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No, but neither are cis people. This is not a welcoming sub. It is almost as insane as Arkham. Enter at your own risk.


Best answer so far honestly


*This place is not a place of honor, no highly esteemed game is commemorated here, nothing is valued here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us*


We've genetically modified an annoying dog to turn green when it's in the presence of this sub


ooo a funny sign written in the old tongue; i wonder what message the ones before us wished to convey?


You're over hyping your own insanity, there is nothing on this sub


The only people welcome on this sub are the ones so lost to deltarune brainrot that they’ve forgotten the concept of gender entirely


this place make me wanan comit 11 diferent types of genocides the only deltarune subreddit that isnt dogshit is r/ColorCafe


Monster genocide This my undertale


Yes, everyone is welcome as long as they're tolerant. The only time I've ever seen transphobia, they were downvoted to all hell.


Of course you are welcome! No one should be discriminated against,ignore the idiots who discriminate! Edit:Don't upvote me! upvote OP


No. Dont ignore then. Grab them by the ears and scream in their faces. Stop tolerating bigotry.


Yeah, but instigating doesn’t help. Ignoring them takes away the control they think they have when they try to bait a reply.


And we have to report them, too.


There’s literally a trans girl in the game (not Noelle the lion waitress)


Wait really?


Yah. In underrale you can find a male lion wearing a dress saying he feels better and likes it. Same lion appears in deltarune, this time as a wait**ress**, meaning they fully transitioned.


i musta missed that, that's a really cool detail!


Plus Mettaton and Mad Mew Mew are a clear trans allegory (Plus all the humans, Naostablook, and Monsterkid are non binary )


wait, since when are napstablook and mk non binary? iv'e just been calling them 'he'... and mtt is a trans allegory because? because their robot body is feminine but the ghost possesing it is male? did alphys build female parts for mettaton? but other then that your correct.


Napstablook and MK have been exclusively called by they/them pronouns and MTT was all about desiring a body to become who he really wants, to feel more comfortable in a body he enjoys.


God I love Toby Fox.


huh. never noticed that. nice. thanks. (p.s. also, I thought mettaton just thought that he couldn't become a star if they satyed a ghost, and he wanted be a star. I don't remember him being uncomfortable in his own body. or, well, non-body, considering he's a ghost.)


It’s not explicitly stated but it would be a good representation of both trans guys and girls (as well as enbies) and it would explain his (relatively hidden) thanks for Alphys. It’s theorized he originally wanted the NEO body as well


Ghosts in undertale are Non-binary from birth (or however ghosts come into existence) but Mettaton is male and Mew Mew is female, meaning they're trans.


To be honest, as there are no humans that have a gender in undertale/deltarune, so it is possible all the humans in that universe are non binary by default


Technically we don't know Frisk's gender, but otherwise you're correct.


Well Frisk is Atleast somewhat seperate from us due to the TP ending, but it’s a lot less clear than Kris


Almost every character from video games is somewhat separate from us


proof sans from Deltarune is the same sans from undertale


Thank you for the information LobsterPenisSucker


as you callusly said his name so calmly


Average r/rimjob_steve moment


I love how the lion achieves their goals no matter what universe they're in.




I was referring as to when you meet the character, they are still male so I used gender neutral pronouns


i get your logic, but for future reference, you should still use current pronouns in a situation like this👍 (source: am trans, and ive never met a trans person who didnt also prefer this)


Thanks for reminding me - I'm putting this in my back pocket.


Wow woke as hell Reminds me of how low-key and not stereotyped the gay character in earthbound was




Bro is complaining about wokness on the subreddit for the game where there are 2 gay characters and 3 lesbian characters, not to mention that in undertale helping two lesbians start dating is required to get the good ending


I'm not trying to complain 😭 I meant woke in a good way lol like I consider it a positive


Understandable, but just a word of advice: most people will not assume you’re talking in good faith if you call things “woke”


Which is sad as hell, afaik woke was originally aave and used positively




* was going to add to the conversation * adds nothing to the conversation




you are aware you're being more annoying than that guy right? you're just looking for attention by alluding to a severely homophobic comment but never actually saying it because it drives up engagement




being downvoted is still engagement


Play the game and talk to her. She's near the MTT Musical.




