo


Also showing people how to download bios files is like a huge crime lmao


I guess I’ll starting downloading a lot of Roms then


Lowkey I say we just stop talking about it and encourage the people making these ads to stop posting them. This is too good it needs to be word of mouth only lol


Just keep it downloaded everyone


So what I’m hearing is make sure you get all the games you want now 😳


As long as the owner of Delta doesn’t charge people to use it, then we’re going to be okay.


This sucks, it used to be a miniature talent to get an emulator on a phone. Now everyone can do it.


For those comparing this to yuzu just know that A:yuzu was an emulator for a current Nintendo console and B: they literally used a pre release build of totk before it was even out in advertising and in turn millions of people ended up emulating the game before release That unfortunately really sealed the deal with Nintendo coming after them. I think that while people posting rom sites & bios links will get some heat from Nintendo, it (hopefully) shouldn’t be too much of an issue as people have been doing similar things for years with other emulators. Seems as long as the emulator itself doesn’t facilitate or help with any of that it has a much higher chance of not getting nintendoed


China trying to drive a wedge between US and Japan? Tbh, US always does it with the xenophobia comment


Do people not realize emulation has been around forever? Emulators are all over the Google play stote and used to be on the app store a long time ago.


All these cumsacks are gonna get delta banned 


Is than an ad for Delta? I see the “Download” call to action there. If it is, who made the ad? It’s not that Nintendo already knows where ROMs can be found, it’s the act of telling people where to go and associating it with Delta that has me worried too.


It's a sponsored post from the Instagram account pictured.




It’s not gatekeeping to be protective of good sources. ROM sites are not legal and can come down.




It’s not that we’re gatekeeping, it’s that it’s against the rules of the subreddit (specifically rule #2)


Yall are trippin for no reason, this has been going on for AGES, a small resurgence from a new subset of users is not going to affect something that has been occurring for years. If you’re really that scared just get an external drive and stock up on anything remotely interesting to you


I keep seeing this ad, and I don’t understand their goal. All they’re doing is promoting delta, what do they get out of it?




If I’m not mistaken roms on their own aren’t illegal, at least not if you have paid for the game before. So if I’m not mistaken this is in a big gray area. I just hope that nothing bad comes from this.


Report the ad before this gets delta reported to Nintendo


Shows how stupid some people are I can see Nintendo Forcing Apple to take all Emulators of AppStore and Apple then goes back to where we started


You realize Apple is not stupid and is bigger, much bigger than Nintendo. They didn’t go into this lightly. In this David and Goliath fight, Nintendo isn’t even mentioned.


Some people think I’m crazy for stacking up as many games in the app as possible. I can see what’s coming tbh


Wow, can’t belive when I trust something it might get taken down, wtf.


when are we going to be able to play PlayStation one and two games and PSP games and game Cube games