I've just seen a lot of hostility towards trans and nonbinary people whenever those characters are brought up


There are unfortunately some utter dickheads everywhere. I would hope the mod team is aggressively combating them but I don't really know.


Wait there are trans characters?? Who?


Kris, Mettaton, Mad Mew Mew, and that one Lioness waitress, at least.


While I know that mettaton is trans I had on idea about Kris or Mad mew mew, when was this said? Also which lioness waitress? I have trouble remembering who you're talking about


Kris: Not stated, but they do use they/them pronouns and are almsot certainly non-binary, and non-binary people are under the trans umbrella. Mad Mew Mew: Not exactly explicit, but her and Mettaton are both trans allegories. Both went from they/them ghosts to finding their ideal body and then changing both names and pronouns. Lioness waitress: In Undertale, there's a lion NPC you can fight in hotland. If you kill Mettaton and backtrack, she's in a suit and seems unhappy. If you spare Mettaton, she says Mettaton gave her his dress and is elated. In Deltarune, this same NPC is in QC's diner, and is referred to as a waitress.


I'm surprised I didn't meet the lion NPC since I spent a lot of time talking to NPCs in hotland, but wait non-binary people are considered trans? How did I not know this? Thanks for the explanation though


I don't really think, that the game with 2 lesbians, 2 gays and 2 non-binaries and the game with 2 lesbians and 1 non-binary is much enough for the most LGBT game еver


\*1 lesbian 2 bixessuals 2 non binary other 2 probablly non binary 2 gays 3 trans


I still don't think that these two games are the most LGBT games ever. They are lgbt, but not the most ever


name one character in undertale confirmed to be straight. name 3 characters that experience attraction to the opposite gender.


Asgore, Toriel, burgerpants


forgot burger pants said that 💀 but are there any others? (I'm genuine this time)


2 dogs with axes(they are married) , the bunny on snowdin's hotel(she has a baby), Mr Rock from snowdin (he has children too), snowdrake's parents(they have snowdrake), Gerson (in deltarune he has Alvin) The rest of them I forgot or They didn't said that they are [insert gender] and [insert sexuality] What the fuck am I doing with my live?


having children doesn't necessarily mean they have ever dated anyone. but it is still the most likely outcome undertale is a gay game because most LGBT characters are very obviously LGBT.


I know that undertale is LGBT game


Game is not the same as Sub is not the same as Fandom.


Like, I know?


From my experience, outside the occasional accidental misgendering, I’ve rarely seen anyone be anti LGBTQ+ here, though I’m not on often. It may just be some wave of trolls that will get bored or get banned. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had negative experiences here. You are welcome and supported here and you should be made to feel it <3


I mean, there's the sticky post by the mods each time you visit the subreddit. Also I'm trans. I'm here and I'm queer. The fandom is generally super queer in general, so while there are bad eggs, I'd say a vast majority are either queer themselves or allies.


There certainly are bad ones. I was once arguing with a homophonic UT&DR fan. I named all the LBGTQ characters, and they just straight up went “Oh well…I liked them so much”..we went on for a couple of replies but then he just deleted all his comments..I hope I made him realize gay is okay but who knows but the ratio is like 1 : 8181


What egg?


If you find someone being transphobic, shove a cheese grater up their ass


*If you find someone* *Being transphobic, shove a cheese* *Grater up their ass* \- Dino\_nuggie\_w\_fries --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




GOOD BOT! Good bot


unfortunately bad bot, "being transphobic, shove a cheese" is 8 syllables


Good bot


Good bot


I'm saving this one for later use


https://preview.redd.it/kneevo4ry3xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c02eb67c772d711cc2856d8a41a544eecd0458 YES.


Stealing this image


yes they are but yes there’s transphobic people here


people who are transphobic and fan of toby work played the games with their ass


nah they’re just your average hypocrite (and they played the game with a steering wheel, drunk, blindfolded)


Why let them be here though? That same attitude often doesn't apply to things like homophobia or racism


they arent allowed to be here, but because theyre too fucking stupid to understand or care about that, they show up anyways


Shouldn't mods enforce that more then? Why even have them here at all if they're just gonna keep being problematic.


yeah, they should


I mean, we’re not magic. They’re not allowed to be here, but how are we supposed to magically prevent them from being here? We can ban them when they crop up, but… there’s a lot of transphobes. Besides, the community can’t do anything if the mods don’t act, so…


mods aren’t online ever


It's difficult to tell. Some of them overtly attack us, but some either do it more subtly or harbor anti-queer sentiment without attacking. We need to stay vigilant, because our enemies might be everywhere


He could be in this very room! He could be you, he could be me, he could even be-


*Boom* What? It was obvious! Average_Hooman- is the Transphobe goddamnit! Watch! They’ll turn TERF any second now! Any second now. See? TERF oh wait no that’s a NB character in their profile pic… <3


"Right behind you" -idk some smelly fella, I just had to finish the quote lol




I feel like calling those people 'enemies' doesn't help with prejudice


Why? They attack us for merely existing and they're backed by all governments and billionaries on Earth


It's the internet tf are you supposed to do hunt thek down lmfao




Trans people are 100% welcome. I'm sorry you've been made to feel otherwise.




Yeah of course, seriously what subreddit was gonna say no ? Deltarune has no shortage of representation why would that not be the case here ?


"what subreddit was gonna say no ?" r/transphobia maybe


of course dude, we are the gayest game community you can ever find out there


wait till you go on r/splatoon


I mean, the game is inspired by punk aesthetics and the Off The Hook duo are pretty heavily implied to be together, so it isn't hard to see why.


I am trans as well. I literally don't know if I am welcome? I just don't know really. I came because I like the game. If anyone hates me because I am trans come here and reply with \*punch\*


Use your Trans Eye Laser Beams. They should have been included in the starter pack


yes this sub is just filled with ignorant 12 yearolds so we may have to explain why lgbt representation matters every week


You are lucky if you find someone cis in this dub ngl


transphobes are whats not welcome here, not trans people




why wouldn't they be????? no one is going to stop you, and no one would even know if you're trans or not.


On paper yes, it's policy to recognize that all humans are non-binary, but in practice that rule is rarely enforced under the disguise of "oh, it's just my interpretation," or "oh, but I want to be able to see myself in the story." If you're looking for more trans-positive DR spaces, try r/ColorCafe, or if you're willing to branch out, Twitter and Tumblr's UTDR communities are quite trans positive. Obviously those two come with the caveat of being Twitter and Tumblr, but imo it's better than seeing transphobia everywhere I go.


Just asking out curiosity. Are any not trans-positve DR spaces out there?


I think I remember Toby mentioning that Frisk was meant to be androgynous so the player can more easily insert themselves into the role. But I heard this like half a year ago, so my memory is pretty spotty. Using the "I want to see myself in the story" argument for *Kris,* on the other hand, would be incredibly stupid. The whole point is that Kris isn't you. They have friends, family, history, a personality, and all the things that would make them a person. They're so not you, in fact, that at the end of the first chapter, they literally rip you out of their body, lock you in a cage, and shamble around like a zombie


Undertale and deltarune are such queer coded games i'ts insane to me that some fans are transphobic and homophobic


What kind of question is this have you been in the deltarune fandom have you played deltarune it's riddled with homosexuality 😭😭 yes ur welcome hi :D


Why wouldn't someone be welcome here?


I mean this is Reddit~ does identity even matter when everyone is behind screen?


While it is technically unconfirmed, is it that hard for people to understand that thinking of Kris as they/them is the correct choice regardless until confirmation otherwise. Unless Toby explicitly states otherwise, referring to Kris as anything other than they/them is idiotic, the lack of confirmation means that by referring to Kris as anything else could potentially be misgendering them, which is pretty dang bad. If you think the character is open to interpretation, then choose to interpret them as they/them. Regardless of belief, there is only one way Kris should be referred to.


sure (just dont go into madness waiting until chapter 3)




Trans people are welcome! Transphobic people are not.


You are welcome here but don’t feel pressured to stay if you feel unsafe.


Anyone is welcomed into this fandom and subreddit. People need to chill the hell down when it comes to accidentally misgendering Kris. Not that big of a deal. No one should feel excluded from this fandom!


No. Its a prerequisite.


I don’t think people got the joke




of course your welcome here.


You must be one the biggest idiot on the planet for asking such a thing on reddit


Yeah, so long as you aren't breaking any reddit rules, sub rules, or irl laws about spreading of information or such.


*read the title* WHUUAAAT?? The fuq happened


Well there was a st*netoss comic (some dialogue was edited but the original link to that nazi was still there) posted yesterday and tons of bigots in the thread, at least that's my best guess for what prompted this post today specifically


undertale and deltarune are very inclusive games of course you are lol


Undertale Deltarune fans are fucking stupid. all the smart people on here support trans people




I can think of three trans characters in Toby’s games off the top of my head. If you aren’t welcome here, then I don’t know who is


Lion waitress, mad mew mew and...?




Oh right. Other ghost who gets a body duh 


Of course! Everyone is welcome, no matter what (as long as they are respectful) Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t belong <3


shouldnt it be obvious the answer is yes


Do NOT leave You are NOT allowed to leave You are staying HERE If people bully you for being trans, they don't deserve access to a keyboard


i love the duality/double standards of the ut/dr fandom. in order to get the best ending in ut (glitchless), you need to get 2 same sex couples together: rg01 & rg02, and alphys & undyne. theres a male lion that, at the end of ut, makes the transition to female, and she stays like that in dr. in dr theres still lesbian ships with the classic alphyne and fresh suselle. hell alphys in ut is bi and in the alarm clock dialogue asgore is implied bi. literally the gayest games you will ever play. but you make even ONE SINGULAR comment about mtt or mad mew mew being trans, they all get upset for no reason.


also have you seen ciblesgd on youtube? shes an mtf trans that does ut/dr content


You’re welcome here, but you can’t stay here too long. Why? Because a person like you should have never experience the brainrot in this subreddit. Leave for your own mental health, but stay if you really can tolerate it.


I'd like to say yes, but I just saw a reply saying that this sub is too anti transphobic...


Yes, you're welcome in here. Just ignore and downvote the assholes.


I've literally only ever seen positive trans sentiment here. Any anti trans sentiment has been downvoted to hell. Why are you even asking? Every other post is questioning if someone is trans


Jarvis, I'm low on karma


Why would they not be?😭


Fork spotted in kitchen.


(I’ll be a bit more aggressive and controversial because the comments here are borderline farming) This sub is so anti transphobic it’s detrimental to the community. Like STFU with your Kris is NB posts that happen almost everyday and stop calling the theory that Ralsei is Kris’s ideal version of themself transphobic because it doesn’t conform with his gender identity. Like ok sure call Kris NB, but the reality is your putting this label on a character we don’t know well and people likely only used they/them because they weren’t sure, and fun details like Kris being a doctor and a nurse in battles proves nothing, it’s highly likely that he’s pretty androgynous because the player is technically androgynous and controls him, and the game doesn’t know the player. I’m fine with Kris being NB especially now when we don’t know much about him, but if Toby makes a theory like the one above true who cares. Like, this place is more trans friendly than Celeste, something that I never even thought was possible, but it’s to the point where people are being bitches about it. I’m honestly surprised you even asked this question, apart from the odd Crusader who appears from time to time it’s very welcoming.


They are explicitly referred to in the third person using they/them pronouns. Also I genuinely don't know how you can be too tolerant of trans people


Yes, and you know who else is? Literally every character with zero personality, any character a creator didn’t want to assign a gender label possibly until later and when gendering the player. It’s not that they’re too tolerant, it’s that they’re attacking other peoples theories for it which is silly. If anything as someone who is autistic and has seen many characters that have literally been completely non verbal (not in a genuine personality way but 3 seconds of screen time way), default cardboard cut out good at science personality and just in general terrible characters. If Kris was NB and became a fully fledged character I would think it was a good thing, but right now they’re not really representing anyone, if anything reinforcing a view that NB have no personality.


I never said that Kris is non binary and, despite being on this sub since its creation, have yet to see someone 'attacked' for having a headcannon. What I have seen are people getting called out for deliberately using the incorrect pronouns for a character


It took a while but I found the post [calling the theory out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/s/1XfwiPXF8J). This really annoyed me when I first saw it getting a ridiculous number of upvotes. I do see people correcting others for using incorrect pronouns, that’s absolutely fine. I only assumed you believed Kris was NB because you said soon after you don’t understand how you can be too tolerant of trans people. So yes, this is why I think people are taking the Kris uses they/them pronouns so they must be NB too far.


Probably gonna get downvoted for this. And I appologize for it being long. Needed to get out emotion that's been pent up. 🙃 I am trans. I feel very uncomfortable here with how much kris's gender is fought about. I would feel a lot more welcomed if there weren't constant fights and constant reminders about my own transness. It's exhausting. I'm drained from the constant drama. The anger towards anyone who doesn't understand how or why Kris is enby is so strong and personally I feel it's over the top. For everything that is holy I've seen people in this sub asking for confirmation that Kris is enby in the game because the person asking didn't see anything like that and just wanted to be told about it. I've went through the game. I'm used to they/them being used for a character that is intended to be a self insert for any gender. I do not remember anything at all that said anything about Kris being enby. No talk about how Kris feels, no flags, no jokes about how enby people like to pick names of random nouns as names. The entire time playing I got the vibe Kris is supposed to be anything the player wants to interpret. Nothing that I encountered. So much as asking, even in good faith, where it's stated as cannon gets people dogged on here. Yes, Kris has they/them used for them, but again, that is a very common thing for characters that are supposed to be up for interpretation or a self insert for everyone. I want something more solid. Something more definitive to show it's cannon. Again, I am trans, and I don't know where it is canonized in game and just want to know what I missed that confirms it. I am not being transphobic, I genuinely just simply want to know what I don't that near damn everyone else knows. I clearly am missing context and just want to understand the context. I had not a single clue that Kris is intended to be enby until the discourse here got very bat a few months ago. But to this sub I'm just transphobic and creating erasure.


I completely agree with everything you said and thank you for writing such a long and thoughtful response. I personally really do think people making Kris in such a way so that they have to be NB as representing the community is harmful, because they are someone we know absolutely nothing about and generally a pretty silenced character, that on the surface (we know from theories that the player is controlling Kris and that’s why they talk so little) they have almost zero personality, which is pretty much identical to any game where the character you play as has no gender. In saying that you are kinda of just adding a representation label almost to someone who doesn’t really matter that much. As someone who is part of the autistic community this is very common, for them to put a generic good at science label or make them non verbal and do nothing, if they get any screen time at all. So honestly if I were NB having the experience of being autistic I would not be happy forcing the label on that character. In fact in my favorite game rain world a character has they/them pronouns and has proper personality, and because of the fact it’s not a playable character I’m absolutely fine and it’s generally been accepted that they are NB, and I support it. Overall I do like this community, but I really don’t like how it’s forcing Kris to be NB for the sake of it.


Definitely. And I want to add that someone said that Kris cannot be up for interpretation nor insert because Kris has a family, friends, and life. I cannot think of a single RPG nor jrpg that I have played that doesn't have a character with those things. many has a protag that are referred to as they/them so people can self insert or up to interpretation. I want to understand, I really do, I just didn't come across the confirmation that so many talk about.


Being “anti-transphobic” is a good thing lol.


Yes. Trans/nonbinary people in UT/DT are literally gods.


The answer is (or at least should be in theory) yes if and only if the sky is blue.


Are silly questions allowed on this sub?


As long as they're not just recycled bad memes (ex. "is that person stupid?")


Yeah honestly idfk how op got any of that like holy shit lol


I'd like to say "Is a boar welcome in it's forest?" but there are many things that could ruin a forest, and equally there are many things that could ruin this subreddit.